Education As Community Development Strategy: Framework, Principles & Key Features

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Education as Community

Development Strategy
Framework, Principles & Key Features

DM 232 – Community Management

School of Management
University of the Philippines - Mindanao

Gene Leo A. Jesuro

Master in Management Batch 25
• Education brings people
• Education provides new
opportunities for young minds
• Education teaches people to
care for the environment
• Education promotes a better
• Education can bring peace to a
• Education can help people

Why is education important?

Nine Basic Principles
1. Self-determination
2. Self-help
3. Leadership development
Community Education
4. Localization
provides local residents, 5. Integrated delivery of services
community agencies, and 6. Maximum use of resources
institutions the opportunity 7. Inclusiveness
to become active partners 8. Responsiveness
in addressing community 9. Lifelong learning
These principles were developed by Larry Horyna, Utah State Department of Education, Salt Lake City, and Larry Decker,
University of Virginia Mid-Atlantic Center for Community Education, Charlottesville.
The aim of Community
Education is to quip
communities with the
skills they need to
undertake activities; it is
essentially about Community Educators address the multiple
needs of individuals, families, organizations, and

educating communities or
communities – providing an array of academic,
recreation, health, and social services, using the
common thread of learning, to prepare people of
group, not just individuals. all ages for active and healthy community life.
Effective teaching and learning
frameworks emerge from
psychological, cognitive,
sociological, and educational
research findings that students
learn best when a) the prior
knowledge and “preconceptions”
they bring into the classroom are
recognized and engaged, b) they
have practice and time to build
Teaching and learning frameworks are “conceptual frameworks” upon
foundational knowledge through
research-informed models for course active, experiential, and contextually
design that help instructors align varied learning, and c) they have
learning goals with classroom activities, practice and time to “take control of
their own learning” through
create motivating and inclusive metacognitive reflection.
environments, and integrate assessment
into learning.
Key components of Integrated Course Design, Fink 2013
5E’s Framework
Accelerated Learning Cycle
Universal Design for Learning
• Identify Most Relevant
• Create a Course Alignment Map
• Assess Student Knowledge
• Include Formative and
Summative Assessments
• Complete a Teaching Practices
• Modify Activities and
Assessments as Needed

Education as Community
Development Strategy
Framework, Principles & Key Features

DM 232 – Community Management

School of Management
University of the Philippines - Mindanao

Gene Leo A. Jesuro

Master in Management Batch 25
Processes of Education

v It follows a particular structure of v It is an independent form of v It is planned but takes place apart
delivery study with no definite syllabus from the academic education
v It is highly planned and deliberate v It is not preplanned and does provided by the school education
v It is chronological and systematic not have a proper timetable system.
v There is a regular fee that is v It is an experience that is gained v It is highly flexible and adjustable.
required to be paid through practice. It does not v There is generally no age limit to
v Its demand is highly qualified require a fee payment all the gain this type of education.
experts time. v It may or may not involve
v It is subject-oriented and time- v It is a lifelong process in a certificates or fees.
bound natural way v It can be either part-time or full-
v There are no certificates or time or as a profession.
degrees involved v It includes both theoretical and
practical education.
Gamification - Explaining the meaning of ʻgamificationʼ, “it means to
incorporate game elements like rewards, scores, points etc. into
something like teaching. Using this tool, gamification, we can help
students learn in a better way.

-game elements

Remote learning is where the student and the educator, or

information source, are not physically present in a traditional
classroom environment. Information is relayed through
technology, such as discussion boards, video conferencing,
and online assessments. Remote Learning can occur
synchronously with real-time peer-to-peer interaction and
collaboration, or asynchronously, with self-paced learning
activities that take place independently of the instructor.
Remote learning refers to educational activities that have a
variety of formats and methods, most of which take place
online. There are a number of online options available for
communicating with students, collecting assignments, and
distributing education material
• To mimic the human brain and create system that can
function intelligently and independently
• Sometimes you do not realize that there is a machine calling
the shots
• As AI becomes more intelligent it will obviously take all the
role of intelligent worker while most of the repetitive and
largely time oriented tasks can be automated using AI
• Synthetic BOTS works on strategic and creative aspects of
• AI is a boon that can optimize any job
• It is not human vs AI but a combination of human and AI
versus the actual problem statement
• AI can be used in the grading program
• AI systems can offer personalized learning to the students making learning more
• AI helps in students retention by using data science to ensure
• AI systems can make meet predictions that will allow Instutions to meet Forecasts
for curriculum
• change staffing needs , various technological solution to enhace teachings will ths
insght could save institutons millions
• Speech impair can be detected
• AI systems can enhance cyber security. AI can identify cn predict cyber attacks.
Safety of data
• Advance facial recognition software and weapon detection .
• AI will change the landscape of education to a culture of transparency.
• Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to
address some of the biggest challenges in education
today, innovate teaching and learning practices, and
ultimately accelerate the progress towards SDG 4
• These rapid technological developments
inevitably bring multiple risks and challenges,
which have so far outpaced policy debates and
regulatory frameworks.
• UNESCO is committed to supporting Member
States to harness the potential of AI technologies
for achieving the Education 2030 Agenda, while
ensuring that the application of AI in
educational contexts is guided by the core
principles of inclusion and equity.
• The promise of “AI for all” must be that everyone can take advantage of the
technological revolution under way and access its fruits, notably in terms of
innovation and knowledge.
• Furthermore, UNESCO has developed within the framework of the Beijing
Consensus a publication aimed at Artificial Intelligence and Education:
• Guidance for Policy-makers, will be of interest to practitioners and professionals
in the policy-making and education communities. It aims to generate a shared
understanding of the opportunities and challenges that AI offers for education,
as well as its implications for the core competencies needed in the AI era.
• Through its projects, UNESCO affirms that the deployment of AI technologies in
education should be purposed to enhance human capacities and to protect
human rights for effective human-machine collaboration in life, learning and
work, and for sustainable development. Together with partners, international
organizations, and the key values that UNESCO holds as pillars of their
mandate, UNESCO hopes to strengthen their leading role in AI in education, as a
global laboratory of ideas, standard setter, policy advisor and capacity builder.
• The Artificial Intelligence and the Futures of Learning project builds on
the Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence to be adopted
at the 41st session of the UNESCO General Conference and will follow up
on the recommendations of the upcoming UNESCO global
report Reimagining our futures together:
• A new social contract for education, to be launched in November 2021. It
will be implemented within the framework of the Beijing Consensus on
AI and Education and against the backdrop of the UNESCO Strategy on
Technological Innovation in Education (2021-2025).
• The project consists of three independent but complementary strands:
• a report proposing recommendations on AI-enabled futures of learning,
• a guidance on ethical principles on the use of AI in education;
• a guiding framework on AI competencies for school students.
• The “Teaching artificial intelligence at school” project currently focuses on the latter two connections. The goal is to
contribute to mainstreaming both the human and technical aspects of AI into training programmes for school students.
It begins with piloting capacity development of curriculum developers and master trainers from selected national
institutions to empower young people.
• The following three lines of action are planned for the project:
• Development of an AI skills framework for schools;
• Development and management of an online repository to host curated AI-related training resources, AI national
curricula and other key digital skill training courses;
• Workshops to support the integration of AI training into national or institutional school curriculum in a selected number
of countries.
• To generate all these outcomes UNESCO is supported by an International Advisory Board. The Advisory Board is a group
of experts (in AI, education, the learning sciences, and ethics) appointed by UNESCO to develop the AI skills framework
for K12 schools and to review the repository and workshop outline. The advisory group donate their time and efforts
on a voluntary basis.
• UNESCO is currently developing an online repository to provide a hub for Member States who are considering how best
to teach their young people about Artificial Intelligence – how it works, how it might be used, and how it might affect
humanity. The specific objectives of the repository are to support curriculum designers to upskill in their AI knowledge,
and facilitate them to integrate AI skills development modules/courses into the curriculum of schools or other
education institutions; facilitate the preparation of (master) trainers; provide openly accessible curated resources on AI
in education for all. The repository will soon be available.
• The AI training workshops for national or institutional school curriculum is targeted to teachers and curriculum
developers. This will be designed by teachers and specialists in curriculum development, artificial intelligence and
workshop developers. This project is implemented by UNESCO, currently in partnership with Ericsson, and open to a
multi-stakeholder partnership approach.
• The connection between AI and education involves
three areas:
1. learning with AI
(e.g. the use of AI-powered tools in classrooms)
1. learning about AI (its technologies and techniques)
2.preparing for AI (e.g. enabling all citizens to better
understand the potential impact of AI on human
• Classroom Level Apps:
• Familiar Office applications are now ‘super charged’ by the power of the intelligent cloud,
utilising Machine Learning (ML) to infuse AI driven features into the products and help teachers
improve learning outcomes. This is perhaps most evident in the area of accessibility, where
Microsoft works to ensure every student has access to technology in a way that will help them
• Presentation Translator is a free plugin for PowerPoint that creates real-time subtitles of what
the teacher is saying, displaying them below the presentation. Furthermore, using Azure
Cognitive Services, AI-powered speech recognition and translation allows students to hear or
read what is being said in their own native language.
• For the visually impaired, the free Seeing AI app also leverages the
massive computing power of the Azure cloud to narrate the world
aloud to a student, simply by taking a photo with their smartphone.
Seeing AI delivers the relatively simple “read aloud” of text held in
front of a smartphone camera, through to aiding a student by
scanning currency when paying by cash and reading barcodes off
products (with audible beeps to help guide and align the camera).
Developed largely by a blind employee at Microsoft, the app can even
describe a scene if a photo is taken such as “I think it is a man jumping
in the air doing a trick on a skateboard.” For visually impaired
students, having a scene in a classroom or playground independently
described to them is a liberating experience increasingly possible
through the power of AI.
• Avatarion is a Swiss company that builds robots connected
to the Microsoft Azure IoT Hub that provide absent children
a physical presence in class, with full video and audio
connections to their hospital or home so they can continue to
participate in their learning. The child uses a tablet to
control the robot’s movements, speech, send images to
classmates and answer questions by raising the robot’s hand
and speaking through a connected microphone and speaker.
Cloud based AI monitors the robot’s performance at all
times, sending valuable information back to the developers
to ensure it performs securely and consistently as it
represents that ill child in the classroom.
• Another combination of AI powered apps that are making significant
improvement to literacy levels for students: Microsoft Office Lens and
the Immersive Reader in OneNote and Word. Office Lens is a free
smartphone app that allows students or teachers to take a photo of
text and send it to OneNote or Word where Optical Character
Recognition (OCR) is performed by the Azure cloud meaning the text
can now be highlighted, have increased spacing between words and
syllables and read aloud using the Immersive Reader build right into
core Office365 products. Independent research carried out in
2017 shows that the use of Immersive Reader and Learning Tools can
significantly improve the reading and writing levels of students and
increase equity to educational resources for all students.
• “Microsoft Word is used all the time to create
essays. Part of the AI in the back end means that
as students are writing reports the text can be
analysed and sentiment analysed to inform the
teacher. There is AI that reads through the text
and identifies – based on data points and
markers – the level of literacy for the student”

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