Power Quality Problems and Standards-A Review

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TECHNOLOGY ISSN (O) :- 2349-3585

Power Quality Problems and Standards- A Review

Pradeep Kumar1, Dr.Ritula Thakur2
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technical Teachers‘ Training and Research, Chandigarh-160019

Abstract - Power quality has become a major area of PLCs, ASDs, etc) that may lead to a process
stoppage. Tripping of contactors and
concern in present era due to the increase in modern
electromechanical relays. Disconnection and
sensitive and sophisticated loads connected to the loss of efficiency in electric rotating
Distribution System. This paper presents a review of the
Description: Momentary increase of the
power quality problems, issues, related international voltage, at the power frequency, outside the
normal tolerances, with duration of more than
Swell one cycle and typically less than a few
Key words- Power Quality, Power Quality problems, IEEE seconds.
Causes: Start/stop of heavy loads, badly
519, THD, PCC
dimensioned power sources, badly regulated
transformers (mainly during off-peak hours).
INTRODUCTION Consequences: Data loss, flickering of
lighting and screens, stoppage or damage of
Power Quality (PQ) related problems are of most concern
sensitive equipment, if the voltage values are
nowadays. The widespread application of electronic too high.
equipments, like, information technology equipment, power Description: A voltage variation in a three-
phase system in which the three voltage
electronic based equipments such as adjustable speed drives Voltage
magnitudes or the phase-angle differences
(ASD), programmable logic controllers (PLC), energy- Unbalance between them are not equal.
Causes: Large single-phase loads (induction
efficient lighting, are completely changing the nature of furnaces, traction loads), incorrect
electric loads [4-6]. The applications of such kind of electric distribution of all single-phase loads by the
three phases of the system (this may be also
loads are the major victims of power quality problems. Due to due to a fault).
their non-linearity, such kind of electric loads cause Consequences: Unbalanced systems imply
the existence of a negative sequence that is
disturbances in the voltage waveform. This paper discusses the harmful to all three phase loads. The most
major power quality problems, and related standards based on affected loads are three-phase induction
an extensive number of publications. Description: Oscillation of voltage value,
II. Types of Power Quality Problems amplitude modulated by a signal with
frequency of 0 to 30 Hz.
The most common types of power quality problems are Fluctuations Causes: Arc furnaces, frequent start/stop of
presented in Table 1. electric motors (for instance elevators),
oscillating loads.
Table 1. Most Common Types Of Power Quality Problems [7- Consequences: Most consequences are
17] common to under-voltages. The most
perceptible consequence is the flickering of
Description: A decrease of the normal lighting and screens, giving the impression of
voltage level between 10 and 90% of the unsteadiness of visual perception.
Voltage Sag
nominal rms voltage at the power frequency, Description: Total interruption of electrical
(Or dip) for durations of 0, 5 cycle to 1 minute. Very supply for duration from few milliseconds to
Causes: Faults on the transmission or short one or two seconds.
distribution network (most of the times on interruptions Causes: Mainly due to the opening and
parallel feeders). Faults in consumer‘s automatic reclosure of protection devices to
installation. Connection of heavy loads and decommission a faulty section of the
start-up of large motors. network. The main fault causes are insulation
Consequences: Malfunction of information failure, lightning and insulator flashover.
technology equipment, namely Consequences: Tripping of protection
microprocessor-based control systems (PCs, devices, loss of information and malfunction

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Paper Title:- Power Quality Problems and Standards- A Review

of data processing equipment. Stoppage of standards in PQ are the EN 50160 (by CENELEC) and IEC
sensitive equipment, such as ASDs, PCs,
61000. The power quality standards developed by IEEE do not
PLCs, if they‘re not prepared to deal with this
situation. have such a structured and comprehensive set as compared to
Long Description: Total interruption of electrical European power quality standard IEC. Main IEEE power
interruptions supply for duration greater than 1 to 2
seconds. quality standards are described in the ensuing sections.
Causes: Equipment failure in the power
A. IEEE 519
system network, storms and objects (trees,
cars, etc) striking lines or poles, fire, human IEEE standard 519-1992 is titled as Recommended Practices
error, bad coordination or failure of and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electric Power
protection devices.
Consequences: Stoppage of all equipment. systems. The 1992 standard is a revision of an earlier IEEE
Voltage Description: Very fast variation of the work published in 1981 covering harmonic control. The basic
voltage value for durations from a several
spike themes of IEEE Standard 519 are twofold.
microseconds to few milliseconds. These
variations may reach thousands of volts, even i) Electric utilities have the responsibility to
in low voltage.
Causes: Lightning, switching of lines or produce a high quality supply in terms of voltage
power factor correction capacitors, level and waveform.
disconnection of heavy loads.
Consequences: Destruction of components ii) Utility consumers must limit the harmonic
(particularly electronic components) and of currents drawn from the line.
insulation materials, data processing errors or
data loss, electromagnetic interference. The responsibility of an electric utility is to deliver quality
Harmonic Description: Voltage or current waveforms electric power to the end user consumers. The quality
assume non-sinusoidal shape. The waveform
Distortion electrical power protects the electrical equipments from
corresponds to
the sum of different sine-waves with different overheating, loss of life from excessive harmonic currents, and
magnitude and phase, having frequencies that
are multiples of power-system frequency. excessive voltage stress due to excessive harmonic voltage.
Causes: Classic sources: electric machines IEEE 519 lists the harmonic distortion limits at the point of
working above the knee of the magnetization
curve (magnetic saturation), arc furnaces, common coupling. (PCC). The voltage distortion limits of 3
welding machines, rectifiers, and DC brush percent harmonic distortion for an individual frequency
motors. Modern
sources: all non-linear loads, such as power component and 5 percent for total harmonic distortion. In
electronics equipment including ASDs, IEEE standard 519, all of harmonic limits are based on the
switched mode power supplies, data
processing equipment, high efficiency customer load mix and the location of sensitive &
lighting. sophisticated equipments in the power system. Such PQ
Consequences: Increased probability in
occurrence of resonance, neutral overload in standards are not applied to particular equipment.
3-phase systems, a. IEEE 519 Standard for Current Harmonics
overheating of all cables and equipment, loss
of efficiency in electric machines, General distribution systems [120 V-69 KV]: Current
electromagnetic interference with distortion limits are for odd harmonics. Even harmonics are
communication systems, errors in measures
when using average reading meters, nuisance limited to 25% of the odd Harmonic limits [1, 3, 5]. For all
tripping of thermal protections. power generation equipment, distortion limits are those with
ISC/IL < 20. ISC is the maximum short circuit current at the
Power Quality Standards
Point of Common Coupling ―PCC‖. I L is the maximum
PQ problems are the worldwide issue. To minimize the PQ
fundamental frequency 15-or 30- minutes load current at point
level some measures have been developed by International
of Common Coupling ―PCC. TDD is the total demand
organizations for the utility to deliver the quality electric
distortion (= THD normalized by I L are shown in Table 2).
power to the end users. Standardization organizations like
General sub-transmission systems [69 Kv-161 kV]: The
IEC, CENELEC, and IEEE have developed set standards for
current harmonic distortion limits apply to limits of harmonics
quality of electric power. In Europe, the most relevant

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Paper Title:- Power Quality Problems and Standards- A Review

that loads should draw from the utility at the Point of Common distribution systems. The tests according to this standard are
Coupling ―PCC‖. Note that the harmonic limits differ based type tests [2,3,19].
on the ISC/IL rating, where ISC is the maximum short circuit b. IEC/TS 61000-3-4 (1998-10)
current at the PCC. I is the maximum demand load current at This standard specified for electrical and electronic
the PCC. ISC is short circuit current presents at the PCC. The equipments having a rated input current more than 16 A per
magnitude of ISC current is determined by the size, impedance, phase and intended to be connected in public low-voltage ac
and utility voltage connected to the Point of Common distribution systems. The a.c distribution systems are of
Coupling ―PCC‖. IL is the maximum demand load current, and following types:
it is measured at the PCC. The maximum harmonic current i) Single-phase, two or three wires distribution
distortion level is shown in Table 3. systems with a nominal voltage up to 240 V.
Table 2. Current Distortion Limits For Harmonics ii) Three-phase, three or four wires distribution
systems and nominal voltage up to 600 V.
iii) Nominal frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
On the basis of these recommendations, the service provider
can ass‘s equipment regarding harmonic disturbance and to
Table 3. Maximum Harmonic Current Distortion Level
decide whether the equipment is acceptable for connection in
the electric power systems. European standards, IEC 61000-3-
2 & 61000-3-4, placing current harmonic limits on
equipments. These equipments are designed in order to protect
the small consumer's equipment. The former is restricted to 16
A and latter extends the range above 16 A.
C. IEEE Standard 141-1993, Recommended Practice for
a. IEEE Standard For Voltage Harmonics
Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants
According to IEEE standard 519, for power system voltage
A thorough analysis of basic electrical-system considerations
limits below 69Kv, the harmonic distortion for an individual
is presented. Guidance is provided in design, construction, and
frequency is limited to 3% and 5% for Total Harmonic
continuity of an overall system to achieve safety of life and
Distortion. The IEEE standard for voltage harmonics is shown
preservation of property; reliability; simplicity of operation;
in Table 4.
voltage regulation in the utilization of equipment within the
Table 4. Voltage Distortion Limits For Harmonics
tolerance limits under all load conditions; care and
maintenance; and flexibility to permit development and
D. IEEE Standard 142-1991, Recommended Practice for
Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
This standard presents a thorough investigation of the
B. IEC 61000-3-2 and IEC 61000-3-4
problems of grounding and the methods for solving these
a. IEC 61000-3-2 (1995-03)
problems. There is a separate chapter for grounding sensitive
This standard specified the limits for harmonic current
emissions from the electrical and electronic equipments which
E. IEEE Standard 446-1987, Recommended Practice for
having an input current up to and including 16 A per phase,
Emergency and Standby Power Systems for Industrial and
and intended to be connected to public low-voltage
Commercial Applications

ISSN:-2349-3585 |www.ijrdt.org
Paper Title:- Power Quality Problems and Standards- A Review

This standard is recommended engineering practices for the transmission, and processing to use the same language and
selection and application of emergency and standby power measurement techniques. Monitoring of electric power quality
systems. It provides facility designers, operators and owners of AC power systems, definitions of power quality
with guidelines for assuring uninterrupted power, virtually terminology, impact of poor power quality on utility and
free of frequency excursions and voltage dips, surges, and customer equipment, and the measurement of electromagnetic
transients. phenomena are covered.
F. IEEE Standard 493-1997, Recommended Practice for J. IEEE Standard 1250-1995, Guide for Service to
Design of Reliable Industrial and Commercial Power Equipment Sensitive to Momentary Voltage Disturbances
Systems Computers, computer-like products, and equipment using
The fundamentals of reliability analysis as it applies to the solid-state power conversion have created entirely new areas
planning and design of industrial and commercial electric of power quality considerations. There is an increasing
power distribution systems are presented. Included are basic awareness that much of this new user equipment is not
concepts of reliability analysis by probability methods, designed to withstand the surges, faults, and reclosing duty
fundamentals of power system reliability evaluation, economic present on typical distributions systems. Momentary voltage
evaluation of reliability, cost of power outage data, equipment disturbances occurring in ac power distribution and utilization
reliability data, and examples of reliability analysis. systems, their potential effects on this new, sensitive, user
Emergency and standby power, electrical preventive equipment, and guidance toward mitigation of these effects are
maintenance, and evaluating and improving reliability of the described. Harmonic distortion limits are also discussed.
existing plant are also addressed. K. IEEE Standards Related to Voltage Sag and Reliability
G. IEEE Standard 1100-1999, Recommended Practice for The distribution voltage quality standard i.e. IEEE Standard
Powering and Grounding Sensitive Electronic Equipment P1564 gives the recommended indices and procedures for
Recommended design, installation, and maintenance practices Characterizing voltage sag performance and comparing
for electrical power and grounding (including both power- performance across different systems. A new IEC Standard
related and signal-related noise control) of sensitive electronic 61000-2-
processing equipment used in commercial and industrial Interruptions‖ has come recently. This standard warrants
applications. considerable discussion within the IEEE to avoid conflicting
H. IEEE Standard 1346-1998 Recommended Practice for methods of characterizing system performance in different
Evaluating Electric Power System Compatibility with parts of the world.
Electronic Process Equipment L. IEEE Standards Related to Flicker
A standard methodology for the technical and financial Developments in voltage flicker standards demonstrate how
analysis of voltage sag compatibility between process the industry can successfully coordinate IEEE and IEC
equipment and electric power systems is recommended. The activities. IEC Standard 61000-4-15 defines the measurement
methodology presented is intended to be used as a planning procedure and monitor requirements for characterizing flicker.
tool to quantify the voltage sag environment and process The IEEE flicker task force working on Standard P1453 is set
sensitivity. to adopt the IEC standard as its own.
I. IEEE Standard 1159-1995, Recommended Practice for M. Standards related to Custom Power
Monitoring Electric Power Quality IEEE Standard P1409 is currently developing an application
As its title suggests, this standard covers recommended guide for custom power technologies to provide enhanced
methods of measuring power-quality events. Many different power quality on the distribution system. This is an important
types of power-quality measurement devices exist and it is area for many utilities that may want to offer enhanced power
important for workers in different areas of power distribution, quality services.

ISSN:-2349-3585 |www.ijrdt.org
Paper Title:- Power Quality Problems and Standards- A Review

N. Standards related to Distributed Generation the basis for rating shunt reactors is set forth. Routine, design,
The new IEEE Standard P1547 provides guidelines for and other tests are described, and methods for performing them
interconnecting distributed generation with the power system. are given. Losses and impedance, temperature rise, dielectric
O. 420-2013 - IEEE Standard for the Design and tests, and insulation levels are covered. Construction
Qualification of Class 1E Control Boards, Panels and requirements for oil-immersed reactors
Racks Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations and construction and installation requirements for dry-type
This standard specifies the design requirements for new and/or reactors are presented.
modified Class 1E control boards, panels, and racks and CONCLUSION
establishes the methods to verify that these requirements have This paper presented a review of the power quality problems,
been satisfied. Methods for meeting the separation criteria issues, and related international standards. This paper will help
contained in IEEE Std 384 are addressed. Qualification is also research workers, users and suppliers of electrical power to
included to address the overall requirements of IEEE Std 323 gain a guideline about the power quality.
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