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University of Gondar

College of Natural and Computational Science

Department of Information Science

Title of the project is:-

Tewodros campus library management system

Name ID

1.Yeshiwas Dagnaw 1255/06

2.Gashu Abate 1066/06
3.Gaddisa Disasa 1064/06
4.Gay Obang 1068/06
5.Fua’d Hussien 1063/06
6.Gemechu 1071/06
Group six

Submitted to inst. Getachew

Gondar, Ethiopia

1.1. Background of the project (study)

The University of Gondar was established in 1954, as a public health college

and training center. Now university of Gondar developed into five campuses
such as, College of Medicine and Health science,Atse Tewodros campus,
Fassil campus, Maraki campus and Tseda campus. University of Gondar has
five libraries in five campuses. Our project is concerned on Tewodros
campus library management system. It was established in 2002.Our project
especially concerned on the planning, analyzing, designing, implementation,
and operation and support (maintaining) the management system of
Tewodros campus library.

1.2. Overview of the existing management library system

Tewodros campus library management system is the main branch library

from other branches of library management system and which gives
different services to its customers, students, teachers, and staffs. Some of
these services are:-

 Distribution of books to different departments

 borrowing books for students(one book only for 7-15 days) and
teachers(one book only for one semester) , shelf by classification,
distributing specific new books for other branches of library

management system, keeping peace in the library, providing internet
service by specification or limitation of time.
 When this library was established first there were at least 30 workers
in three shifts, but nowadays there are more than 73 workers in four
shifts. Some of the workers are database workers, binders, circulation
controllers, cleaners and rotators etc.
 The mission of library management system of Tewodros campus is to
provide best fit (match) with institutional mission and provide
strategic organization and management of the library books, resources
and services. It will deliver appropriate, effective, efficient and
intuitive library and also documentation services as an integral
element of university’s achievement of excellence in research, teach,
and community services.

1.3. Statements of the problem

The current system is done manually where librarians have to process

everything starting from organizing the books up to placing them in the right
place or on the appropriate shelf to retrieve them for the library workers,
students, teachers and visitors for the purpose of consuming time. Retrieving
the books in the library is very important for all students. Because of this,
the current manual system has series problems. The main problems among
them are:-failure to define whether the books are exactly what the user
wants, lack of such organized system hinder books search in the library,
wasting of precious time for looking the misplaced books, lack of
appropriate search tools for identifying the books that have identical titles
and authors name, misplaced of books in the shelf which results poor
retrieval, searching process consumes time of librarians, students, and
visitors, security problems of different books when the librarians and the
students placed the books. As we observed the library system works based
on file-based or traditional approach and this method or approach is difficult
to access the books as the user wants.


 There are two types of objectives .the first one is general objective and
the second is specific objective.

1.4.1. General objective

Our general objective of the study is to develop system analysis and design
for Tewodros campus library management system

1.4.2. Specific objectives

 To plan, analyze, design, implement, and operation and support

(maintain) the current library management system easily
 To enhance and update the existing system
 To study the current system
 To test the existing system by observation
 To identify the problem that hinder efficient delivery service
 To perform system analysis and design activities
 To save time and energy of the librarians and students by
applying activities of system analysis and design method

1.5. Scope of the project

Our project specially concerned on the planning, analyzing, designing,
implementation, and operation and support (maintaining) the current
management system of Tewodros campus library.

1.6. Alternative solutions

Our project assigns the alternative solutions for the statements of the
problems in the management system of Tewodros campus library as:-

 By making computerized system for book searching ,ordering

system ,storage ,updating books borrow and return books
 By making the workers familiar with the new system
 By providing efficiency ,flexibility and reliability of organization’s
 By avoiding errors
 By holding all information for the users to access and generate reports
 By providing better satisfaction to customer through prompt service
delivery and computerized use
1.7 Feasibility study
A feasibility study is a preliminary investigation of the study
undertaken to determine and document a project’s practically. The
feasibility study is to determine or measure how beneficial of the
development of an information system would be to an organization.
We can say our project which is a web based application for
Tewodros campus library management system is feasible, because it
can fulfill all the requirements of good software which are technical
feasibility, economical feasibility, operational feasibility, legal

1.7.1 Technical feasibility
Computerized the existing system will help to overall design of the
library management system and also the computerized system should
be accessible to the users. Classification by catalogue is another
technique to minimize work overload, enable the users (students,
teachers, visitors) to access different books in minimum time and
effort. The propose solutions of our project gives the technique of
distributing or accessing different books by web-based or
computerized system for the users easily, accurately, timely.

1.7.2 Economical feasibility

computerized system and catalogue classification have some economical
advantages to the students, librarians and the system itself such as:-

 To minimize the cost lost by renewing of different books

 To minimize the amount of money paid to employ the workers or
 To minimize amount of money to buy the same books (books of the
same title, author, edition)
 To minimize time cost of withdrawal books from librarian to the
 To minimize effort of librarians lost by arranging books to the shelf
 To minimize time loss when the students want to search different
books from the shelf

But this project is not economically feasible for our group because our group buys
different material to build this project such as personal computer, flash disc, reader,
paper, CD-ROM, memory

1.7.3 Operational feasibility

Proposed solutions (such as computerized the system and catalogue

classification) will satisfy the requirements of the students, teachers, visitors,
and librarian .This methods are acceptable by students, teachers, workers or
librarians, because of the proposed solutions provides economical and
technical advantages, access what they want easily within minimum time
and effort.

1.7.4 Legal feasibility

All the proposed solutions of our project have no contrary ideas in our
country constitution. These proposed solutions provide many advantages for
the organization as well as our country Ethiopia. By this reason our project
is acceptable by the users, professionals, students, and visitors.

1.8 proposed solutions

 A properly computerized library will help its users with quick
and prompt service
 Library automation(mechanism of library housekeeping
operations mostly by computerization)
 Providing acquisition (acquiring) of the system, serials of the
system, cataloguing, catalogue classification, and circulation

 Give information about library for everyone who wants its
 Give awareness about the rule and the regulation of the library
for its users
1.9. Methodology
1.9.1. Data source
 Interview:-To investigate the current system and to identify
problem in addition to what we have observed we designed to
interview students, library management system officer and librarians
or workers in the library.
 Observation:-The other method we used to collect data is
observing the existing system report form and procedure description
and contact interview and discussion with user.
 Document analysis:-the third method that our group collects
data by reading secondary data published or unpublished files about
the history of Tewodros campus library management system or
existing system.

1.9.2. System analysis approach

There are different system analysis approach such as :

1. Structured analysis approach is a model-driven, process-

centered technique used to either analyze the existing system, define
business requirements for a new system or both. The data model in
this approach is Data Flow Diagram (DFD).

2. Object-oriented analysis: the data model in this approach is

Unified Modeling Language (UML).Simplified introduction is

appropriate here.

3. Information engineering: is a model-driven, process-centered, but

process sensitive technique to plan, analyze, and design information
system. The data model in this approach is Entity Relationship

Diagram (ERD).it emphasizes the study and requirement of data.

4. Accelerated analysis approach: emphasizes the construction

of prototypes to more rapidly identifying business and user
requirement for the new system.
From this approaches our group select Object-oriented and
information engineering (ERD) to analyze library management system
of Tewodros campus library.

1.9.2. System design approach

As system analysis approach, there are different system design
approach such as modern structured design, information engineering,
prototyping, and object-oriented design approach.
From this different system design approaches our group select object-
oriented and information engineering (ERD) design approaches to
design management system of Tewodros campus library.

1.10. Specification of hardware and software

1.10.1 Hardware specification
When we built this project we use some hardware components such
 Flash disc
 Reader
 Computer
 Printer

1.10.2 Software specification

When we built this project we use some software components such

 Microsoft word
 Microsoft power point
 Paint

1.11 Project cost

Item Quantity Cost in birr

Flash disc 1(8Gb) 120.00

Paper to print 30 60.00

Personal computer 1 13,000.00

Reader 1 20.00

CD-ROM 1 60.00

memory 1(4Gb) 100.00

1.12 Time and task breakdown

Item Allocated day Date

introduction and one week 10/02/2007-

statement of the 17/02/2007 E.C

Objective, scope, Five days 18/02/2007-
alternative solutions , 23/02/2007

Feasibility study, four days 24/02/2007-

proposed solutions 28/02/2007
Methodology, One week 29/02/2007-
specification of HW 06/03/2007
and SW
Project cost, time and four days 07/03/2007-
task breakdown, and 11/03/2007
team structure and
Or by using PERT chart

Objective, scope, and

alternative solution
Introduction and statement of
the problem

20/02/2007 27/02/2007
10/02/2007 19/02/2007
11 17/02/2007
10/02/2007 18/02/2007 23/02/2007
Feasibility study and proposed

22/02/2007 28/02/2007


1.13 Team structure and Responsibility
Team Responsibility from Allocated date
The project
Gashu and Yeshiwas Introduction , three weeks
objective , scope and
system analysis and
design approach
Gadisa and Fua’d Alternative solutions , Two weeks
feasibility study,
proposed solutions
Gay and Gemechu Methodology, One week
specification of HW
and SW,


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