Fast-Link Control Protection of Surviving Channels in Multiwavelength Optical Networks

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12, DECEMBER 1997 1667

Fast-Link Control Protection of Surviving

Channels in Multiwavelength Optical Networks
A. K. Srivastava, J. L. Zyskind, Member, IEEE, Y. Sun, Member, IEEE, J. Ellson, G. Newsome, R. W. Tkach,
A. R. Chraplyvy, J. W. Sulhoff, T. A. Strasser, C. Wolf, and J. R. Pedrazzani

Abstract—Link control, a new technique for protecting surviv-

ing channels on a per-link basis from fast power transients re-
sulting from network reconfigurations or line failures, is demon-
strated in a 560-km eight-amplifier wavelength division multi-
plexed link carrying seven 2.5-Gb/s channels plus the link control
Index Terms—Erbium-doped fiber amplifier, optical networks,
power transients, wavelength-division multiplexing.

I N MULTIWAVELENGTH networks, erbium-doped fiber

amplifiers (EDFA’s) will be used at the repeaters and
switching elements [1], [2]. In such networks, different wave-
lengths will follow diverse paths. When wavelength channels Fig. 1. Schematic representation of link control for surviving channel protec-
are interrupted and/or restored, due to network reconfigurations tion in optical networks. LCU: Link control unit. OXC: Optical cross-connect.
WSC: Wavelength selective coupler.
or line failures, cross saturation in the EDFA’s will induce
power transients in the surviving channels. The surviving
channels will suffer error bursts if, for example, their powers protection at every amplifier in the network. In this letter, we
exceed thresholds for optical nonlinearities or become too propose and demonstrate link control, a novel scheme to pro-
low to preserve adequate eye opening. Such error bursts in tect surviving channels in optically amplified multiwavelength
surviving channels represent a service impairment which is networks against fast transients; all amplifiers and all channels
absent in electronically switched networks and is unacceptable in a link between wavelength routing network elements are
to service providers. The speed of power transients resulting protected by a single link control channel.
from changes in channel loading, and therefore the speed The proposed scheme illustrated in Fig. 1 protects surviv-
required to protect against such error bursts, is proportional ing channels on a link by link basis. A control channel is
to the number of amplifiers in the network and, for large added before the first optical amplifier in a link (this will
networks, can be extremely fast [3], [4], orders of magnitude commonly be the output amplifier of a network element).
faster than the dynamic time scales normally associated with The control channel is stripped off at the next network
EDFA’s. element (commonly after its input amplifier) to prevent im-
Dynamic gain compensation in an EDFA was demonstrated proper loading of downstream links. This is easily achieved
at low frequencies ( 1 kHz) by Desurvire et al. [5] using a either by addition of another filter or as a byproduct of
compensation signal. Shehadeh et al. [6] have demonstrated the filtering action of the demultiplexers commonly located
in a static experiment that a similar scheme, as well as pump in network elements. The power of the control channel is
control, could be used to adjust an EDFA’s gain spectrum adjusted to hold constant the total power of the signal channels
but dynamic issues were not addressed. Recently, fast pump and the control channel at the input of the first amplifier.
control was demonstrated to limit the power excursions of This will maintain constant channel loading of all EDFA’s
surviving channels against fast power transients [7]. In a in the link.
multiwavelength optical network, these schemes would require The experimental demonstration of link control surviving
power protection is illustrated in Fig. 2. The outputs of seven
Manuscript received April 17, 1997; revised August 29, 1997. This work tunable lasers tuned to MONET channel wavelengths [2] were
was supported by the MONET Consortium funded in part by Advanced combined as shown, five through a 1 8 fused fiber coupler
Research Projects Agency under Agreement MDA972-95-3-0027. and the other two through a 1 2 coupler and each group was
A. K. Srivastava, J. L. Zyskind, Y. Sun, J. Ellson, G. Newsome, A. R.
Chraplyvy, J. W. Sulhoff, T. A. Strasser, C. Wolf, and J. R. Pedrazzani are with amplified. The output of the five lasers was passed through an
Lucent Technologies, Bell Laboratories, Crawford Hill Laboratory, Holmdel, acoustooptic modulator to simulate the loss and addition of
NJ 07733 USA. these channels and then combined with the other pair in a
R. W. Tkach is with AT&T Research, Crawford Hill Laboratory, Holmdel,
NJ 07733 USA. 2 2 coupler. The channels were then modulated at 2.5 Gb/s
Publisher Item Identifier S 1041-1135(97)08540-6. using a lithium niobate modulator.
1041–1135/97$10.00  1997 IEEE

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Fig. 2. Experimental setup for demonstration of link control surviving Fig. 4. BER’s measured for transmission of six and seven channels. For each
channel protection. case data are also shown when channels 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8 are modulated on/off
at 1 kHz and when in addition the link control is operating.

Fig. 3. Spectrum at link control power tap with seven signal channels and
link control channel between channels 3 and 5 (in place of channel 4). Fig. 5. End of system power excursions due to cross saturation for surviving
channel 7 when six channels are transmitted and the other five channels are
modulated at 1 kHz. The power excursions are shown with and without the
The link control channel was then added before the first link control surviving channel protection in operation.
amplifier in the link using a circulator and Bragg grating. As
the Bragg wavelength of the grating (1554 nm) coincided period of 1 kHz. When these channels were modulated (Fig. 4)
closely with , the control channel was substituted for surviving channel 7 suffers a power penalty exceeding 2 dB
the fourth channel. (In an actual system, the grating Bragg and a severe BER floor for seven channel transmission (two
wavelength might be chosen close to, but outside, the band surviving channels) and 3-dB power penalty and an even more
of signal channels so as to permit use of the full complement severe BER floor for six-channel transmission (one surviving
of signal channels.) A portion of the total power of the signal channel) due to the power excursions resulting from cross
channels and the control channels was tapped off and detected. saturation induced by change in channel loading.
A spectrum showing the signal channels and control channel Finally, measurements were carried out with the control
when all channels are present is shown in Fig. 3. A fast channel operating to maintain constant power through the link.
feedback circuit with 4- s response time was used to adjust the The power transients in channel 7 with and without the control
line control channel’s power to maintain total power constant. channel in operation are shown in Fig. 5. Without control,
The signal channels and control channel were then transmitted channel 7 suffers large power excursions which degrade the
through seven amplified spans of single mode fiber with at BER performance due to self phase modulation in the trans-
1310 nm and passed through a bandpass filter to select channel mission fiber induced by substantial spectral broadening in
7, to monitor bit-error-rate (BER) performance. channel 7 compared to the case when all channels are present.
Measurements were carried out in which all seven signal With the fast link control in operation, on the other hand, the
channels were transmitted and in which channels 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, power excursions are mitigated and the spectral broadening
and 8 were transmitted. Measurements were also carried out in channel 7 is eliminated. The present circuit limits the
in which each of these sets of channels was transmitted but the power increase after 4 s; a faster circuit would limit the
five channels 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8 were modulated on and off with a power excursions even more effectively. Even with the present

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control circuit, Channel 7 is successfully protected (see Fig. 4); REFERENCES

penalties are reduced to a few tenths of a decibel and the error
[1] A. A. M. Saleh, “Overview of MONET, multiwavelength optical net-
floors disappear. working program,” in Proc. OFC ’96, San Jose, CA, paper ThI3.
The technique demonstrated here is fast; changes in channel [2] R. E. Wagner, R. C. Alferness, A. A. M. Saleh, and M. S. Goodman,
loading result in prompt changes in a link’s total power “MONET: Mulitwavelength optical networking,” J. Lightwave Technol.,
vol 14, pp. 1349–1355, June 1996.
permitting much faster detection and response than schemes [3] J. L. Zyskind, Y. Sun, A. K. Srivastava, J. W. Sulhoff, A. J. Lucero,
which rely on detecting the much slower changes in channel C. Wolf and R. W. Tkach, “Fast power transients in optically amplified
output power, gain or ASE in individual EDFA’s (which are multiwavelength optical networks,” in Proc. OFC ’96, San Jose, CA,
much slower than the fast transients resulting from collective paper PD31.
[4] Y. Sun, A. K. Srivastava, J. L. Zyskind, J. W. Sulfhoff, C. Wolf and
effects in EDFA chains and networks). Protection on a per- R. W. Tkach, “Fast power transients in WDM optical networks with
link basis rather than a per amplifier basis does not increase cascaded EDFA’s,” Electron. Lett., to be published.
the complexity of the network’s EDFA’s and is simple, less [5] E. Desurvire, M. Zirngibl, H. M. Presby, and D. DiGiovanni, “Dynamic
gain compensation in saturated erbium-doped fiber amplifiers,” IEEE
expensive and well suited to the architecture of wavelength Photon. Technol. Lett., vol 3, pp. 453–455, May 1991.
routed networks. [6] F. Shehadeh, R. S. Vodhanel, C. Gibbons, and M.Ali, “Comparison of
gain control techniques to stabilize EDFA’s for WDM networks,” in
Proc. OFC ’96, San Jose, CA, paper WM8.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT [7] A. K. Srivastava, Y. Sun, J. L. Zyskind, J. W. Sulhoff, C. Wolf and
R. W. Tkach, “Fast gain control in erbium-doped fiber amplifiers,” in
The authors thank the members of the MONET Technical Proc. Optical Amplifiers and Their Applications, Monterrey, CA, 1996,
Steering Team for helpful discussions. paper PDP4.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Ciena Corp. Downloaded on May 19,2022 at 01:22:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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