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1. In which market form, a market or an Sol. Public debt is not a component of

industry is dominated by a single seller? monetary policy in India. It refers to the
A. Oligopoly total borrowings of the union government
B. Monopoly such as market loans, treasury bills,
C. Duopoly securities issued by RBI and borrowing
D. Monopolistic Competition outside the country.
Ans. B
Sol. 5. Which among the following is not an
• Monopoly is a market form in which account under Balance of Payment?
the market is dominated by a single A. Current Account
seller for goods and services which has B. Capital Account
no substitutes and there are barriers C. Official Reserves Account
for entry of a new seller as he himself D. Unilateral Payments Account
is the law and price maker. Ans. C
Sol. Official Reserves Account is not a
2. Which one of the following is also separate account under Balance of
regarded as Disguised unemployment? Payment instead it is a subdivision of the
A. Underemployment capital account. Official reserve account
B. Frictional unemployment consists of foreign currencies and
C. Seasonal unemployment securities which are held by the
D. Cyclical unemployment government or by its central bank, and is
Ans. A used to balance the payments from year
Sol. Underemployment is also regarded to year.
as Disguised unemployment as the
workers skills are underutilised due to 6. Match the following?
over staffing as seen in agriculture or due Terms
to over qualification where an engineer 1) Globalisation
works as an peon. It is an important 2) Privatisation
cause of poverty in India. 3) Liberalisation
3. In which market form, a market or a) Process of reducing or removing
industry is dominated by a few firms? restrictions on international trade.
A. Perfect Competition b) Process of interaction and integration
B. Monopoly among the people, companies and
C. Oligopoly government of different nations.
D. Monopolistic c) Called as denationalization or
Ans. C disinvestment.
Sol. Oligopoly is a market form in which A. 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
market is dominated by a few firms B. 1-b, 2-c, 3-a
through collusion thus reducing C. 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
competition for sellers through entry D. 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
barriers and increasing price for the Ans. B
buyers taking advantage of consumer Sol. Globalization is a Process of
loyalty. interaction and integration among the
people, companies and government of
4. Which amongst the following is not a different nations through trade,
component of monetary policy in India? investment and information technology.
A. Repo rate Privatization is the process of
B. Moral suasion transferring an industry from the public
C. Credit Rationing sector to the private sector leading to
D. Public Debt denationalization and disinvestment.
Liberalization is removal or reduction of
Ans. D restrictions on the free exchange of goods


between nation like reducing duties and Mixed economy. A mixed economy is
surcharges, relaxing licensing rules, defined as an economic system consisting
quotas. of a mixture of either markets and
economic planning, public ownership and
7. Which one of the following is not an private ownership, or markets and
instrument of credit control in India? economic interventionism.
A. Rationing of credit
B. Direct Act ion 10. What was the main motive of Third
C. Open Mark et operations Five Year Plan in India?
D. Variable cost reserve ratios A. Rural development
Ans. D B. Agriculture
Sol. C. Financial inclusion
• Variable cost reserve ratios are not D. Economic reform
an instrument of qualitative credit Ans. D
control in India instead variable cash Sol. the main motive of Third Five Year
reserve ratio is an instrument of Plan in India is Economic reform. The
quantitative credit control. term of this plan being from the year
• It indicates the minimum amount 1961 to 1966. The main objective of this
which the commercial banks have to plan was to increase the national income
keep with the central bank which can more than 5% annually but India failed to
be increased or decreased for purpose achieve its target due to wars with China
of credit control. in 1962 and Pakistan in 1965 and bad
monsoon.A Sino-Indian war took place in
8. Which among the following is an 1962 so the government changed its
example of micro-economic variable? focus to the defense sector.
A. National Income
B. Aggregate Supply 11. Which among the following is not a
C. Employment direct tax?
D. Consumer's Equilibrium A. Income tax
Ans. D B. Wealth tax
Sol. Consumer’s equilibrium is an C. Corporate tax
example of micro-economic variable. D. None of these
Micro economic variable studies the Ans. D
behavior of individuals and firms in Sol. The Direct taxes are those taxes that
making decisions regarding the allocation cannot be transferred or shifted to
of scarce resources. Consumer another person, i.e., individual pays
Equilibrium refers to the amount of goods directly to the government. Major types
and services consumer can purchase of direct tax are:
using their present level of income and Income Tax, Corporate Tax, Wealth Tax,
the current level of prices with maximum Estate Duty, Gift Tax, Fringe Benefit Tax,
satisfaction. etc.
While the Indirect taxes are those taxes
9. An economic system combining private that can be shifted to other person. Some
and state enterprise is called as _____ types of indirect tax are:
A. Market economy Sales Tax, Custom Duty, Entertainment
B. Centrally planned economy Tax, Service Tax. Value Added Tax (VAT),
C. Private economy etc.
D. Mixed economy
12. MTNL comes under which of the
Ans. D following category?
Sol. An economic system combining A. Navratna
private and state enterprise is called as B. Maharatna


C. Mini Ratna Sol. Reserve Bank of India monitors the

D. None option is correct banks in actually maintaining cash
Ans. A balance. Every bank has to keep certain
Sol. MTNL comes under Navratna. A amount of cash as cash reserve ratio with
company is given a Navratna status when RBI out of the deposits it receives for
it has ‘Miniratna Category – I‘ status safety purpose and to avoid volatility in
along with a Schedule ‘A’ listing and the market.
atleast 3 out of 5 3 ‘Excellent’ or ‘Very
Good’ Memorandum of Understanding 16. Which of the following is called GDP
during the last five years. Deflator?
A. Ratio of nominal to real GDP
13. Which among the following is not an B. Ratio of nominal to real GNP
instrument of fiscal policy? C. Ratio of nominal to real CPI
A. Taxation D. Ratio of real to nominal GNP
Ans. A
B. Public expenditure
C. Public debt
• Ratio of nominal to real GDP is called
D. Credit Rationing
GDP deflator.
Ans. D • GDP deflator is a tool used to measure
Sol. Credit Rationing is not an instrument the level of price changes over time so
of fiscal policy instead it is an instrument that current prices which are affected
of monetary policy. Fiscal policy is the by inflation or deflation can be
government spending and taxation that accurately compared to historical
influences the economy. Credit rationing prices.
is a qualitative tool for credit control used
by RBI to control inflation and deflation. 17. What does indifference curve
14. Which of the following equation is/are A. Levels of Income and Capital
INCORRECT? B. Satisfaction derived from two goods
I. NI = NDP + Net Foreign Income C. Income from two businesses
II. GNP = GDP + Net Foreign Income D. Relationship between expenditure and
III. NDP = GNP – Depreciation savings
Ans. B
A. Only (I) and (II)
Sol. Indifference curve represents
B. Only (III)
satisfaction derived from two goods. To
C. Only (II) and (III) derive such satisfaction, the curve
D. Only (II) involves striking the combination of two
Ans. B goods (which are represented on the
Sol. NDP= GDP – DEPRECIATION. NDP either of the X and Y axis) in such a way
abbreviated as Net domestic product so that a consumer derives maximum
accounts for capital that has been utility out of the achieved pair.
consumed over the year in the form of
housing, vehicle, or machinery 18. After which five year plan, 'The
deterioration. NDP +Net foreign Income Rolling Plan' was implemented?
gives the national income of the country. A. Third Plan
B. Fifth Plan
15. Which organisation monitors the C. Seventh Plan
banks in actually maintaining cash D. Ninth Plan
balance? Ans. B
A. State Bank of India Sol. It was after the fifth year plan that
rolling plan was implemented. The time
B. Reserve Bank of India
period of such plan was from 1978-80
C. Grameen Ban k of India
and were implemented by the Janata
D. None of these
party government by terminating the fifth
Ans. B


five year plan and started new plan for However to measure the income
the year 1978-83. However, when inequality in a numerical format Gini
congress government again came back in coefficient is used to quantity the findings
power, they started a sixth five year plan of the curve.
for the year 1980-85.
22.In centrally planned economy, the
19. Which tax causes a burden on the _______ plans all the important activities
poorer section of the society? in the economy.
A. Direct Tax A. Industrialists
B. Indirect Tax B. Citizens
C. Both Direct and Indirect Tax C. Government
D. None of these D. Judiciary
Ans. B Ans. C
Sol. It’s the indirect tax which is the Sol.
burden on the poorer section of the • A centrally planned economy is an
society. It’s for the very fact that, it is economic system in which the state or
levied evenly on certain goods and government makes economic
services which are consumed by all decisions rather than the these being
sections of the society Ex- eatables, made by the interaction between
consumers and businesses.
railways and so on. Thus it doesn’t
• The government determines the price
differentiate between the incomes level of
of goods and services.
consumers, unlike direct taxes which
involves income slabs.
23. ______ says that if we keep
increasing the employment of an input,
20. In which of the following market
with other inputs fixed, eventually a point
forms a firm does not exercise control
will be reached after which the resulting
over price?
addition to output (i.e., marginal product
A. Mixed Competition of that input) will start falling.
B. Monopoly A. Law of diminishing marginal product
C. Oligopoly B. Law of variable proportions
D. Perfect Competition C. The Short Run
Ans. D D. The Long Run
Sol. It’s in the perfect competition that a Ans. A
firm doesn’t not exercise control over Sol. It’s the Law of Diminishing marginal
price. It is so as in such market set up, product, which is an economic principle
buyers and sellers have perfect that states that while increasing one input
information about the product, so any and keeping other inputs as constant may
increase in price would give a firm initially increase output, further increases
competitive disadvantage, and a in that input will have a limited effect, and
decrease in the price of the product would eventually no effect or a negative effect,
also lead to decrease in prices by other on output. This law then highlights how
sellers. increasing production every time is not
the best way to increase profitability.
21. Which of the following is represented 24. In a market system, the central
by 'Lorenz Curve'? problems regarding how much and what
A. Employment to produce are solved through the
B. Inflation coordination of economic activities
C. Deflation brought about by ________ signals.
D. Income Distribution A. Supply
Ans. D B. Demand
Sol. Lorenz curve represents income C. Price
distribution in the country. This curve is D. Stock Market
used to determine the inequality of the Ans. C
wealth distribution in the country.


Sol. It’s the price changes which then 27. ____________ is the relationship
ensures how to resolve the central between the variable input and output,
problems of how much and what to keeping all other inputs are held
produce. In the market system, as per constant.
the classical theory, it’s the invisible hand A. Total product
of market which facilitates supply and B. Average product
demand to meet at a price, which enables C. Isoquant
transaction to taken place, thus enabling D. The Long Run
economic activities. Ans. A
25. _________ says that the marginal • Total product is the overall quantity of
product of a factor input initially rises with output that a firm produces, usually
its employment level. But after reaching specified in relation to a variable input.
• Total product is the starting point for
a certain level of employment, it starts
the analysis of short-run production. It
indicates how much output a firm can
A. Law of diminishing marginal product
produce according to the law of
B. Law of variable proportions
diminishing marginal returns.
C. The Short Run
D. The Long Run
28. From which of the following, is the
Ans. B GDP of a country not derived from?
Sol. Law of Variable proportion states A. Agricultural sector
that as the quantity of one factor is B. Industrial sector
increased, keeping the other factors as C. International sector
constant, the marginal product of that D. Service sector
factor will eventually decline. Thus this Ans. C
law is applicable in short run, also Sol. Gross domestic product (GDP) is a
assumes that technology is constant and monetary measure of the market value of
also assumes that factor proportions are all final goods and services produced in a
variable. period (quarterly or yearly) of time. GDP
is an aggregate measure of production
26. The closest example of a centrally equal to the sum of the gross values
planned economy is the __________ for added of all resident and institutional
the major part of the 20th Century. units engaged in production (plus any
A. USA taxes, and minus any subsidies, on
B. India products not included in the value of their
C. Soviet Union outputs). Agriculture , industrial and
D. Japan service sector from these sector we can
Ans. C derived GDP but from International
Sol. The closest example of a centrally Sector we can’t derived GDP.
planned economy is the Soviet Union for 29. _______ is the set of all possible
the major part of the 20th Century. A combinations of the two inputs that yield
planned economy is a type of economic the same maximum possible level of
system where investment and the output.
allocation of capital goods is performed A. The Short Run
through economy-wide economic and B. The Long Run
production plans. A planned economy C. Isoquant
may be based on centralized, D. Average product
decentralized or participatory forms of Ans. C
economic planning. The economy of the Sol. An isoquant is a firm's counterpart of
Soviet Union was based on a system of the consumer's indifference curve. An
state ownership of the means of
isoquant is a curve that shows all the
production, collective farming, industrial
combinations of inputs that yield the
manufacturing and centralized
same level of output. 'Iso' means equal
administrative planning.


and 'quant' means quantity. Therefore, 32. ___________ is an alternative way of

an isoquant represents a constant representing the production function.
quantity of output. A. The Short Run
B. The Long Run
30. A __________ deficit is financed by C. Isoquant
net capital flows from the rest of the D. Average product
world, thus by a capital account surplus. Ans. C
A. Current Account Sol. Isoquant represents the production
B. Savings Account function. It is a contour line drawn
C. Capital Account through the set of points at which the
D. Asset Account same quantity of output is produced while
Ans. A changing the quantities of two or more
Sol. The current account deficit is a inputs.
measurement of a country’s trade where ● The short run is a period in which
wages and some other prices are sticky.
the value of the goods and services it
● The long run is a period in which full
imports exceeds the value of the goods
wage and price flexibility, and market
and services it exports. The current
adjustment are achieved by the market.
account includes net income, such as
● Average product is the quantity of total
interest and dividends, and transfers,
output produced per unit of a variable
such as foreign aid, although these
input, holding all other inputs fixed.
components make up only a small
percentage of the total current account. 33. The __________ exchange rate is the
The current account represents a relative price of foreign goods in terms of
country’s foreign transactions and, like domestic goods.
the capital account, is a component of a A. Artificial
country’s balance of paymets. A Current B. Nominal
account deficit is financed by net capital C. Fixed
flows from the rest of the world, thus by D. Real
a capital account surplus. Ans. D
Sol. Real Exchange Rate is the ratio of
31. __________ is defined as the output the price level in abroad and the domestic
per unit of variable input price level. In simple words, it can be said
A. Marginal product that it is the purchasing power of a
B. Production function currency relative to another at current
C. Total product exchange rates and prices.
D. Average product ● It represents the exchange rate
adjusted by the relative price of domestic
Ans. D and foreign goods and services, thus
Sol. The term average product refers to reflects the competitiveness of a country
the average output (or products) with respect to the rest of the world.
produced by each input (factors of
production like labor and land). It's a way 34. The __________ exchange rate is the
for companies to measure total output price of one unit of foreign currency in
produced with a particular combination of terms of domestic currency.
variable inputs. Relationship between A. Artificial
Marginal Product and Average Product:- B. Nominal
Marginal product is the increase in total C. Fixed
product as a result of adding one more D. Real
unit of input whereas Average product is Ans. B
the total product (or total output) divided Sol. The nominal exchange rate E is
by the quantity of inputs used to produce defined as the number of units of the
that total. domestic currency that can purchase a
unit of a given foreign currency. A


decrease in this variable is termed Sol. A production–possibility frontier

nominal appreciation of the currency. (PPF) or production possibility curve
(Under the fixed exchange rate regime, a (PPC) is the possible tradeoff of producing
downward adjustment of the rate E is combinations of goods with constant
termed revaluation.) An increase in this technology and resources per unit time.
variable is termed nominal depreciation One good can only be produced by
of the currency. (Under the fixed diverting resources from other goods,
exchange rate regime, an upward and so by producing less of them. This
adjustment of the rate E is called tradeoff is usually considered for an
devaluation.) economy, but also applies to each
individual, household, and economic
35. __________ of an input is defined as organization.
the change in output per unit of change Graphically bounding the production set
in the input when all other inputs are held for fixed input quantities, the PPF curve
constant. shows the maximum possible production
A. Marginal product level of one commodity for any given
B. Production function production level of the other, given the
C. Total product existing state of technology.
D. Average product
Ans. A 37. If at a price, market supply is greater
Sol. The marginal product or marginal than market demand, we say that there
physical product of an input (factor of is ________ in the market at that price.
production) is the change in output A. Equilibrium
resulting from employing one more unit B. Excess Demand
of a particular input (for instance, the C. Excess Supply
change in output when a firm's labor is D. Marginal Revenue
increased from five to six units), Ans. C
assuming that the quantities of other Sol.
inputs are kept constant. • In economics, an excess supply or
The marginal product of a given input can economic surplus is a situation in
be expressed as: which the quantity of a good or service
supplied is more than the quantity
demanded, and the price is above the
Here Delta X is the change in the firm's equilibrium level determined by supply
use of the input (conventionally a one- and demand.
unit change) and Delta Y is the change in • That is, the quantity of the product
quantity of output produced (resulting that producers wish to sell exceeds the
from the change in the input). Note that quantity that potential buyers are
the quantity Y of the "product" is typically willing to buy at the prevailing price. It
defined ignoring external costs and is the opposite of an economic
benefits. shortage (excess demand).

36. The collection of all possible 38. In India the reform policies were first
combinations of the goods and services introduced in which year?
that can be produced from a given A. 1951 B. 1971
amount of resources and a given stock of C. 1991 D. 2001
technological knowledge is called the Ans. C
____________ of the economy. Sol. The economic liberalisation in India
A. Resource Probability Set refers to the economic liberalisation,
B. Production Probability Set initiated in 1991, of the country's
C. Resource Possibility Set economic policies, with the goal of
D. Production Possibility Set making the economy more market and
Ans. D service-oriented and expanding the role


of private and foreign investment. 41. Lorenz curve shows

Specific changes include a reduction in A. Inflation
import tariffs, deregulation of markets, B. Unemployment
reduction of taxes, and greater foreign C. Income distribution
investment. Liberalisation has been D. Poverty
credited by its proponents for the high Ans. C
economic growth recorded by the country Sol. Lorenz curve is a graph on which the
in the 1990s and 2000s. cumulative percentage of total national
income (or some other variable) is plotted
against the cumulative percentage of the
39. The _________ of a firm is a
corresponding population (ranked in
relationship between inputs used and
increasing size of share). The extent to
output produced by the firm. which the curve sags below a straight
A. Marginal product diagonal line indicates the degree of
B. Production function inequality of distribution.
C. Total product
D. Average product 42. Who introduced the term 'Hindu rate
Ans. B of growth’?
Sol. In economics, a production function A. Amartya Sen
relates quantities of physical output of a B. Raj Krishna
production process to quantities of C. V. K. R. V. Rao
physical inputs or factors of production. D. Kaushik Basu
The production function is one of the key Ans. B
concepts of mainstream neoclassical Sol. Hindu rate of growth was given Raj
theories, used to define marginal product Krishan. This concept refers to the low
and to distinguish allocative efficiency, a annual growth rate of the planned
key focus of economics. The primary economy of India before the
purpose of the production function is to liberalizations of 1991, which stagnated
around 3.5% from 1950s to 1980s, while
address allocative efficiency in the use of
per capita income growth averaged
factor inputs in production and the
resulting distribution of income to those
43. The BRICS New Development Bank
factors, while abstracting away from the
(NDB) has been set up for
technological problems of achieving A. Funding infrastructure projects in
technical efficiency, as an engineer or emerging economics for sustainable
professional manager might understand development
it. B. Funding non-infrastructure projects in
emerging economics for sustainable
40. Which of the following areas make the development
largest contribution to national income in C. Funding infrastructural projects in
India? developed countries
A. Industry B. Services D. Funding infrastructural projects in
C. Agriculture D. Mining BRICS countries only
Ans. B Ans. A
Sol. Services sector is the largest sector Sol. New Development Bank has been
of India. Gross Value Added (GVA) at established with the aim of funding
current prices for Services sector is infrastructure projects in emerging
estimated at 73.79 lakh crore INR in economies for sustainable development.
2016-17. Services sector accounts for The bank is headquartered in Shanghai.
53.66% of total India's GVA of 137.51
lakh crore Indian rupees. With GVA of Rs. 44. Which one is not included in Non-
39.90 lakh crore, Industry sector Banking Financial Institutions (NBFIs)?
contributes 29.02%. While, Agriculture A. EXIM B. SIDBI
and allied sector shares 17.32% and GVA C. NABARD D. BOI
is around of 23.82 lakh crore INR. Ans. D


Sol. Non-Banking Financial institutions 48. The short run average cost curve is
refer to those institutions that doesn’t ________ shaped.
accept chequable deposits nor extend A. U B. V
loans to general public. So going by this C. X D. W
definition, Bank of India, is not an NBFC,
but rather a commercial bank. Ans. A
Sol. The short run average cost curve is
45. ___________ is the number of U shaped.
deaths in the population during a given In economics, a cost curve is a graph of
period. the costs of production as a function of
A. Natality B. Mortality total quantity produced. Short-run
C. Immigration D. Emigration average total cost curve (SRATC or SRAC)
Ans. B is constructed to capture the relation
Sol. Mortality is the number of deaths in between cost per unit of output and the
the population during a given period. level of output, ceteris paribus. A
* Mortality rate is typically expressed in perfectly competitive and productively
units of deaths per 1,000 individuals per efficient firm organizes its factors of
year. production in such a way that the factors
of production is at the lowest point. In the
46. ______________ scheme by the
short run, when at least one factor of
Central Government aims at setting up an
production is fixed, this occurs at the
organized rural Panchayat in order to
output level where it has enjoyed all
make the villages more self-sustained.
possible average cost gains from
A. Gram Uday Se Bharat Uday Abhiyan
increasing production. This is at the
B. Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana
minimum point in the diagram on the
C. Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva
D. Vidyanjali Yojana
Ans. A 49. A commodity market has a ________
Sol. Gram Uday Se Bharat Uday Abhiyan structure, if there is one seller of the
scheme was launched by the Central commodity, the commodity has no
Government aiming at setting up an substitute, and into the industry by
organized rural Panchayat in order to another firm is prevented.
make the villages more self-sustained. A. Perfect Competition
⋆ The abhiyan was launched on the birth B. Monopoly
C. Oligopoly
anniversary of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar by
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. D. Monopolistic Competition
⋆ It was launched in April 2016.
Ans. B
Sol. A commodity market has a Monopoly
47. The demand for a normal good
structure, if there is one seller of the
increases with ________ in the
commodity, the commodity has no
consumer's income.
substitute, and into the industry by
A. Increase B. Decrease
another firm is prevented.
C. Constant D. Double
A monopoly exists when a specific person
Ans. A
or enterprise is the only supplier of a
Sol. The demand for a normal good
particular commodity. This contrasts with
increases with increase in income of
a monopsony which relates to a single
entity's control of a market to purchase a
⋆ This is called positive income elasticity
good or service, and with oligopoly which
of demand.
consists of a few sellers dominating a
⋆ A good is normal when the income
market. Monopolies are thus
elasticity of demand is greater than or
characterized by a lack of economic
equal to zero.
competition to produce the good or


service, a lack of viable substitute goods, 52. The demand for a inferior good
and the possibility of a high monopoly decreases with ________ in the
price well above the seller's marginal cost consumer's income.
that leads to a high monopoly profit. A. Increase B. Decrease
C. Constant D. Double
50. If the ___________ firm has zero Ans. A
costs or only has fixed cost, the quantity Sol.
supplied in equilibrium is given by the • An inferior good is a type of good
point where the marginal revenue is zero. whose demand decreases when
A. Perfect Competition income of consumer increases or we
can say that demand of inferior good
B. Monopoly
is inversely related to consumer’s
C. Oligopoly
D. Monopolistic Competition
53. Goods for which the quantity that a
Ans. B consumer chooses, increases as the
Sol. consumer's income increases and
• If the Monopoly firm has zero costs or decreases as the income decreases are
only has fixed cost, the quantity called?
supplied in equilibrium is given by the A. Inferior goods
point where the marginal revenue is B. Normal goods
zero. C. Complementary goods
• A monopoly is a firm who is the sole D. Substitute goods
seller of its product, and where there Ans. B
are no close substitutes. An Sol.
unregulated monopoly has market • Goods for which the quantity that a
power and can influence prices. consumer chooses, increases as the
Examples: Microsoft and Windows, consumer's income increases and
DeBeers and diamonds, your local decreases as the income decreases are
natural gas company. called Normal goods.
• In other words, we can say that the
51. The short run marginal cost curve is
demand of Normal goods is directly
____ shaped.
related to consumer’s income.
A. U B. V
C. X D. W
54. The demand for an inferior good
Ans. A
Sol. The short run maginal cost curve is U increases with ________ in the
shaped. consumer's income.
In economics, a cost curve is a graph of A. increase B. decrease
the costs of production as a function of C. constant D. double
total quantity produced. A short-run Ans. B
marginal cost curve graphically Sol. An inferior good is a type of good
represents the relation between marginal whose demand decreases when income of
(i.e., incremental) cost incurred by a firm consumer increases or vice versa. In
in the short-run production of a good or other words, we can say that the demand
service and the quantity of output of an inferior good is inversely related to
produced. This curve is constructed to consumer’s income
capture the relation between marginal
cost and the level of output, holding other 55. Goods for which demand move in the
variables, like technology and resource opposite direction of the income of the
prices, constant. The marginal cost curve consumer are called?
is usually U-shaped. Marginal cost is A. Inferior goods
relatively high at small quantities of B. Normal goods
output; then as production increases, C. Complementary goods
marginal cost declines, reaches a D. Substitute goods
minimum value, then rises.


Ans. A Sol. The current balance is the sum of the

Sol. “Goods for which demand move in balance of merchandise trade, services
the opposite direction of the income of and net transfers received from the rest
the consumer” are called inferior goods. of the world. . Balance of payments
It is a type of good whose demand included two types of account i..e capital
decreases when income of consumer account balance and current account
increases or vice versa. balance. The Capital Account gives a
summary of the capital expenditure and
56. If the _________ firm has zero costs income for a country. All items that
or only has fixed cost, the quantity carries changes in the stock are listed in
supplied in equilibrium is given by the the balance of capital account and all
point where the average revenue is zero. other flows of goods and services are
A. Perfect Competition recorded in the balance of current
B. Monopoly account.
C. Oligopoly
D. Monopolistic Competition 59. The relation between the consumer’s
Ans. A optimal choice of the quantity of a good
Sol. and its price is very important and this
• Perfect Competition firm has zero relation is called the ________ function.
costs or only has fixed cost, the A. Price B. Substitution
C. Supply D. Demand
quantity supplied in equilibrium is
Ans. D
given for every product or services
Sol. The relation between the consumer’s
including labour by the point where the
optimal choice of the quantity of a good
average revenue is zero.
and its price is very important and this
• Perfect Competition is type of market
relation is called the demand function.
structure in which consumers have the
Demand function shows the relationship
knowledge of market and its changes.
between demand of a particular
This market structure includes large
commondity and factors affecting it,i.e
number of consumers and seller which
price . Demand function can be termed as
have zero advertising cost.
a desire with the ‘willingness’ and ‘ability’
to pay for a commodity. There are two
57. The average variable cost curve is
types of demand function which are as
______ shaped.
A. U B. V
1) individual demand function
C. X D. W
2) Market demand function
Ans. A
Sol. The shape of the average variable
60. "Reserve Bank of India" is listed in the
cost curve is U. It represents the
__________ list given in the Seventh
relationship between the average
Schedule in the Constitution of India.
variable cost sustained by a firm of the
A. Union B. State
product or services for the short time
C. Global D. Concurrent
duration and the quantity produced. It
Ans. A
can be defined as the total fixed variable
Sol. "Reserve Bank of India" is listed in
cost per unit of output.
the union list given in the Seventh
Schedule in the Constitution of India.
58. The ________ balance is the sum of
Reserve bank of India is the central banks
the balance of merchandise trade,
of india which control every monetary
services and net transfers received from
policy of Indian government, it is formed
the rest of the world.
under the reserve bank of India Act 1934
A. Current Account B. Savings Account
on 1st april 1935 with its headquarter
C. Capital Account D. Asset Account
located in mumbai. RBI was nationalized
Ans. A
in 1 january 1949.


61. The demand for a normal good The current balance is the sum of the
decreases with ________ in the balance of merchandise trade, services
consumer's income. and net transfers received from the rest
A. increase B. double of the world. All items that carries
C. constant D. decrease changes in the stock are listed in the
Ans. D balance of capital account and all other
Sol. The demand for a normal good flows of goods and services are recorded
decreases with decrease in the in the balance of current account.
consumer's income. A good is known as 64. If a consumer's demand for a good
normal good if the income elasticity of moves in the same direction as the
demand is greater than or equal to zero. consumer's income, the consumer's
For normal good the change in income is demand for that good must be inversely
directly proportional to the change in related to the price of the good is called
demand. For example if decreased. in _______.
income causes decrease in chicken A. Law of demand
consumption and increase in potato B. Law of supply
consumption, than chicken is normal C. Law of substitution
good and potato is inferior good. D. Law of optimal choice
Ans. A
62. Short run marginal cost curve cuts Sol. If a consumer's demand for a good
the short run average cost curve from moves in the same direction as the
_______ at the minimum point of short consumer's income, the consumer's
run average cost. demand for that good must be inversely
A. top B. below related to the price of the good is called
C. right D. left Law of demand. Law of demand was
Ans. B coined by Alfred marshal in 1892, which
Sol. Short run marginal cost curve cuts states that if all the other conditions
the short run average cost curve from remains same then the quantity
below at the minimum point of short run demanded is inversely proportional to the
average cost. Marginal cost is that excess price. e.g if a person demand two kg of
cost which incurred while producing one mango at rs 50 per kg, but according to
more extra unit, it has no relation with
law of demand he demand one kg mango
the average fixed cost. It is the
if price rises to 60per kg. So price and
measurement of production which
demand are opposite to each other and
determines how much production is
optimal has wider effects on each other.

63. The _________ balance is equal to 65. "Taxes on agricultural income" is

capital flows from the rest of the world, listed in the __________ list given in the
minus capital flows to the rest of the Seventh Schedule in the Constitution of
world. India.
A. Current Account A. Union B. State
B. Savings Account C. Global D. Concurrent
C. Capital Account Ans. B
D. Asset Account Sol. "Taxes on agricultural income" is
Ans. C listed in the state list given in the Seventh
Sol. The capital balance is equal to capital Schedule in the Constitution of
flows from the rest of the world, minus India.There are three list , state list,
capital flows to the rest of the world. union list and concurrent list in the 7th
Balance of payments included two types schedule of the indian constitution. There
of account i..e capital account balance are 97 items in the union list , 47 items
and current account balance. The Capital in the concurrent list and 59 items in the
Account gives a summary of the capital state list. These three list are the division
expenditure and income for a country. of the legislative section.


66. India's first official census operation Ans. D

was undertaken in which year? Sol. Monopolistic Competition (also
A. 1841 B. 1881 known as Imperfect Competition) is a
C. 1921 D. 1961 type of market structure which combines
Ans. B elements of monopoly and competitive
markets, the short run equilibrium results
• India's first official census operation
was undertaken in 1881. in quantity produced being lesser and
• It has been conducted after every 10 prices being higher compared to perfect
years and it has been conducted 15 competition.
times from then. It includes acquiring
and recording information about the 69. "Bankruptcy and insolvency" is listed
members of a given population. in the __________ list given in the
Seventh Schedule in the Constitution of
67. "Relief of the disabled and
unemployable" is listed in the
__________ list given in the Seventh A. Union B. State
Schedule in the Constitution of India. C. Global D. Concurrent
A. Union B. State Ans. D
C. Global D. Concurrent Sol. "Bankruptcy and insolvency" is listed
Ans. B in the Concurrent list given in the Seventh
Sol. "Relief of the disabled and Schedule in the Constitution of India.
unemployable" is listed in the State list Concurrent List includes 52 items and
given in the Seventh Schedule in the
Parliament has exclusive power to
Constitution of India. State list given in
legislate Concurrent lists.
the Seventh Schedule in the Constitution
of India includes 59 items (in beginning
there are 66 items in the list). Some of 70. The marginal product curve is inverse
the items like Public order, Police, ____ shaped.
Agriculture, etc. A. X B. W
C. V D. U
68. In ____________, the short run
equilibrium results in quantity produced Ans. D
being lesser and prices being higher Sol.
compared to perfect competition. The marginal product curve is inverse
A. Monopsony
shaped. The marginal product of an input
B. Monopoly
initially increases and then after a certain
C. Oligopoly
level of employment, it starts decreases.
D. Monopolistic Competition



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