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A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of the College of Communication
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Sta. Mesa, Manila

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism





Title : An Analysis on Published Articles by GMA News and Rappler about the

ABS-CBN Shutdown

Researcher : Genevieve P. Feliciano, Alyssa Marie B. Sausa, Laurence Pauline A.


Degree : Bachelor of Arts in Journalism

Institution : Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Year : 2022

Adviser : Professor Renalyn J. Valdez

During the presidency of Rodrigo Duterte, heightened attacks were thrown

against media outfits and journalists. ABS-CBN, one of the largest broadcasting

networks in the Philippines, was shut down by the government. Considering the

current media landscape in the country, it is imperative to assess the reportage of

other media companies in relation to the ABS-CBN shutdown. Hence, this study

aimed to analyze content from online news sites of large media companies

namely: GMA and Rappler. The researchers adapted the Framing Theory of De

Vreese (2005), and integrated the process model of framing as a foundation of this

research. Examining the data obtained through content analysis of news reports

from Rappler and GMA News, results showed the government’s extensive

influence on the issue of the ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown can be

concluded. It is manifested in the prominent frames presented in the reports of

both media outfits — the attribution of responsibility and conflict frames. Majority

of the Rappler and GMA News reports suggest that the government is responsible

for causing or solving the problem. Moreover, considering the legal and political

nature of the issue, disagreements and opposing views are often presented in a

great number of news articles

Keyword: ABS-CBN Shutdown, Framing



Title Page i

Abstract ii

Table of Contents iii

List of Figures iiii

1 The Problem and Its Setting

Introduction 7

Theoretical Framework 9

Conceptual Framework 10

Operational Framework 11

Statement of the Problem 13

Scope and Limitations of the Study 15

Significance of the Study 16

2 Review of Related Literature and Studies

Who is ABS-CBN? 17

Why did ABS-CBN Shut Down? 17

Repression of the Press 19

The “Chilling Effect” of the ABS-CBN Shut Down 21

3 Methodology

Research Method 24

Population, Sample Size and Sampling Technique 25

Research Instrument 25

Data Gathering Procedure 32

Statistical Treatment of Data 34

4 Results and Discussion

Sources 36

Tone 37

Language 40

Frames 42

5 Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

Summary of Findings 46

Conclusion 47

Recommendations 50

References 52

Appendices 55


Number Title Page

1 Theoretical Framework 10

2 Conceptual Model 11

3 Operational Model 13


Number Title Page

1 Coding Sheet 27

2 Intercoder Reliability 34

3 Sources 36

4 Tone 37

5 Language 40

6 Frames Found in Rappler 42

7 Frames Found in GMA News 43

Chapter 1:



In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the biggest media networks

in the Philippines was forced to halt its operations due to a ‘cease and desist’ order

issued by the National Telecommunications Commission on the 4th of May 2020.

With the economy reeling from the ongoing pandemic and millions of

Filipinos out of work, the impact of the Duterte administration shutting down

ABS-CBN is and will be colossal in the damage it will inflict on the country today

and in the future. As one of the biggest media networks in the Philippines, reaching

far and wide, deep into the provinces of the country, many Filipinos are left without

reliable news and updates, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The press freedom situation in the Philippines was exacerbated by the

repressive mechanisms perpetrated by the Duterte administration. During his

presidency, a total of 22 journalists were killed. Meanwhile, numerous libel and

cyber-libel charges were pressed against journalists and media outfits with an

alarming number being illegally detained. Apart from this, media workers have also

been threatened and harassed daily. Notably, it was also under the current

administration that the ABS-CBN was forced to shut down.

According to Professor Luis V. Teodoro (2020), “A threat against one is a

threat against all. Once ABS-CBN is shut down on the say-so of a president who

despises criticism and truth-telling, every other media organization can be similarly

silenced by denying or withdrawing its franchise, or through some other nefarious


With this, this study aims to analyze content from online news sites from

large media companies namely: GMA and Rappler, to see if there are significant

changes in their style of publishing and writing news articles about the ABS-CBN

franchise renewal and shutdown.

Theoretical Framework

This study will adapt the Framing Theory as a framework for analysis. The

Framing Theory is often attributed to sociologist Erving Goffman in which he

mentioned frames are connected to cultural beliefs and serves as an interpretation

of complexity of information in the world which helps interpret and reconstructs the

reality perceived by individuals. (Littlejohn and Foss, 2009) Whereas, News frames

is also defined as “a central organizing idea or story line that provides meaning to

an unfolding strip of events, weaving a connection among them. The frame

suggests what the controversy is about, the essence of the issue” (Gamson and

Modigliani, 1989 as cited by De Vreese and Lecheler, 2016)

In Figure 1, It is a Framing model integrated by De Vreese (2005) from

previous literature on Framing in which he defines Framing as a process which

includes two stages: frame-building and frame-setting. (De Vreese, 2005) 

Frame-building pertains to the news production part of media content which

involves the factors, internal and external, which affect and influence the outcomes

of frames that are present in a text. (De Vreese, 2005) Internal factors are

identified such as journalists’ news values and media organizations’ editorial

policies. (Shoemaker and Reese, 1996 as cited by De Vreese, 2005) and External

Factors could usually rise from the interactions of journalists and elites and social

movements. (Gans, 1979; Tuchman, 1978; Cooper, 2002; Snow and Bernard,

1992 as cited by De Vreese, 2005)

While, frame-setting refers to the interaction of the frames presented by the

media in a news and the audiences or individuals. Whereas, such frames could

influence or affect the initial knowledge, interpretation, and evaluation of individuals

towards an issue or event presented by the media. “This part of the framing

process has been investigated most elaborately, often with the goal to explore the

extent to which and under what circumstances audiences reflect and mirror frames

made available to them.” (De Vreese, 2005)

Figure 1. De Vreese (2005) Integrated process model of framing

Conceptual Framework

For this study, the researchers adapted the theoretical framework on

Framing Theory of De Vreese (2005) integrated process model of framing as a

foundation of this research. Figure 2 shows that each variable of this study depicts

its relationships that determine the creation of the frames in news presented by the

media towards its audiences. 

Based on the theoretical framework, this study followed its main stages

which are frame-building and frame-setting. 

In frame-building, Identified factors are internal and external factors which

De Vreese (2005) mentioned are factors that affect and influence the outcomes of

frames that are present in a text. 

As defined in the theoretical framework, we also used the same internal

factors which are editorial policies of news organizations and journalists news

values. While, on external factors we identified it as the Philippine Government for

as previously mentioned it is the factors outside journalism which usually “takes

place in an continuous interaction between journalist and elites” (Gans, 1979;

Tuchman, 1978 as cited by De Vreese, 2005). And understanding the relations of

the Philippine Government between media organizations is a factor that could

influence the frames focused on this study.  

Whereas, framing in the newsroom part will serve as context and basis

which affects the frames this study will focus on. It will serve as a guide to

understand if those identified factors influence the news framing of GMA news and

Rappler on ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown. 

In frames in the news, we will only focus on the generic frames used in the

news of GMA news and Rappler on ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown.

Using those identified frames, the researcher will analyze and compare the frames

in news and use it to analyze and understand the effects to the audiences which is

the main concept of the second stage, Frame setting. Also, we included other

variables based on the objectives mentioned in this study which are sources of

news, tone, and language. 

Moreover, the researchers will mainly focus on the frames in the news

and identify the generic frames existing used on GMA news and Rappler reportage

on ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown. 

Figure 2. Conceptual Model

Operational Framework

GMA News and Rappler are the main focus of this study. The

researcher will primarily concentrate on the news frames, specifically on

the general frames used in GMA news and Rappler coverage on ABS-CBN

franchise renewal and shutdown. Based on the objectives of this study, content

analysis will be conducted to operationalize the analysis of the frames used in

GMA News and Rappler reportage on ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown.

Figure 3 shows the indicators listed by the researchers which will be used

on the content analysis of the frames in this study. Using Semetko and Valkenburg

(2000) framing measures will be adapted and modified to fit this study in order

toidentify and measure the generic frames present on the reportage on ABS-CBN

franchise renewal and shutdown.

Figure 3. Operational Model

Statement of the Problem

Our fight for press freedom can be traced in our nation’s history. Even

before the Duterte administration, innumerable threats were thrown at Filipino

journalists and media organizations to silence them. Numerous news companies

were closed forcibly, journalists were put behind bars, harassed, and even killed.

During Duterte’s presidency, this culture of impunity is still being

perpetrated. A year later, the ABS-CBN, the largest broadcasting network in the

Philippines, was shut down by the current government.

The Philippines ranked 138th out of 180 nations in the World Press

Freedom Index 2021.  At the same time, Duterte also belongs to the list of state

leaders who are named by the Reporters Without Borders as “press freedom

predators.” This explains the way our current administration treats the media

community in our country.

Considering the current political climate in the Philippines, it is imperative to

know how an attack against one media outfit can significantly affect the editorial

practices of other media companies.

Hence, the study aims to answer the following:

Main Problem:

● How did GMA News and Rappler cover the ABS-CBN franchise renewal

and shutdown?

Specific Problems:

1. What specific frames did GMA News and Rappler focus on their reports on the

ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown?

2. How did GMA News and Rappler structure their coverage and reportage on the

ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown in terms of the following?

a. Sources

b. Language

c. Tone

3. How GMA News’ frames differ from the Rappler’s news frames on franchise

renewal and shutdown?

Scope and Limitations

The study seeks to analyze the reportage of GMA News and Rappler about

the ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown.

GMA together with ABS-CBN are considered to be a duopoly in the media

industry. According to Nielsen’s TV Audience Measurement (2016), the two

networks have a combined total of 80.72% share in terms of audience, reach, and

advertising revenue. Rappler, on the other hand, has been at the receiving end of

media attacks similar to ABS-CBN. As the country’s largest broadcasting network,

ABS-CBN’s forced closure has created a substantial impact on the media

landscape in the country.

The researchers gather news articles published by the two media outfits

during the said period and examine if there are significant changes in framing their

reports about the ABS-CBN issue. The study is limited to analyzing news articles

published online which are randomly selected by the researchers.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be beneficial to the following:

1. Students

- Students, particularly those who are taking up a degree in journalism, will

be able to have a grasp of how the newsroom works.

2. Media Consumers

- The findings of the study will help media consumers become aware and

critical of the content being provided by the media which is necessary for them to

arrive at a decision and make opinions.

3. Journalists and Media Organizations

- The results of the study will help journalists and media organizations

assess their practices and make improvements. It will also give them a wider and

deeper perspective of the current media landscape in our country considering our

current political climate. Given that, they will be able to reflect on their practices in

framing stories considering the crucial role of the media in cultivating a sense of

understanding among audiences towards a wide range of topics.

4. Government

- Through this study, the government will be able to gain a deeper

perspective on how an attack against one media organization can affect the

practices of other outfits. The findings of the study will enable the government to

reassess their mandates about the protection of media workers and press freedom

in the country which are enshrined in the Philippine Constitution. 

Chapter 2:


Who is ABS-CBN?

ABS-CBN Corporation is a Philippine-based media conglomerate with

interests primarily in television, radio broadcasting and motion picture production,

stated by ABS-CBN’s wiki site. The conglomerate was the merger of ABS (Alto

Broadcasting System) which was owned by James Lindenberg at the time and the

Lopez owned CBN (Chronicle Broadcasting Network). In June 1946, Lindenberg

opens Bolinao Electronics Corporation (BEC). Then in February 1967, the

corporate name was changed to the ABS-CBN Corporation the we currently know.

As one of the few extant postwar organizations that helped revive and

rebuild what was left of the tattered Philippine economy after World War II (Limos,

2020), ABS-CBN stays true to its mission of being in the service of the Filipino and

all of its stakeholders worldwide.

Why did ABS-CBN shut down?

According to Reyes (202), the Philippine government regulates the

granting of broadcast frequencies in the country. Media companies are required by

the law to obtain a franchise granted by the Congress. ABS-CBN’s last franchise

application on March 30, 1995 was approved for a term of 25 years, and was due

to expire in 2021. Without the government’s approval, ABS-CBN cannot broadcast

their content via its 80 stations on free TV, and AM and FM radio stations, which

used the same frequency.

The corporation has faced several challenges since 2014, when it

attempted to renew its franchise several times, the most significant of which being

President Duterte's opposition to the renewal. (Reyes, 2020)

In a recent survey about which news company Filipinos trust the most,

Digital News Report states that 61 percent of Filipinos rely on ABS-CBN for news

and information. While Rappler, which is fighting multiple court cases, and

arguably as outspoken against the government as ABS-CBN scores 49 percent.

And GMA Network, which has a reputation of being more cautious when it comes

to such matters, scores the highest among the three, with 73 percent. (Chua,


As early as April 2017, the president said he would formally block the

renewal of ABS-CBN’s franchise after accusing the company of “swindling” as the

network failed to air his campaign advertisement before the 2016 polls and then

failed to return the money. (ABS-CBN, 2020) In December 2019, the president

goes far to say, “If you expect that (the franchise) will be renewed, I’m sorry. I will

see to it that you are out,” during his speech in front of other government officials

at Malacanang. (Rappler, 2019).

While the government tries to portray the shutdown as part of his

crusade against oligarchs, Sanchez (2020) states this is a battle against

information. The shutdown of one of the country's largest news company is geared

to silence critical voices, especially in light of the continuing crisis.

The last time ABS-CBN had been shutdown was when then-President

Ferdinand Marcos declared martial law in 1972, where military had taken over

ABS-CBN’s operations and suspended its broadcast, along with other local TV and

radio stations. Today, this event is drawing comparisons to the network’s recent

issue, states Reyes (2021).

The shut down of ABS-CBN is the culmination of this Philippine pandemic

plot, exposing the government's "gross" negligence. (Sanchez, 2020) The National

Telecommunications Commission (NTC) issued a cease and desist order against

ABS-CBN on May 5, 2021, a day after its franchise ended. This order immediately

mandating ABS-CBN to suspend its operations in response to the demand from

the Solicitor General.

Repression of the Press

The Philippines has one of the most vibrant media landscapes, states

Curato (2019) but at the same time, it is also one of the most dangerous places to

practice journalism long before Duterte was elected as president. The Committee

to Protect Journalists (CPJ) reports that in 2019, the Philippines has the most

unsolved murders of journalists in countries with the worst record for justice. “The

13 countries that make up the list of the world’s worst impunity offenders represent

a mix of conflict-ridden regions and more stable countries where criminal groups,

politicians, government officials, and other powerful actors resort to violence to

silence critical and investigative reporting,” the report CPJ released, read.

A journal article which focused on examining the media repressions and

censorship experienced by independent media practitioners in 2006 and 2007 of

the radio program “Ngayon Na, Bayan!” and the public advertisement “Rights”

revealed that “state censorship through laws, review and regulatory boards, and

the military, together with self-censorship among media practitioners due to

pressures in the media industry, constitute multilevel media repression.” (Jopson,


In the same study by Jopson (2013), it is stated that media repression is so

institutionalized in the Philippines that the culture of silence and the restricted

democratic space are using the media to talk about rights as the opposite of

inequality and deprivation. The administration further colludes with interests to

silence critics and crush dissent by fostering an orderwhere individuals are

expected to practice self-censorship. Self-censorship becomes inevitable when

such policies continue to prevail where capitalist media production hold back

jounalists just to survive. 

In the World Press Freedom Index, the Philippines falls two places once

again by ranking 138th among the 180 countries in 2021. Accoring to the

Commission on Human Rights (CHR), the Philippines is facing “a worse state of

press freedom”.

“The persecution of the media has been accompanied by online

harrassment campaigns orchestrated by pro-Duterte troll armies, which also

launched cyberattacks on alternative news websites and the site of the National

Union of Journalists of the Philippines in order to block them,” according to the

Reporters Without Borders (RSF). They have also classified the Philippines as

having a "poor" environment for journalism, providing a clear message that the

present political atmosphere exacerbates the dangers and concerns about the loss

of democracy and press freedom during these uncertain times.

As the country deals with the rapidly increasing number of COVID-19

cases, the government focuses on matters such as prohibiting protests, and

incidents of red-tagging, arresting and violence against activists. (Arao, 2020) The

number of attacks against journalists has also increased, such as the assasination

of a radio broadcaster in Dumaguete City on May 5, 2021, coincidentally happened

the same day ABS-CBN was shut down.

According to the Public Media Alliance, the implementation of the

Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 has also raised concerns about press freedom and

freedom of speech in the Philippines. The law allows suspects to be arrested

without a warrant and imprisoned for weeks at a time. Suspects could face life

sentence if proven guilty. However, given to the unclear definitions of what

constitutes a crime and the severity of the consequences, some reports suggest

that this current attempt to quiet opposition mirrors media attacks last seen under

the regime of former President Ferdinand Marcos. (Public Media Alliance, 2020)

Melinda De Jesus, executive director of the Center for Media Freedom

and Responsibility (CMFR), discusses the parallels between the press's effort to

restore democracy during the Marcos dictatorship and the country's recent fall

under President Rodrigo Duterte.

According to Arao (2020), the government has stated that those who

remain silent has nothing to fear from the anti-terrorism law. And yet, the

government is quick to call out critical journalists and news media organizations as

“fake news” peddlers, and ones who oppose the administration as terrorists and

communists, to discourage the public from joining such criticism lest they be

perceived to be enemies of the state.

As a result, the Duterte government has been successful in controlling the

flow of information and dominating coverage. (Philippine Center for Investigative

Journalism, 2021)

The “Chilling Effect” of the Shutdown

The ABS-CBN shutdown had caused a “chilling effect” in Philippine

media in which a self-censoring may happen which will mainly cause quality

reportage of some news organizations, states Danilo Arao in an interview with

Manila Bulletin. “The chilling effect resulting from the shutdown means the death of

press freedom. An attack on one is an attack on all.” (Manila Bulletin, 2020)

There are legitimate concerns, according to Reyes (2021), as there

have been multiple of reports of people being arrest or summoned for criticisng the

Duterte adminstrations’ management of the coronavirus pandemic. In the

Philippines, there have also been an increasing attacks on press freedom and

diminishing democratic systems, as well as fears on the possiblity of another

Martial Law declaration. (Reyes,2021)

One of the known cases of attacks include Rappler CEO and

co-founder, Maria Ressa, which included an attempt to arrest her. According to

Human Rights Watch, “the government harrassed journalists and media

companies, including through politically motivated prosecutions and other legal

action, a court convicted journalist Maria Ressa of cyber libel in June, while the

government shut down the country’s largest television network the following

month.” (Human Rights Watch World Report, 2021)

Ressa while subjected to harsh criticism stated, “what happened to

ABS-CBN can happen to all of us. Journalists, we have to hold power to account…

We need to coninue to demand accountability,” (Rappler, 2020)

According to Bernhard and Dohle (2014), the stronger journalists perceive

the respective media's political effect on the public, the more firmly the journalists

shall agree of demands to curb the political influence of the Internet, the press, and

television; and the more relevant the journalists find enhanced state control of the

Internet, the sooner they express an interest in supporting corresponding


Journalists have every reason to be concerned, according to Puente

(2020), but these efforts to suppress the media will never force them to submit.

The evident tension between journalists striving to do their appropriate democratic

duty and anti-democratic administrations determined to keep power intensifies as

the months pass after the ABS-CBN shutdown (Repucci, 2019).

The adversarial relationship between media and government has always

been a component of our democratic system, according to Freedom for Media,

Freedom for All (2020). The goverment exercises power , therefore such power

they hold must be checked. Recognition of the press as the fourth pillar of a 

democratic government has ensured that efforts on both sides sustain the

necessary balance

Defining Frames in News

Frames are defined by Gitlin (1980) as "permanent patterns of cognition,

interpretation, and presentation of selection, emphasis, and exclusion by which

message handlers consistently organize discourse."

According to Cappella and Jamieson (1997), frames activate knowledge by

stimulating "stocks of cultural morals and values, and generating contexts."

Frames identify problems, diagnose causes, provide moral judgments, and

suggest solutions (Entman, 1993).

In contrast to agenda-setting theory, which is concerned with the salience of

issues. While, framing theory is concerned with how am issue is presented. This

notion of framing, according to de Vreese (2003), often relates to studies of frames

and makes more intuitive sense than applying a limited definition of frames as

'question wording.' Political argumentation, journalistic conventions, and social

movement discourse all contain frames. They are alternate definitions of issues

that are "endogenous to the political and social world" (de Vreese, 2003).

Recognizing Frames

According to Hertog and McLeod (2001), frames develop from the

material during the course of analysis. Inductive studies have been criticized for

depending on a small sample size and being hard to replicate. According to Hertog

and McLeod (2001), frames develop from the material during the course of

analysis. Inductive studies have been criticized for depending on a small sample

size and being hard to replicate. As a result, Cappella and Jamieson (1997)

propose four requirements for a frame. First, a news frame must contain

distinguishable conceptual and linguistic features. Second, it should be normal

practice in the field of journalism. Third, the frame must be distinguishable from

other frames in a reliable manner. Fourth, a frame must have representational

validity which it must be recognized by others and not be a product of the

researcher's imagination. Entman (1993) defines frames in the news as

the presence or absence of certain keywords, phrases, conventional imagery,

sources of information, and sentences that give facts and judgements reinforced


Framing the News

Certain frames are only relevant to specific topics or events (de

Vreese, 2002), and these frames may be referred to as issue-specific frames,

while some news or topics go beyond the thematic interpretation, and these

frames are usually called generic frames.

Semetko and Valkenburg (2002), identified five news frames: conflict, human

interest, attribution of responsibility, morality and economic consequences.

According to De Vreese (2003), these generic news frames are connected to

journalistic standards since they were discovered to underpin the coverage of

many events such as the ABS-CBN franchise renewal and closure.

Synthesis of the Reviewed Literature and Studies

The studies conducted by multiple researchers, and the articles written

by journalists revealed similar conclusions regarding the topic of the ABS-CBN

shutdown. The authors have done extensive research on not only the exact

timeline of the instances involving the ABS-CBN franchise issue but also on the

power dynamics between the government and the individuals in the news industry.

Each exerpt provides reliable sources as well as evidence that further prove their


Their statements do not differ from what the researchers of this study

are hoping to reach a conclusion on, their findings have helped greatly in giving

context to the present analyzation, providing a clear background to the said issue,

and filling up the lost information that are currently in the said paper.

Regarding the statements, the researchers are appreciative of the

authors’ will to speak out the truth, no matter the consequences. Despite the

ongoing red-tagging of individuals and the recently passed anti-terror law, it does

not censor what they want to say whatsoever. As said in the exerpts, people

should not be subjected to submission just because of the ever-growing instances

of violence and attacks on journalists.

Chapter 3:


Research Method

This study utilized quantitative research design to understand GMA

News and Rappler reported frames on their reportage of the ABS-CBN franchise

renewal and shutdown for this study aims to describe the news framing used on

covering the ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown of GMA News and

Rappler. (Goertzen, 2017)

Content analysis is used as this study’s method to examine the frames

present in the reportage of GMA News and Rappler. Coe and Scacco (2017)

defined this research method as observing systematic and quantifiable patterns in

text which will then be categorized and recorded to be analyzed. By Utilizing this

method, the researchers can quantify media content through coding which will be

analyzed to understand how GMA and Rappler reported the ABS-CBN franchise

renewal and shutdown.

The researchers also utilized a descriptive research design in

analyzing the articles published by GMA News and Rappler on the ABS-CBN

franchise renewal and shutdown. This design helped the researchers to examine

the similarity and difference in news reporting of GMA News and Rappler and

provide a clear assessment of the statistical figures on the news articles on

ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown.

Population, Sample Size, and Sampling Technique

The researchers will analyze news articles published by GMA News

and Rappler, which are among the top five (5) leading online news platforms

trusted by the public.

For this study, the researchers will only select forty (40) news articles

published on the website of GMA News and Rappler on ABS-CBN franchise

renewal and shutdown as the main Unit of Analysis for study. Whereas, twenty

(20) articles will be gathered from GMA News’ website and another twenty (20)

articles will be gathered from the official website of Rappler.

The selection of twenty (20) articles on ABS-CBN franchise renewal and

shutdown were selected from the poll of news articles which were published within

the timeframe from February to July 2020. The researchers divided the twenty (20)

articles into ten (10) articles published during ABS-CBN franchise renewal from

February to April 2020 while the other ten (10) articles on ABS-CBN shutdown

were published from May to July 2020.

The researchers followed the same criteria for the selection of news articles

for both GMA News and Rappler in order to collect the forty (40) news articles that

were analyzed for this study.

Research Instrument

The researchers developed their own coding sheet to accumulate the

information which corresponds to the research objectives and the indicators

mentioned on the operational framework. The coding sheet will be formulated

consisting of main variables under categories namely sources, language, tone, and

news frames for the analysis of this study.

For this study, the researchers determined the main sources as per the

focus of the article as mentioned from the headlines of the news articles.

While, the language was measured from the technical aspect of how the

articles were written. The researchers focused their analysis of the language used

in the article as per its grammar and point of view articles were written.

The tone was analyzed on how the articles were structured and as to how

many sources were mentioned. Wherein, the articles were classified “positive” if

the news gave more sources which supported ABS-CBN franchise renewal while

“negative” for when the article focused on the negative side towards ABS-CBN.

However, when an article gave equal sides towards ABS-CBN and for some cases

were straight news, the article would be labeled as “neutral.”

The classification of news frames will be based on Semetko and Valkenburg's

(2000) framing measures, which identify five news frames: a) human interest, b)

conflict, c) morality, d) attribution of responsibility, and e) economic consequences.

To give context on the five news frames mentioned which will be a

guide for coding of the news articles, The researchers defined each generic news

frame accordingly based on Semetko and Valkenburg (2000). a) Human interest

frames are frames that give an emotional take on their news presentation or give

focus on the impact of the ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown on certain

individuals. b) Conflict frames are frames which emphasize the conflict between

individuals or groups to capture the audience interest. c) Morality frames are

frames that focus on the event, problem, or issue in the context of religious or

moral stance. d) Attribution of responsibility frames are frames that depict the issue

or problem (the ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown) in a rather way that

the reason or remedy is attributed. It is in a way shedding light on who should be

held accountable for causing or resolving the main issue or occurrence. Lastly, e)

economic consequences frames are frames that report the ABS-CBN franchise

renewal and shutdown in terms of its economical impact to an individual,

organization, or country. (Semetko and Valkenburg, 2000)

Table 1. Coding Sheet

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

(February - April) (May - July)

Article Headline


Date Published

Media Source GMA News Rappler

Sources of News

Number of Sources


Government Descriptors:

Main Sources

Mentioned Media




Positive Descriptors:

Tone of News Negative



Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the


News Frames

A. Human Interest YES NO Descriptors:


1. Does the news

provide a specific

case study on the

issue of the

ABS-CBN franchise

renewal and


Does the news

emphasize how

individuals, groups, or

institutions were

affected by the

ABS-CBN franchise

renewal and


Does the news focus

on the private or

personal lives of

individuals, groups, or

institutions affected

by the ABS-CBN

franchise renewal and


Does the news

contain information

which conveys or

might generate

feelings or emotions

towards the readers?

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

present disagreement



ups on the ABS-CBN

franchise renewal and


2. Does the news on

ABS-CBN franchise

renewal and

shutdown refer to two

or more sides?

3. Does the news

present another


which shows the

attempt to rebut the

other sides presented

in the context of the

ABS-CBN franchise

renewal and


C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain any moral


2. Does the news

mention any

references to

religious or morality


D. Attribution of Y

Responsibility E NO Descriptors:

Frames S

1. Does the news

suggest that the

government has the

ability to solve the

issue or problem of


franchise renewal and


2. Does the news

suggest that the

government is the

cause of the

ABS-CBN franchise

renewal and


3. Does the news

suggest solutions to

the issue or problem

of the ABS-CBN

franchise renewal and


4. Does the news

suggest that the issue


problem of the

ABS-CBN franchise

renewal and

shutdown requires an

urgent solution?

E. Economic Y NO Descriptors:

Frames E

1. Does the news

mention any loss and

gains on


titutions due to the

ABS-CBN franchise

renewal and


2. Does the news

mention any

economic impact of


franchise renewal and


3. Does the news

mention any costs or

degree of expenses

involved due to the


franchise renewal and


F. Other Frames Y NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news

frames not identified


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers gathered the articles from the official websites of the

two online media platforms, GMA News ( and Rappler

( In sourcing the news articles from the two news websites,

the researchers will be using the keyword “abs-cbn” to narrow down the pool of

news articles published by the news outfits. After this, only twenty (20) news

articles were selected from each news website using simple random sampling

totaling to the total of forty (40) news articles which will be the total of articles to be

analyzed for this study.

The researchers collected all the articles published by GMA news and

Rappler on ABS-CBN using the keyword “abs-cbn” from their official news website

which were published from February to July 2020.

In selecting the 40 articles which were analyzed in this study, all articles

collected in the database were selected through a simple random technique via an

online random number selector from a website by

( to assure the fair

selection of the forty (40) articles that were analyzed in this study.

After the researchers gathered the 40 news articles from news websites of

GMA News and Rappler, Intercoder reliability test was conducted through a

pre-test. A separate news article was selected from the database where content

analysis was conducted separately by each researcher, then the data from the

pre-test instrument was encoded in a separate excel file. The file was then runned

in an online utility which computes the intercoder reliability through a website

( made by Dean Freelon, Ph.D., an

associate journalism professor from the University of Carolina.

For this study, the researchers used the result of the Krippendorff's Alpha

for measuring the intercoder reliability as it was noted as most reliable. The result

of the intercoder reliability test showed a reliability coefficient of 0.816 between the

researchers. As per Krippendorff (2004), “[I]t is customary to require α ≥ .800.

Where tentative conclusions are still acceptable, α≥ .667 is the lowest conceivable

limit” (Krippendorff, 2004a as cited from Picking the Best Intercoder Reliability

Statistic for Your Digital Activism Content Analysis, 2015), which means that the

researchers had reached an accepted intercoder reliability coefficient for this study.

Table 2. Intercoder Reliability

After ensuring the intercoder reliability between researchers, the gathered

articles were analyzed through content analysis. The indicators were tabulated

using a formulated coding sheet based from the indicators identified on the

operational framework and the framing measure formulated by Semetko and

Valkenburg (2000) to determine the frames focused by GMA News and Rappler in

their reportage on ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown.

Lastly, the researchers used the coding sheet to tabulate the results

collected which were used to analyze and compare the data on how GMA and

Rappler reported the ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers conducted content analysis on the 40 news articles of

GMA news and Rappler on ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown. From the

data gathered through a coding sheet, tables were used to show the frequency

and percentages based on the indicators set in this study.

All data were summarized using the tables and the researchers used the

following measures to show the relationship of GMA News and Rappler on their

reportage on ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown:

1. Frequency Distribution

2. Percentage

Chapter 4:


A. Sources

Table 3. Sources

Rappler GMA News

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Government 11 50% 14 70%

Non-Governmen 0 0% 1 5%

t Organizations

Media 3 15% 14 20%


Others 6 30% 1 5%

Total 20 100% 20 100%

The data obtained showed that the majority of reports by Rappler and

GMA News on the ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown cited the

government as their source of information. From a total of 40 analyzed articles,

50% of the reports of Rappler and 70% from the GMA News acquired information

from politicians or government agencies. Among the frequently mentioned sources

are House Speaker Alan Peter Cateyano, Solicitor General Jose Calida, the

National Telecommunications Commission, and several senators.

Meanwhile, only one news article used a non-government organization

—the Integrated Bar of the Philippines — as its source. It is indicated in the GMA

report titled IBP questions fairness of NTC’s ‘last minute’ broadcast shutdown

order vs. ABS-CBN (May 6, 2020).

In terms of sources from media organizations, Rappler and GMA News

only have 30% and 5% respectively. Evidently, the ABS-CBN is often cited due to

the nature of the news reports.

B. Tone

Table 4. Tone

Rappler GMA News Total

Tone of News

towards ABS-CBN Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentag

Positive 11 55% 4 20% 15 38%

Negative 0 0% 2 10% 2 5%

Neutral 9 45% 14 70% 23 58%

Total 20 100% 20 100% 40 100%

The tone of the news in this study was used to assess the editorial

approach of GMA News and Rappler in their news reports on ABS-CBN franchise

renewal and shutdown. For this study, the researchers assessed whether the tone

of the news was positive, negative, or neutral towards ABS-CBN.

The content analysis on the 40 selected news articles of GMA News and

Rappler showed that 58% (23 news out of 40) of the overall news articles

assessed in this study were structured neutrally towards ABS-CBN. Followed by

38% (15 news out of 40) positive tone of news by GMA News and Rappler towards

ABS-CBN in its coverage of the ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown.

Meanwhile, the negative tone of the news was at 5% (2 news out of 40).

This study also noted the comparison and contrast between GMA News

and Rappler’s news structure and editorial approach towards ABS-CBN. In terms

of the dominant tone between the two news outlets, the study showed that

Rappler’s tone of news was dominated by positive news towards ABS-CBN at 55%

(11 news out of 20). Meanwhile, GMA News articles towards ABS-CBN were more

neutrally written at 70% (14 news out of 20).

Rappler’s tone of news towards ABS-CBN

Based on the content analysis, this research noted Rappler's editorial

approach towards ABS-CBN in their reportage of the ABS-CBN franchise renewal

and shutdown was approached more on a positive tone as their news was usually

focused on the people who were affected by the ABS-CBN shutdown, and some of

their news cited different views of individuals, government officials, and media

organizations on the impact of the ABS-CBN shutdown. On Rappler’s newson

ABS-CBN franchise renewal, They have presented news such as Rappler

deplores SolGen Calida's petition vs ABS-CBN (February 10, 2020); ‘Distracting

from important issues’: Calida slammed online for quo warranto vs ABS-CBN

(February 10, 2020); Joy Belmonte backs ABS-CBN, cites 'long-standing

relationship' with QC (February 14, 2020).

Additionally, their approach after ABS-CBN’s shutdown was also focused

on presenting case studies and people affected by the ABS-CBN shutdown. Also,

their news often mentioned the "chilling effect" of the shutdown on "press freedom"

and "access to information" in the country. Rappler published news stories that

suggest the positive tone of the of their news towards ABS-CBN when they

published stories such as Stifling ABS-CBN deprives Filipinos of vital information,

schools say (May 06, 2020); ABS-CBN employees to lawmakers: Renew franchise

so we can continue to serve (July 06, 2020); Robredo warns of 'chilling effect' on

media after rejection of ABS-CBN franchise (July 10, 2020); ​ABS-CBN

shutdown, Maria Ressa threat borne of Duterte’s ‘contempt’ for press – int'l human

rights lawyer (July 11, 2020).

GMA’s tone of news towards ABS-CBN

The content analysis showed that a neutral tone of news is the

dominant editorial approach of GMA News towards ABS-CBN in their reportage of

the ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown. The research noted that GMA

News usually presents both sides of the stories, which is an indicator of a neutral

tone in their reports. The news editorial approach was focused more on the

discussion of government officials during the hearing on ABS-CBN franchise

renewal, such as the following new articles: Senate panel to hear ABS-CBN

franchise renewal on Feb. 27 (February 17, 2020); NTC seeks DOJ opinion on

ABS-CBN franchise (February 20, 2020); Pacquiao on Cayetano’s ‘sipsip’ remark:

We’re just doing our job (February 26, 2020).

Meanwhile, GMA News reportage after the ABS-CBN shutdown

remained the same. Their editorial approach remained neutral by giving both sides

of the story, which maintained the story balanced. Like their editorial approach in

their reportage of the franchise renewal, the content analysis showed that GMA

News reports focused on the senate and house of representative hearings which

discussed the ABS-CBN franchise renewal even after its shutdown as per the

NTC’s cease and desist order. The study noted that the news articles were

dominated by a neutral tone, as in the following news articles: Pangilinan: House’s

2nd reading approval of ABS-CBN bill may be Constitutional violation (May 14,

2020); ABS-CBN should refrain from laying off workers ‘hangga’t kaya,’ says

Tolentino (July 7, 2020); Journos urge PCOO to come clean on Duterte's deleted

rant vs. ABS-CBN (July 17, 2020). The article's headline may suggest a positive or

negative tone, but in this study, the whole article was assessed and the following

news articles presented both sides of the story, from private individuals, media

organizations, or government officials, which showed that the whole article

remained neutral in tone.

C. Language

Table 5. Language

Rappler GMA News

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Formal 18 90% 19 95%

Informal 2 10% 1 5%

Total 20 100% 20 100%

The data showed that both Rappler and GMA News reports on

ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown were structured formally. Rappler had

90% (18 news out of 20) of its news structured formally, the same as with GMA

News, where 95% (19 news out of 20) of the articles were written with proper

sentence construction and grammar. This study also noted that both news

organizations used complex and formal words in structuring their reports without

using any form of slang and contractions in the majority of their news articles on

ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown.

While this study noted that some news uses informal language in its

reporting, Rappler has 10% (2 news out of 20) of informal news and GMA News

has 5% (1 news out of 20). The content analysis of this study revealed that the

tallied news that used informal language was often press statements of media

organizations, which 1st person pronouns were present in the news. It is noted in

the following news: On Rapplers, Rappler deplores SolGen Calida's petition vs

ABS-CBN (February 10, 2020) and on GMA News, GMA Network clarification on

ad against Duterte (February 24, 2020).

Meanwhile, some news which was also considered informal was an article

which this study has noted having contractions in their reports of the ABS-CBN

franchise renewal and shutdown, which is present In the published article by

Rappler, ABS-CBN CEO breaks silence on network franchise issue (February 20,


D. Frames

Table 6. Frames found in Rappler


FRAMES Franchise Renewal Shutdown

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Human Interest Frame 5 19% 6 19%

Conflict Frame 8 30% 10 31%

Morality Frame 2 7% 3 9%

Attribution of
Responsibility Frame 9 33% 10 31%

Economic Frame 2 7% 3 9%

Other Frames 1 4% 0 0%

TOTAL 27 100% 32 100%

Through content analysis, the researchers were able to gather data

that resulted in the majority of Rappler’s articles using the attribution of

responsibility frame, constituting 33% in the news coverage for ABS-CBN’s

franchise renewal and 31% on the shut down itself out of the hundred. Attribution

of responsibility is most commonly used after more frequently used frames such as

conflict or morality frames in newspapers (Semetko & Valkenburg, 2000). Comes

at a close second is conflict frames, with 30% in the coverage for franchise

renewal and the same percentage as attribution of responsibility on the shutdown

with 31%. Conflict frame is used to reflect conflict and disagreements among

individuals, groups or organizations, it facilitates the journalistic standard of

balanced reporting (Neuman et al, 1992). Lastly, with 19% on both franchise

renewal and shut down coverage comes the human interest frame, as this frame

brings a human face or an emotional angle to the presentation of an event, issue

or problem (Semetko & Valkenburg, 2000). While frames such as morality,

economic and other frames noticed by the researchers ranked lower with 7% and

9% on both franchise renewal and shut down for morality and economics.

Table 7. Frames found in GMA News

GMA News

FRAMES Franchise Renewal Shutdown

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Human Interest Frame 1 5% 4 14%

Conflict Frame 6 29% 7 24%

Morality Frame 1 5% 2 7%

Attribution of
Responsibility Frame 9 43% 9 31%

Economic Frame 2 10% 6 21%

Other Frames 2 10% 1 3%

TOTAL 21 100% 29 100%

Like Rappler, attribution of responsibility frame results with the highest

percentage which constitutes 43% for the coverage in ABS-CBN’s franchise

renewal and 31% for the shut down.

Conflict frame comes at second for franchise renewal with 29% on

franchise renewal and 24% on the shut down. Economic frame ranks third with

10% and 21% on the coverage for franchise renewal and shut down respectively.

Economic frame mostly reports an event, problem or issue in terms of the

consequences it will have economically as an individual, groups, organizations or

countries (Neuman et al, 1992).

Table 7. Frames on Rappler and GMA News

Rappler GMA News

FRAMES Franchise Renewal Shutdown Franchise Renewal Shutdown

Frequency Percentage y Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Human Interest
Frame 5 19% 6 19% 1 5% 4 14%

Conflict Frame 8 30% 10 31% 6 29% 7 24%

Morality Frame 2 7% 3 9% 1 5% 2 7%

Attribution of
Frame 9 33% 10 31% 9 43% 9 31%

Frame 2 7% 3 9% 2 10% 6 21%

Other Frames 1 4% 0 0% 2 10% 1 3%

TOTAL 27 100% 32 100% 21 100% 29 100%

Overall, both Rappler and GMA News used attribution of responsibility

frame in majority of the articles, suggesting the involvement of the government in

the issue regarding ABS-CBN’s franchise renewal and shut down. The researchers

have also gathered that in the case of Rappler, the articles that they have

published are more outright of their dismay compared to that of GMA News,

suggesting that the government has the ability to solve the issue in question, while

also stating that the issue needs an urgent solution.

The issue regarding ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shut down

includes an array of court hearings and legal implications between people who are

agreeable to the shut down and those who are not, it is only expected that both

Rappler and GMA News used conflict frames as frequent as attribution of

responsibility. Both news organizations presented disagreements of both sides as

well as rebuttals of each side.

As the results of tone of news suggests with human interest frames

ranking highest for Rappler as opposed to economic frames ranking highest for

GMA News, it suggests that Rappler focused more on gathering statements from

employees from ABS-CBN to present their opinions regarding the issue as well as

putting emotions and a more psychological effect the ABS-CBN issue had on the

employees itself. On the other hand, GMA News focused more on the economical

side, presenting factual data and numbers, stating the loss and gains of

individuals, organizations and the country after the shut down.

Chapter 5:


Summary of Findings

The findings of this study were derived from the objective of this study

to analyze the content of news articles of GMA News and Rappler on ABS-CBN

franchise renewal and shutdown. All data analyzed in this study was collected from

the websites of GMA News and Rappler. Then, a simple random sampling was

conducted to select the 40 news articles.

These data were used to answer the following questions:

● What frames did GMA News and Rappler focus on their reports on the

ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown?

● How did GMA News and Rappler structure their coverage and reportage

on the ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown in terms of the following?

a. Sources

b. Language

c. Tone

● How GMA News’ frames differ from the Rappler’s news frames on

franchise renewal and shutdown?

The content analysis on articles of GMA News and Rappler on ABS-CBN

franchise renewal and shutdown revealed the following findings:

● Majority of the articles cited the government as their main source which

is attributed to the major influence of the government on the discussion of the

ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown.

● GMA News articles were more neutral, often cited sources equally which

could be attributed to their cautious decision-making (Chua, 2020). Meanwhile,

the majority of Rappler’s news was written positively towards ABS-CBN, their

news focused more on giving context on the cause and problems connected to

the ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown.

● In terms of the language of the articles, the majority of the articles were

written formally following proper grammar and structure. Also, the news

commonly used complex and formal words in discussion of reports on

ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown.

● Attribution of Responsibility Frames and Conflict Frames were the

prominent frames in the articles of GMA News and Rappler on ABS-CBN

franchise renewal. Both news organizations focused on shedding light on the

issue of the ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown. Their news also

focused on presenting the disagreement between government officials during

the hearing on ABS-CBN franchise renewal. Also including the conflict on the

disagreements between the public and the government on the issue of

ABS-CBN shutdown.

● Aside from Attribution of Responsibility and Conflict Frames, This study

findings on the significant differences in frames between GMA News and

Rappler showed that human interest frames which focused more on presenting

dominant figures such as employees and other media organizations' statements

on the current media landscape in the country were reported more by Rappler.

Meanwhile, GMA News focused more on the economic frames which often

presented news on the economical impact of the ABS-CBN franchise renewal

and shutdown to the society.


Following the Framing Theory, the researchers examined the reportage of

Rappler and GMA News on ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown. Whereas,

internal and external factors surrounding the two media outfits are considered to

have an influence on the production of news frames as defined in the

frame-building stage of De Vreese’s integrated process model of framing. In this

study, the researchers identified editorial policies and news value as internal

factors and the Philippine government as external.

By examining the data obtained through content analysis of randomly

selected news reports from Rappler and GMA News, the government’s extensive

influence on the issue of the ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown can be

concluded. It is manifested in the prominent frames presented in the reports of

both media outfits — the attribution of responsibility and conflict frames. Majority

of the Rappler and GMA News reports suggest that the government is responsible

for causing or solving the problem. Moreover, considering the legal and political

nature of the issue, disagreements and opposing views are often presented in a

great number of news articles.

However, GMA News reports exhibited a more neutral tone in discussing

the network’s issue. The reports are oftentimes written as a straight type of news

and lack human interest stories.

It can be noted that, after its rival ABS-CBN was forcefully closed, the 32%

audience share of GMA soared to 55% in a period of one month according to

Kantar Media Philippines. According to Chua (2020), the network holds a

reputation of being cautious in decision-making.

In contrast, Rappler being known for its critical reporting, provided more

context relevant to the discussion of the issue. Most of the articles possess a

positive tone towards the ABS-CBN. More human interest frames are also present

in the latter’s reportage — discussing the consequences of the prompt shutdown to

the lives of 11,000 employees as well as to the press freedom situation in the


Similar to ABS-CBN, Rappler also faced multiple threats from the

government forces surrounding the issue on foreign ownership and cyber-libel

cases against its CEO Maria Ressa.

In general, however it is present, the frequency of human interest frames

are still meager in number considering the weight of the issue and its extensive

damage to many sectors of the society.

According to a Digital News Report by the Reuters Institute for the Study of

Journalism (2020), both media outfits together with ABS-CBN all shared a

respective spot in the top 5 of the most trusted online media brands in the country.

Results showed that the current media landscape in the country as

controlled by the Philippine government, the practices of Rappler and GMA News,

and its relationship with ABS-CBN can be concluded to have affected their

reportage of the ABS-CBN franchise renewal and shutdown.


Upon looking at the findings, the researchers would like to recommend

the following to the future researchers who would want to pursue and continue this


1. Comprehensive assessment. With content analysis especially, it is highly

substantial for the researchers to have an assessment of their own as well as an

open mind to further explore the topic’s issues such as the possible outcomes

whether it favored one side or the other.

2. In-campus reading materials and sources. The number of books and past

researches regarding framing in particular is scarce and a discussion between the

departments in the college’s would benefit the researchers who may decide to

conduct a research similar to this.

3. Peer-to-peer discussion. As said, this is a content analysis that used the

method of coding articles with the researchers individually at first then coming

together at the end to collate similar answers and conduct an in-depth discussion

between researchers. The key to this research is to not be wary of asking

questions and to state your own opinion.

4. For future researchers, we recommend conducting an additional study on

the framing effects of news.

5. This study only conducted a content analysis on selected articles due to the

limited time that was given to the researchers and we believe that with a more

comprehensive assessment and learning of all articles on the ABS-CBN franchise

renewal and shutdown.

6. For future researchers, we suggest adding other news organizations to the

list of articles to analyze as well as include analysis on the articles from ABS-CBN

studying the frames used by each organization.


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Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

Cayetano: Illegal for Senate to hold ABS-CBN franchise hearing ahead

Article Headline of House

Byline Mara Cepeda

Date Published February 20, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source

Sources of News


Number of Sources - Speaker Alan Peter

Mentioned Cayetano - Senator Grace
Poe - 1987 Philippine

/ Government Descriptors:

Main Sources Mentioned Speaker Alan Peter

Cayetano "Speaker Alan
NGOs Peter Cayetano said it is
unconstitutional for the

Media Senate to deliberate on
Organizations the bills renewing
ABS-CBN's franchise
without waiting for the
House of
Others Representatives."


Positive Descriptors:

/ Negative The chances of ABS-CBN's

franchise renewal remain
Tone of News bleak, as both President
Rodrigo Duterte and
Cayetano – running mates
in the 2016 elections –
have an axe to grind
Neutral against the network.


/ Formal Descriptors:

Language used in the - objective, does not

News offer personal opinions -
does not use
Informal contractions

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a human
example on the issue of
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or /
institutions affected by

the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown?

The chances of
ABS-CBN's franchise
renewal remain bleak, as
4. Does the news both President Rodrigo
contain information Duterte and Cayetano –
which conveys or might running mates in the
generate feelings or 2016 elections – have an
emotions towards the axe to grind against the
readers? / network.

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

Cayetano, who has an

axe to grind against
1. Does the news ABS-CBN, plans to
present disagreement schedule House hearings
between on the franchise renewal
parties-individual-groups only in May or August.
on the ABS-CBN ABS-CBN's current
franchise renewal and franchise, however, will
shutdown? / expire on March 30.

unconstitutional for the
senate to deliberate on
2. Does the news on the bills renewing
ABS-CBN franchise ABS-CBN Franchise /
renewal and shutdown Poe: believes her
refer to two or more commitee isn't doing
sides? / anything illegal

3. Does the news show Rappler gives context to

the attempt of a Poe and Cayetano's
party-individual-groups statements by providing
to rebut the other sides excerpts and sources to
in the context of the articles in the 1987
ABS-CBN franchise Philippine Constitution
renewal and shutdown? / and the TRAIN Law

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

1. Does the news
suggest that the
government has the
ability to solve the issue
or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

The chances of
ABS-CBN's franchise
renewal remain bleak, as
2. Does the news both President Rodrigo
suggest that the Duterte and Cayetano –
government is the cause running mates in the
of the ABS-CBN 2016 elections – have an
franchise renewal and axe to grind against the
shutdown? / network.

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news
contain other news
frames not identified
above? / NA

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

Cayetano: Illegal for Senate to hold ABS-CBN franchise hearing

Article Headline ahead of House

Byline Mara Cepeda

Date Published February 20, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source

Sources of News


- Speaker Allan Peter

Number of Sources Cayetano
- Senator Grace Poe

- 1987 Philippine

/ Government Descriptors:

NGOs "Speaker Alan Peter

Cayetano said it is
Main Sources Media unconstitutional for the
Mentioned Organizations Senate to deliberate on
the bills renewing
ABS-CBN's franchise
without waiting for the
House of
Others Representatives."


Positive Descriptors:

Tone of News
The chances of
/ Negative ABS-CBN's franchise
renewal remain bleak, as

both President Rodrigo
Duterte and Cayetano –
running mates in the
2016 elections – have an
axe to grind against the

Duterte accused the

network of allegedly
"swindling" him for not
airing his paid political
advertisements during
the campaign, while
Cayetano claimed
ABS-CBN gave unfair
Neutral airtime to candidates.


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news N/A

provide a human
example on the issue of
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news N/A

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus N/A

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

The chances of
ABS-CBN's franchise
renewal remain bleak, as
4. Does the news both President Rodrigo
contain information Duterte and Cayetano –
which conveys or might running mates in the
generate feelings or 2016 elections – have an
emotions towards the axe to grind against the
readers? / network.

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

Speaker Alan Peter

Cayetano said it is
unconstitutional for the
Senate to deliberate on
the bills renewing
ABS-CBN's franchise
without waiting for the
House of

1. Does the news

present disagreement But Poe believes her
between committee isn't doing
parties-individual-groups anything illegal by
on the ABS-CBN planning a Senate
franchise renewal and hearing ahead of the
shutdown? / House.

Speaker Alan Peter

Cayetano said it is
unconstitutional for the
Senate to deliberate on
the bills renewing
ABS-CBN's franchise
without waiting for the
House of

But Poe believes her

2. Does the news on committee isn't doing
ABS-CBN franchise anything illegal by
renewal and shutdown planning a Senate
refer to two or more hearing ahead of the
sides? / House.

3. Does the news show N/A

the attempt of a
to rebut the other sides
in the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news N/A

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news N/A

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

1. Does the news The House of

suggest that the Representatives and the
government has the Senate both have the
ability to solve the issue ability to conduct
or problem of the hearings on the ABS-CBN
ABS-CBN franchise franchise renewal issue.
renewal and shutdown? /

The chances of
ABS-CBN's franchise
renewal remain bleak, as
both President Rodrigo
Duterte and Cayetano –
running mates in the
2016 elections – have an
axe to grind against the

Duterte accused the

network of allegedly
"swindling" him for not
2. Does the news airing his paid political
suggest that the advertisements during
government is the cause the campaign, while
of the ABS-CBN Cayetano claimed
franchise renewal and ABS-CBN gave unfair
shutdown? / airtime to candidates.

3. Does the news N/A

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

Cayetano, who has an
axe to grind against
ABS-CBN, plans to
4. Does the news schedule House hearings
suggest that the issue or on the franchise renewal
problem of the ABS-CBN only in May or August.
franchise renewal and ABS-CBN's current
shutdown requires an franchise, however, will
urgent solution? / expire on March 30.

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news N/A

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news N/A

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news N/A

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified
above? / N/A

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

Cayetano: Illegal for Senate to hold ABS-CBN franchise hearing

Article Headline ahead of House

Byline Mara Cepeda

Date Published February 20, 2020

GMA News Rappler
Media Source

Sources of News

Number of Sources
3 -Speaker Alan Peter
Cayetano -Senator Grace
Poe -Constitution

/ Government Descriptors:

NGOs Speaker Alan Peter

Cayetano "Speaker Alan
Media Peter Cayetano said it is
Organizations unconstitutional for the
Main Sources Senate to deliberate on
Mentioned the bills renewing
ABS-CBN's franchise
without waiting for the
House of



Positive Descriptors:

/ Negative The chances of

ABS-CBN's franchise
renewal remain bleak, as
Tone of News both President Rodrigo
Duterte and Cayetano –
running mates in the
2016 elections – have an
axe to grind against the
Neutral network.


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a human /
example on the issue of

the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown?

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

The chances of
ABS-CBN's franchise
renewal remain bleak, as
4. Does the news both President Rodrigo
contain information Duterte and Cayetano –
which conveys or might running mates in the
generate feelings or 2016 elections – have an
emotions towards the axe to grind against the
readers? / network.

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

Cayetano, who has an

axe to grind against
ABS-CBN, plans to
schedule House hearings
on the franchise renewal
only in May or August.
ABS-CBN's current
franchise, however, will
expire on March 30.

1. Does the news

present disagreement But Poe believes her
between committee isn't doing
parties-individual-groups anything illegal by
on the ABS-CBN planning a Senate
franchise renewal and hearing ahead of the
shutdown? / House.

2. Does the news on Cayetano and Poe :

ABS-CBN franchise (state their differrent
renewal and shutdown sides)
refer to two or more
sides? /

3. Does the news show
the attempt of a
to rebut the other sides
in the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

1. Does the news Senators have the power

suggest that the to schedule hearing on
government has the ABS-CBN Franchise
ability to solve the issue renewal before its
or problem of the current franchise
ABS-CBN franchise expires.
renewal and shutdown? /

"The chances of
ABS-CBN's franchise
renewal remain bleak, as
both President Rodrigo
Duterte and Cayetano –
running mates in the
2016 elections – have an
axe to grind against the
2. Does the news
suggest that the
government is the cause Duterte accused the
of the ABS-CBN network of allegedly
franchise renewal and "swindling" him for not
shutdown? airing his paid political
advertisements during
the campaign, while
Cayetano claimed
ABS-CBN gave unfair
airtime to candidates."

This quotation suggests

/ that the delay in
hearings on franchise

renewal is caused by the
motives of the president
and senators.

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

Poe statement suggest

that the government
could provide solution
on the issue of ABS-CBN
franchise renewal by
helding the hearings
early to the expiration of
4. Does the news
its franchise as it was
suggest that the issue or
done before. "She [Poe]
problem of the ABS-CBN
cited the times when the
franchise renewal and
Senate kicked off its own
shutdown requires an
hearings on the General
urgent solution?
Appropriations Act
(GAA) and the Tax
Reform for Acceleration
and Inclusion (TRAIN)
law even without the
House transmitting its
/ approved version yet"

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA
contain other news
frames not identified
above? /


Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (1)

Article Headline Rappler deplores SolGen Calida's petition vs ABS-CBN


Date Published February 10, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


Number of Sources - Rappler

- Solicitor General Jose
2 Calida

Government Descriptors:

NGOs Main Source Rappler

Main Sources Mentioned
/ Organizations



/ Positive Descriptors:
Tone of News
Negative Rappler is openly against
Solicitor General Jose
Calida's petition against
Neutral ABS-CBN


Formal Descriptors:

Language used in the - Used first person

News perspective

- opinion-based
/ Informal (Statement)

News Frames

A. Human Interest Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news provide NA

a specific case study on
the issue of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

"We know this first-hand

because it was Calida who
mobilized a team in 2016
to build a false case
against Rappler and who
secretly asked the
Securities and Exchange
Commission – 3 days
before Christmas of
December 2016 – to
2. Does the news investigate us. This
emphasize how resulted in a closure order
individuals, groups, or in January 2018. The
institutions were affected Court of Appeals has since
by the ABS-CBN franchise remanded the case to the
renewal and shutdown? / SEC for reinvestigation."

3. Does the news focus on NA

the private or personal
lives of individuals,
groups, or institutions
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

4. Does the news contain "We stand with our

information which colleagues at ABS-CBN
conveys or might generate and share the hope that
feelings or emotions they will weather this and
towards the readers? / come out even stronger."

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news present On Monday, Calida said :

disagreement between "Like Rappler, ABS-CBN
parties-individual-groups had issued Philippine
on the ABS-CBN franchise Depositary Receipts (PDR)
renewal and shutdown? / through ABS-CBN Holdings
Corporation to foreigners,
in violation of the foreign
ownership restriction on
mass media in the

We reiterate that PDRs are

financial instruments used
by media entities to allow
foreign investments
without violating the
constitutional rule that
media companies should
2. Does the news on be 100% Filipino-owned.
ABS-CBN franchise PDRs are a common,
renewal and shutdown lawful practice, and their
refer to two or more legality has been upheld
sides? / by the SC.

3. Does the news present NA

which shows the attempt
to rebut the other sides
presented in the context
of the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news contain NA

any moral message? /

2. Does the news mention NA

any references to religious
or morality context? /

D. Attribution of
Responsibility Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news suggest "We at Rappler deplore

that the government has the latest attempt by the
the ability to solve the Duterte administration to
issue or problem of the use the levers of state
ABS-CBN franchise power to bring down a
renewal and shutdown? / media company and

silence Filipino

In the article, Rappler

mentioned how the
Duterte administration is
resorting to legal
gymnastics to push their
own agenda. It is
2. Does the news suggest suggested that because
that the government is the government has the
the cause of the ABS-CBN power to cease power
franchise renewal and over media, they have the
shutdown? / power to bring it back

3. Does the news suggest

solutions to the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? / NA

4. Does the news suggest NA

that the issue or problem
of the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown
requires an urgent
solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news mention NA

any loss and gains on
ions due to the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

2. Does the news mention NA

any economic impact of
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

3. Does the news mention NA

any costs or degree of
expenses involved due to
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news contain NA

other news frames not
identified above? /

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (2)

‘Distracting from important issues’: Calida slammed online for quo

Article Headline warranto vs ABS-CBN

Byline Ming Lagman

Date Published February 10, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News

Number of Sources
1 - Filipinos Online Users

Government Descriptors:

Main Sources Mentioned

/ Others


/ Positive Descriptors:

Negative The article presented a

compilation of tweets
from Filipino social media
Tone of News users expressing their
opinions about the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal after a quo
warranto petition was
made by Solicitor General
Neutral Jose Calida


Language used in the

News / Formal Descriptors:

Used complex and formal
Informal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest Frames YES NO Descriptors:

As online users aired their

1. Does the news provide thoughts on social media,
a specific case study on the hashtag
the issue of the ABS-CBN #NoToABSCBNShutDown
franchise renewal and quickly topped the local
shutdown? / trends list on Twitter.

Filipinos online were quick

to slam not just Jose
Calida, but the Duterte
administration as well,
saying that the petition
was a diversionary tactic
to redirect the
conversation from other
2. Does the news issues, from the Taal
emphasize how Volcano eruption to the
individuals, groups, or government’s
institutions were affected mismanagement of the
by the ABS-CBN franchise 2019-novel coronavirus
renewal and shutdown? / outbreak (2019-nCoV).

3. Does the news focus on

the private or personal
lives of individuals,
groups, or institutions
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

"What do you think of the

quo warranto petition
filed by Calida against

As they have provided

examples of Filipinos
4. Does the news contain being disheartened by the
information which news, the entirety of the
conveys or might generate article does generate
feelings or emotions emotion towards the
towards the readers? / readers.

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news present "Following news of
disagreement between Solicitor General Jose
parties-individual-groups Calida's petition for quo
on the ABS-CBN franchise warranto against ABS-CBN
renewal and shutdown? / on Monday, February 10,
Filipinos online expressed
support for the television

Calida wants to nullify the

2. Does the news on franchise of ABS-CBN
ABS-CBN franchise while various Filipino
renewal and shutdown social media users express
refer to two or more their support for the
sides? / network.

3. Does the news present NA

which shows the attempt
to rebut the other sides
presented in the context
of the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news contain NA

any moral message? /

2. Does the news mention NA

any references to religious
or morality context? /

D. Attribution of
Responsibility Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news suggest "Filipinos online were

that the government has quick to slam not just Jose
the ability to solve the Calida, but the Duterte
issue or problem of the administration as well,
ABS-CBN franchise saying that the petition
renewal and shutdown? / was a diversionary tactic
to redirect the
conversation from other
issues, from the Taal
Volcano eruption to the
2. Does the news suggest mismanagement of the
that the government is 2019-novel coronavirus
the cause of the ABS-CBN outbreak (2019-nCoV)."
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

"Twitter user Erol Apo
Villacorta said, “Di niyo ba
napapansin? Na mas
iniintindi ng pamahalaan
ang mga kritiko nito kaysa
sa kalagayan at nangyayari
sa bansa.”

The collection of tweets

from social media users
3. Does the news suggest suggests what the
solutions to the issue or government should have
problem of the ABS-CBN prioritized instead of
franchise renewal and focusing on nullfying the
shutdown? / ABS-CBN's franchise.

4. Does the news suggest ABS-CBN’s franchise is set

that the issue or problem to expire on March 30, but
of the ABS-CBN franchise with the filing of the quo
renewal and shutdown warranto petition, 11,000
requires an urgent jobs at the network giant
solution? / may be at risk.

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news mention ABS-CBN’s franchise is set

any loss and gains on to expire on March 30, but
individuals-parties-institut with the filing of the quo
ions due to the ABS-CBN warranto petition, 11,000
franchise renewal and jobs at the network giant
shutdown? / may be at risk.

2. Does the news mention

any economic impact of
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

3. Does the news mention NA

any costs or degree of
expenses involved due to
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news contain

other news frames not
identified above? / NA

Coding Sheet

Article Classification ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

(February - April) (May - July)

/ (3)

Poe wants Senate to discuss ABS-CBN's compliance with franchise

Article Headline terms

Byline Aika Rey

Date Published February 13, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- Sen. Grace Poe

- Sen. Panfilo Lacson

- Senate Minority Leader

Number of Sources
Franklin Drilon
Mentioned 4
- Senate President Vicente
/ Government Sotto III



Main Sources Mentioned Others


/ Positive Descriptors:

Negative The news presented the

different views of senators
towards the ABS-CBN
franchise. but it gave more
focus on how the senators
the possible initial action
to review the franchise
compliance of the media
organization before the
trial to void its franchise
Tone of News Neutral renewal.


/ Formal Descriptors:

Language used in the Used complex and formal

News Informal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news provide NA

a specific case study on
the issue of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were affected
by the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus on NA

the private or personal
lives of individuals,
groups, or institutions
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

4. Does the news contain NA

information which
conveys or might generate
feelings or emotions
towards the readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news present Senator Grace Poe wants

disagreement between the Senate committee on
parties-individual-groups public services, which she
on the ABS-CBN franchise chairs, to "look into" the
renewal and shutdown? / operations of broadcast
giant ABS-CBN to
determine its compliance
with its franchise terms.

But Senator Panfilo Lacson

2. Does the news on said this may violate the
ABS-CBN franchise sub judice rule,
renewal and shutdown considering that Solicitor
refer to two or more General Jose Calida's quo
sides? / warranto petition against
ABS-CBN with the

Supreme Court precisely
questions the franchise
and how the company
complied with it.

In separate statements,
Senate Minority Leader
Franklin Drilon and
Senator Sherwin
Gatchalian shared the
same view that Poe's
resolution falls under
congressional oversight.

Drilon said that it's the

3. Does the news present "Congress and not the
another Supreme Court" that has
individual-group-party jurisdiction over the
which shows the attempt review of ABS-CBN's
to rebut the other sides compliance to the terms
presented in the context and conditions of
of the ABS-CBN franchise franchise granted by
renewal and shutdown? / Congress.

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news contain NA

any moral message? /

2. Does the news mention NA

any references to religious
or morality context? /

D. Attribution of
Responsibility Frames YES NO Descriptors:

"Senator Grace Poe wants

the Senate committee on
1. Does the news suggest public services, which she
that the government has chairs, to "look into" the
the ability to solve the operations of broadcast
issue or problem of the giant ABS-CBN to
ABS-CBN franchise determine its compliance
renewal and shutdown? / with its franchise terms."

Prior to Calida's filing of a

quo warranto petition,
President Rodrigo Duterte
2. Does the news suggest has repeatedly threatened
that the government is ABS-CBN's franchise,
the cause of the ABS-CBN saying that it would be
franchise renewal and better for the Lopez-led
shutdown? / company to be sold.

3. Does the news suggest
solutions to the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

Various media and citizen

groups condemned the
government's legal attacks
4. Does the news suggest on ABS-CBN, saying
that the issue or problem they're part of the Duterte
of the ABS-CBN franchise administration's
renewal and shutdown continuing moves to
requires an urgent silence critics and
solution? / independent voices

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news mention NA

any loss and gains on
ions due to the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

2. Does the news mention NA

any economic impact of
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

3. Does the news mention NA

any costs or degree of
expenses involved due to
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news contain

other news frames not
identified above? / NA

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (4)

Joy Belmonte backs ABS-CBN, cites 'long-standing relationship' with

Article Headline QC


Date Published February 14, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- QC Mayor Joy Belmonte

- Calida

- Sen. Cayetano
Number of Sources
Mentioned 4 - Supreme Court"

/ Government



Main Sources Mentioned Others


/ Positive Descriptors:

Negative "Calling her city the

"bastion of freedom,"
Quezon City Mayor Joy
Belmonte expressed
support for ABS-CBN in its
bid for a franchise
Tone of News Neutral renewal."


/ Formal Descriptors:

Language used in the Used complex and formal

News Informal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news provide NA

a specific case study on /
the issue of the ABS-CBN

franchise renewal and

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were affected
by the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus on

the private or personal
lives of individuals,
groups, or institutions
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? / NA

"Bilang mahalagang
kapamilya natin sa
paglilingkod sa bayan,
kaisa tayo ng ABS-CBN sa
kanilang hangarin na
maipagpatuloy ang
pagsisilbi at pagbibigay ng
saya sa mga Pilipino (As an
important partner in
serving our nation, we are
4. Does the news contain one with ABS-CBN in their
information which desire to continue to
conveys or might generate serve and give joy to
feelings or emotions Filipinos)," Belmonte
towards the readers? / said."

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news present Mayor Joy Belmonte

disagreement between expressed her support
parties-individual-groups towards the ABS-CBN
on the ABS-CBN franchise citing its implications on
renewal and shutdown? / thousands of workers. On
the other hand, the article
2. Does the news on also mentioned Speaker
ABS-CBN franchise Alan Cayetano not
renewal and shutdown agreeing to expedite the
refer to two or more passage of the franchise
sides? / renewal bill.

3. Does the news present NA

which shows the attempt
to rebut the other sides /
presented in the context

of the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown?

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news contain NA

any moral message? /

2. Does the news mention NA

any references to religious
or morality context? /

D. Attribution of
Responsibility Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news suggest

that the government has
the ability to solve the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

"Calida had accused

ABS-CBN of "unlawfully
exercising their legislative
franchises" and having a
form of foreign ownership
2. Does the news suggest through issuing Philippine
that the government is Depositary Receipts to
the cause of the ABS-CBN foreigners. The company
franchise renewal and had denied all
shutdown? / allegations."

3. Does the news suggest

solutions to the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

"Speaker Alan Cayetano

4. Does the news suggest had thumbed down calls
that the issue or problem to expedite the passage of
of the ABS-CBN franchise the bill renewing the
renewal and shutdown franchise of ABS-CBN,
requires an urgent which will expire on
solution? / March 30."

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news mention "Aside from being one of

any loss and gains on our city’s top taxpayers,
individuals-parties-institut ABS-CBN employs
ions due to the ABS-CBN thousands of our city’s
franchise renewal and constituents, whose
shutdown? / families would suffer

should its legislative
franchise not be
renewed," she said.

Belmonte enumerated
ABS-CBN's multiple
partnerships and
programs with Quezon
City, such as the
establishment of the
Eugenio Lopez Jr.Center
2. Does the news mention for Media Arts Senior High
any economic impact of School and the Bantay
the ABS-CBN franchise Bata 163 Children's
renewal and shutdown? / Village.

3. Does the news mention NA

any costs or degree of
expenses involved due to
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news contain

other news frames not
identified above? / NA

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (5)

Article Headline Senate to tackle ABS-CBN franchise on February 24

Byline Aika Rey

Date Published February 19, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News

Number of Sources
Mentioned 1 - Sen. Poe

/ Government Descriptors:


Main Sources
Mentioned Others


/ Positive Descriptors:

Negative "The Senate public

services committee will
tackle the franchise
renewal of media giant
ABS-CBN on Monday,
February 24, ahead of
hearings at the House of
Tone of News Neutral Representatives."


/ Formal Descriptors:

Language used in the Used complex and

News Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA
on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news "Senator Grace Poe, the

present disagreement chairperson of the
between Senate public services
parties-individual-group panel, said on Tuesday,
s on the ABS-CBN February 19, that she is
franchise renewal and planning to hold the
shutdown? / hearings earlier than the
scheduled one on
February 27.

Her announcement
comes in the wake of
the gag motion filed by
Solicitor General Jose
Calida on Tuesday, which
seeks to prevent
2. Does the news on ABS-CBN from
ABS-CBN franchise discussing the merits of
renewal and shutdown the quo warranto
refer to two or more petition filed before the
sides? / Supreme Court."

3. Does the news NA

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA
mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
Responsibility Frames YES NO Descriptors:

"The Senate public

1. Does the news services committee will
suggest that the tackle the franchise
government has the renewal of media giant
ability to solve the issue ABS-CBN on Monday,
or problem of the February 24, ahead of
ABS-CBN franchise hearings at the House of
renewal and shutdown? / Representatives."

Poe said that the Senate

may not be affected by
the gag motion, but the
resource persons from
ABS-CBN could be,
should the High Court
rule in favor of the
Solicitor General.

"Let’s just say that alam

mo ginagawan nila ng
paraan para huwag
magsalita ‘yung ating
mga resource persons.
Eh papaano naman kami
magkakaroon ng maayos
na pagdinig?" Poe said.

2. Does the news "There is also a quo

suggest that the warranto petition
government is the cause pending before the
of the ABS-CBN Supreme Court that
franchise renewal and seeks to void ABS-CBN's
shutdown? / franchise."

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

The House of
Representatives, which
is supposed to hear the
ABS-CBN franchise first,
4. Does the news has yet to set a date for
suggest that the issue or a hearing. It has been
problem of the ABS-CBN pending with the House
franchise renewal and committee on legislative
shutdown requires an franchises since July
urgent solution? / 2019.

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified
above? / NA

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (6)

DOJ asked to weigh in if ABS-CBN can continue operating after
Article Headline March 30

Byline Lian Buan

Date Published February 20, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- Justice Secretary
Menardo Guevarra
- Justice Undersecretary
Markk Perete (DOJ)

Number of Sources - House Speaker Alan

Mentioned Peter Cayetano

/ Government Descriptors:


Main Sources
Mentioned Others


Positive Descriptors:

Negative It presented sides

Tone of News / Neutral


/ Formal Descriptors:

Language used in the Used complex and

News Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA
provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

ABS-CBN and Solicitor
General Jose Calida have
varying opinions about
the legality of
pay-per-view services.
The network is using the
legal opinon penned by
Justice Guevarra saying
that they can offer
pay-per-view services as
a defense against the
solicitor general's

1. Does the news "In 2018, Guevarra

present disagreement penned a legal opinion
between for the NTC saying that
parties-individual-group TV broadcasters can
s on the ABS-CBN offer pay-per-view
franchise renewal and services. This is
shutdown? ABS-CBN's defense so
far in the allegation by
Solicitor General Jose
Calida that its
pay-per-view movie
channel Kapamilya Box
Office violated the terms
of its franchise.

Calida, however, is citing

a 2019 NTC order
reiterating that ABS-CBN
must "refrain" from
offering pay-per-view
/ services."

2. Does the news on

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown
refer to two or more
sides? /

3. Does the news NA

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA
contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
Responsibility Frames YES NO Descriptors:

"Justice Secretary
Menardo Guevarra said
the National
1. Does the news
suggest that the
Commission (NTC) is
government has the
seeking their legal
ability to solve the issue
opinion, as the
or problem of the
network's franchise is
ABS-CBN franchise
near expiration and bills
renewal and shutdown?
seeking to renew it are
still pending in
/ Congress."

"There is also a quo

warranto petition
pending before the
Supreme Court that
seeks to void ABS-CBN's

Government agencies
typically seek legal
opinions of the DOJ and
2. Does the news the government's other
suggest that the legal firms if they need
government is the cause clarification. While
of the ABS-CBN opinions are
franchise renewal and non-binding, they carry
shutdown? / weight."

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified
above? / NA

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (7)

Article Headline ABS-CBN CEO breaks silence on network franchise issue


Date Published February 20, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- ABS-CBN president and

CEO Carlo Katigbak

- Senate Minority Leader

Franklin Drilon

- President Rodrigo

Number of Sources - House Speaker Alan

Mentioned 4 Peter Cayetano

Government Descriptors:


/ Organizations
Main Sources
Mentioned Others


/ Positive Descriptors:

Negative "ABS-CBN president and

CEO Carlo Katigbak
issued a statement
about the network
giant's broadcasting
franchise amid
disagreements in
Congress over its
Tone of News Neutral expiration and renewal."


Formal Descriptors:

Language used in the Use of contractions can

News / Informal be seen in the article.

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA
emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

He added that ABS-CBN

isn't perfect and they're
ready to right any wrong
they might have

Aside from thanking the

network's staff and their
supporters, Katigbak
also had a message for
Filipino lawmakers: "Sa
aming mga
mambabatas, nasa
inyong kamay po ang
kinabukasan ng
ABS-CBN. Nagtitiwala po
kami sa sinasabi ninyo
na mabibigyan kami ng
pagkakataong sagutin
ang mga katanungan ng
4. Does the news mga mamamayan.
contain information Dinarasal din namin na
which conveys or might makita ninyo ang mga
generate feelings or kabutihang naidulot ng
emotions towards the ABS-CBN sa bawat
readers? / pamilyang Pilipino."

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

Senate is set to discuss

the issue on February 27
1. Does the news or earlier, in the hopes
present disagreement of moving the House to
between act. Senate Minority
parties-individual-group Leader Franklin Drilon
s on the ABS-CBN filed a joint resolution to
franchise renewal and extend the franchise to
shutdown? / December 2022, in
order to give Congress

more time to study the

Meanwhile, Solicitor
General Jose Calida filed
2. Does the news on a quo warranto petition
ABS-CBN franchise against ABS-CBN's
renewal and shutdown network franchise. He
refer to two or more later moved to gag
sides? / ABS-CBN on the case.

3. Does the news

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:


states, "...We pray that
1. Does the news you also see the good
contain any moral that ABS-CBN has given
message? / to every Filipino family."

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
Responsibility Frames YES NO Descriptors:

"Senate is set to discuss

the issue on February 27
or earlier, in the hopes
1. Does the news
of moving the House to
suggest that the
act. Senate Minority
government has the
Leader Franklin Drilon
ability to solve the issue
filed a joint resolution to
or problem of the
extend the franchise to
ABS-CBN franchise
December 2022, in
renewal and shutdown?
order to give Congress
more time to study the
/ bill."

President Rodrigo
Duterte has expressed
that he doesn't want
2. Does the news ABS-CBN's franchise
suggest that the renewed. In 2017, he
government is the cause accused the network of
of the ABS-CBN "swindling" because
franchise renewal and ABS-CBN allegedly did
shutdown? not air his campaign
advertisements during
the 2016 presidential
/ elections.

3. Does the news

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? / NA

Carlo Katigbak's
4. Does the news statement in its entirety
suggest that the issue or presented by Rappler
problem of the ABS-CBN suggests that the issue
franchise renewal and of the ABS-CBN
shutdown requires an shutdown required an
urgent solution? / urgent solution.

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? / NA

2. Does the news

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? / NA

3. Does the news

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? / NA

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news / NA

contain other news

frames not identified

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (8)

Bong Go: It's those anti-Duterte ads on ABS-CBN that got the boss’
Article Headline goat

Byline Aika Rey

Date Published February 24, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- Bong Go

- Carlo Katigbak,
ABS-CBN President and

- Trillanes
Number of Sources
Mentioned 4 - Cayetano

/ Government Descriptors:


Main Sources
Mentioned Others


Positive Descriptors:
Tone of News

Negative It presented sides
/ Neutral


/ Formal Descriptors:

Language used in the Used complex and

News Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

Carlo Katigbak,
apologized to the

“We're sorry if we
offended the President,
that is not the intention
4. Does the news of the network. We felt
contain information that we were just
which conveys or might abiding by the law and
generate feelings or regulations surrounding
emotions towards the the airing of political
readers? / ads,” Katigbak said.

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news Senators have varied

present disagreement opinions about the
between ABS-CBN franchise
parties-individual-group renewal.
s on the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

2. Does the news on

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown
refer to two or more
sides? /

3. Does the news NA

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

Senator Bong Go states,

"If you are mean to the
President, he will be
meaner to you. If you
are nice to the
President, then he will
be nicer to you. If you
want fair reporting, then
1. Does the news you ought to report the
contain any moral truth about why the
message? / President was hurt."

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
Responsibility Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

suggest that the
government has the
ability to solve the issue
or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

Trillanes said, "Definitely
there is another ulterior
motive in the blocking of
ABS-CBN’s franchise

Even Go did not call for

the outright rejection of
the franchise. He merely
explained the reason
Duterte is upset with
the media giant.

"Hindi mababaw ang

rason ng Pangulo sa
kanyang grievances
against the network.
Nasaktan at nababoy
ang Presidente. Hindi
vindictive ang Pangulo.
But it's clear someone
2. Does the news went overboard," Go
suggest that the said. (The grievances of
government is the cause the President against
of the ABS-CBN the network are not
franchise renewal and shallow. He was hurt
shutdown? / and felt violated.)

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? / NA

2. Does the news / NA

mention any economic

impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and

3. Does the news

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? / NA

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified
above? / NA

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (9)

Article Headline Velasco denies plotting oust-Cayetano coup amid ABS-CBN issue

Byline Mara Cepeda

Date Published February 27, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- Marinduque
Representative Lord
Allan Velasco

- Deputy Speaker Johnny


Number of Sources - Buhay Representative

Mentioned 5 Lito Atienza

- Capiz 2nd District
Representative Fredenil

- Speaker Alan Peter


/ Government Descriptors:


Main Sources
Mentioned Others


Positive Descriptors:

Negative It presented sides

Tone of News / Neutral


/ Formal Descriptors:

Language used in the Used complex and

News Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of /
individuals, groups, or

institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown?

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

present disagreement
s on the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

2. Does the news on NA

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown
refer to two or more
sides? /

3. Does the news NA

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
Responsibility Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

suggest that the
government has the /
ability to solve the issue

or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown?

2. Does the news NA

suggest that the
government is the cause
of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

The news focused on

the political
1. Does the news disagreement between
contain other news lawmakers amid the
frames not identified ABS-CBN franchise
above? / issues.

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (10)

House to finally start hearing ABS-CBN franchise renewal on March

Article Headline 10

Byline Mara Cepeda

Date Published March 04, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


Number of Sources - Speaker Alan Peter

Mentioned 1 Cayetano

/ Government Descriptors:


Main Sources
Mentioned Others


Positive Descriptors:

Negative It presented sides

Tone of News / Neutral


Language used in the

News / Formal Descriptors:

Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

present disagreement
s on the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

2. Does the news on NA

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown
refer to two or more
sides? /

3. Does the news NA
present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
Responsibility Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news "After months of

suggest that the delaying action, the
government has the House of
ability to solve the issue Representatives has
or problem of the finally scheduled its first
ABS-CBN franchise hearing on the bills
renewal and shutdown? / seeking to renew the
franchise granted to
2. Does the news ABS-CBN."
suggest that the
government is the cause
of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

He had argued that

scheduling a hearing
before the 18th
Congress takes a
4. Does the news two-month break
suggest that the issue or starting March 14 would
problem of the ABS-CBN "do more harm than
franchise renewal and good" both for the
shutdown requires an supporters and critics of
urgent solution? / ABS-CBN, as the limited
time would supposedly

not be enough to cover
all sides of the issue.

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain other news
frames not identified
above? /

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (1)

Article Headline DOJ: Order vs ABS-CBN 'immediately executory'

Byline Lian Buan

Date Published May 05, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source


Sources of News


- Justice Secretary
Number of Sources Menardo Guevarra

- House of

/ Government Descriptors:

Main Sources
Mentioned Media



Positive Descriptors:

Tone of News Negative It presented sides

/ Neutral


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were /
affected by the ABS-CBN

franchise renewal and

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news Guevarra is of the

present disagreement opinion that ABS-CBN
between can continue to operate
parties-individual-group while franchise renewals
s on the ABS-CBN are still pending. The
franchise renewal and NTC did not share that
shutdown? / view.

2. Does the news on

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown
refer to two or more
sides? /

3. Does the news "The House of

present another Representatives was of
individual-group-party the same position, even
which shows the condemning earlier
attempt to rebut the Tuesday the statement
other sides presented in of Solicitor General Jose
the context of the Calida warning NTC not
ABS-CBN franchise to give ABS-CBN a
renewal and shutdown? / provisional permit."

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

1. Does the news The article mentioned

suggest that the that there are still
government has the pending franchise bills
ability to solve the issue before the Congress.
or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

The article mentioned

that NTC issued a cease
and desist order which
forced ABS-CBN to stop
its operation.

2. Does the news

suggest that the
government is the cause "A Cease and Desist
of the ABS-CBN Order is immediately
franchise renewal and executory but still
shutdown? appealable to the
courts," Guevarra told
reporters Tuesday, May
5, after the NTC served
an order against
ABS-CBN to stop
/ operating its facilities."

"Guevarra, upon the

request of NTC for
3. Does the news advice, said that the
suggest solutions to the principle of equity
issue or problem of the should allow ABS-CBN to
ABS-CBN franchise keep its operations
renewal and shutdown? while its franchise
renewal is ongoing
/ before Congress."

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA
mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain other news
frames not identified
above? /

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (2)

Article Headline GMA shares soar 24% as competitor ABS-CBN goes off-air

Byline Ralf Rivas

Date Published May 06, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- Philippine Stock
Number of Sources Exchange (PSE)


Main Sources
Mentioned Media

/ Others


Positive Descriptors:

Tone of News Negative It presented sides

/ Neutral


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA
contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news Senators condemned

present disagreement the NTC order as a
between "grave abuse of
parties-individual-group discretion," while the
s on the ABS-CBN House committee on
franchise renewal and legislative franchises
shutdown? / said the NTC may be
held in contempt for not
2. Does the news on issuing ABS-CBN the
ABS-CBN franchise provisional authority to
renewal and shutdown continue operations.
refer to two or more
sides? /

3. Does the news "The House committee

present another on legislative franchises
individual-group-party said the NTC may be
which shows the held in contempt for not
attempt to rebut the issuing ABS-CBN the
other sides presented in provisional authority to
the context of the continue operations."
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

1. Does the news NA

suggest that the
government has the
ability to solve the issue
or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

"Shares of GMA
2. Does the news Network jumped by
suggest that the almost 24% on
government is the cause Wednesday, May 6, a
of the ABS-CBN day after rival network
franchise renewal and ABS-CBN was ordered
shutdown? shut by the
/ government."

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

"GMA's valuation is now

higher than ABS-CBN,
which is at around P15

1. Does the news

mention any loss and GMA's Philippine
gains on Depositary Receipts
individuals-parties-instit (PDRs) also climbed by
utions due to the 9.5% to P5.29. PDRs are
ABS-CBN franchise financial instruments
renewal and shutdown? that allow foreigners to
invest in Philippine
media, since the
Constitution bars
foreigners from owning
equity in media
/ companies."

"The PSE index fell by

0.6% on Wednesday
2. Does the news
ahead of the
mention any economic
announcement of gross
impact of the ABS-CBN
domestic product
franchise renewal and
growth for the 1st
quarter of 2020 on
/ Thursday, May 7."

3. Does the news "Lopez Holdings,

mention any costs or ABS-CBN's parent
degree of expenses /
involved due to the

ABS-CBN franchise company, fell by almost
renewal and shutdown? 4% to P2.45."

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified
above? / NA

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (3)

Article Headline Stifling ABS-CBN deprives Filipinos of vital information, schools say

Byline Gaby Baizas

Date Published May 06, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- Academic institutions
Number of Sources


Main Sources
Mentioned Media

/ Others


/ Positive Descriptors:

Negative "Many schools were

quick to slam the NTC’s
Tone of News cease and desist order
as well as the
government’s overall
attack on press freedom
Neutral and democracy."


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

The statements made by

1. Does the news
the academic
provide a specific case
institutions included the
study on the issue of the
possible effects the
ABS-CBN franchise
shutdown would have
renewal and shutdown?
/ on students.

“It deprives citizens of a

platform for the free
exchange of news and
2. Does the news opinions, and for the
emphasize how expression of society’s
individuals, groups, or diverse voices. It also
institutions were denies our citizens a tool
affected by the ABS-CBN for mobilizing resources
franchise renewal and and galvanizing efforts
shutdown? at this time of the
COVID-19 pandemic,”
Ateneo De Manila stated

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

"The last time ABS-CBN
was ordered closed was
in 1972, during
4. Does the news Ferdinand Marcos’
contain information Martial Law. ABS-CBN
which conveys or might would only later reopen
generate feelings or in 1986 after the EDSA
emotions towards the People Power
readers? Revolution toppled the
dictator, bringing widow
Corazon Aquino into
/ power."

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news Academic institutions

present disagreement are taking a stand
between against the National
parties-individual-group Telecommunications
s on the ABS-CBN Commission’s (NTC)
franchise renewal and move to halt all
shutdown? / broadcasting operations
of media giant ABS-CBN
2. Does the news on at a time where Filipinos
ABS-CBN franchise urgently need
renewal and shutdown information during the
refer to two or more coronavirus pandemic.
sides? /

3. Does the news NA

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

1. Does the news NA
suggest that the
government has the
ability to solve the issue
or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

"Congress also failed to

2. Does the news act on ABS-CBN’s
suggest that the franchise renewal, as
government is the cause the company’s franchise
of the ABS-CBN was first granted in
franchise renewal and 1995, which allowed
shutdown? them to operate for 25
/ years."

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

“As we continue to
battle this health crisis,
we need a free press to
serve as a faithful
chronicler of events, a
platform for the
4. Does the news
diversity of voices to be
suggest that the issue or
heard, and, more
problem of the ABS-CBN
importantly, the public’s
franchise renewal and
watchdog of inept,
shutdown requires an
abusive and corrupt
urgent solution?
governance,” the
Department’s statement
read. - College of
Communication from UP
/ Los Baños

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic /
impact of the ABS-CBN

franchise renewal and

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain other news
frames not identified
above? /

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (4)

ABS-CBN employees to lawmakers: Renew franchise so we can

Article Headline continue to serve

Byline Raisa Serafica

Date Published July 06, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- ABS-CBN employees
Number of Sources

Main Sources
Mentioned Government



/ Others


/ Positive Descriptors:

Negative The article does not hide

Tone of News their support for the
ABS-CBN employees as
they break their silence
regarding the shut down
Neutral issue


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

"All of the employees

who shared their
personal stories online
made the same appeal
to the lawmakers who
1. Does the news will decide on the
provide a specific case network's franchise –
study on the issue of the and consequently the
ABS-CBN franchise future of its 11,000
renewal and shutdown? employees: Renew
ABS-CBN's franchise so
they can stay in "service
of the Filipino people,"
as the network's slogan
/ goes."

ABS-CBN employees,
including talents and
longtime staff, broke
their silence on social
media over the weekend
2. Does the news to share personal
emphasize how stories, in a bid to put a
individuals, groups, or human face on the
institutions were 11,000 figure often
affected by the ABS-CBN mentioned in various
franchise renewal and hearings, news reports,
shutdown? and social media posts.
In the past, employees
have generally withheld
their comments on the
ongoing case, citing
/ network policy.

One of the employees,

Irish Vidal stated,
3. Does the news focus "Without ABS-CBN, I
on the private or don't know how else I'll
personal lives of be able to support
individuals, groups, or myself and my family.
institutions affected by That is why my only
the ABS-CBN franchise hope and prayer is to be
renewal and shutdown? given the opportunity to
continue serving the
/ public"

"They're more than just


4. Does the news

contain information The article in its entirety
which conveys or might conveys statements
generate feelings or from employees of the
emotions towards the media organization,
readers? expressing their
thoughts and emotions
on how they feel about
/ the shut down.

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

The Congress this week

resumes its hearing on
1. Does the news the bills that would
present disagreement renew ABS-CBN's
between franchise, which expired
parties-individual-group last May 4. Despite
s on the ABS-CBN assurances from the
franchise renewal and National
shutdown? Telecommunications
/ Commission that the
network would be

granted a provisional
permit allowing them to
2. Does the news on operate past this date,
ABS-CBN franchise ABS-CBN was asked to
renewal and shutdown immediately cease
refer to two or more operations on May 5.

"ABS-CBN employees,
including talents and
3. Does the news
longtime staff, broke
present another
their silence on social
media over the weekend
which shows the
to share personal
attempt to rebut the
stories, in a bid to put a
other sides presented in
human face on the
the context of the
11,000 figure often
ABS-CBN franchise
mentioned in various
renewal and shutdown?
hearings, news reports,
/ and social media posts."

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

"Referring to the
lawmakers, Katigbak
said: "Sana talaga usigin
sila ng konsensya nila in
favor of the 11,000-plus
workers and their
1. Does the news
households. In favor of
contain any moral
press freedom." (I hope
they will listen to their
conscience and decide
in favor of over 11,000
workers and their
households. In favor of
/ press freedom.)"

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

1. Does the news The Congress this week

suggest that the resumes its hearing on
government has the the bills that would
ability to solve the issue renew ABS-CBN's
or problem of the franchise, which expired
ABS-CBN franchise last May 4.
renewal and shutdown? /

Despite assurances from
the National
2. Does the news
Commission that the
suggest that the
network would be
government is the cause
granted a provisional
of the ABS-CBN
permit allowing them to
franchise renewal and
operate past this date,
ABS-CBN was asked to
immediately cease
/ operations on May 5.

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain other news
frames not identified
above? /

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (5)

ABS-CBN news chief Ging Reyes: 'We're not perfect, we strive to

Article Headline keep biases in check'

Byline Mara Cepeda

Date Published July 06, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- ABS-CBN Integrated
News and Current
Affairs chief Regina
"Ging" Reyes
Number of Sources
Mentioned - Iloilo 1st District
Representative Janette

- Senior Deputy Majority

Jesus Crispin "Boying"

Government Descriptors:

Main Sources
Mentioned Media

/ Others


/ Positive Descriptors:
Tone of News

Negative Despite presenting both
Reyes' and Garin's sides,
the article leaned
towards more on
Neutral ABS-CBN's side


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

When Remulla later

slammed ABS-CBN for
saying its closure is an
attack on the freedom
of the press, Reyes came
to the defense of the
2. Does the news journalism industry.
emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were "Hindi natin maitatanggi
affected by the ABS-CBN na ang ideya po ng press
franchise renewal and freedom, ang
shutdown? pagpa-practice po ng
press freedom ay hindi
lamang po sa aming mga
journalists. Lahat po ng
mga mamamayan ay
nakikinabang po dito,"
/ said Reyes.

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

"However, we are a
large news organization,
and sometimes mistakes
4. Does the news
were made. We are far
contain information
from perfect. We
which conveys or might
acknowledge that we
generate feelings or
make mistakes, and we
emotions towards the
try our best to correct
them in a timely
manner," said the
/ ABS-CBN news chief.

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news ABS-CBN Integrated

present disagreement News and Current
between Affairs chief Regina
parties-individual-group "Ging" Reyes defended
s on the ABS-CBN the network against
franchise renewal and accusations of political
shutdown? / bias, telling lawmakers
their journalists keep
their biases in check and
rectify errors as needed.

Reyes made the

statement on Monday,
July 6, during the 12th
joint House hearing on
ABS-CBN's franchise,
2. Does the news on where several
ABS-CBN franchise lawmakers alleged the
renewal and shutdown network is guilty of
refer to two or more irresponsible journalism.

This was not enough for

Iloilo 1st District
Representative Janette
Garin, who raised past
stories published or
aired by ABS-CBN that
turned out to be
/ erroneous.

3. Does the news Later on in the same

present another hearing, Senior Deputy
individual-group-party Majority Jesus Crispin
which shows the "Boying" Remulla
attempt to rebut the argued the network was
other sides presented in not fair in its coverage of
the context of the its own franchise
ABS-CBN franchise hearings.
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

Cayetano said the House

leadership wants
1. Does the news lawmakers to exercise a
contain any moral conscience vote when
message? they decide whether or
not to grant ABS-CBN a
/ franchise.

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

1. Does the news Cayetano said the House

suggest that the leadership wants
government has the lawmakers to exercise a
ability to solve the issue conscience vote when
or problem of the they decide whether or
ABS-CBN franchise not to grant ABS-CBN a
renewal and shutdown? / franchise.

The network is currently

off-air after the National
2. Does the news
suggest that the
Commission issued two
government is the cause
cease and desist orders
of the ABS-CBN
against its television and
franchise renewal and
radio operations as well
as its Sky Direct and
/ TVPlus channels.

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
individuals-parties-instit /
utions due to the

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown?

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified
above? / NA

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (6)

Article Headline ABS-CBN failed to air ads of many candidates, not just Duterte's

Byline Mara Cepeda

Date Published July 07, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- Carlo Katigbak
Number of Sources
3 - Cavite 4th District
Representative Elpidio
Barzaga Jr

- Ging Reyes

Government Descriptors:

Main Sources
Mentioned Media
/ Organizations



Positive Descriptors:

Tone of News Negative It presented sides

/ Neutral


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA
contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news "Barzaga then asked

present disagreement Katigbak why ABS-CBN
between kept on accepting
parties-individual-group payments if they could
s on the ABS-CBN not promise airtime to
franchise renewal and the candidates."
shutdown? /

"Katigbak explained
there is a limit on the
total number of political
ads a broadcaster can
air per day during the
campaign season. He
earlier told senators in
February that they were
allowed to air 19
minutes of national ads
per hour and only two
minutes per hour for
2. Does the news on local ads.
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown
refer to two or more So ABS-CBN imposed a
sides? “first come, first served”
policy as to which
candidates’ ads would
get the timeslots.

When the candidates’

respective advertising
agencies asked the
network to accept the
payment just in case a
slot opens up, ABS-CBN
/ obliged."

3. Does the news But Ging Reyes, head of

present another the network’s integrated
individual-group-party news and current affairs
which shows the department, said
attempt to rebut the ABS-CBN “strives to
other sides presented in / keep their biases in
the context of the check” and would

ABS-CBN franchise always correct mistakes
renewal and shutdown? as needed.

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

1. Does the news The House committee

suggest that the on legislative franchises
government has the is expected to vote on
ability to solve the issue ABS-CBN’s franchise
or problem of the application by Thursday,
ABS-CBN franchise July 9.
renewal and shutdown? /

The network is currently

applying for a fresh
franchise after its old
one lapsed on May 4,
2. Does the news
prompting the National
suggest that the
government is the cause
Commission to order the
of the ABS-CBN
closure of ABS-CBN’s
franchise renewal and
television and radio
operations as well as the
broadcast of its Sky
Direct and TVPlus
/ channels.

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA
mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain other news
frames not identified
above? /

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (7)

Dela Rosa's advice to ABS-CBN workers: 'Hanap ng ibang trabaho

Article Headline para mabuhay'

Byline Aika Rey

Date Published July 09, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News

Number of Sources
2 Descriptors:

- Senator Ronald dela


/ Government Descriptors:

Main Sources
Mentioned Media



Positive Descriptors:

Tone of News Negative It presented sides

/ Neutral


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

"The broadcast giant

earlier said that a total
1. Does the news
of 11,071 employees,
provide a specific case
including actors and
study on the issue of the
actresses, have been
ABS-CBN franchise
affected by the
renewal and shutdown?
non-renewal of their
/ franchise."

2. Does the news "Without a new

emphasize how franchise, ABS-CBN said
individuals, groups, or that it may start laying
institutions were off employees by August
affected by the ABS-CBN due to financial
franchise renewal and constraints."
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA
on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

"Hanap ng ibang
trabaho para mabuhay
at magsumikap. May
ibang paraan pa naman
4. Does the news siguro para mabuhay
contain information tayo. Hanap ng ibang
which conveys or might jobs. Alangan namang
generate feelings or sabihin ko sa kanila na
emotions towards the maghimagsik kayo;
readers? magwala kayo?
Maghanap na lang ng
ibang trabaho para
mabuhay pamilya," Dela
/ Rosa said.

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news "Many homes in rural

present disagreement areas nationwide, who
between relied on ABS-CBN as
parties-individual-group their sole source of
s on the ABS-CBN news, were also left in
franchise renewal and the dark when the firm
shutdown? / stopped television and
radio operations.

2. Does the news on

ABS-CBN franchise Dela Rosa, however,
renewal and shutdown does not see substantial
refer to two or more impact of not granting
sides? the network a
/ franchise."

3. Does the news NA

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA
contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

The House committee

1. Does the news
on legislative franchise
suggest that the
has held 12 marathon
government has the
hearings on ABS-CBN's
ability to solve the issue
application. It is
or problem of the
expected to vote on the
ABS-CBN franchise
network's franchise on
renewal and shutdown?
/ Thursday.

The National
2. Does the news
Commission ordered the
suggest that the
closure of ABS-CBN’s
government is the cause
television and radio
of the ABS-CBN
operations, as well as
franchise renewal and
the broadcast of its Sky
Direct and TVPlus
/ channels.

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

The broadcast giant

1. Does the news
earlier said that a total
mention any loss and
of 11,071 employees,
gains on
including actors and
actresses, have been
utions due to the
affected by the
ABS-CBN franchise
non-renewal of their
renewal and shutdown?
/ franchise.

2. Does the news
mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN ABS-CBN has also
franchise renewal and remitted P8.859 billion
shutdown? / in withholding tax from
employees from 2009 to
2018, and settled
3. Does the news P152.44 million in tax
mention any costs or deficiencies. On this
degree of expenses matter, Dela Rosa simply
involved due to the said that he's not
ABS-CBN franchise well-versed on the topic.
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified
above? / NA

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (8)

Robredo warns of 'chilling effect' on media after rejection of

Article Headline ABS-CBN franchise


Date Published July 10, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News

Number of Sources
Mentioned - Vice President Leni

/ Government Descriptors:
Main Sources
Mentioned NGOs




/ Positive Descriptors:

Negative The article focused in

Tone of News discussing the "chilling
effect" of the ABS-CBN
shutdown and its other
Neutral implications.


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

In June, a regional trial

1. Does the news
court convicted Ressa
provide a specific case
and former Rappler
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
Reynaldo Santos Jr of
renewal and shutdown?
/ cyber libel.

"Hindi kalabisang isipin

na maaaring magbabago
ang editorial choices ng
ibang pahayagan gawa
ng panggigipit na ginawa
sa ABS-CBN. Inaalisan
nito ng kabuhayan ang
2. Does the news
libu-libong nasa
emphasize how
empleyo ng network,
individuals, groups, or
bukod pa ang mga
institutions were
contractual, at ang iba
affected by the ABS-CBN
pang mga industriyang
franchise renewal and
nakasalalay sa mga
proyekto ng network.
Inaampat nito ang daloy
ng wasto at
impormasyon," Robredo
said in a statement
/ Friday.

3. Does the news focus NA
on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

"Our choice of leaders

matters. Mahalagang
pumili ng mga pinunong
tunay sa sumasalamin sa
ating mga adhikain at
4. Does the news
prinsipyo. Kaya't
contain information
tandaan natin ang mga
which conveys or might
pangalan ng kongresista
generate feelings or
at opisyal na tumaliwas
emotions towards the
sa ating mga paniniwala
upang mapanagot sila
gamit ang mga
pangdemokrasya," the
/ Vice President said.

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news Vice President Leni

present disagreement Robredo on Friday, July
between 10, warned against the
parties-individual-group wide-ranging
s on the ABS-CBN implications and
franchise renewal and "chilling effect" of a
shutdown? / House panel's decision
to reject the bills
2. Does the news on seeking to grant
ABS-CBN franchise ABS-CBN a fresh
renewal and shutdown franchise.
refer to two or more
sides? /

3. Does the news NA

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA
mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

meanwhile, said it
1. Does the news
respects the decision
suggest that the
and reiterated its
government has the
"neutral stance" on the
ability to solve the issue
issue, even if it was
or problem of the
President Rodrigo
ABS-CBN franchise
Duterte himself who
renewal and shutdown?
first threatened to block
/ the franchise renewal.

On Friday, an
overwhelming majority
of the House committee
on legislative franchises
adopted the
recommendation of its
technical working group
to reject the bills
2. Does the news seeking to grant the
suggest that the network a franchise.
government is the cause
of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and Malacañang,
shutdown? meanwhile, said it
respects the decision
and reiterated its
"neutral stance" on the
issue, even if it was
President Rodrigo
Duterte himself who
first threatened to block
/ the franchise renewal.

meanwhile, said it
respects the decision
3. Does the news
and reiterated its
suggest solutions to the
"neutral stance" on the
issue or problem of the
issue, even if it was
ABS-CBN franchise
President Rodrigo
renewal and shutdown?
Duterte himself who
first threatened to block
/ the franchise renewal.

Artists, human rights
4. Does the news advocates, media
suggest that the issue or groups, and supporters
problem of the ABS-CBN of ABS-CBN have
franchise renewal and denounced the decision,
shutdown requires an which the network can
urgent solution? appeal within the next
/ 24 hours.

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news "Hindi kalabisang isipin

mention any loss and na maaaring magbabago
gains on ang editorial choices ng
individuals-parties-instit ibang pahayagan gawa
utions due to the ng panggigipit na ginawa
ABS-CBN franchise sa ABS-CBN. Inaalisan
renewal and shutdown? / nito ng kabuhayan ang
libu-libong nasa
empleyo ng network,
bukod pa ang mga
contractual, at ang iba
pang mga industriyang
2. Does the news nakasalalay sa mga
mention any economic proyekto ng network.
impact of the ABS-CBN Inaampat nito ang daloy
franchise renewal and ng wasto at
shutdown? napapanahong
impormasyon," Robredo
said in a statement
/ Friday.

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified
above? / NA

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (9)

Read, respect House panel's rejection of ABS-CBN franchise –
Article Headline Cayetano

Byline Mara Cepeda

Date Published July 10, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- Speaker Alan Peter

Number of Sources Cayetano
- House Panel

- Lawmakers

/ Government Descriptors:

Main Sources
Mentioned Media



Positive Descriptors:

Tone of News Negative It presented sides

/ Neutral


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case /
study on the issue of the

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown?

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news Cayetano said ABS-CBN's

present disagreement franchise is not an issue
between of press freedom but
parties-individual-group that of a big business
s on the ABS-CBN using a media company
franchise renewal and to protect its interests.
shutdown? /

2. Does the news on

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown
refer to two or more
sides? /

3. Does the news The House panel would

present another later echo the same
individual-group-party message in its
which shows the committee report,
attempt to rebut the saying their denial of
other sides presented in ABS-CBN's franchise "is
the context of the in no way related to the
ABS-CBN franchise freedom of the press."
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

"I pray that despite our
differences, we will
eventually come to
respect the decision of
1. Does the news the committee and its
contain any moral members, and begin to
message? move forward in
rebuilding the
relationships that have
been strained by this
/ issue," Cayetano said.

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

The House rules state a

lawmaker can appeal
the committee's
decision against
ABS-CBN, but he or she
must be among the
majority votes –
meaning the 70
1. Does the news legislators who rejected
suggest that the the media giant's
government has the franchise application.
ability to solve the issue
or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise Lawmakers who had
renewal and shutdown? co-authored bills that
would have granted
ABS-CBN a franchise are
hoping someone would
file the appeal so they
could get another
chance to refute the
allegations against the
/ network.

2. Does the news A whopping 70

suggest that the legislators thumbed
government is the cause down ABS-CBN's
of the ABS-CBN franchise.
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

Lawmakers who had
co-authored bills that
would have granted
3. Does the news
ABS-CBN a franchise are
suggest solutions to the
hoping someone would
issue or problem of the
file the appeal so they
ABS-CBN franchise
could get another
renewal and shutdown?
chance to refute the
allegations against the
/ network.

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain other news
frames not identified
above? /

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (10)

ABS-CBN shutdown, Maria Ressa threat borne of Duterte’s

Article Headline ‘contempt’ for press – int'l human rights lawyer

Byline Pia Ranada

Date Published July 11, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News

Number of Sources
1 - Caoilfhionn Gallagher
(International human
rights lawyer)

Government Descriptors:

Main Sources
Mentioned Media

/ Others


/ Positive Descriptors:

Negative The shutdown of

Philippines broadcast
giant ABS-CBN and the
conviction of Rappler
Tone of News CEO Maria Ressa would
not have been possible
if not for President
Rodrigo Duterte’s open
contempt for critical
press, said an
international human
Neutral rights lawyer.


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

“That kind of threat is

obviously intended to
have a chilling effect on
Maria. It’s meant to
send a clear message to
Maria that she’s being
watched, that action will
4. Does the news be taken against her,”
contain information said Gallager.
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? “But it’s also supposed
to send a clear message
to other independent
voices, to other
journalists to civil
society in the Philippines
to be gagged,” she
/ added."

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

While Malacañang
1. Does the news
claims Duterte has
present disagreement
nothing to do with both
events, Gallagher said
/ the President’s very
s on the ABS-CBN
public record of

franchise renewal and threatening journalists
shutdown? directly led to them.

2. Does the news on

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown
refer to two or more
sides? /

3. Does the news NA

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

1. Does the news Duterte’s office said it

suggest that the will “abide” by the
government has the decision, insisting that it
ability to solve the issue did not interfere and
or problem of the respected the
ABS-CBN franchise independence of the
renewal and shutdown? / legislative branch.

ABS-CBN went off-air

because of a cease and
desist order issued by
the National
2. Does the news Telecommunications
suggest that the Commission (NTC).
government is the cause
of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and "The shutdown of
shutdown? Philippines broadcast
giant ABS-CBN and the
conviction of Rappler
CEO Maria Ressa would
/ not have been possible

if not for President
Rodrigo Duterte’s open
contempt for critical
press, said an
international human
rights lawyer."

Caoilfhionn Gallagher, a
human rights lawyer for
Doughty Street
3. Does the news Chambers, told the
suggest solutions to the Hong Kong Foreign
issue or problem of the Correspondents Club on
ABS-CBN franchise Thursday, July 9, that
renewal and shutdown? these two downturns for
Philippine press should
be put in the context of
/ Duterte’s public attacks.

“That kind of threat is

obviously intended to
have a chilling effect on
Maria. It’s meant to
send a clear message to
Maria that she’s being
watched, that action will
4. Does the news be taken against her,”
suggest that the issue or said Gallager.
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? “But it’s also supposed
to send a clear message
to other independent
voices, to other
journalists to civil
society in the Philippines
to be gagged,” she
/ added.

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA
mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified
above? / NA

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (1)

Article Headline Senate panel to hear ABS-CBN franchise renewal on Feb. 27


Date Published February 17, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- Minority Leader
Number of Sources Franklin Drilon
- Senate President
Vicente Sotto III

- Majority Leader Juan

Miguel Zubiri
/ Government
- Senator Grace Poe
Main Sources



Positive Descriptors:

Tone of News Negative Straight News and

considers both sides
/ Neutral


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA
present disagreement
s on the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

2. Does the news on NA

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown
refer to two or more
sides? /

3. Does the news NA

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

"The Senate is set to

hear on February 27 the
bills concerning the
1. Does the news franchise renewal of
suggest that the ABS-CBN Corporation."
government has the
ability to solve the issue
or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise This part from the
renewal and shutdown? article suggests that
senators may conduct
hearings to discuss the
/ franchise renewal issue.

2. Does the news NA

suggest that the
government is the cause /
of the ABS-CBN

franchise renewal and

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain other news
frames not identified
above? /

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (2)

Article Headline NTC seeks DOJ opinion on ABS-CBN franchise


Date Published February 20, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- Justice Secretary
Menardo Guevarra
Number of Sources (DOJ)
- Speaker Alan Peter

- Solicitor General Jose


/ Government Descriptors:

Main Sources
Mentioned Media



Positive Descriptors:

Tone of News Negative It presented sides

/ Neutral


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

present disagreement
s on the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

2. Does the news on NA

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown
refer to two or more
sides? /

3. Does the news NA

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in /
the context of the

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown?

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

1. Does the news NA

suggest that the
government has the
ability to solve the issue
or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

"Meanwhile, Solicitor
General Jose Calida has
asked the Supreme
Court (SC) to forfeit
2. Does the news ABS-CBN's franchise
suggest that the over what he called the
government is the cause company's "highly
of the ABS-CBN abusive practices," such
franchise renewal and as operating a
shutdown? pay-per-view channel on
free-to-air signals and
issuing Philippine
Depositary Receipts to

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

Mentioning the date the

ABS-CBN franchise will
4. Does the news expire and giving
suggest that the issue or context that there are
problem of the ABS-CBN around 11,000
franchise renewal and employees suggest that
shutdown requires an news needed an urgent
urgent solution? solution.

"The broadcast
network's legislative
franchise will expire on
March 30.

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

He said the company

1. Does the news may operate until 2022
mention any loss and even if its license lapses
gains on next month.
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise The broadcast network
renewal and shutdown? has around 11,000
/ employees.

The news indirectly

emphasize should
ABS-CBN franchise be
2. Does the news decline, numerous
mention any economic employees will be
impact of the ABS-CBN affected.
franchise renewal and
"The broadcast network
has around 11,000
/ employees."

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain other news
frames not identified
above? /

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (3)

Article Headline BIR, SEC say ABS-CBN has no violation


Date Published February 24, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- BIR (Simplicio Cabantac

and Deputy
Commissioner Arnel
Number of Sources Guballa)
- SEC (Commissioner
Ephyro Luis Amatong)

- Solicitor General Jose


/ Government Descriptors:

Main Sources
Mentioned Media



/ Positive Descriptors:

Negative The article focused on

statements that the
ABS-CBN did not have
any tax violations during
a Senate hearing for its
Tone of News

"The Bureau of Internal

Revenue and Securities
and Exchange
Commission (SEC) said
Monday that as far as
Neutral they are concerned,
ABS-CBN Corporation

has committed no
violation of the law."


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news "The Bureau of Internal

present disagreement Revenue and Securities
between and Exchange
parties-individual-group Commission (SEC) said
s on the ABS-CBN Monday that as far as
franchise renewal and they are concerned,
shutdown? / ABS-CBN Corporation

has committed no
violation of the law"

It presented the side of

the BIR and SEC stating
that the ABS-CBN does
2. Does the news on
not have any tax
ABS-CBN franchise
violated which was
renewal and shutdown
opposed to the previous
refer to two or more
statement and petition
of SolGen Calida as to
the issuance of
/ Philippine Depository

3. Does the news "Solicitor General Jose

present another Calida earlier filed a quo
individual-group-party warranto petition
which shows the against ABS-CBN for its
attempt to rebut the alleged “highly abusive
other sides presented in practices” such as the
the context of the issuance of Philippine
ABS-CBN franchise Depositary Receipts to
renewal and shutdown? / foreigners."

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

1. Does the news NA

suggest that the
government has the
ability to solve the issue
or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

"Solicitor General Jose

Calida earlier filed a quo
2. Does the news
warranto petition
suggest that the
against ABS-CBN for its
government is the cause
alleged “highly abusive
of the ABS-CBN
practices” such as the
franchise renewal and
issuance of Philippine
Depositary Receipts to
/ foreigners."

3. Does the news NA
suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain other news
frames not identified
above? /

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (4)

Article Headline GMA Network clarification on ad against Duterte

Byline GMA News

Date Published February 24, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News

Number of Sources
GMA News

Government Descriptors:

Main Sources
Mentioned Media
/ Organizations



Positive Descriptors:

Negative The statement does not

focus on ABS-CBN, only
Tone of News clarifying a statement
the Attorney had said
during the Senate
hearing on the ABS-CBN
/ Neutral Franchise Renewal


Formal Descriptors:

Language used in the The news is a statement

News release by GMA and it
used 1st person
/ Informal pronouns.

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case /
study on the issue of the

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown?

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

present disagreement
s on the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

2. Does the news on NA

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown
refer to two or more
sides? /

3. Does the news NA

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA
contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

1. Does the news NA

suggest that the
government has the
ability to solve the issue
or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

suggest that the
government is the cause
of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA
mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified Statement Release of
above? / GMA News

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (5)

Revilla files bill seeking extension of ABS-CBN’s franchise until end

Article Headline of 2020


Date Published February 26, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


Number of Sources - Ramon "Bong" Revilla

- Senate Minority Leader
Franklin Drilon

/ Government Descriptors:

Main Sources
Mentioned Media



Positive Descriptors:

Tone of News Negative It presented sides

/ Neutral


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news The article mentioned

present disagreement that the Office of the
between / Solicitor General filed a
parties-individual-group quo warranto petition to

s on the ABS-CBN nullify the franchise of
franchise renewal and ABS-CBN accusing the
shutdown? network of "highly
abusive practices."

2. Does the news on

ABS-CBN franchise On the other hand, the
renewal and shutdown network claimed that
refer to two or more they did not violate the
sides? law.

3. Does the news N/A

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news N/A

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news N/A

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

1. Does the news N/A

suggest that the
government has the
ability to solve the issue
or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news N/A

suggest that the
government is the cause
of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news N/A

suggest solutions to the /
issue or problem of the

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown?

Bong Revilla states,

4. Does the news "Dapat ma-resolve na
suggest that the issue or natin ito as soon as
problem of the ABS-CBN possible. Kung
franchise renewal and pupuwede nga huwag
shutdown requires an nang umabot nang
urgent solution? hanggang December
/ diba,"

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news "The statement of

mention any loss and Revilla emphasized who
gains on would be affected
individuals-parties-instit should ABS-CBN
utions due to the franchise is not granted.
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /
""Kaya tayo nag-file ng
bill extending the
franchise to the end of
2. Does the news the year—to give time
mention any economic for Congress to finish
impact of the ABS-CBN our job na hindi
franchise renewal and nanganganib ang
shutdown? trabaho ng mahigit sa
11,000 manggagawa,""
Revilla said in a
/ statement."""

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified
above? / N/A

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (6)

Article Headline Cayetano: ABS-CBN issue being used to call for my resignation


Date Published February 26, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- Speaker Alan Peter

Number of Sources - Cebu City
Mentioned Representative Raul Del

- Buhay party-list
Representative Lito

/ Government Descriptors:

Main Sources
Mentioned Media



Positive Descriptors:

Negative The article is not directly

Tone of News focused on ABS-CBN
itself, than it is focused
on Speaker Alan Peter
/ Neutral Cayetano


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news "Speaker Alan Peter

present disagreement Cayetano is claiming
between that the issue on the
parties-individual-group franchise renewal of
s on the ABS-CBN ABS-CBN is being used
franchise renewal and to call for his resignation
shutdown? / from this position.

Cayetano made the

remark after Buhay
2. Does the news on
party-list Representative
ABS-CBN franchise
Lito Atienza said in a
renewal and shutdown
television interview that
refer to two or more
maybe the House should
"have another Speaker"
amid the chamber's
/ inaction on the bills
seeking the renewal of

the TV network's

"But according to Cebu

City Representative Raul
Del Mar, an author of a
joint resolution seeking
to extend ABS-CBN's
franchise, there is no
move to unseat
3. Does the news Cayetano from his
present another position in the House.
which shows the
attempt to rebut the Del Mar told ANC on
other sides presented in Wednesday his fellow
the context of the lawmakers respect the
ABS-CBN franchise term-sharing agreement
renewal and shutdown? between Cayetano and
Representative Lord
Allan Velasco with
regards to the
speakership, and he says
the latter also honors
/ that deal.

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

The article mentioned

"chamber's inaction on
the bills seeking the
1. Does the news renewal of the TV
suggest that the network's franchise."
government has the
ability to solve the issue
or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise This suggests that the
renewal and shutdown? House of Representative
has the ability to act
immediately upon the
/ said matter.

2. Does the news The article mentioned
suggest that the "chamber's inaction on
government is the cause the bills seeking the
of the ABS-CBN renewal of the TV
franchise renewal and network's franchise."
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain other news
frames not identified
above? /

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (7)

Article Headline Pacquiao on Cayetano’s ‘sipsip’ remark: We’re just doing our job


Date Published February 26, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- Senator Manny
Number of Sources Pacquiao
- House Speaker Alan
Peter Cayetano

- Senator Christopher
"Bong" Go
/ Government

Main Sources
Mentioned Media



Positive Descriptors:

Negative The article is not directly

Tone of News focused on ABS-CBN
itself, than it is focused
on Speaker Alan Peter
/ Neutral Cayetano


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news Speaker Alan Cayetano

present disagreement commented on the
between franchise renewal
parties-individual-group hearing conducted by
s on the ABS-CBN the Senate calling them
franchise renewal and "sipsip."
shutdown? /

2. Does the news on Senator Pacquiao, on

ABS-CBN franchise the other hand, said
renewal and shutdown that they were just
refer to two or more doing their job.
sides? /

"Meanwhile, Senator
Christopher "Bong" Go
3. Does the news said he was not part of
present another those whom Cayetano
individual-group-party referred to as "sipsip"
which shows the and "epal."
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the "The Senate hearing
ABS-CBN franchise regarding ABS-CBN's
renewal and shutdown? franchise has shed more
light on the issue,
/ according to Go."

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

Pacquiao states,
"Kaniya-kaniya naman
tayong opinyon,
1. Does the news
kaniya-kaniya naman
contain any moral
tayong paniniwala.
Siguro 'yun ang nasa
puso niya, nasa isip niya
/ kaya nasabi niya 'yun,"

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

"The House of
Representatives has yet
to hear the
1. Does the news
franchise-related bills as
suggest that the
the first regular session
government has the
of the Congress is set to
ability to solve the issue
be adjourned after
or problem of the
March 13. It is
ABS-CBN franchise
scheduled to resume on
renewal and shutdown?
May 4--the same day
when ABS-CBN's 25-year
/ franchise will expire."

"The House of
Representatives has yet
to hear the
franchise-related bills as
the first regular session
of the Congress is set to
be adjourned after
2. Does the news March 13. It is
suggest that the scheduled to resume on
government is the cause May 4--the same day
of the ABS-CBN when ABS-CBN's 25-year
franchise renewal and franchise will expire."

This suggests that the

inaction of the House of
contributed to the delay
in solving the franchise
/ renewal issue.

3. Does the news

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses /
involved due to the

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown?

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified
above? / NA

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (8)

Article Headline ABS-CBN ‘humbled’ by Duterte’s acceptance of apology

Byline GMA News

Date Published February 27, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- ABS-CBN president and

chief executive officer
Carlo Katigbak
Number of Sources
Mentioned - President Rodrigo

- presidential
spokesperson Salvador

Government Descriptors:

NGOs ABS-CBN president and

Main Sources chief executive officer
Mentioned Media Carlo Katigbak
/ Organizations



Positive Descriptors:

Negative Equally presented

Tone of News
ABS-CBN statement and
Duterte's response
/ Neutral


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

"ABS-CBN Corporation
on Thursday said it was
“grateful and humbled”
by President Rodrigo
Duterte’s acceptance of
the network’s apology
over the Chief
Executive’s political
advertisements that the
broadcast company
4. Does the news failed to air in 2016."
contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or ABS-CBN CEO Carlo
emotions towards the Katigbak states, “We
readers? were sorry if we
offended the President.
That was not the
intention of the
network. We felt that
we were just abiding by
the laws and regulations
that surround the airing
of political ads,”

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news "The unaired

present disagreement advertisements had long
between been the center of
parties-individual-group Duterte’s tirades against
s on the ABS-CBN ABS-CBN, but
franchise renewal and presidential
shutdown? / spokesperson Salvador
Panelo said these
2. Does the news on sentiments should not
ABS-CBN franchise be interpreted to mean
renewal and shutdown that the President seeks
refer to two or more to shutter the network.
sides? / "

3. Does the news NA

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA
contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

"Duterte also vowed

that he would not
interfere in the franchise
renewal of ABS-CBN as
the “critical move” is in
the hands of the House
of Representatives."

1. Does the news

The article mentioned
suggest that the
that "Duterte accepted
government has the
the apology and told
ability to solve the issue
ABS-CBN to donate the
or problem of the
P2.6-million refund to a
ABS-CBN franchise
charitable institution
renewal and shutdown?

These statements
suggest that the
president has the ability
to provide solutions to
the franchise renewal
/ issue.

2. Does the news "The unaired

suggest that the advertisements had long
government is the cause been the center of
of the ABS-CBN Duterte’s tirades against
franchise renewal and ABS-CBN"
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN /
franchise renewal and

shutdown requires an
urgent solution?

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified
above? / NA

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (9)

Senate can OK ABS-CBN franchise renewal before break if House

Article Headline transmits on time —Lacson


Date Published February 27, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- Senator Panfilon
Number of Sources
Mentioned - House Speaker Alan
Peter Cayetano

- House Committee on
Legislative Franchises

/ Government Descriptors:

Main Sources
Mentioned Media



Positive Descriptors:

Tone of News Negative It presented sides

/ Neutral


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News "Used complex and
Informal formal words"

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were /
affected by the ABS-CBN

franchise renewal and

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news Lacson said that the bill

present disagreement should be certified as
between urgent while Cayetano
parties-individual-group expressed that "there is
s on the ABS-CBN no there is no urgency
franchise renewal and that would justify a
shutdown? / hasty proceeding. We
want to be sure that this
2. Does the news on matter is given the
ABS-CBN franchise importance it deserves."
renewal and shutdown
refer to two or more
sides? /

3. Does the news NA

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

"The franchise renewal

of ABS-CBN can
positively be acted upon
1. Does the news by the Senate if the
suggest that the House of
government has the Representatives
ability to solve the issue transmits its version
or problem of the before the first regular
ABS-CBN franchise session of the 18th
renewal and shutdown? Congress ends,
according to Senator
Panfilon Lacson on
/ Thursday."

“As we have been saying

from the start, since
ABS-CBN will be allowed
to continue its broadcast
2. Does the news while we are hearing
suggest that the their renewal, there is
government is the cause no urgency that would
of the ABS-CBN justify a hasty
franchise renewal and proceeding. We want to
shutdown? be sure that this matter
is given the importance
it deserves," House
Speaker Alan Peter
/ Cayetano

Lacson says that the bill

must be certified as
urgent, "should the
3. Does the news lower house decide to
suggest solutions to the transmit it in the last
issue or problem of the week of the session
ABS-CBN franchise because there is a
renewal and shutdown? three-day rule that is
being followed between
the second and third
/ readings."

The 25-year franchise of

the media giant is set to
expire on May 4.
4. Does the news
suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and Lacson says that the bill
shutdown requires an must be certified as
urgent solution? urgent, "should the
lower house decide to
transmit it in the last
/ week of the session
because there is a

three-day rule that is
being followed between
the second and third

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? / NA

2. Does the news

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? / NA

3. Does the news

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? / NA

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified
above? / NA

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (10)

Cayetano says he has right to question ABS-CBN about ‘bias’

Article Headline against him, wife


Date Published March 10, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source


Sources of News


- Speaker Alan Peter

Number of Sources Cayetano
- Leonedes Buac, Jr.

/ Government

Main Sources
Mentioned Media



Positive Descriptors:

Tone of News / Negative Majority of the article is

Cayetano questioning
ABS-CBN on its alleged
Neutral bias


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were /
affected by the ABS-CBN

franchise renewal and

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

present disagreement
s on the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

2. Does the news on NA

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown
refer to two or more
sides? /

3. Does the news NA

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

"Cayetano was referring

to the deadline that the
House Committee on
1. Does the news
Legislative Franchises
suggest that the
set for the submission of
government has the
position papers of
ability to solve the issue
various sectors,
or problem of the
including ABS-CBN,
ABS-CBN franchise
whether the are in favor
renewal and shutdown?
or in opposition to the
bills seeking franchise
renewal for ABS-CBN."

"In closing, Cayetano

said that President
2. Does the news Rodrigo Duterte’s threat
suggest that the to close down ABS-CBN
government is the cause does not influence the
of the ABS-CBN House in any way in
franchise renewal and terms of deliberating
shutdown? the merits or demerits
of bills seeking ABS-CBN
/ franchise renewal."

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA
mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

The article mentioned

1. Does the news about the
contain other news disqualification case
frames not identified filed by Buac against
above? / Speaker Alan Cayetano.

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (1)

Article Headline Pangilinan: Leased TV5 airtime never discussed with ABS-CBN


Date Published May 6, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


Number of Sources - businessman Manuel

Mentioned V. Pangilinan


Government Descriptors:

NGOs Main source is

Main Sources Businessman Manuel
Mentioned Media Pangilinan

/ Others


Positive Descriptors:

Tone of News Negative Straight News

/ Neutral


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

present disagreement
between /

s on the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and

2. Does the news on NA

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown
refer to two or more
sides? /

3. Does the news NA

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

1. Does the news NA

suggest that the
government has the
ability to solve the issue
or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

suggest that the
government is the cause
of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA
suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

Straight News.

The article discussed

1. Does the news about leased airtime for
contain other news ABS-CBN.
frames not identified
above? /

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (2)

IBP questions fairness of NTC's 'last minute' broadcast shutdown

Article Headline order vs. ABS-CBN


Date Published May 6, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News

Number of Sources
1 - Filipino Lawyers from
Integrated Bar of the
Philippines (IBP)

Government Descriptors:

/ NGOs
Main Sources
Mentioned Media



/ Positive Descriptors:

Negative The news focused on

Tone of News the statement of IBP
questioning NTC of the
fairness of the ABS-CBN
Neutral shutdown.


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA
emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news "The organization of

present disagreement Filipino lawyers has
between questioned the National
parties-individual-group Telecommunications
s on the ABS-CBN Commission's (NTC)
franchise renewal and issuance of a "last
shutdown? / minute" order to stop
ABS-CBN's broadcast
operations despite a
2. Does the news on previous claim that it
ABS-CBN franchise will let the company
renewal and shutdown operate beyond the
refer to two or more expiration of its
sides? / franchise."

3. Does the news "The cease and desist

present another order is appealable
individual-group-party before a regional trial
which shows the court or the Court of
attempt to rebut the Appeals, according to
other sides presented in Justice Secretary
the context of the Menardo Guevarra."
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA
mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

The article quoted IBP

saying to the
government officials to
1. Does the news "do their sworn duty
suggest that the well and without delay
government has the or recrimination."
ability to solve the issue
or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise This suggests the
renewal and shutdown? government's
siginificant role in
addressing the ABS-CBN
/ shutdown.

The NTC served

ABS-CBN a cease and
2. Does the news desist order on Tuesday,
suggest that the a day after its license to
government is the cause operate for 25 years
of the ABS-CBN expired, forcing the
franchise renewal and company to stop its free
shutdown? TV and radio broadcasts
for the first time since
/ martial law in the 1970s.

3. Does the news IBP called for the

suggest solutions to the "judicious application of
issue or problem of the the real essence of the
ABS-CBN franchise rule of law."
renewal and shutdown? /

"The IBP said the NTC's

move and the
4. Does the news
"interrelated actions
suggest that the issue or
and pronouncements of
problem of the ABS-CBN
government officials and
franchise renewal and
offices" raise
shutdown requires an
constitutional and legal
urgent solution?
issues that need prompt
/ resolution."

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on /

utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown?

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified
above? / NA

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (3)

Article Headline ABS-CBN asks Supreme Court to stop, junk NTC’s shutdown order


Date Published May 7, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


Number of Sources
Mentioned - Solicitor General Jose

- NTC official

- Presidential
spokesperson Harry

Government Descriptors:

NGOs Main Source is ABS-CBN.

Main Sources
Mentioned Media
/ Organizations



Positive Descriptors:

Tone of News Negative The news presented

equal sides on the issue
/ Neutral on ABS-CBN shutdown.


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or /
institutions affected by

the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown?

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news ABS-CBN appealed to

present disagreement the Supreme Court to
between void the cease and
parties-individual-group desist order which
s on the ABS-CBN forced them to stop
franchise renewal and their operations citing
shutdown? / "the House franchise
committee's letter
enjoining the NTC to
give the company a
provisional authority to
operate beyond the
2. Does the news on expiration of its
ABS-CBN franchise franchise on May 4, as
renewal and shutdown well as the Senate
refer to two or more resolution in which the
sides? chamber "expressed its
sense" that ABS-CBN
should be allowed to
/ operate."

"Malacañang has
3. Does the news defended both Calida
present another and the NTC.
individual-group-party Presidential
which shows the spokesperson Harry
attempt to rebut the Roque said Calida did
other sides presented in not influence the
the context of the commission, and that
ABS-CBN franchise NTC Commissioner
renewal and shutdown? Gamaliel Cordoba could
/ not be dictated upon."

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

"In its 46-page petition,

ABS-CBN argued that
1. Does the news Congress, which has the
suggest that the power to grant
government has the franchises, also has the
ability to solve the issue authority to determine
or problem of the the company's rights
ABS-CBN franchise and obligations until it
renewal and shutdown? has decided whether or
not to renew the
/ network's franchise."

"We're also saying that

Congress has already
expressed its desire na
bigyan sila ng panahon
2. Does the news
para madinig at
suggest that the
makapag-deliberate on
government is the cause
the franchise bills and
of the ABS-CBN
we think that they
franchise renewal and
should be given the
chance to do so since
the power to grant a
franchise is exclusively
/ lodged with Congress,"

The article quoted the

company saying "Instead
3. Does the news of issuing a CDO, the
suggest solutions to the NTC should have
issue or problem of the deferred to Congress
ABS-CBN franchise and allowed ABS-CBN to
renewal and shutdown? continue operating its
television and radio
/ stations."

"The CDO also violates

the right of the public to
information and is
necessarily a
4. Does the news curtailment of the
suggest that the issue or freedom of speech and
problem of the ABS-CBN of the press. Strong
franchise renewal and public interest and
shutdown requires an equity demand that
urgent solution? ABS-CBN be allowed to
continue its operation."

/ This part suggests that

the issue of ABS-CBN

shutdown requires an
urgent solution.

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news "It also argued that the

mention any loss and order was issued
gains on without notice and
individuals-parties-instit hearing, to the
utions due to the detriment of the
ABS-CBN franchise company's more than
renewal and shutdown? / 11,000 employees."

2. Does the news

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified
above? / NA

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (4)

Cayetano: Hearing on ABS-CBN issue doesn’t mean automatic

Article Headline franchise renewal


Date Published May 12, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


Number of Sources - Speaker Alan Peter

Mentioned Cayetano

- Lawmakers

/ Government Descriptors:

Main Sources
Mentioned Media



Positive Descriptors:

Tone of News Negative The news presented

equal sides on the issue
/ Neutral on ABS-CBN shutdown.


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA
on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news "To those calling for an

present disagreement immediate hearing on
between this matter, including my
parties-individual-group colleagues in Congress,
s on the ABS-CBN let me just be very
franchise renewal and clear—a hearing does
shutdown? / not mean automatic
renewal," Cayetano said
in a Facebook post.

Fourteen lawmakers
2. Does the news on from across party-list
ABS-CBN franchise have formally appealed
renewal and shutdown to Cayetano to
refer to two or more immediately convene
sides? the House Committee
on Legislative Franchises
to tackle the pending
bills related to the
/ ABS-CBN franchise.

3. Does the news The President's son

present another Deputy Speaker Paolo
individual-group-party Duterte and two other
which shows the lawmakers, meanwhile,
attempt to rebut the also filed a resolution
other sides presented in seeking investigation
the context of the into "probable
ABS-CBN franchise violations" by ABS-CBN
renewal and shutdown? / of its franchise.

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA
mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

"Fourteen lawmakers
from across party-list
1. Does the news
have formally appealed
suggest that the
to Cayetano to
government has the
immediately convene
ability to solve the issue
the House Committee
or problem of the
on Legislative Franchises
ABS-CBN franchise
to tackle the pending
renewal and shutdown?
bills related to the
/ ABS-CBN franchise."

Cayetano made the

remark amid incessant
calls for the House to
2. Does the news immediately deliberate
suggest that the on the pending ABS-CBN
government is the cause franchise bills after the
of the ABS-CBN company ceased its
franchise renewal and broadcast operations
shutdown? following the order of
the National
/ Commission (NTC).

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

The lawmakers, who are

authors and co-authors
of the ABS-CBN
franchise bills, said that
4. Does the news
resolving the broadcast
suggest that the issue or
company’s issue is as
problem of the ABS-CBN
important as the other
franchise renewal and
measures being tackled
shutdown requires an
in the House, given the
urgent solution?
“economical and
political” impact of its
shutdown at a time of
/ COVID-19.

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news
mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

The lawmakers, who are

authors and co-authors
of the ABS-CBN
franchise bills, said that
2. Does the news resolving the broadcast
mention any economic company’s issue is as
impact of the ABS-CBN important as the other
franchise renewal and measures being tackled
shutdown? in the House, given the
“economical and
political” impact of its
shutdown at a time of
/ COVID-19.

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified
above? / NA

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (5)

Pangilinan: House’s 2nd reading approval of ABS-CBN bill may be

Article Headline Constitutional violation


Date Published May 14, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source


Sources of News


- Senator Francis "Kiko"

Number of Sources Pangilinan
- House Deputy Speaker
Neptali "Boyet"
Gonzales II

/ Government Descriptors:

Main Sources
Mentioned Media



Positive Descriptors:

Negative The news presented

Tone of News both sides regarding the
possible constitutional
violations of the
/ Neutral ABS-CBN bill


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or /
institutions were

affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news The article quoted

present disagreement Pangilinan saying that it
between is important for the
parties-individual-group provisional franchise
s on the ABS-CBN that the Congress will
franchise renewal and grant is "legally and
shutdown? / constitutionally firm and

On the other hand,

Speaker Gonzales
responded that "I
submit that the first and
2. Does the news on second reading may be
ABS-CBN franchise done on separate days
renewal and shutdown or ON THE SAME DAY,
refer to two or more depending on the
sides? decision of the Plenary,
without violating the
Constitution for as long
as the third reading will
be three days after
distribution of printed
/ copies."

3. Does the news NA

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in /
the context of the

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown?

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

"The lower chamber on

Wednesday approved
on second reading the
measure seeking to
grant ABS-CBN a
provisional franchise
1. Does the news valid until October 31,
suggest that the 2020.
government has the
ability to solve the issue
or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise The media giant has
renewal and shutdown? been off-air since last
week after its 25-year
franchise expired on
May 4 pending the final
decision of Congress on
its application for
/ renewal."

The National
2. Does the news
Commission, despite its
suggest that the
earlier commitment to
government is the cause
grant a provisional
of the ABS-CBN
authority to ABS-CBN,
franchise renewal and
issued a cease and
desist order against the
/ media network.

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA
suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain other news
frames not identified
above? /

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (6)

ABS-CBN should refrain from laying off workers ‘hangga’t kaya,’

Article Headline says Tolentino


Date Published July 7, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- Senator Francis
Number of Sources
Mentioned - ABS-CBN president and
CEO Carlo Katigbak

- Cavite Representative
Abraham Tolentino

/ Government Descriptors:

Main Sources
Mentioned Media



Positive Descriptors:

Tone of News Negative It presented sides

/ Neutral


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA
emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

"ABS-CBN president and

CEO Carlo Katigbak
previously said that the
company may be forced
to lay off some of its
4. Does the news
workers in August if it
contain information
will not be able to
which conveys or might
resume operations soon.
generate feelings or
The company went off
emotions towards the
air since May 5 after
receiving a cease and
desist order from the
/ Commission."

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news On Monday, Tolentino's

present disagreement brother, Cavite
between Representative Abraham
parties-individual-group Tolentino, accused
s on the ABS-CBN ABS-CBN of being unfair
franchise renewal and in its coverage of the
shutdown? / former's senatorial bid
during the continuation
of the House joint panel

2. Does the news on

ABS-CBN franchise Katigbak, in response,
renewal and shutdown committed that public
refer to two or more officials will be given a
sides? chance to air their side
on any issue involving
them in the network's
/ news platforms.

3. Does the news NA
present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

1. Does the news NA

suggest that the
government has the
ability to solve the issue
or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

The company went off

air since May 5 after
receiving a cease and
desist order from the

2. Does the news

suggest that the
government is the cause NTC also ordered
of the ABS-CBN ABS-CBN subsidiary
franchise renewal and SkyCable to
shutdown? "immediately cease and
desist operating its
Direct Broadcast
Satellite Service,"
underscoring that the
legislative franchise
granted to SkyCable
already expired on May
/ 4.

3. Does the news NA
suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news ABS-CBN president and

mention any loss and CEO Carlo Katigbak
gains on previously said that the
individuals-parties-instit company may be forced
utions due to the to lay off some of its
ABS-CBN franchise workers in August if it
renewal and shutdown? / will not be able to
resume operations soon.
2. Does the news
mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified
above? / NA

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (7)

Zubiri to House solons: Let ABS-CBN reform instead of shutting it
Article Headline down


Date Published July 9, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News

Number of Sources
Mentioned - Senate Majority Leader
Juan Miguel Zubiri

/ Government Descriptors:

Main Sources
Mentioned Media



/ Positive Descriptors:

Negative The article is based on

the statement made by
Tone of News Zubiri who said that as
long as the House of
Representatives made a
conscience vote,
ABS-CBN's franchise will
Neutral be renewed


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA
provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

It was briefly stated by

Zubiri, "“Kung
4. Does the news conscience vote, wala
contain information akong kilalang
which conveys or might kongresista na willingly
generate feelings or papatayin ang isang
emotions towards the institusyon na
readers? mawawalan ng trabaho
ang 11,000 kababayan
/ natin,”

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

present disagreement
s on the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

2. Does the news on NA

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown
refer to two or more
sides? /

3. Does the news NA

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in /
the context of the

ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown?

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

“Kung conscience vote,

wala akong kilalang
kongresista na willingly
1. Does the news papatayin ang isang
contain any moral institusyon na
message? mawawalan ng trabaho
ang 11,000 kababayan
natin,” Zubiri said at a
/ virtual forum.

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

"Zubiri made the

observation in light of
1. Does the news
the statement made by
suggest that the
Speaker Alan Cayetano
government has the
that House members
ability to solve the issue
should exercise
or problem of the
conscience vote in
ABS-CBN franchise
voting for or against the
renewal and shutdown?
ABS-CBN franchise
/ application."

NTC’s May 5 action was

a turnaround from NTC
Commissioner Gamaliel
Cordoba’s statement
before the House of
Representatives in
March that they will
2. Does the news issue a provisional
suggest that the authority to ABS-CBN
government is the cause given that the House
of the ABS-CBN and the Senate made
franchise renewal and communications stating
shutdown? they are in favor of such

Also in December 2019,

President Rodrigo
/ Duterte had said that,
“Next year…I will see to

it that you’re out,” in
reference to ABS-CBN.

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news The article mentioned

mention any loss and the threat of job loss to
gains on 11,000 workers of the
individuals-parties-instit network.
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

"Based on data from

Philippine Statistics
Authority, over seven
million Filipinos already
lost jobs amid the
COVID-19 pandemic
2. Does the news which requires physical
mention any economic distancing and prohibits
impact of the ABS-CBN mass gathering."
franchise renewal and

Considering the threat

of job loss, this
statement suggests the
added economic impact
/ of the shutdown.

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news / NA

contain other news

frames not identified

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (8)

Alan Cayetano asks public to understand House panel's vote to

Article Headline junk ABS-CBN franchise application


Date Published July 10, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- Speaker Alan Cayetano

Number of Sources

/ Government

Main Sources
Mentioned Media



Positive Descriptors:

/ Negative The news highlighted

Tone of News
the rejection of the
ABS-CBN Franchise


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

contain information
which conveys or might
generate feelings or
emotions towards the
readers? /

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

present disagreement
s on the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

2. Does the news on NA

ABS-CBN franchise /
renewal and shutdown

refer to two or more

3. Does the news NA

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

“I pray that despite our

differences, we will
eventually come to
respect the decision of
1. Does the news the committee and its
contain any moral members, and begin to
message? move forward in
rebuilding the
relationships that have
been strained by this
/ issue,” Cayetano said.

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

The news implied that

the government has the
ability to solve the issue
or problem. “This has by
no means been an easy
1. Does the news
process for anyone
suggest that the
involved in these
government has the
proceedings, and I can
ability to solve the issue
assure our kababayans
or problem of the
that the final resolution
ABS-CBN franchise
was not arrived at by
renewal and shutdown?
the Committee without
serious consideration as
to the overall impact it
will have on the nation,”
/ Cayetano added.

Speaker Alan Cayetano
has appealed to the
2. Does the news
public to understand the
suggest that the
House panel's decision
government is the cause
to reject ABS-CBN’s
of the ABS-CBN
franchise application,
franchise renewal and
adding that the
committee considered
/ the greater good.

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news ABS-CBN employs

mention any loss and around 11,000 people.
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified
above? / NA

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (9)

In denying ABS-CBN franchise, Congress failed to protect welfare

Article Headline of citizens —Pangilinan


Date Published July 12, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- Senator Francis "Kiko"

Number of Sources
4 - President Rodrigo

- Makati Business Club

- Government agencies

/ Government Descriptors:

Main Sources
Mentioned Media



/ Positive Descriptors:

Negative The article focused on

Tone of News how Senator Pangilinan
criticized the House
panel for rejecting the
franchise application of
Neutral ABS-CBN.


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

"Yes, political lines were

drawn as between
self-serving, reckless,
and tyrannical politics
represented by the
2. Does the news mindless decision to
emphasize how close the station and
individuals, groups, or render 11,000 jobless
institutions were and the politics of
affected by the ABS-CBN genuine service,
franchise renewal and democracy, and good
shutdown? governance represented
by those defending
media freedom and
supportive of the grant
of the franchise,"
/ Pangilinan said.

3. Does the news focus

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

"Why? Because as
history of mankind
spanning thousands of
4. Does the news
years will show us that
contain information
for tyrants, holding on
which conveys or might
to and exercising
generate feelings or
uncontested, absolute
emotions towards the
power is far more
important than the
welfare of the people,"
/ he added.

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news Just last Friday, a House
present disagreement of Representatives panel
between voted to deny the
parties-individual-group broadcaster's franchise
s on the ABS-CBN application, even as
franchise renewal and several government
shutdown? / agencies maintained
that it had no violations.
2. Does the news on
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown
refer to two or more
sides? /

3. Does the news NA

present another
which shows the
attempt to rebut the
other sides presented in
the context of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

"It is the primordial duty

of any representative
government to protect
the welfare of its
1. Does the news
citizens. As such, by
suggest that the
failing to protect the
government has the
welfare of 11,000
ability to solve the issue
workers and rendering
or problem of the
them jobless this
ABS-CBN franchise
government has failed
renewal and shutdown?
to fulfill its primary
function," he said Kiko
Pangilinan in an emailed
/ statement.

"Just last Friday, a House
of Representatives panel
voted to deny the
broadcaster's franchise
application, even as
several government
agencies maintained
that it had no
2. Does the news
suggest that the
government is the cause Prior to the decision of
of the ABS-CBN the House Panel,
franchise renewal and President Rodrigo
shutdown? Duterte consistently
threatened to oppose
the renewal of
ABS-CBN's franchise, as
he earlier claimed the
network did not air
political advertisements
during the 2016 election
campaign which were
/ already paid for."

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

By citing the impact of

the shutdown to 11,000
4. Does the news
workers who will be
suggest that the issue or
rendered jobless, it
problem of the ABS-CBN
suggests that the issue
franchise renewal and
requires an urgent
shutdown requires an
solution because of the
urgent solution?
extensive damage it will
/ cause.

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news Senator Pangilinan

mention any loss and mentioned the threat of
gains on the House rejection to
individuals-parties-instit 11,000 workers of
utions due to the ABS-CBN.
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news

mention any economic /
impact of the ABS-CBN

franchise renewal and

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified
above? / NA

Coding Sheet

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal ABS-CBN Shutdown

Article Classification (February - April) (May - July)

/ (10)

Journos urge PCOO to come clean on Duterte's deleted rant vs.

Article Headline ABS-CBN


Date Published July 17, 2020

GMA News Rappler

Media Source /

Sources of News


- Journalists and Media

Number of Sources Organizations

- Harry Roque

Government Descriptors:
Main Sources
Mentioned NGOs

/ Organizations



Positive Descriptors:

Negative The news remained

neutral by presenting
both sides of the stories.
Tone of News The news included
response of the
government to the
statement of journalists
and media
/ Neutral organizations.


/ Formal Descriptors:
Language used in the
News Used complex and
Informal formal words

News Frames

A. Human Interest
Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

provide a specific case
study on the issue of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

emphasize how
individuals, groups, or
institutions were
affected by the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news focus NA

on the private or
personal lives of
individuals, groups, or
institutions affected by
the ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

One of the journalists
4. Does the news
who called out the
contain information
government says, "The
which conveys or might
least you owe the
generate feelings or
people you profess to
emotions towards the
serve is the truth, no
/ more no less,”

B. Conflict Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news "Several media

present disagreement organizations and
between individual journalists
parties-individual-group have called on
s on the ABS-CBN Malacanang to come
franchise renewal and clean on why the
shutdown? / broadcast of President
Rodrigo Duterte's
speech before troops in
2. Does the news on Jolo left out the parts in
ABS-CBN franchise which he lashed out at
renewal and shutdown ABS-CBN and other
refer to two or more media and business
sides? / groups."

"Roque has insisted that

3. Does the news
the closure of ABS-CBN
present another
could not be attributed
to Duterte even after
which shows the
the President’s fresh
attempt to rebut the
tirades against the
other sides presented in
network was revealed
the context of the
by the audio obtained
ABS-CBN franchise
by different media
renewal and shutdown?
/ organizations."

C. Morality Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

contain any moral
message? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any references
to religious or morality
context? /

D. Attribution of
YES NO Descriptors:
Responsibility Frames

“Yun namang ABS-CBN,

1. Does the news
binaboy ako. Pero sinabi
suggest that the
ko kapag ako nanalo,
government has the
bubuwagin ko ang
ability to solve the issue
/ oligarchy ng Pilipinas.
or problem of the
Ginawa ko," went

ABS-CBN franchise Duterte's remark which
renewal and shutdown? was not aired on
state-run PTV.
2. Does the news
suggest that the
government is the cause
of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

suggest solutions to the
issue or problem of the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

4. Does the news NA

suggest that the issue or
problem of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown requires an
urgent solution? /

E. Economic Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news NA

mention any loss and
gains on
utions due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

2. Does the news NA

mention any economic
impact of the ABS-CBN
franchise renewal and
shutdown? /

3. Does the news NA

mention any costs or
degree of expenses
involved due to the
ABS-CBN franchise
renewal and shutdown? /

F. Other Frames YES NO Descriptors:

1. Does the news

contain other news
frames not identified
above? / NA


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