Names of Fruits

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Group Fruits :

 Sebastian
 Michael Vieri
 Tanardi Gunawan
 Kevin
 Yudha Nathanael
 Janice Ivan Lukito
 Valencia
 Chandra Bunjaya
 Yoseph
 Yoka Salim
 Kevin Salim
 Yoshua Mahendra

Names of Fruits
No. Name Meaning
1 Akane Apple Apel Akane
2 Alibertia  Alibertia
3 Ambrosia Apple Apel Ambrosia
4 Anon  Anon
5 Apples  Apel
6 Apricot Aprikot
7 Avocado Alpukat
8 Bael Fruit  Buah Bael
9 Barbados Cherry  Ceri Barbados
10 Barberry  Barberi
11 Bignay  Bignay
12 Bilberry Bilberi
13 Biriba  Biriba
14 Bitter Gourd  Labu Pahit
15 Black Sapote  Sapote Hitam
16 Black Twig Apple Apel Ranting Hitam
17 Blackberry  Blackberi
18 Blackcurrant Blackcurrant
19 Blueberry  Blueberi
20 Blushing Golden Apple Apel Blushing Emas
21 Bottle Gourd  Labu Botol
22 Boysenberry Boysenberi
23 Braeburn Apple Apel Braeburn
24 Breadfruit Buah Sukun
25 Cacao  Coklat
26 Calabash  Calabash
27 Cameo Apple Apel Cameo
28 Canary Melon Melon Canary
29 Cannonball  Peluru Meriam
30 Cantaloupe Melon Melon Cantaloupe
31 Cape gooseberry  Cape Gooseberry
32 Carambola  Belimbing
33 Cashew Fruit  Buah Jambu
34 Ceylon  Sailan
35 Chalta  Chalta
36 Champedak  Campedak
37 Cherimoya Cherimoya
38 Cherry Ceri
39 Chili Cabai
40 Clementine Orange Jeruk Clementine
41 Clementine  Clementine
42 Cloudberry Cloudberry
43 Coconut Kelapa
44 Cortland Apple Apel Cortland
45 Crabapple  Crabapple
46 Cranberry  Cranberri
47 Currant Kismis
48 Custard Apple  Apel Custard
49 Damson Plums Plum Damson
50 Dates  Dates
51 Dragonfruit Buah Naga
52 Durian Durian
53 Earligold Apple Apel Earligold
54 Elderberry Elderberri
55 Enterprise Apple Apel Enterprise
56 Feijoa Feijoa
57 Fig Ara
58 Figs Araza  Araza
59 Fuji Apple Apel Fuji
60 Gala Apple Apel Gala
61 Gandaria  Gandaria
62 Ginger Gold Apple Apel Jahe Emas
63 Gnipap  Gnipap
64 Golden Apple  Apel Emas
65 Gooseberry Gooseberri
66 Gourd  Kundur
67 Grape Anggur
68 Green Banana Pisang Hijau
69 Greengage Plums Plum Greengage
70 Guava Jambu
71 Hawthorn  Sejenis semak
72 Hogplum  Hogplum
73 Honeycrisp Apple Apel Honeycrisp
74 Honeydew Honeydew
75 Honeydew Melon Melon Honeydew
76 Huckleberry Buah frambos kecil
77 Indian Jujube  Jujube India
78 Ita Palm  Palm Ita
79 Italian prune plums Plum Prune Italia
80 Jaboticaba  Jaboticaba
81 Jackfruit Nangka
82 Jamaica Cherry  Ceri Jamaika
83 Jambul Jambul
84 Jazz Apple Apel Jazz
85 Jersey Mac Apple Apel Jersey Mac
86 Jonagold Apple Apel Janagold
87 Jonalicious Apple Apel Jonalicius
88 Jonathan Apple Apel Jonathan
89 Jubilee Apple Apel Jubilee
90 Jujube  Jujube
91 Kechapi  Kecapi
92 Keepsake Apple Apel Kenangan
93 Kepel  Kepel
94 Ketupa  Ketupa
95 Key Lime  Key Lime
96 Kiwano  Kiwano
97 Kiwi fruit Buah Kiwi
98 Kumquat Kumquat
99 Leech Lime  Leech Lime
100 Legume Polong
101 Lemon Lemon
102 Liberty Apple Apel Liberti
103 Lime Limo
104 Lodi Apple Apel Lodi
105 Loquat Loquat
106 Lucuma  Lucuma
107 Lychee Leci
108 Macoun Apple Apel Macoun
109 Mammey Apple  Apel Mammey
110 Mandarine Orange Jeruk Mandarin
111 Mango Mangga
112 Mangosteen  Manggis
113 McIntosh Apple Apel Mclntosh
114 Melon  Melon
115 Melrose Apple Apel Melrose
116 Minneola  Minneola
117 Mirabelle Plums Plum Mirabelle
118 Mollies Delicious Apple Apel Lezat Mollies
119 Monkey Bread  Roti Monyet
120 Morinda  Morinda
121 Mountain Soursop  Sirsak Gunung
122 Mulberry  Murbai
123 Mutsu Apple Apel Mutsu
124 Nance  Nance
125 Nashi pear  Pir Nashi
126 Nectarines  Nektarin
127 Neem  Neem
128 Northern Spy Apple Northern Spy Apple
129 Nut Kacang
130 Okra  Okra
131 Olive  Zaitun
132 Orange  Jeruk
133 Otaheite gooseberry  Otaheite Gooseberri
134 Papaya Pepaya
135 Passion Fruit  Buah Semangat
136 PaulaRed Apple Apel PaulaRed
137 Pawpaw  Papaya
138 Peach Persik
139 Peach Palm  Palm Peach
140 Pear  Pir
141 Pepper Lada
142 Persimmon Kesemak
143 Philippine Roseapple  Roseapple Filipina
144 Physalis Physalis
145 Pineapple Nanas
146 Pink Lady Apple Apel Pink Lady
147 Pitahaya  Pitahaya
148 Plum  Plum
149 Pomegranate Delima
150 Pomelo Jeruk Bali
151 Prickly pear  Pir Prickly
152 Pummelo  Pummelo
153 Purple Mangosteen Manggis Ungu
154 Quetsche Plums Plum Quetsche
155 Quince Quince
156 Rambai  Rambai
157 Rambutan Rambutan
158 Raspberry  Raspberri
159 Red Delicious Apple Apel Merah
160 Redcurrant Redcurrant
161 Rhubarb  Kelembak
162 Rock Melon (Cantaloupe) Batu Melon
163 Rome Apple Apel Rome
164 Rose Apple  Apel Rose
165 Snake Fruit Salak
166 Salal berry Beri Salal
167 Sansapote  Sansapote
168 Santoli  Santoli
169 Sapodilla  Sawo
170 Satsuma  Satsuma
171 Sea Grape  Anggur Laut
172 Shizuka Apple Apel Shizuka
173 Soncoya  Soncoya
174 Soursop Sirsak
175 Star Apple  Apel Bintang
176 Star fruit Belimbing
177 Star Nut Palm  Palm Kacang Bintang
178 Stayman Apple Apel Stayman
179 Strawberry Stroberi
180 Sugar Apple  Apel Gula
181 Suncrisp Apple Apel Suncrisp
182 Sundance Apple Apel Sundance
183 Surinam Cherry  Ceri Surinam
184 Swee Tango Apple Apel Swee Tango
185 Sweet Grenadilla  Manis Grenadilla
186 Sweet Lime  Limo Manis
187 Sweetsop  Sweetsop
188 Tamarillo Tamarillo
189 Tangarine  Tangarine
190 Tangelo  Tangelo
191 Tomato Tomat
192 Ugli  Ugli
193 Ultra Gold Apple Apel Emas Ultra
194 Velvet Tamarind  Velvet Tamarind
195 Voavanga  Voavanga
196 WaterApple Avocado  Alpukat Waterapple
197 Watermelon Semangka
198 Western raspberry (blackcap) Raspberri Barat
199 Williams pear or Bartlett pear Pir Williams atau Pir Bartlett
200 Winesap Apple Apel Winesap
201 Wood Apple  Apel Kayu
202 Yates Apple Apel Yates
203 Yellow Banana Pisang Kuning

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