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There was a child suffering from malignant poverty in a pleasant city of Manila. Juan is a poor
youngster from a poor home. Her mother died at the time of his birth since she was too young to
have a kid. On the other hand, her father was the one who looked after him. He supplied Juan with
all he requires in order for him to be a happy youngster. As the years pass, Juan realizes that he has
to start school, but his father is unable to fund his son's education. As a result, Juan started to sell
bottles and cans to assist his father with his job. One day, other children insult him about his
appearance, smell, and lack of ability to attend school. Juan was sad, but there was nothing he could
do about it. As a result, he simply grinned at them and dashed towards his father. They walked
through a school the next day, and Juan noticed students happily playing and learning. He felt sad
and envious since he was unable to experience these things due of their life situation. As a result, he
collected his thoughts and determined to save money so that he could attend school. He has saved
enough money to go to school for the past three years. His father also surprised him with a uniform
and school necessities on his tenth birthday. He felt overwhelmed and drives him to weep. He was
overjoyed and delighted upon entering the school since he could finally experience what it's like to
be a student. So, despite their age difference, he went into his room and eagerly played with his
classmates. Since he is a happy and cheerful child, his classmates played with him. On that particular
day, he strongly believed he was the happiest person in this world.

Rising action:

He went to the cafeteria during recess and found he didn't have enough money to buy any of the
meals. So he simply returned to the room and played with the other kids. Later on, he is teased by a
bunch of kids for being too old. He was upset, but he simply ignored them and returned to his room.
After class, he went straight home to change and assist his father in gathering bottles and cans. His
father has seen his sadness and frustration, but when he asks if anything is wrong, he simply denies
it. On the second day, he continues to remain cheerful and participates in class. However, he
maintains to stay inside his room at recess in order to avoid the bullies. But still, the bullies continue
to ridicule him and sometimes humiliate him in front of several children on a daily basis. However, as
a result of them, he has become so used to them and no longer finds them bothersome. This
continues, and the bullies soon abandon him. Juan received an academic achievement award after
six years of dedication. His father was so proud of him that they went out to a restaurant to
celebrate his graduation. The magnificence of the restaurant astonished Juan. Yet, he is still terrified
and apprehensive, though, since they may be judged, just as he has been judged because of his age
and their social level. His father walked away to place an order for dinner. Soon after, he returned
with a couple of delightful meals. Juan was overjoyed not just because of the meal, but also because
he had accomplished something thanks to his father's unwavering support.


He is currently a high school student and is determined to finish his studies. He also found a job at a
local business as a delivery guy. Bullies had stopped on him, he believed, but little did he realize that
because of his age, he had become one of the most humiliated persons. Occasionally, he would be
beaten and his money would be taken. Despite these setbacks, he manages to remain patient and
unconcerned. He returned home injured one night. His father was shocked by his state. His father
became so enraged that he passed out, and he is sent off to the hospital. His father woke up, still
angry at the bullies for what they had done to him. He witnesses a crowd gathering around a man
laying on the floor one day at school. So Juan goes to investigate. His pulse beats quicker as he
cautiously closes the space between them because the man appears to be familiar. His body
suddenly told him to go and hurry to the man. Soon after, he recognized it was his father, and he
sobbed uncontrollably while embracing his father in his arms. They were brought to the hospital by
ambulance. Later, the doctor searches for Juan and informs him that his father was luckily fine but
remains in a coma. As a result, Juan's world sunk to the bottom. He starts screaming uncontrollably
at night, yet the emotional pain lingers. He went to school the next day. In his eyes, the pain and loss
are still visible. He went to work after school, and while driving, he had the idea of ending his life by
colliding with a truck approaching him. As the truck got closer, he suddenly and unexpectedly
regained awareness and managed to avoid the truck.

Falling action:

Juan was dejected and fatigued when principal (name) spotted him one morning. As a result,
principal (name) approached him and offered him a place to stay at their home as well as a job as a
bakery worker. The principal's goodwill brought tears to the child's eyes. Principal (name) was
moved to tears by the child's tears. She gave Juan a big embrace and told him that all of his hard
work and suffering will pay off in the end. Juan acknowledges that there is still hope, that hard work
pays off, and that misery does not continue forever. As a result, he works as a delivery guy during
the day and as a server at night after a half-day at school. On weekends, he works as a bakery
assistant in the mornings, a delivery guy in the afternoons, and a waiter in the evenings. This may
make him restless, but it's the only method he knows to help his father with his medical demands.
His situation has made the bullies feel sorry for him. As a result, they apologized to him and on what
happened to his father without hesitation. Despite all they've done to him, Juan forgives them and
even encourages them to be friends with him. They were hesitant to take it because of what they
had done, but they eventually did. The bullies came up with a plan to recompense for their actions.
As a result, they assisted him with his part time work in order to meet his father's requirements
while also helping him to complete his education. The bullies eventually became friends with Juan
and continued to pursue their goals. They also applied at Juan's place of employment and offered
him a portion of their pay to assist his father. They'd all walked in Juan's shoes and knew how much
he goes through, even if he's still a student.


Years passed, and his father awoke from his coma. This shocking revelation shocked Juan and his
friends to tears. They are currently in their second year of college and are still pursuing their
aspirations. In which the bullies are named. (Bully 1) wants to be a doctor, (Bully 2) wants to be a
successful businessman, and (Bully 3) wants to be a lawyer, just like Juan. Their friendship was so
strong that they treated one other like brothers. Also, while principle (name) had retired, they
continued to pay him regular visits because she had become their second mother. Principal (name)'s
bakery had also progressed so much with the support of (bully 2) that it now has franchises in other
locations. Juan and (bully 3) both graduated and took and passed the bar examination after 5
months. In addition, (bully 1) went on to become a doctor, while (bully 3) has built a successful
business empire. Juan was later invited to come as a guest speaker at his former school. Juan
remembered the joy and excitement he had when he first arrived at school. He feels melancholy as
he walks into the school. When and where his hard work paid off was something he felt. Even if it
isn't the end, hard work never fails to pay off or successfully complete without anything satisfying.
He mentions how he was the oldest but happiest student in his speech. Despite the bad comments,
pains, and humiliations, he perseveres in his efforts. Before he ended his speech, he stated that,
“Even if we lose hope and give up, there will always be someone who picks us up, gives us hope, and
inspires us to keep striving for the fruits of our own work and sacrifice.”

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