Uganda Marathon 2022 Sponsorship Proposal

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Launched in August 2014 with an initiative to improve the lives

of the vulnerable people in Masaka and show people from all
over the world the beauty of Uganda, the fantastic warm
friendly welcome of its inhabitants and the amazing story of
hope and promise in the country, the Uganda Marathon has
expanded from a regional event to a national event attracting
runners from all over the country and the world at large.

The Marathon takes place every year around between May –

June and attracts over 200 international participants from all
over Europe who spend a week in Uganda doing charity and
fundraising for the different community projects that we offer
grants with proceeds from the marathon.

The race is unique from other marathons with in the country

with the course passing through a heavily populated Masaka
town and then later through the villages with habitants all lined
up on the streets cheering all the participants. The race also
offers a distance for everyone with in the community and the
country at large.

The race categories include 42kms, 21 Kms, 10kms, and the

Disability race – 5Kms.

Over the past 5 years, a total of over $1000,000 has been raised
through donations, kit sales and sponsorship from multi-
national companies. All this money has been invested back to
the community by giving grants to about 100 community
projects following the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

In addition to the race and the charity work in Masaka, we offer

the international runners an adventure like no other by taking
them on tour around the main tourist attractions in the country.

Over the past 2 years, the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted our

operations leading to cancellation of Uganda Marathon 2020 and
2021 respectively. With the fully opening of the economy, the
Uganda marathon 2022 is scheduled to take place on June 5th
2022, at Liberation grounds Masaka.

Once again, our main focus will be supporting the local

communities of greater masaka region through their
community projects and Saccos, as way to increase their
household incomes thus lifting them out of poverty

Further more, we shall re emphasize the Covid-19 vaccination

as a means of ending the pandemic that has disrupted us for
the past two years.

In the run up to the marathon due to take place in June, we will

organize activation activities including blood donation drives and
Covid-19 vaccination campaigns in areas around Masaka.


Marathon Demographics & Facts
■ 47% runners are women
■ 53% runners are men
race DATA

Women Men
Younger than 17- 10% Younger than 17- 3%
18-25- 12% 18-25- 9%
26-35- 42% 26-35- 27%
36-45- 20% 36-45- 24%
46-55- 10% 46-55- 22%
55 or older- 6% 55 or older- 14%

60% complete the Marathon More than 6000 ran the UGM 2019

250 International Runners from Europe Over $1000,000 collected and

participated in the UGM 2019 donated to charities


---PLANS FOR 2022---
The Uganda Marathon 2022 is taking place on 4th June 2022, at Liberation Grounds, Masaka. This
year we hope to have over 100 international runners from all over the world and 6000 local
runners who will take part in different marathon categories which include a kid’s dash, 10km,
21km and 42km distance races as well as our unique disability persons race to raise money for
both local community projects and charities in the greater Masaka Region.

With over 6000 people in attendance this will not only be one of Masaka’s biggest events but also a
huge national event guaranteeing any brand associated with the marathon, a huge market reach as
all the sponsors marketing equipment will be well placed all over the 42kms Course.

For 2022, we are planning on doing pre-launch activation drives, with aim of collecting blood through
blood donation in partnership with Uganda Blood Transfusion Service and further Covid - 19
vaccination drives in partnership with the ministry of health.

Finally, the Uganda Marathon will continue its tradition of supporting community Based
organisations and Non-Government Organisations with grants following the UN SDG’s to enhance
growth of the greater Masaka region and the country as a whole.

👉 Runners for Uganda Marathon

2019 taking one of the hills on the race
route named – “The Beast”.

👇Promotional Drive in Masaka town

with all the sponsors, artists and the
community a day before the


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