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A Brief Review of Chromatography in Croatia
A Brief Review of Chromatography in Croatia
Šime Ukić , Danijela Ašperger and Tomislav Bolanča *
Šime Ukić, Danijela Ašperger and Tomislav Bolanča *

Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb, Marulićev trg 19, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia;
Faculty of Chemical Engineering
(Š.U.); and Technology, University of Zagreb, Marulićev trg 19,
* Correspondence: (S.U.); (D.A.)
10000 Zagreb, Croatia;
* Correspondence:

Abstract: Although the Republic of Croatia is a relatively small country geographically, it can boast
Abstract: Although the Republic of Croatia is a relatively small country geographically, it can boast
numerous scientists who have left indelible marks in various scientific fields. However, this paper is
numerous scientists who have left indelible marks in various scientific fields. However, this paper
exclusively about chromatography as one of the most important analytical techniques of our time.
is exclusively about chromatography as one of the most important analytical techniques of our
The development of chromatography in the Republic of Croatia and the role that three institutions
time. The development of chromatography in the Republic of Croatia and the role that three insti-
have played in it—the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology of the University of Zagreb,
tutions have played in it—the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology of the University
the Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers, and the Central European Group for Separation Sciences—
of Zagreb, the Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers, and the Central European Group for Sepa-
will be briefly discussed.
ration Sciences—will be briefly discussed.

Keywords: chromatography; history; Croatia

Keywords: chromatography; history; Croatia

When discussing the development of chromatography in the Republic of Croatia,

When discussing
it is logical the the
to start with development of chromatography
name of Dr. Srećko Turina [1]in the Republic
(Figure of Croatia,
1). This it is
of to start with is
chromatography thealso
name of Dr. Srećko
considered Turina
a pioneer of [1] (Figure 1). Thisinvisionary
chromatography of chro-
the Republic of
Croatia [2]. is also considered a pioneer of chromatography in the Republic of Croatia [2].

Citation: Ukić, Š.; Ašperger, D.;

Bolanča, T. A Brief Review of
Chromatography in Croatia.
Separations 2022, 9, 134.
Citation: Ukić, Š.; Ašperger, D.;
Bolanča, T. A Brief Review
of Chromatography in Croatia.
Academic Editors: Erwin Rosenberg
Separations 2022, 9, x.
and Bogusław Buszewski
Received: 22 April 2022
Academic Editor(s): Erwin Rosen-
Accepted: 18 May 2022
berg and Bogusław Buszewski
Published: 27 May 2022
Received: 22 April 2022 Figure1.1.Dr.
Figure Dr.Srećko
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
Accepted: 18 May 2022
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
Published: date
published maps and institutional affil-
Srećko Turina
Srećko Turinareceived
PhD from
from thethe Faculty
Faculty ofof Technology
Technology in in Zagreb
Zagreb (now
(now thethe
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays
Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Faculty Engineeringand andTechnology)
Technology)inin1959 1959with
with a thesis
a thesisin the field
in the of gas
field of
neutral with regard to jurisdictional
gas chromatography [1].[1].
Afterwards, he he
continued hishisresearch
activitiesinin the
the field of of
claims in published maps and chromatography.
Althoughhishis research was
research conducted
was conducted withwith
limited resources
limited and at
resources a time
and at a
institutional affiliations. when the scientific
time when literature
the scientific was notwas
literature nearly
notas accessible
nearly as it is today,
as accessible as it Dr. Turina’s
is today, Dr.ingenuity
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. successfully overcame these
ingenuity successfully limitations.
overcame Therefore, Dr.
these limitations. Turina published
Therefore, Dr. Turina thepublished
results of histhe
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. research
results ofinhis
most prestigious
in the mostscientific journals
prestigious of his
scientific time. Based
journals on theBased
of his time. experience
on the
This article is an open access article gained through
experience experimental
gained work, Dr. Turina
through experimental work,provided his statistical-kinetic
Dr. Turina interpretation
provided his statistical-kinetic
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
distributed under the terms and
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
of the transitionoffrom
interpretation the stationary
the transition fromtothe
the mobile phase
stationary to theby overcoming
mobile phase by theovercoming
energy barrier, the
conditions of the Creative Commons thus perfecting the existing simple models for interpreting the chromatographic process
This article is an open access article energy barrier, thus perfecting the existing simple models for interpreting the chroma-
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// and applying themand to the real processes
distributed under the terms and tographic process applying them toofthe
thin-layer chromatography
real processes of thin-layer[3].chromatography
The importance
conditions of the Creative Commons of Dr. Turina’s interpretation is reflected in the fact that Friedrich
[3]. The importance of Dr. Turina’s interpretation is reflected in the fact that Geiss, one of the most
Attribution (CC BY) license Geiss, one of the most important chromatography theorists of his time, included it in his

Separations 2022, 9, 134.

Separations 2022, 9, x.
Separations 2022, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 6

Separations 2022, 9, 134 2 of 6

book, Fundamentals of Thin Layer Chromatography: Planar Chromatography (Chromato-

graphic methods) [4].
In 1984,chromatography
Dr. Turina published theorists of thehisbook
included it in his book, Fundamentals
kromatografija (Thin Layer of
Thin Layer Chromatography:
Chromatography) [5], the Planar Chromatography
first book on chromatography(Chromatographic
publishedmethods) [4].
in the Republic of
In 1984,
Croatia. Dr. Turina
Dr. Turina published
willingly sharedthehis
book Tankoslojna
extensive kromatografija
chromatographic (Thin Layer
knowledge Chro-
by giving
courses on Special[5], theMethods
first book of on chromatography
Chemical Analysis (at published in the
the Faculty of Republic
Dr. Turina willingly shared his extensive chromatographic
ing and Technology of the University of Zagreb; FCET), Chromatography (at FCET), knowledge by giving courses
on Special Methods of Chemical Analysis (at the Faculty
Chromatographic Methods of Analysis (at the Faculty of Science of the University of Chemical Engineering and of
Zagreb) [1].of the University
Under the supervisionof Zagreb;
of Dr.FCET),
and with the mentorship (at FCET), of and
matographic Methods of
Marjanović Krajovan Analysis
[6], the young(at the FacultyMarija
scientist of Science of the University
Kaštelan-Macan of Zagreb)
defended [1].
the first
master’s thethesis
[7] and,ofsubsequently,
Dr. Turina and thewith
firstthe mentorship
dissertation [8] of
in Prof. Vjera
the field of Marjanović
Krajovan [6], the young
raphy in Croatia. scientist
Dr. Turina’s Marija Kaštelan-Macan
collaboration defended the first
with Marija Kaštelan-Macan master’s
lasted the-
for many
sis [7] and, subsequently, the first dissertation [8] in the field of
years and later led to the publication of another chromatography book, Plošna kromato- chromatography in Croatia.
Dr. Turina’s
grafija (Planarcollaboration
Chromatography) with Marija
[9]. Kaštelan-Macan lasted for many years and later
led toInthe addition, Dr. Turina was achromatography
publication of another very active member book, ofPlošna kromatografija
the Croatian Society of(Planar
Chromatography) [9].
ical Engineers (CSCE). This society, founded in 1912 [10], brings together chemists,
In addition,
chemical Dr. Turina
engineers, was a very
and chemical active member
technologists of the Croatian
to improve chemical Society of Chemical
engineering and
Engineers (CSCE). This society, founded in 1912 [10], brings
related professions in the Republic of Croatia. Accordingly, it has played an important together chemists, chemi-
roleengineers, and chemical
in the promotion and technologists
developmenttoofimprove chemical engineering
chromatography in Croatia. and related
A group of
professions in the Republic of Croatia. Accordingly, it has played an important role in
chromatographers, including Štefica Cerjan Stefanović, Vlasta Drevenkar, Blaženka Ju-
the promotion and development of chromatography in Croatia. A group of chromatog-
rišić, Marica Medić-Šarić, Mira Petrović, Nikola Šegudović, Vladimir Švob, and Srećko
raphers, including Štefica Cerjan Stefanović, Vlasta Drevenkar, Blaženka Jurišić, Marica
Turina, as part of CSCE’s Section of Chromatography, published the handbook Kroma-
Medić-Šarić, Mira Petrović, Nikola Šegudović, Vladimir Švob, and Srećko Turina, as part of
tografsko nazivlje [11] in 1999, which was a translation of the recommendations of the
CSCE’s Section of Chromatography, published the handbook Kromatografsko nazivlje [11]
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC): Nomenclature for Chro-
in 1999, which was a translation of the recommendations of the International Union of
matography [12]. Section of Chromatography, which has been an active part of CSCE
Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC): Nomenclature for Chromatography [12]. Section
almost since the beginning of chromatographic practice in Croatia, promotes the dis-
of Chromatography, which has been an active part of CSCE almost since the beginning
semination of knowledge about separation sciences in the Republic of Croatia by inviting
of chromatographic practice in Croatia, promotes the dissemination of knowledge about
top-class lecturers from all over the world and promoting continuous education. To
separation sciences in the Republic of Croatia by inviting top-class lecturers from all over
achieve its goals, Section collaborates with a number of international associations such as
the world and promoting continuous education. To achieve its goals, Section collaborates
the European
with a numberSociety for Separation
of international Science such
associations (EuSSS) andEuropean
as the the Central European
Society Group for
for Separation
Science Sciences
(EuSSS) and the(CEGSS).
Central European Group for Separation Sciences (CEGSS).
Of the 25 International
Of the 25 International Symposia Symposiaon onSeparation
SeparationSciencesSciences (ISSS),
symposiahave have
been held in Croatia to date (all organized by CSCE). The origin
been held in Croatia to date (all organized by CSCE). The origin of the ISSS symposium can of the ISSS symposium
be be found
found in theinnational
the national GC meetings
GC meetings held in held in Zagreb,
Zagreb, Croatia,Croatia, since Based
since 1967. 1967. Based
on these on
meetings, the CEGSS was founded in 1998. Dr. Nikola Šegudović (Figure 2), a member ofa
these meetings, the CEGSS was founded in 1998. Dr. Nikola Šegudović (Figure 2),
the CSCEof theitsCSCE
and Section andofits Section of Chromatography,
Chromatography, was one of the was one of the
initiators initiators
of the CEGSSof[13] the
CEGSS [13] and its permanent member. In 2006, at the twelfth
and its permanent member. In 2006, at the twelfth ISSS Symposium in Lipica, Slovenia, ISSS Symposium in Lipica,
Dr. ŠegudovićDr. Šegudović
was proposed wasas proposed
the first as the firstofSecretary
Secretary the CEGSS of the
[14].CEGSS [14].

Figure Dr.Nikola

The 2nd ISSS was the first to be held in Croatia, in Opatija in 1992, and the president
of the organizing committee was Dr. Srećko Turina. Only four years later, in 1996, Opatija
hosted another ISSS symposium (ISSS), and the president of the organizing committee was
Separations 2022, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 6

Separations 2022, 9, 134

The 2nd ISSS was the first to be held in Croatia, in Opatija in 1992, and the president 3 of 6
of the organizing committee was Dr. Srećko Turina. Only four years later, in 1996, Opatija
hosted another ISSS symposium (ISSS), and the president of the organizing committee
was Dr. Nikola Šegudović. Until 2008, three more ISSS symposia were held in Croatia
Dr. Nikola
under the Šegudović.
leadership of Until
Nikola three more ISSS6th
Šegudović: symposia were held
ISSS Plitvice 2000,in10th
the leadership of Dr. Nikola Šegudović: 6th ISSS Plitvice 2000,
Opatija 2004, and 14th ISSS Primošten 2008. The years 2011 and 2012 were sad years for 10th tenth ISSS Opatija
2004, and 14th ISSS Primošten 2008. The years 2011 and 2012 were sad years for Croatian
Croatian chromatography: in 2011, Dr. Srećko Turina passed away at the age of 80, and in
chromatography: in 2011, Dr. Srećko Turina passed away at the age of 80, and in 2012,
2012, Dr. Nikola Šegudović also died suddenly at the age of only 66.
Dr. Nikola Šegudović also died suddenly at the age of only 66.
In the second half of the 20th century, chromatographers in Croatia were mainly
In the second half of the 20th century, chromatographers in Croatia were mainly deal-
dealing with thin-layer chromatography [15–26]. However, towards the end of the century,
ing with thin-layer chromatography [15–26]. However, towards the end of the century, the
the situation began to change. With the development of chromatography in the world,
situation began to change. With the development of chromatography in the world, modern
modern chromatographic techniques were increasingly used in Croatia as well [27–34]. In
chromatographic techniques were increasingly used in Croatia as well [27–34]. In the 1990s,
the 1990s, Prof. Štefica Cerjan Stefanović from FCET gathered a small team of scientists
Prof. Štefica Cerjan Stefanović from FCET gathered a small team of scientists who worked
who worked intensively on the development of ion-chromatographic methods. The team
intensively on the development of ion-chromatographic methods. The team joined forces
joined forces with Prof. Nebojša Avdalović from Dionex Coorporation and began a suc-
with Prof. Nebojša Avdalović from Dionex Coorporation and began a successful collabora-
cessful collaboration in developing a mathematical model to simulate the response of
tion in developing a mathematical model to simulate the response of ion-chromatographic
analysis [35–39]. One of analysis [35–39].ofOne
the products thisof the products
activity was theof thisIonska
book activitykromatografija
was the book
(Ion kromatografija (Ion
Chromatography) [40] Chromatography)
by Tomislav Bolanča [40]and
by Šime
TomislavUkić,Bolanča and in
published Šime
published in 2015. In addition, the team continuously promoted
addition, the team continuously promoted chromatography in Croatia and surrounding chromatography in Croa-
tia and surrounding
countries. In 1997, thecountries.
team began In 1997, the team
organizing thebegan
annual organizing the annual
International SchoolInternational
of Ion Chro-
School of Ion Chromatography (ISIC). The school was intended
matography (ISIC). The school was intended to bridge the gap between chromatographic to bridge the gap between
theory and everyday theory and everyday
practice, practice,
and to provide and to education
unbiased provide unbiased
based on education
on scientific
and many years facts
ofand many years
experience. of experience.
The first The in
ISIC was held first ISIC was
Zagreb. held insince
However, Zagreb. How-
Dr. Milko
ever, since
Novič fromDr. Milko Novič
Slovenia decided from Slovenia decided
to participate in thetoorganization
participate in ofthe
ISIC schools, ofthe
ISIC schools, the schools were organized to take place one year in
schools were organized to take place one year in Croatia and one year in Slovenia. Later,Croatia and one year in
Slovenia. Later, the school was held only in Croatia and the
the school was held only in Croatia and the organizing rhythm has changed from one to organizing rhythm has
two years. fromOver onetime,
to two years.
other FCET Over time, other FCETalso
chromatographers chromatographers
joined the ISICalso joined the
ISIC organization.
Since 2012, the school Since 2012,
is no the school
longer focused is on
no ion-chromatography
longer focused on ion-chromatography
only and has changed only
its has changed
name its name toChromatography
to the International the International School
Chromatography School
(ICS). To date, (ICS). To schools
19 ISIC/ICS date, 19
have takenschools havethe
place, and taken
high place,
number and the high number
of participants in the of participants
schools speaks tointhe
such anto the need
event for 3).
(Figure such an event (Figure 3).

Figure 18thInternational
International Chromatography
Chromatography School,
School, Zagreb,
Zagreb, Croatia,
Croatia, 2018: 2018: Professor
Professor Joachim
Joachim Weiss
Weiss presented new achievements in chromatography to a large audience.
presented new achievements in chromatography to a large audience.

In parallel with the ISIC schools, Prof. Marija Kaštelan-Macan and her team organized
courses in thin-layer chromatography (2001) and liquid chromatography (2007) for a
number of employees of the pharmaceutical company PLIVA. Prof. Marija Kaštelan-
Macan saw a mismatch between the pace of development of modern analytical techniques,
In parallel with the ISIC schools, Prof. Marija Kaštelan-Macan and her team orga-
nized courses in thin-layer chromatography (2001) and liquid chromatography (2007) for
a number of employees of the pharmaceutical company PLIVA. Prof. Marija Kašte-
Separations 2022, 9, 134 4 of 6
lan-Macan saw a mismatch between the pace of development of modern analytical tech-
niques, including chromatography, and the design of the corresponding terminology in
the Croatian language. This mismatch resulted in the introduction of many foreign words
including chromatography,
into the Croatian language.andTherefore,
the design of inthe corresponding
2014, terminology
after substantial study, in Prof.
the Croatian
language. This mismatch resulted in the introduction of many
lan-Macan published the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Analytical Terminology [41]. foreign words into the
Croatian language. Therefore, in 2014, after substantial study,
After the retirement of Prof. Cerjan Stefanović and Prof. Marija Kaštelan-Macan,Prof. Kaštelan-Macan
Prof. Tomislavthe Encyclopedic
Bolanča andDictionary
Prof. Sandra of Analytical Terminology
Babić, respectively, took[41].
over the leadership of
After the retirement of Prof. Cerjan Stefanović
the teams. These two teams, together with the team of Prof. Marica and Prof. Marija Kaštelan-Macan,
Medić-Šarić from the
Prof. Tomislav Bolanča and Prof. Sandra Babić, respectively,
Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of the University of Zagreb, have graduallytook over the leadership beenof
the teams.inThese
involved two teams,
the activities of CSCEtogether
and itswith the team
Section of Prof. MaricaTherefore,
of Chromatography. Medić-Šarić from
after the
the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of the University
death of Dr. Šegudović, the CEGSS Committee elected Prof. Tomislav Bolanča as the of Zagreb, have gradually
Croatianinvolved in the activities
representative of CSCE and
to the Committee, its Section
which is still of
case. Prof. Bolanča Therefore,
has con-
after the death of Dr. Šegudović, the CEGSS Committee elected
tinued to intensively promote separation sciences. Through his work in the CEGSS Prof. Tomislav Bolanča
as the Croatian representative to the Committee, which is still the case. Prof. Bolanča has
ciation, he intensified his collaboration with Prof. Bogusław Buszewski from Nicolaus
continued to intensively promote separation sciences. Through his work in the CEGSS
Copernicus University (Toruń, Poland). The collaboration extended not only to the sci-
association, he intensified his collaboration with Prof. Bogusław Buszewski from Nicolaus
entific field, but also to education. Namely, numerous FCET students took the oppor-
Copernicus University (Toruń, Poland). The collaboration extended not only to the scientific
tunity to travel to Toruń for student training, which was an invaluable experience for
field, but also to education. Namely, numerous FCET students took the opportunity to
travel to Toruń for student training, which was an invaluable experience for them.
Prof. Tomislav Bolanča was the chairman of the organizing committee of the last
Prof. Tomislav Bolanča was the chairman of the organizing committee of the last ISSS
ISSS symposium held in Croatia: the 19th ISSS Poreč 2013 (Figure 4). The topics prepared
symposium held in Croatia: the 19th ISSS Poreč 2013 (Figure 4). The topics prepared for
for the Symposium covered all aspects of chromatography and other separation and de-
the Symposium covered all aspects of chromatography and other separation and detec-
tection techniques, including multidimensionality in separation, hyphenations in detec-
tion techniques, including multidimensionality in separation, hyphenations in detection,
tion, chemometrics and quality assessment, confirming the cutting-edge power of chro-
chemometrics and quality assessment, confirming the cutting-edge power of chromatog-
raphy and separation
and separation techniques.
techniques. The specificity
The specificity of theof19th
the ISSS
19th symposium
ISSS symposium was
was that
the the 14th ICS held
ICS was was held as a special
as a special Symposium
Symposium section.
section. It seems
It seems that that this symposium
this symposium has
has additionally increased the visibility of FCET analytical chemists,
additionally increased the visibility of FCET analytical chemists, leading to more leading to more
tense collaboration with scientists of other preferences and to the application
collaboration with scientists of other preferences and to the application of chromatography of chro-
in a wide range in of
a wide
fields:range of fields: from protection
from environmental environmental and foodprotection
analysisand food
to the analysis
to the protection
of cultural heritage. of cultural heritage.

Figure 4.
Figure 4. Book
Book of
of Abstracts
Abstracts from
from the
the 19th
19th ISSS
ISSS symposium,
symposium, Poreč,

In the period to which this review refers, many other scientists in Croatia were also
engaged in chromatography. However, only those events and facts with which the authors
were most familiar were mentioned. Therefore, the authors would like to take this oppor-
tunity to apologize to those whom they inadvertently omitted from this review. They too
have contributed to the development and promotion of chromatography and separation
sciences in general, for which they are to be thanked.
Separations 2022, 9, 134 5 of 6

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, T.B; writing—original draft preparation, T.B., D.A. and
Š.U. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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