Results To Survey Collected On 6 24 11 Suggestions For Federal Regulation Cuts

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Federal Program Cuts - Nueces County Conservatives Voice Your Opinions Response Summary

Eliminate Federal Subsidies Program Potential Savings $63.4 Billion The federal government operates more than 2,000 separate subsidy programs, a doubling of subsidy programs since the mid-1980s. The scope of federal activities has greatly expanded in recent decades, along with the size of the federal budget. The federal government subsidizes farm businesses, retirees, school lunches, rural utilities, the energy industry, rental housing, public broadcasting, job training, foreign aid activities, foreign purchases of weapons, urban transit services, and many other types of activities and people. Each subsidy program costs money, generates a bureaucracy, spawns lobby groups, and encourages more people to demand freebies from the government. Individuals, businesses, and nonprofit groups that become hooked on federal subsidies essentially become tools of the state. They lose their independence, they have less incentive to innovate, and they shy away from criticizing the government. Listed below are just three (3) cuts to subsidies in agriculture, commerce, energy, housing, foreign aid, and other areas. These cuts wouldn't eliminate all of the unjustified subsidies in the federal budget, but they would be a good start. Government subsidies are like addictive drugs, undermining America's traditions of individual reliance, voluntary charity, and entrepreneurialism. Response Percent End subsidies to the Corp. for Public Broadcasting - Annual Savings $0.5 Billion End subsidies for Vehicle Technologies - Annual Savings $5.2 Billion Cut Food Subsidies by 50% Annual Savings $52.7 Billion End subsidies for Ethanol - Annual Savings $5 Billion All the above None of the above Response Count Total Started Survey: 46 Total Completed Survey: 46 (100%)




6.5% 82.6% 4.3%

3 38 2

Reduce the number of Federal Employees by 10% through attrition Potential Savings: $139 billion Since the economic downturn began in December of 2007 the private sector workforce has shrunk by more than 6 percent. Over the same period the federal governments workforce (excluding Census and Postal workers) grew by nearly 12 percent, adding 230,000 new federal employees to a total of more than 2 million workers. President Obamas 2012 budget proposes adding another 15,000 federal workers. The failed 2009 stimulus bill showed that governmentfunded employment is no substitute for real market-driven private sector job creation, and government spending to support federal jobs has a crowd-out effect on private employment. Substantial savings could be achieved by reducing the number of federal employees by 10 percent over the next 3 years. Reductions can be made by attrition, hiring only one new federal employee for every three federal workers who retire or leave federal employment.

Response Percent I agree with this plan I do not agree with this plan I desire a more aggresive approach

Response Count 58.7% 4.3% 37.0% 27 2 17

Eliminate the Department of Education Potential Savings: $107 billion The Department of Education should be closed and its programs terminated. The main activity of the department is to provide grants to state and local governments. However, channeling taxpayer dollars through Washington and then back to the states is an inefficient way to fund local activities such as education. It would be better if the states funded their own education programs free from all the paperwork that comes with federal aid. Federal intervention into primary and secondary schools has steadily increased since the 1960s, but there have been no obvious improvements in educational achievement. Indeed, standardized test scores for K-12 students have been stagnant for decades. Interestingly, Canada has virtually no federal involvement in its schools, but Canadian students generally score higher on international tests than do American students. The sad truth is that rising control from Washington has probably damaged American schools by reducing local flexibility, retarding innovation, and burying school administrators in regulations. Federal involvement should be ended, and it should be up to the states, the schools, and parents to boost school performance. Department of Education loans and grants to college students should be ended. Personal savings, financial institutions, and charitable organizations are more efficient funding sources for college costs. For decades, federal student aid has suffered from inept administration and large amounts 2

of fraud and abuse. Another problem is that rising federal aid has generated inflation in college tuition and other educational costs. Thus, ending federal student subsidies would create beneficial pressure on colleges and universities to trim their bloated budgets and reduce their tuition. Response Percent I agree I disagree Response Count 95.7% 4.3% 44 2

Terminate the Department of Energys Weatherization Assistance Program Potential Savings: $2.1 billion Begun during the energy crisis of the 1970s, the Weatherization Assistance Program provides federal assistance to low-income homeowners seeking to improve the energy efficiency of their homes by adding insulation or installing energy-efficient windows. The program received $5 billion in the 2009 stimulus bill in addition to annual appropriations now running at $210 million per year. The program generated headlines for significant instances of waste, fraud, and abuse, including paying for shoddy and ineffective workmanship and payment for work not actually done. Delaware suspended its program due to such abuses. Other states have reported fraud and abuse in the program, including Tennessee, Illinois, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Texas and Virginia. Response Percent I agree I disagree Response Count 87.0% 13.0% 40 6

Privatize the U.S. Postal Service & Stop Federal Subsidies Potential Savings: $60 million The USPS is in a financial death spiral because of the myriad factors discussed. It faces a projected $238 billion in losses over the next 10 years under the status quo. To avoid a large and growing burden from being foisted on taxpayers in coming years, the USPS should be privatized and postal markets open for competition from FedEx, UPS, and upstart entrepreneurs. With privatization, Congress should end its micromanagement of the nations postal services. It should rescind the complex laws and regulations on delivery schedules, price caps, restrictions of 3

facility shut-downs, and other business decisions. Such congressional meddling ultimately hurts the consumers that any postal business is supposed to serve by pushing up costs. Consider the USPSs recent request that Congress allow it to end Saturday mail delivery. Congress has blocked that move, which will raise USPS costs and ultimately result in higher stamp prices. The Saturday mail delivery issue also highlights the lack of consumer choice in the current system. If the USPS decides not to provide Saturday service, customers should be free to contract with other commercial entities to provide Saturday service, or service for any day of the week for that matter. Policymakers resistant to reform often depict the USPS as a "national asset" that "binds the nation together." But these days, its the Internet and our telecommunications networks that bind families and businesses together across the nation. Its time to let go of the nostalgia for the USPS and bring Americas postal services into the 21st century with privatization, open competition, and entrepreneurial innovation. Response Percent I agree I disagree Phase out all Federal subsidies within 5 years Response Count 78.3% 8.7% 13.0% 36 4 6

Eliminate the Economic Development Administration at the Department of Commerce Potential Savings: $2.5 billion The Economic Development Administration (EDA) was enacted as one of Lyndon B. Johnsons Great Society war on poverty programs in 1965. Its objective was to generate jobs and stimulate industrial and commercial growth in economically distressed areas of the United States through federally-funded public infrastructure projects. According to one study, EDA programs are duplicative, given there are more than 100 programs promoting economic development at more than a dozen federal agencies. Watchdog agencies such as the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and the Department of Commerce Inspector General also have criticized the ineffectiveness of the EDA at achieving its stated mission of job creation. The co-chairs of the Bowles-Simpson Fiscal Commission appointed by President Obama recommended terminating the EDA. Response Percent I agree I disagree Response Count 100.0% 0.0% 46 0

Establish Formal Printing Policies & Eliminate Unnecessary Printing Costs Potential Savings: $930 Million Encouraging federal employees to hit print less could save taxpayers $930 million. A report finds that federal agencies, excluding the Department of Defense (DOD), spend nearly $1.3 billion a year on office printing. Of these printing costs, the study identifies $440.4 million a year, 34 %, spent on unnecessary printing. These figures do not include the funds agencies spend to publish various documents for public consumption, but rather the estimated annual printing expenditures based on the average federal civilian employee. The DOD, alone, spends at least $1.4 billion on printing, copying, and faxing each year. Using analysis similar to that employed by the previously cited study, DOD spends about $490 million annually in unnecessary printing. The studies noted few agencies had established or enforced printing guidelines detailing when it was appropriate and inappropriate for employees to print documents. Eighty-nine percent of federal employees reported their agencies do not have formal printing policies in place. Response Percent I agree with establishing formal printing policies I disagree with establishing formal printing policies Response Count 100.0% 46


Unneeded Courthouse Space Costing Taxpayers Millions Potential Savings: $51 Million Unneeded space in federal courthouses costs the taxpayer $51 million annually, according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO). GAO examined 33 federal courthouse projects completed since 2000. It found millions of square feet of unnecessary space, nine courthouses worth, which Congress never approved. Every unneeded square foot of building space held by the federal government requires annual funding for operations and maintenance. This includes the cost of cleaning, heating, and lighting. According to the GAO, the estimated cost to construct this extra space, when adjusted to 2010 dollars, is $835 million, and the annual cost to rent, operate and maintain it is $51 million. The last thing the federal government needs right now is additional space in super-sized courthouses. According to the Office of Management and Budget, there are currently 46,745 under-utilized government properties and 18,849 properties that are not being utilized at all. That is a total of 65,594 properties with an estimated value of $83 billion that could be sold, better managed, or demolished. Response Percent I agree with selling unneeded courthouse space I disagree with selling unneeded courthouse space Response Count 93.5% 43


If you have another suggestion that is not listed above, please write your suggestion as to what Federal Regulation/Program you would recommend to be cut. Response Count 18 Eliminate the EPA. 6/23/11 10:13AM View Responses i believe attention should be paid to our wellfare system by adding restrictictions to benefits, such as mandatory drug testing for benefits , too ,many people have turned the system into a way of life and not a help up 6/20/11 11:28AM View Responses CUT OUT CONGRESSIONAL PENSIONS FOR INCOMING ELECTED OFFICIALS, THEY MUST BE TREATED AS COMMON CITIZENS AND NOT PENSIONED FOR LIFE WHAT ABOUT 20 YEAR MILITARY VETERANS,,,GETTING ONLY HALF PAY!!!! 6/20/11 10:19AM View Responses 6

Cut Congress vested retirement! Give them an annual amount to be invested in a 401 account. When they leave office, benefits END! 6/20/11 8:21AM View Responses Eliminate EPA or severly cut bck; Eliminae taxpayer funded cell phones. eliminate fraud and waste in welfare system. Eliminate full salary retirement for Congressmen. 6/20/11 5:52AM View Responses Cut all agencies not approved by the U.S. Constitution 6/19/11 11:39PM View Responses end federal program which compensates federal employees for fuel and rental vehicles as an encentive to commute. 6/19/11 10:04PM View Responses these Washington beaurocrats are not any different than any body else on the dole, they'll take all the gulliable taxpayer is willing to give and whilr we sit here doing without they all are enjoying the perks they think they are entitled to living high on the hog of the poor ole dumb taxpayer. It's time for change as o'bumer said, so let's start by throwing more of the life sucking bums out of office 6/19/11 9:36PM View Responses Cut back on the SECRET SERVICE. Obama has to many trailing after him and make that idiot pay for his own transportation. We are tired of his using our planes for his use EVERYDAY. 6/19/11 8:43PM View Responses Congress and Senate and Federal employees get on the social security program like we are and health also 6/19/11 8:22PM View Responses Stop all subsidies to farmers and any land owner fpr not growing or growing certain crops, No subsidies to any individuals or corporations 6/19/11 8:16PM View Responses Balanced Budget Amendment, eliminate Dept of Homeland Security, consolidate law enforcement and military branches 6/19/11 7:58PM View Responses IRS 6/19/11 7:13PM View Responses Overturn or repeal any legislation favorable to Unions. 6/19/11 5:55PM View Responses Defund the EPA, OSHA and MSHA and shift these responsibilities to the states. 6/19/11 5:53PM View Responses Deep cuts in the EPA 6/19/11 5:43PM View Responses Cut all frivolous purchases from food stamps such as candy, sodas, bakery cakes and cookies, prepared deli foods such as potato salad, stuffed jalapenos, etc. The BASIC NECESSARY NUTRTIOUS FOODS can be barcoded to be accepted by the cash registers. It is ridiculous to have the person in front of you at the grocery pay for two 1 1/2" Porterhouse steaks and a pack of stuffed jalapenos with a Food Stamp Card or have someone with a bunch of candy, sodas and Hostess cupcakes paid for with a Food Stamp Card. 6/19/11 5:36PM View Responses

Food stamps should ONLY be given to people who work....get a check.....produce SOMETHING 6/19/11 5:12PM View Responses

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