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Performance Testing: (Yes I have involved in Performance testing)

We test it manually. Didn't got chance to use load Runner.

Note: Every defect belong to performance issue should be considered as critical.

Definition: During performance testing we “validate speed of Processing.”

Reason of Performance issue:

The performance issue is occurred hele due to wrong declaration of logic of front-
end developers as well as backend developers.

Example of wrong declaration of logic:

Example of wrong declaration of logic:

suppose on a page 4 hyperlinks are present, then developer might declared

different call function for each link. That's why it gets slower. Just declare one
call function for all links Publicly then performance is faster.

Just declare one call function for all hyperlinks.

Performance issue in Developer backend example: (i.e. performance tearing

Select * from table_name where first_name = ‘Neha’;

Select * from table_name where last_name = ‘Patil’;

Select * from table_name where city = ‘Pune’;

Select * from table_name where Designation = ‘S/w Engineer’;

Query can be wrong i.e. Due to performance testing means any one condition
developer left then performance issue may occur.

performance Tunning means all conditions should be written in query so that

user can get appropriate result. If any one condition is left in query then result is
not proper.

Number of user: It is a absolutely automated process.

This issue only solved by automation:

i. Load testing
ii. Stress testing
iii. Storage testing
iv. Data volume testing
v. Endurance testing

(e.g. on the day of month ATM machine is getting slow because every on that,
no. of users are using ATM machine)

Load Runner is the tool we are using for performance testing.

Solution for performance issue: (Manual Solution for performance issue)

Step 1: We request to the platform team, for trace file.

Trace file:

User operation activities in application could be registered as a log file [Trace


It is prepared in notepad.
It defines the object send response time → “Elapsed Time”

Step 2: The platform team send response with trace file via email.

Step 3: Once we receive the trace file from platform team we check (Just view
it) The Elapsed time present in trace file .

Step 4: We share it with developer to analyse / to find out the RCA of the issue.

Number of users: (I didn’t get chance to use load runner as this is completely
automated process.)

i. Load Testing:

“The execution of our application is under customer expected configuration and

customer expected Load, to estimate the performance, is called as load testing.”

Q. How you create the live/ Production environment in company?

→ Basically, we design a virtual copy of live environment.

Q. How load testing is performed using automated process?

Rendezvous point:
Meeting at a single point. i.e. all the request should be gathered at a single point
and released with a single time - stamp and behaviour of application is observed.

Note: Performance testing is advance testing technique and complex to conduct.

Because a huge environment is required to perform this test.

ii. Stress Testing:

Stress defines maximum load

(Stress = Maximum Load)

"During this stress testing, the execution of over application under customer
expected Configuration and customer expected load and universal load (peak
oud) to estimate the performance is called as stress testing.”
Break-even Point: max load point for which performance degrades

Q. If load runner satisfies the customer requirement. What is the need of

stress testing?

→ In future enhancement the no. of user might increase in this scenario, the main
objective of stress testing is to identify the break-even point or threshold point.


If customer is aware about break-ever point, he can change the server at the time
of requirement (Enhancement)


Lets take the example of HDFC bank. If no. of users at Pandharpur server exceeds
1 lakh then after that divert. The users to some other server to avoid the
performance issue

iii. Storage Testing:

“During this test the execution of our application under the huge amount of
resources, to estimate the storage limitation of our application is called storage

e.g. Pendrive of 2 GB max data

iv. Data volume Testing:

“The execution of our application under customer expected configuration, to

estimate the peak limit of data, is called as Data volume Testing."

i.e. No. of records.

Q. Difference between storage & Data volume testing.

v. Endurance Testing:

“During this test we check whether our application bear the customer expected
load for a specific time period to ensure application is normal or any abnormal

Load: This Testing satisfies the customer.

Endurance: This testing satisfies the customer for specific time period.

Security Testing:

It is also called as Advance testing technique.

“During this testing we validate privacy to user operations.

Q. Do you involved in Security Testing ?

→ Yes I have involved in role based access Security system.

It is classified in to various categories:

i. Authorization:

To check whether user is valid or not, to access the application.

ii. Access control (Authentication):

A valid user has the permission for a specific application or not is called Access
control (Authentication).


Practical Implementation:
Customer Requirement:

Time duration: 1 to 2 days

Customer requirement in excel as below:

Test data design of above customer requirement:

Users Userid & Password URL Flag

User Userid : Test 1 Application 1 URL 1-Y

Password: Test 1 Application 2 URL 2-Y

Application 5 URL 3-N



Super Userid : Test 2 Application 1 URL 1-Y

User Password: Test 2 Application 2 URL 2-Y

Application 3 URL 3-Y


Admin Userid : Test 3 Application 1 URL 1-Y

Password: Test 3 Application 2 URL 2-Y

Application 4 URL 3-N

Application 5 URL 4-Y


Super Userid : Test 4 Application 1 URL 1-Y

Admin Password: Test 4 Application 2 URL 2-Y

Application 3 URL 3-Y

Application 4 URL 4-Y

Application 5 URL 5–Y

Note: All security defect can be considered as critical.

Y- If application is accessible in frontend then in backend. Flag value should be


N- If application is not accessible in frontend and in backend. Flag value should

be N.

Cloud: Everything comes under one platform.


Flag value is not getting updated as ‘Y’ for User 1 → Application 1

Flag value is not getting updated as ‘N’ for User 1 → Application 3

iii. Encryption and Decryption:

“Data conversion between client and server is called as Encryption and

Encryption and Decryption done by developer team.

Configuration Management:

Q. What is configuration management?

→ To handle the CR (Change Request) during test process.

Production issue:

“Production issue is nothing but, once build / application / goes to productions or

live and issue is identified by the customer is called as a Production issue.”

Known Issue:

The issue is common and already identified by multiple user.

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