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P +91-8449906375
Bachelor of Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar


Degree Institute/Board CGPA/Percentage Year

Bachelor of Technology Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar 7.35 (Till 3th Sem) 2020-2024
Senior Secondary Central Board of Secondary Education 77% 2019
Secondary Central Board of Secondary Education 9.8 2017

Mobile application for dairy farmers. (March 2022 - Present)
Through Smart India Hackathon (SIH), we are developing an online platform to bring consumers
and producers on a common platform to exchange dairy and other livestock products. This provides a
better market connectivity and cuts down the middlemen.
Technology used: XLM, Kotlin, MySQL.
Student Representative , Career Development & Placement Cell, IIT Ropar ( October 2021 – Present)
● Responsible for conducting career development and placement activities, inviting companies for placements,
and building corporate relations.
● Acted as a SPOC(Single person of contact ) for various companies to complete their placement process
smoothly in the last season.

oordinator , FinCOM, IIT Ropar

C ( October 2021 – Present)
Representative of Finance Community of IIT Ropar. FinCom is the FAC (Finance, Analytics, and
Consulting) Group
Arranged, Hosted, and Coordinated sessions, workshops, seminars, panel discussions, and alumni meet.
● Coordinated a two-month-long workshop on Data Analytics and Project Management which
witnessed the participation of more than 400 students across various IITs.
● Coordinated a session on “Careers in Quantitative inance.” and a three-day-long boot camp on
“Fundamentals of Derivatives.”

Branch Representative, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering IIT Ropar ( August 2021 – Present)
● Acted as a prime of icial communication channel between professors and the rest of the class for all
monitoring formalities.
● Negotiated with faculty to reach common grounds in the interest of my fellow colleagues.
C++, Python, Competitive Programming, Problem Solving.
ey Courses Taken
College Courses: Introduction to Programming, Economics(Ongoing), Probability and
Statistics(Ongoing), Calculus, Partial Differential Equation, Linear Algebra
Others : Financial Derivatives: A Quantitative Finance View(Udemy), Matlab Onramp, Matlab Simulink.
Outreach volunteer, Pehchaan Ek Safar, IIT Ropar ( October 2021 - Present)
Pehchaan Ek Safar (PES) is a registered NGO governed by IIT students Ropar.
● Volunteered to teach underprivileged children living in slums around the campus for 3-4 hours weekly.

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