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Evergreen Secondary School Secondary 4 Normal (Academic)

Prelim Examinations 2021 English Language Paper

Section A [5 marks]

Refer to the webpage (Text 1) on page 2 of the Insert for Questions 1 - 4.

1 The advertisement has the caption ‘Why waste? EcoBank them!’ What effect is the
caption intended to have on the reader?
They will feel the need to think/reflect/ponder on their wasteful behaviour as they can
donate their pre-loved/used items to EcoBank./ They will feel that they should not be
wasteful and donate their used items to EcoBank. [1]

X Make them aware , draw attention, convince them to donate, arouse curiosity

2 Give one feature of the first paragraph of the advertisement which makes it informal.

The word ‘your’ or ‘we’ is used which addresses the reader directly in an informal tone.
These are first person pronouns.
The word ‘let’s …’ contractions give the paragraph an informal tone, as it is
often used in informal situations to make suggestions.

X The use of contractions (you need to state the exact word)

3 Which two expressions in the advertisement do the advertisers use to appeal particularly
to donors who are concerned about the environment? (Tick two boxes only.)

have pre-loved items

reduce what we buy and reuse 

raise funds for disadvantaged women and children

our green efforts and becoming less wasteful 


Which one of the following sentences best sums up the main message of the
advertisement? (Tick one box only).

Selling your pre-loved items to EcoBank helps you to earn extra


EcoBank aims to collect and distribute all pre-loved items to the


Donating your pre-loved items to EcoBank allows you to save 

the [1]

Evergreen Secondary School Secondary 4 Normal (Academic)
Prelim Examinations 2021 English Language Paper

earth and help the needy.

Section B [20 marks]

Refer to Text 2 on page 3 of the Insert for Questions 5  16.

5 Referring to Paragraph 1, which two pieces of evidence support that Madam Solis
was in good health?

(i) “ruddy cheeks”

(ii) “Strong figure [2]

X Determined eye for work

Both quotes or no quotes acceptable

6 From Paragraph 1, how do we know that Madam Solis was a hardworking woman?

H She was often found working in the farm.

X X – No quotes X determined eye for work and she was often found working in [1]
the farm ED

7 Which phrase from Paragraph 1 shows that Madam Solis is content with being single?

“(had) not yet lived to regret it” [1]

X “She had not yet lived to regret it” X “never thought of marrying”

8 “One morning Madam Solis stood upon her hallway, contemplating a small band of very small
children who, to all intents and purposes, might have fallen from the clouds,” what do the
words in italics suggest about the arrival of the children?

It was unexpected/sudden/abrupt/unplanned [1]

X Unnatural X unpredictable

9 Pick out two phrases, from Paragraph 3, that show that Odile and her children were
reluctant to be at Madam Solis’s house?
“(dragged Ti Nomme by an) “unwilling hand” and “(followed with )“irresolute

Evergreen Secondary School Secondary 4 Normal (Academic)
Prelim Examinations 2021 English Language Paper

X“She dragged Ti Nomme by an unwilling hand” (this is a full sentence you

have been asked for a phrase)

10 What do the following phrases in italics from Paragraph 4 tell you about Madam Solis’
feelings towards the children?

Phrase from passage How Mdm Solis was feeling

‘stared at them quizzically’ Confused/perplexed/bewildered

Angry/frustrated/ furious
‘clenched her fists’

11 What does the phrase “her kitchen was amply provided…” (line 25) tell you about
Madam Solis’s kitchen?

It is well-stocked with a lot of food. / It has plenty of food/ it has a lot of food. (the
word ‘amply’ must be demonstrated)

12 From Paragraph 5, what aspect of child care was Madam Solis not prepared for?

Madam Solis did not realise that children (do not just need food they also) need

13 With reference to Paragraph 6, suggest why Madam Solis’s garden haunted her?

Most of the flowers were plucked out by Ti Nomme that she had tended to [1]
The garden was destroyed so she could not stand to look at all her hard work
gone to waste. [1] [2]

(the second half of the answer which shows us the idea of waste and how all her
effort was absolutely wasted)

14 “…she did not at once set about the task of righting it.” (line 43). What does the ‘it’ refer
(a) to?

It” refers to the mess (the children left behind) / messy disorder/the work left
behind / a sad disorder ) [1]

Evergreen Secondary School Secondary 4 Normal (Academic)
Prelim Examinations 2021 English Language Paper

Why did Madam Solis not do ‘it’ at once?

She missed the children/She was upset that the children had left/ She was lonely [1]
and upset

X that was tearing her apart on the inside (if you have only copied the entire
sentence from the passage you do not get the mark)

15 In Paragraph 7, Aunt Ruby says “I am just waiting for them to work their magic on you”.
What do you think Aunt Ruby was waiting for?
She was waiting for the kids to amaze/mesmerise Madam Solis
She was waiting for Madam Solis to be in awe of/in love with them.

X attached to them, get used to the kids, get along, accept them

Madam Solis
was not happy By the end of their
about looking stay, Madam Solis
after the had grown
children. attached to them.

Student A Student B

You agree with Student B. Give four pieces of evidence from the text to support this

I agree with Student B because

It is mentioned in the passage that Madam Solis had grown quite used to the routine, and
she no longer complained about them.

When they left she felt that the excitement was all over for her as they were gone and she
was all alone.

The children had left a sad disorder but she was too upset to clear it.

She felt a heart-wrenching pain that was tearing her apart on the inside after the children left.

She let her head fall down upon her arm and began to cry.

Evergreen Secondary School Secondary 4 Normal (Academic)
Prelim Examinations 2021 English Language Paper


Evergreen Secondary School Secondary 4 Normal (Academic)
Prelim Examinations 2021 English Language Paper

This is an example of an incomplete point.

Section C [25 marks]

Refer to Text 3 on pages 5 of the Insert for Questions 17 – 21.

17 Read the text and match the paragraph with the headings.
Write the correct letter (A–G). The first line has been done for you. There is one
other letter you will not need to use.


Paragraph 1 …………B…….

Paragraph 2 …………E……..

Paragraph 3 …………A…..…

Paragraph 4 …………F……..

Paragraph 5 …………G……..

Paragraph 6 …………C……..

A Online shopping and the convenience it brings consumers

B The evolution of online shopping in present day

C The bright future of online shopping in our time

D The influence of online shopping on fashion trends

Evergreen Secondary School Secondary 4 Normal (Academic)
Prelim Examinations 2021 English Language Paper

E Increasing population of people turning to online shopping for daily needs

F The perks of online shopping as compared shopping at physical stores

G The risks and disappointment that may arise from online shopping [5]

18 According to Paragraph 1, how has online shopping made our lives easier now?

Online shopping has made our lives easier as just by a simple point and
click, you can buy almost everything from online stores.
The idea of the simple click must be present as that is the convenience

(a) What does ‘this scene’ (line 11) refer to?
‘this scene’ refers to consumers/people pushing a cart down the aisle
and choosing items for their families / grocery shopping in physical
stores [1]

Answer must state physical stores

b) Why would ‘this scene’ (line 11) change in the near future?
This scene will change in the near future as the number of sales for
shopping for food online is expected to rise / will rise [1]
Idea of increase or rise must be there

20 In Paragraph 3, the writer mentioned that online shopping has led to the changing
roles of physical stores. In what ways are physical stores different now than in the

Role of stores

Past Present

Stores used to be distribution Stores have turned into showrooms

centres [1] where consumers can look at items,
see what they like and then retreat to [2]
their homes and order online [1]

21 Using your own words as far as possible, summarise the advantages and
disadvantages of online shopping.

Evergreen Secondary School Secondary 4 Normal (Academic)
Prelim Examinations 2021 English Language Paper

Use only the material from Paragraphs 4 to 5 of Text 3.

Your summary must be in continuous writing (not note form). It must not be longer than 80
words, not counting the words given to help you begin.

One of the perks that online shopping brings consumers is …………………………………

Evergreen Secondary School Secondary 4 Normal (Academic)
Prelim Examinations 2021 English Language Paper

From the passage IYOW

1. a) allowed consumers the the chance to shop at one’s convenience

opportunity to shop anytime with an internet connection
and anywhere (lines 24-25)

b) so long as they have an active

internet connection (line 25)

2. Due to increasing number of online The rise in number of online shopping

shopping sites now, prices can be sites, has enabled effortless price
easily compared (line 27) comparison / made price comparison

3. consumers can easily choose which for consumers to select / determine which
to purchase from (line 28) to buy from / get

4. Online sites, like physical shops, Online shops give / grant / extend deals
also offer deals and discounts on and discounts on special holidays
special holidays (lines 28-29)

5. not possible for you to give it a try unable to try prior to purchasing
before deciding on buying (line 32)

6. Consumers are left to trust their rely on their own sense / prudence when
own judgement when it comes to determining which product to buy / get or
deciding which product to to even buy / get
purchase or to even purchase at
all (lines 32-34)

7. from an image of the product which based on the product’s picture which may
may not do justice to the product differ from the product

8. security in payment may also be safety of payment may be jeopardised /

compromised when carrying out an may endanger safety of payment with
online transaction as fraudulent online purchases as scams are
cases are on the rise (lines 35-36) increasing

9. More often than not, online Typically, online purchases are delivered
purchases are not delivered on late, making it unpleasant / distressing /
time which makes it an unsettling disturbing for consumers who want fast
experience for consumers who want shopping and delivery
to be able to shop on the fly and
expect record time delivery (lines

Evergreen Secondary School Secondary 4 Normal (Academic)
Prelim Examinations 2021 English Language Paper

One of the perks that online shopping brings consumers is chance to shop at one’s
convenience with an internet connection. Rise in number of online shopping sites, has made
price comparison simple for consumers to select which products to get. Online shops give deals
and discounts on special holidays. However, consumers are unable to try before purchasing.
They rely on their own sense when determining which product to buy. Consumers have to buy
based on pictures which may differ from the product. Safety of online payments is jeopardised
as scams increase.

(80 words)


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