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Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

TKEY descriptions

Configuration starting from


Acquisition section


Type Name Description Value

DWORD LiveSleepTime Sleep time for acquisition in live n>0
DWORD NumAcquisitionSystems Number of acquisition system to load in n >= 0
PI. Systems are specified in
AcquisitionSystem<x> sub-folders
DWORD SpeedUp Advanced acquisition mode. Not 0 = disabled
implemented for all systems 1 = enabled

Type Name Description Value
String ConfigFile Complete filename for configuration of filename
acquisition system
String SystemDll Dll’s name of acquisition system. eg: UvcCvlAcq
Name is without compiler version
String DefaultDisplayScale Default display scale for images in 1 = no scale
console > 1 = Zoom +
< 1 = Zoom -

© 2001 1
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

Adapter section

Adapter section

Type Name Description Value

DWORD ChangeRecipeMode Change the recipe with synchronous or 0 = Asynchronous
asynchronous command 1 = Synchronous
DWORD DisableUpdateOnAcquire Disable display refresh after the 0 = Not disabled
Acquire command 1 = Disabled
DWORD NumAdapters Number of adapters to load in PI. n >= 0
Adapters are specified in Adapter<x>
String DefaultImageSavePath Path to save images
DWORD Log Enable log 1

[<..>.\3.4\ Adapters\Adapter<#>]
Type Name Description Value
String Name User name for this adapter Eg; Robot1

[<..>.\3.4\ Adapters\Adapter<#>\Commands]
Type Name Description Value
DWORD AcquireTimeout Time-out in ms for acquisition for all n>0

[<..>.\3.4\ Adapters\Adapter<#>\Kawasaki]
Type Name Description Value
DWORD BCC Use the BCC control in the S3964(R) 0: no
protocol 1: yes

[<..>.\3.4\ Adapters\Adapter<#>\Parser]
Type Name Description Value
DWORD Endianity Use big endian representation of 0: no
numbers in the commands 1: yes
DWORD Degree Use degree representation of angles 0: no
1: yes
DWORD IntSize Integer size used in the commands 2: 2 bytes
4: 4 bytes

[<..>.\3.4\ Adapters\Adapter<#>\S3964R]
Type Name Description Value
DWORD BCC Use the BCC control in the S3964(R) 0: no
protocol 1: yes
DWORD HeaderSize Size of header in the commands; this size
header is ignored by the adapter and

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Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

sent back

[<..>.\3.4\ Adapters\Adapter<#>\Serial]
Type Name Description Value
String Port Port name COM<x>
DWORD BaudRate Baud rate Supported baud
DWORD ByteSize Byte size Supported byte
DWORD Parity Parity 0: none
1: odd
2: even
StopBits Stop bits 0: one
1: one and half
2: two

[<..>.\3.4\ Adapters\Adapter<#>\Std]
Type Name Description Value
String CommDevice Communication device - TCP
- RS232
String Parser Type of commands parsed used - Fixed
String Protocol Protocol used - Plain
- S3964R

[<..>.\3.4\ Adapters\Adapter<#>\Tcp]
Type Name Description Value
String Host Host name or IP address localhost
DWORD Port IP port where open Tcp connection 6052

[<..>.\3.4\ Adapters\Adapter<#>\XonXoff]
Type Name Description Value
DWORD Separator ASCII code for terminator of a dflt = 0x20
message (Space)
DWORD Xoff ASCII code for Xoff dflt = 0x13
DWORD Xon ASCII code for Xon dflt = 0x11

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Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual


Supported videoformat form single Acquisition Module

[<..>.\3.4\CameraDB\Cognex 8100]
Cameras for Cognex 8100 frame grabber

Type Name Description Value

String Sony XC55 640x480 User friendly camera name Module specific
Sony XC55BB
String .... ..... .....

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Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual


Configuration of devices for data communication

Type Name Description Value

DWORD NumDataCommSystems Number of Systems >=0

[<..>.\3.4\DataCommSystems\ DataCommSystems<#>]
Type Name Description Value
String Device0 Complete filename for configuration filename
of communication
String SystemDll Dll’s name of communication system. eg:
Name is without compiler version UvcDataCommStd


Configuration of devices for Digital Input Output data

Type Name Description Value

DWORD NumIOSystems Number of Systems to >=0
load into PI
String <Auto-loaded IO> IO device available IO configuration
I:11-16; O:1-10,14
Input line from 11 to 16
Output from 1 to 10 plus 14

[<..>.\3.4\IOSystems\ IOSystems<#>]
Type Name Description Value
String Device0 Complete filename for configuration filename
of IO device
String SystemDll Dll’s name of IO system. Name is eg: UvcIO2VC100
without compiler version

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Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual


Settings for plugins

Type Name Description Value

DWORD AffinityMask A thread affinity mask is 0
a bit vector in which
each bit represents a
logical processor that a
thread is allowed to run
on. Affinity mask for
entire Application!
DWORD AutoSaveMode Mode for saving 0x0 : disable
automatically recipes 0x1 : save on going in run
0x2 : save on exit
0x4 : save temporary recipe
0x8: save backup recipe
DWORD DebugMode PI exception catching 0 : disable (dump!)
mode 1 : enable
2 : disable crash handler
DWORD ExitMode System behavior 0 : shutdown and power off
when exiting 1 : reboot
ProInspect 2 : exit ProInspect only
DWORD FileDialogFixedPath Initial path of the File 0 : disable
Dialogs is set to the Initial path is set to the last
default path or one of used one
its subfolders 1 : enable
Initial path is set to the default
path or one of its subfolders
DWORD FindLinkInsideView Linked tool are 0 : disable
searched into proper 1 : find link by Name and
view on import actions then by UserId
2 : find link by UserId and
then by Name
DWORD GUIActivationMode If true, plugins GUI 0 : disable
can be activated via 1 : enabled
Plugins dialog
DWORD GUIAffinityMask Affinity mask for 0
entire User interface!
DWORD MessagesOnLoading Enables throwing of 0 : disable
messages on loading 1 : enable
recipes about
DWORD MinWorkingSet, Working set size (MB) 192, 256
DWORD PluginTick Base timer tick for not > 0 seconds
critical plugin actions
DWORD ProcessAffinityMask A process affinity mask 0
is a bit vector in which
each bit represents a
logical processor on
which the threads of the
process are allowed to
run. Affinity mask for

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Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

process threads
DWORD RealTimePriorityClass ProInspect Priority 0 : HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS
class (default)
DWORD RunCondition Run can be done if the
0 :no condition
condition is satisfied
1 :run only trained tools
DWORD SingleInstance One instance of 0 : Multiple instances
ProInspect at a time allowed
1 : One instance only
DWORD StartupMode Mode of startup of PI 0 : load last recipe
Application 1 : load last recipe and go
on run
2 : load last recipe and
resume single views
3 : create an empty new
DWORD TemporarySaveTime Elapsed time for >0 : minutes
saving temporary
recipe in minutes
DWORD TryReTrainOnLoading Enables re-Train of 0 : disable
tools untrained when 1 : enable
loading recipes
DWORD TryTestOnLoading Enable test of recipe 0 : disable
(n-times) on golden > 0: try loading
image during loading of

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Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

Options/Batch section


Type Name Description Value

DWORD ForceAutomatic Force automatic batch 0 : disable
1: force user
DWORD MaxNumRecord Max number of record in database file 0 : disable
DWORD SaveMode Batch sessions save mode 0 : none
1 : time saving
2 : parts saving
DOWRD SaveNum Number of parts >0
DOWRD SaveTime Elapsed time for saving >0 (minutes)
DOWRD SaveToDB Enable saving on Database format 0 : disable
1 : enable


Type Name Description Value

DWORD ForceFileModuleOnLoading Force FileModule acquisition for 0: don’t
views during recipe loading 1: force
DWORD ItemVisibilityOnCreation Default value for new Tools’ 0 : Show =
Show settings parameter false
1 : Show =
DWORD NumOfResults Max number of allocated results ➢ 2
for each Item

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Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual


Type Name Description Value

DWORD RetryConnection Retry connection on IO failure 0 : disable
1 : enable
DWORD CompatibilityWithTimeAndParts Compatibiliy with time or parts 0 : not supported
saving 1 : compatibility


Get the status of each view during last session

Type Name Description Value

DWORD View<x> Status of View x



Type Name Description Value

String DailyTimeTable Settings for None: every day file changes name
statistics daily data<HH>:<MM>: at HH::MM of every
name file day file changes name
<HH>:<MM>;<HH>:<MM> at every
occurrence of that HH:MM file
changes name
DWORD HistoryDays Number of day log historys Dflt: 5
DWORD LogLevel Commands with LogLevel equal to 0 : usual
this value are logged 1 : normal
2 : important
DWORD LogTime Timer for logging Min
DWORD MaxFileSize Max file length KByte
DWORD MaxMovableStatQueue Max available length
of movable statistic
DWORD MaxNumRecord Max number of
records in DB file
before overwriting
oldest ones
DWORD MaxMeasurementNumRecord Max number of
records for Logs
DWORD MovableStatOnlyForView Enable movable 1 : enable
statistics only for 0 : movable stats for all items
views item
DWORD SaveTimeTableMode Statistic data save 0: same file
mode 1: monthly file

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Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

2: weekly file
3: daily file (look at



Type Name Description Value

DWORD EnableConStream
DWORD MaxNumberOfQueuedPartId
DWORD UpdateTimeInSeconds



Type Name Description Value

String CategoryXX, N Name of Defective class and <Name>,
its priority: less value greater <Priority>
DWORD MergeCategoriesWithProcesses Aggregation of classification 0: don’t aggregate
statistics over processes 1: aggregate
DWORD CategoryColorXX Color of Defective class in Hexadecimal
Image History 0x00BBGGRR



Type Name Description Value

String NameForAggregated Name of aggregation by code Eg: Cavities
String ColumnKeyName Name of aggregation KeyName grid Eg: Cavity

Options/PartId/ Processes

[<..>.\3.4\Options\PartId\ Processes]

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Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

Type Name Description Value

String ProcessXX Name of i-th process Eg: Belt Lid



Type Name Description Value

String DailyTimeTable
DWORD MaxNumRecord
DWORD OutOfToleranceAsGood Out of Tolerance as 0: disable
Good 1: enable
DWORD PositionAsOffset Save offset value for 0: position
Tool Position 1: offset
DWORD SaveMode
DWORD SaveTime
DWORD SaveTimeTableMode
DWORD SaveToFile
String DatabaseName Database name: if Database name
present and not null
a unique database
will be created,
otherwise there will
be a database for
each recipe (only
String DBConnectionString Database empty: MS Access
connection string
Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1
Password=root;Option=3: MySQL

Driver={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL

instance];Uid=user;Pwd=pwd: SQL

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Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual



Type Name Description Value

DWORD ApplicationSetupMode Enable Setup Mode 0: disable
1: enable
DWORD CanSaveOnRun Permission to User level
save when PI is
DWORD ComputeHistory Enables computation of 0 : None
Inspection History 1 : Enabled
DWORD CopyImageInRunProcess Enable copy of image in 0: only reference
thread of run. If false only a 1: copy image
reference is copied
DWORD DefaultProcessMode
DWORD EnableSamplingInRun Enable Sampling in 0 : disable
RunMode for users >0 : enable for user level
lower then value
DWORD ProcessImageContinuousMode Always update Process 0: standard mode
Image (default)
1: continuous mode
DWORD ProcessImageEnable Starts Process Image 0:disable (default)
Thread 1:enable
DWORD ProcessImageSlot Slot to use 0 default

DWORD NotifyWarning Notification flags 0: none

-1: All
DWORD ThreadProcessCompatibilityMode FAppProcess instance 0 : FAppProcessTagged
1: FAppProcess
DWORD ProcessImageUseRecipeType Add the type name to the 0:disable (default)
recipe name in the recipe 1:enable
field of the process image
DWORD ProcessImageResetAppTagOnStart Reset status and result 0:disable (default)
appTag on start 1:enable
DWORD CanResuseAppTag AppTag can be the same 0:disable (default)
for consecutive inspections 1:enable
STRING InfluxDB Connection string:

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Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual



Type Name Value

Deletes the exceeding max 0:disable (default)
DWORD DeleteOldImagesByDate number of images by checking 1:enable
the last write time
Enable writing of file storage 0:disable
DWORD EnablePropertyStoarage property 1:enable (default)

String FolderImageDailyTimeTable Settings for Image folder daily None: every day folder
data name file changes name
<HH>:<MM>: at HH::MM
of every day folder
changes name
at every occurrence of
that HH:MM folder
changes name
DWORD FolderImageTimeTableMode Image folder name mode 0: same folder
1: monthly folder
2: weekly folder
3: daily folder (look at
DWORD ImageNameResultPosition Order position in Image name 0: no Result in name
of result(Pass/Reject) 1: first position
2: second position
3 third position
4: fourth
DWORD ImageNameAppTagPosition Order position in Image name 0: no AppTag in name
of AppTag (0101XXXX) 1: first position
2: second position
3 third position
4: fourth
DWORD ImageNameNumberPosition Order position in Image name 0: no Number in name
of Number of inspection (xxx) 1: first position
2: second position
3 third position
4: fourth
DWORD ImageNameRunCtrlCodePosition Order position in Image name 0: no Number in name
of runCtrlCode (xxx) 1: first position
2: second position
3: third position
4: fourth
DWORD ImageNameCategoryPosition Order position in Image name 0: no Category in name
of Defective class name (xxx) 1: first position
2: second position
3: third position
4: fourth
String SaveImageFormat Format for automatically bmp : Bitmap
saved images jpg : Jpeg
tif: Tiff
DWORD SaveImageQueue Maximum queue length of Dflt : 30
save image thread

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Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

Settings of recipe plugin

Type Name Description Value

DWORD EchoEnable Enable echo of recipe code on recipe 0 : disable
IO device 1 : enable
DWORD RecipeSaveMode In StationMode, enable saving on change 0 : disable
station 1 : enable
DWORD ShowTypeSelection Show recipe folder selection list box 0 : don’t show
1 : show
DWORD StationMode In station mode PI works with a recipe for 0 : disable
each view 1 : enable


[<..>.\3.4\ Options\Run]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD BypassRunMode Bypass mode selection BypassNone = 0
BypassManual = 1,
BypassTime = 2,
BypassPieces = 3,
DWORD BypassRunPieces Number of pieces for n >= 0
BypassPieces mode
DWORD BypassRunTime Time (in second) for n >= 0
BypassTime mode
DWORD ByPassRunUser Access level
DWORD EfficiencyMinNum Minimum number of samples n >= 0
before showing efficiency

DWORD EfficiencyTime Timer for updating 2000 ms

String StatisticsNames <name1>;<…> Names of the items
to be inserted in the
General dialog



Type Name Description Value

DWORD SharedReadOnly Force “read only” status for 0 : disable
shared files to true 1 : enable

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Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual


[<..>.\3.4\ Options\Statistics]
Settings of Statistic plugin

Type Name Description Value

String DailyTimeTable Settings for None: every day file changes
statistics daily name
data name file <HH>:<MM>: at HH::MM of every
day file changes name
<HH>:<MM>;<HH>:<MM> at
every occurrence of that HH:MM
file changes name
DWORD MaxFileSize Max statistic file size Size in KB
DWORD MaxMovableStatQueue Max available length
of movable statistic
DWORD MaxNumRecord Max number of
records in DB file
before overwriting
oldest ones
DWORD MaxMeasurementNumRecord Max number of
records for Logs
DWORD MovableStatOnlyForView Enable movable 1 : enable
statistics only for 0 : movable stats for all items
views item
DWORD SaveTimeTableMode Statistic data save 0: same file
mode 1: monthly file
2: weekly file
3: daily file (look at

Options/Statistics/Log & Statistics

[<..>.\3.4\ Options\Statistics\Log]

[<..>.\3.4\ Options\Statistics\Statistics]

Settings of Statistics plugin

Type Name Description Value

DWORD SaveMode Stat/log sessions save mode 0 : none
1 : time saving
2 : parts saving
DOWRD SaveNum Number of parts >0
DOWRD SaveTime Elapsed time for saving >0 (minutes)
DOWRD SaveToDB Enable saving on DataBase format 0 : disable
1 : enable
DOWRD SaveToFile Enable saving on textfile format 0 : disable
1 : enable

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Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual


[<..>.\3.4\ Options\Train]
Settings for Train

Type Name Description Value

DOWRD CanUndoGoldenImage Can undo changing 0 : disable
golden Image in 1 : enable


[<..>.\3.4\ Options\Validation]
Settings of Validation plugin

Type Name Description Value

DOWRD ValidationEnabled Enable validation 0 : don’t show
action for users >0 : show for user level lower then

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Paths where to look for and to store PI data

Type Name Description Value

String ApplicationNote Complete filename for Dflt: ...\ Help\AppNote.doc
application note file
String Batch Base folder for batch data Dflt: ...\ Batch
String ConfigurationFile Configuration of PI: general Dflt:...\configuration\ProInspect.cgf.
settings of several If empty a configuration file for
parameters each recipe is created
String Data Base folder for recipe data
String DataLog Base folder for statistics files Dflt: ...\ Statistics
of PI
String HelpFile Complete file name for online Dlft:
help document ...\Help\English\ProInspect.chm
String Images Base folder for PI saved Dlft:...\Images
String InspectionHistory Base folder for PI inspection Dlft:...\History
history files
String Log Base folder for PI system log Dlft:...\Log
String PermissionsUIS Complete file name of Dflt: ...\config\ProInspectUIS.mdb
Permissions layout
String Samples Base folder for PI saved Dlft:...\Samples
sample images
String SharedData Base folder for PI shared pvx Dlft:...\SharedData

© 2001 18
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual


Plugins to load into PI

Type Name Description Value

String Plugin<x> Dll’s name of plugin. Name is
without compiler version

Usually PI needs following PlugIn:

• UvpMainUIS
• UvpBuilderUIS
• UvpProcessUIS
• UvpConsoleUIS
• UvpHelpUIS
• UvpSettingsUIS
• UvpRecipeUIS
• UvpRunUIS
• UvpStatisticsUIS
• UvpBatchUIS



Type Name Description Value

DWORD UseRegistryValues Always use registry values and not 0 = Use serialized if
recipe serialized ones any
1 = Always use
registry values

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Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual


Algorithms to load in PI

Type Name Description Value

String Tool<x> Dll’s name of set of algorithns
(tools) . Name is without
compiler version

Standard PI tools:

➢ UvfCvl:
➢ UvfStdTools
➢ UvfCTStd
➢ UvfCTCvl
➢ UvfColorToolsStd
➢ UvfColorToolsCvl
➢ UvfIdToolsCvl

© 2001 20
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual


Settings for PI UserInterface

Type Name Description Value

DWORD AdvancedDisplay Refresh of acquired images by a 0 : disable
separated thread 1 : enable
DWORD AdvancedDisplaySleepTime AdvancedDisplay thread sleep 20
time (ms)
DWORD BrightnessHigh If ShowBrightness key is 1 and 0 - 255
the system is in Live mode,
image pixels of grey level higher
than this are displayed as Yellow
DWORD BrightnessLow If ShowBrightness key is 1 and 0 - 255
the system is in Live mode,
image pixels of grey level lower
than this are displayed as Blue
DWORD ConverterCalibPrecision Number of decimal digits in n >= 0
converter calibration dialog
String CustomResources Dll’s name of set of custom
resources for splash, logo,
DWORD DateTimeInTitle Recipe last update time in 0 : disable
Application title 1 : enable
DWORD DualMonitor Application default monitor 0: None
1: Use Primary
2: Use Secondary
DWORD ElectricPropertyEnable PI electric properties behavior 0 : disable
1 : enable
DWORD FixedLayout PI user interface locked 0 : unlocked
1 : locked
DWORD GeneralPrecision Number of decimal digits in n >= 0
Settings dialog
DWORD GeometryPrecision Number of decimal digits in n >= 0
Geometry dialog
String Language PI localization ita : italian
eng: English
ger: german
DWORD LastSelectedView View selected in PI when exiting
String MachineCode Machine Identifier Code added to
application Title
DWORD MaxComboResults In result dialog, if the tool has a
number of results greater than
this value, the result selection is
made by an edit cell instead of a
combobox cell. ATTENTION:
non yet implemented.
DWORD MaxNumErrorList Max number of messages in Dflt: 100
Messages dialog
DWORD MeasCalibPrecision Number of decimal digits in n >= 0
Measurment calibration dialog
DWORD MenuAnimation Menu animation type 0 : none

© 2001 21
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

1 : random
2 : roll
3 : slide
4 : fade
5 : roll and stretch
6 : slide and stretch
7 : noise
8 : boxes
9 : circles
10 : holes
DWORD MinorDefectTolsAsPct Minor defect tolerances as 1: enabled
percentage of major defect
DWORD PaintSelectorTreeItems Paint selector tree items -1 : All
accordling to inspection result, 0 : none
marked, enabled… 0x1: Enable/disable
0x2: resStatus
0x4: marked
DWORD PermissionMode How unpermitted settings are 0 : unpermitted
displayed settings are not
1 : unpermitted
settings are
displayed grayed
DWORD PredefinedLayout Menu “System configuration” is 0: old layout: all
substituted by dialog “System dialogs are dockable
configuration” that hosts the 1: predefined layout:
dialogs accessed by that menu, dialogs of menu
These dialogs are not dockable “System
anymore. Other dialogs remain configuration” are
dockable and when pressing hosted in dialog
“Default layout” they are “System
disposed in predefined positions. configuration” and
the other dialogs
remain dockable.
DWORD ReportEnableShowMode Dialog History Report Enable 0 : ComboBox
graphic control type 1 : CheckBox
DWORD ResultPrecision Number of decimal digits in n >= 0
Result dialog
DWORD SampleEnabled Show Sample button
DWORD SaveImagesMode Initial Thumbnail toolbar state 0 : default
1 : All button and
Rec button are
DWORD SelectionTreeUpdateMode None mode does not updates the 0 : none
tree colors. 1 : normal
Normal mode updates the tree 2: full
colors only on item selected.
Full mode updates the tree
colors on inspection and state
DWORD ShowAvailableDisk Shows in the status bar the 0 : hide for all
percentage of available disk. 1 : show for admin
For disk is intended the drive of 2 : show for Ad and
“Images” folder. Super
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowAllReports Show All Report menu 0 : hide

© 2001 22
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

DWORD ShowBrightness Show brightness submenu item 0 : hide

in Live menu group 1 : show
DWORD ShowExit Show Exit button for enabled 0 : hide
users 1 : show
DWORD ShowExportGrid Show “Export Selected Grid as 0 : hide for all
CVS” menu Item for users <= 1 : show for admin
value 2 : show for Ad and
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowFileExportMono Show “Export as Single Block” 0 : hide for all
DEPRECATED menu Item for users <= value 1 : show for admin
2 : show for Ad and
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowFileImportExport Show File menu item 0 : hide for all
Export/Import Object as .pvx 1 : show for admin
2 : show for Ad and
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowFileImportExportView Show “Export/import View 0 : hide for all
Group Group” menu Item for users <= 1 : show for admin
value 2 : show for Ad and
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowFileImportExportXMLT Show “Export/import XML Tool” 0 : hide for all
ool menu Item for users <= value 1 : show for admin
2 : show for Ad and
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowFileSave Show “Save” item in File menu 0 : hide for all
1 : show for admin
2 : show for Ad and
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowGroupedViewsInView If a view belongs to a 0 : hide
Name GroupedView, in the selector 1 : show
trees the view name is followed
by its GroupedViews name.
DWORD ShowHistogram 0 : hide for all
1 : show for admin
2 : show for Ad and
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowImportExportCyclicSett Show “Import/Export Ogject 0 : hide for all
ings Cycling Settings” item in File 1 : show for admin
menu 2 : show for Ad and
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowImportExportSettings Show “Export/Import Object 0 : hide for all
Settings” menu Item for users <= 1 : show for admin
value 2 : show for Ad and

© 2001 23
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

3 : hide only for Op

4 : show for all
DWORD ShowLiveGraphics
DWORD ShowOsk Show Virtual keyboard button 0 : hide
1 : show
DWORD ShowReporAllViews Visibility menu item AllViews of 0 : hide for all
Report dialog’s context menu 1 : show for admin
2 : show for Ad and
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowReportMultipleResults Visibility menu item 0 : hide for all
ShowReportMultipleResults of 1 : show for admin
Report dialog’s context menu 2 : show for Ad and
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowSample Show Sample button 0 : don’t show
>0 : show for user
level lower then
DWORD ShowSharpness Show submenu sharpness item 0 : hide
in Live menu group 1 : show
DWORD ShowShowGUI Show/Hide View>Toolbars menu's 0 : hide
item "Show GUI" 1 : show
DWORD ShowSliders Display Sliders in settings (where 0x0 : None
needed) 0x1 : General
0x2 : Inspect
DWORD ShowStitchingSettings Show camera’s stitching 0: hide
parameters 1: show
DWORD ShowStudioSetup Visibility of StudioSetup button 0 : hide for all
1 : show for admin
2 : show for Ad and
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowTextInGUID Visibility of text in buttons 0 : hide for all
1 : show for admin
2 : show for Ad and
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowTime Show Time in status bar 0 : hide for all
1 : show for admin
2 : show for Ad and
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowToolsViewsSet Visibility menu Tools>ViewsSet 0 : hide for all
1 : show for admin
2 : show for Ad and
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
String Theme Theme to use Classic : Old theme
Dark: Dark theme
<empty> : Light

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UI Alarms

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI Alarms]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD Column0 Column 0 size of Alarm dialog
DOWRD Column1 Column 1 size of Alarm dialog
DWORD AutomaticDisplay Display alarm dialog on exception or 0 : do not focus
warning and focus it 1 : show and focus
DWORD DisplayTime Minimum elapsed time for display
DWORD ShowErrors Show error messages 0 : hide for all
1 : show for admin
2 : show for Ad and
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowInfos Show info messages 0 : hide for all
1 : show for admin
2 : show for Ad and
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowWarnings Show warning messages 0 : hide for all
1 : show for admin
2 : show for Ad and
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all

UI Batch

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI Batch]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD DisplayTime Minimum elapsed time for display

UI Cycle

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI Cycle]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD ShowDataCommDevice Show settings for DataCommDevice 0: hide
into the Cycle Dialog 1: show
DWORD ShowMinorDefDevice Show settings for Minor defect 0: hide

© 2001 26
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

Device into the Cycle Dialog 1: show

DWORD ShowOutputDevice Show settings for OutputDevice into 0: hide
the Cycle Dialog 1: show
DWORD ShowPartIdDevice TODO
DWORD ShowRTProcess Show settings for RunTime process 0: hide
into the Cycle Dialog 1: show
DWORD ShowTagIDDevice Show settings for TagID Device into 0: hide
the Cycle Dialog 1: show

UI DataDevice

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI DataDevice]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD Column<x> Column <x> size of DataDevice
DWORD Precision Number of decimal digits in n >= 0
DataDevice dialog

UI Frame

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI Frame]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD AllViewsModeEntry Show submenu item selection 0 : hide
for displaying all Images from all 1 : show
DWORD ConnectionsPaneSize Reserved status panel size for n >= 0
adapter connections
DWORD CustomPaneSize Reserved status panel size for n >= 0
custom informations
DWORD EnableFullScreen Enable toggle FullScreen/Menu0 : do not enable
through Virtual key F11 >0 : enable for
user level lower
then value
DWORD EnableShowMenu Enable toggle Show/Hide menu 0 : do not enable
for users >0 : enable for
user level lower
then value
DWORD ForceConsoleFitOnLoad Force image fitting on loading a 0: do not force
DEPRECATED new recipe 1: force
DWORD ForceMaximized Application window is maximized 0: disabled
1: enabled
DWORD GoodViewsModeEntry Show submenu item selection 0 : hide
for displaying Good from all 1 : show
DWORD InfoCursorCalibratedPaneSize Reserved status panel size for n >= 0
DEPRECATED pointer features
DWORD InfoImageToolbarSize Reserved toolbar size for image n >= 0

© 2001 27
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

DWORD RejectViewsModeEntry Show submenu item selection 0 : hide

for displaying Rejects from all 1 : show
DWORD ShowGridSelector Show GridSelector dialog 0 : hide
DWORD ShowTreeSelector Show GridSelector dialog 0 : hide
DWORD ShowShowTips Show menu item Show Tips User Level
DWORD StatusPaneSize Reserved status panel size for n >= 0
PI Status informations
DWORD StatusShowMenu Last Show/Hide menu for user 1 for user lvel
Eg: 0x7→0111
DWORD UserPaneSize Reserved status panel size for n >= 0
PI User informations
DWORD WindowHeight ProInspect window initial height DWORD
DWORD WindowWidth ProInspect window initial height

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI Frame\Split]

Settings for splitting image console window

Type Name Description Value

DWORD Columns Number of columns for splitted n>0
DWORD EnableSplit Enables console splitter 0 : hide
1 : show
DWORD Rows Number of rows for splitted n>0
DWORD Splitted If EnableSplit is 1, the main 0 : hide
console is splitted by views 1 : show
DWORD StatusColorMode If 1 the console views are 0 : no border
surrounded by a border colored 1 : colored border
accordingly the View inspection

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI Frame\Split\Split<R><C>]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD Columns Number of columns for splitted n>0
R,C console
DWORD Rows Number of rows for splitted R,C n>0

© 2001 28
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

UI Help

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI Help]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD ShowNoteApp Visibility user level for menu item 0 : hide for all
of opening application note file 1 : show for admin
2 : show for Ad and
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all

© 2001 29
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

UI History

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI History]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD ForcedDisplayMode Force history display -1:Still
mode after 0 : All images
ForcedDisplayTime and 1: Reject
without activity on History images
Dialog 2: Good
DWORD ForcedDisplayPolling Polling for forced display >0 Sec
<= 0 not
DWORD ForcedDisplayTime Minimum time before > 0 Sec
forcing History Display <= 0 not
Mode enabled
DWORD LimitedSaveImageDisplayNumEnable Enables limitation on Save 0 = disable
Image Preview queue 1 = enable
DWORD LimitedSaveImageDisplayNumMaxValue_ Superior limit on Save int
Image Preview queue
DWORD PlayMode Play Mode in Image 0 : play on
History dlg acquired
1 : play on
history image
DWORD RefreshTime Refresh time for Image msec
History dlg
DWORD ShowHistory Show History dialog 0 : hide
DWORD ShowPlayModeButton Visibility of Play/History 0 : hide for all
button 1 : show for
2 : show for Ad
and Su
3 : hide only
for Op
4 : show for
DWORD ShowRecordButton Show record Button in 0 : hide
History dialog 1 : show
DWORD ShowTestButtons Visibility of extended 0 : hide for all
Load/Save/Folder buttons 1 : show for
2 : show for Ad
and Su
3 : hide only
for Op
4 : show for
DWORD ThumbHeight Default height of preview dflt : 75

© 2001 30
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

DWORD ThumbIcon
DWORD ThumbMode History mode 0: Manual
1: Non-Stop
DWORD ThumbShowName
DWORD ThumbWidth Default width of preview Dflt: 100
DWORD ThumbWidthProportional Width of preview image is 0 : use fixed
calculated width
1 : use
DWORD ThumbPlayMode Selected play mode 0: Normal
1: History
DWORD ThumbImagesSelection Selected predefined 0: Validation
images folders 1: Sample
2: Images
3: Acquire
DWORD AcquireFromImageHistory Enables Acquisition from 0 : hide for all
Image History 1 : show for
2 : show for Ad
and Su
3 : hide only
for Op
4 : show for
DWORD ShowCategoryColors Use Defective class color 0: use default
to indicate a reject instead color (red)
of red, when a defective 1: use class
class is associated with color
the reject

UI PartId

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI PartId]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD ShowConnectionStatus Show icon of connection to DB in the 0 : hide for all
status bar 1 : show for all

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI PartId\AggregatedCategories]

The following parameters refer to the detailed statistics dialog for selected
[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI PartId\AggregatedProcess]
The following parameters refer to the general statistics dialog for data
aggregated (as OCR) by owned by owned process

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI PartId\AggregatedStatistics]

The following parameters refer to the detailed statistics dialog for selected data
(as OCR) selected

© 2001 31
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI PartId\Categories]

The following parameters refer to the general statistics dialog for Categories

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI PartId\Process]

The following parameters refer to the general statistics dialog for Processes

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI PartId\Statistics]

The following parameters refer to the detailed statistics dialog for part statistics
of selected process

Type Name Description Value

DWORD Show<ColumnName> Show column 0 : hide for all
1 : show for
2 : show for Ad
and Su
3 : hide only for
4 : show for all

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI PartId\StatisticsReport\General]

The following parameters refer to the General table in Statistics Report dialog

Type Name Description Value

DWORD Show<ColumnName> Show column 0 : hide for all
1 : show for
2 : show for Ad
and Su
3 : hide only for
4 : show for all

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI PartId\StatisticsReport\Statistics]

The following parameters refer to the General table in Statistics Report dialog

Type Name Description Value

DWORD Precision Number of decimals Dflt = 2
DWORD Show<ColumnName> Show column 0 : hide for all
1 : show for
2 : show for Ad
and Su
3 : hide only for
4 : show for all

© 2001 32
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

UI PartId Run
Type Name Description Value
DWORD DisplayTime Minimum elapsed time for display
DWORD MinimumFontHeight Minimum height of font in Run dialog
DWROD RunPrecision Number of decimal digits in Run n >= 0
DWORD Show<ColumnName> Show column 0 : hide for all
1 : show for
2 : show for Ad
and Su
3 : hide only for
4 : show for all

UI Plugins

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI Plugins]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD Show_<x> Show GUI for plugin <x> 0: hide
1: show

UI Recipe

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI Recipe]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD RecipeComboWidth Recipe toolbar combo width Dflt: 200
DWORD LoadOnRunEnable Can load recipe when PI is running 0 : disabled for all
1 : enabled for
2 : enabled for Ad
and Su
3 : disabled only for
4 : enabled for all

UI Reports
[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI Reports]

© 2001 33
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

Type Name Description Value

DWORD Column<x> Column <x> size of DataDevice dialog
DWORD ReportPrecision Number of decimal digits in Report n >= 0
DWORD ShowMode Selection of reports 0: item selected
1: items of view
2: items from all
recipe views
DWORD ShowMultipleReports Show Multiple Report menu 0 : hide
1 : show
DWORD ShowReports Enable display of ReportsDialog 0: hide

UI Run

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI Run]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD ColumnEff<x> Column x size of Efficiency section n >= 0
of Run dialog
DWORD ColumnStat<x> Column x size of Statistics section of n >= 0
Run dialog
DWORD DisplayTime Minimum elapsed time for display
DWORD MinimumFontHeight Minimum height of font in Run dialog
DWROD RunPrecision Number of decimal digits in Run n >= 0
DWORD ShowBatch Show batch code into Run dialog 0: hide
1: show
DWORD ShowButtons Show Start/Stop buttons into Run 0: hide
dialog 1: show
DWORD ShowDecisionIcon Show flag decision icon next to the 0: hide
View name 1: show
DWORD ShowEfficiency Show Efficiency data in Run dialog 0: hide
1: show
DWORD ShowInspected Show Inspected parts data in Run 0: hide
dialog 1: show
DWORD ShowPpm Show Parts per Minutes values in 0: hide
Run dialog 1: show
DWORD ShowApplicationSetup Visibility user level for Setup button 0 : hide for all
1 : show for admin
2 : show for Ad and Su
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowResults Show Rejected parts data in Run 0: hide
dialog 1: show

© 2001 34
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

UI Statistics

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI Statistics]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD Column<x> Column x size of Statistic data of n >= 0
Statistic dialog
DWORD DisplayTime Minimum elapsed time for
DWORD EnableShowMode Enable selection of different 0 : hide for all
report of statistics 1 : show for admin
2 : show for Ad and Su
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD Precision Number of decimal digits in
Statistics dialog
DWORD ShowCp Show CP value column in 0: hide
Statistics dialog 1: show
DWORD ShowCpk Show CPK value column in 0: hide
Statistics dialog 1: show
DWORD ShowFailures Show Failures value column in 0: hide
Statistics dialog 1: show
DWORD ShowLast Show Last value column in 0: hide
Statistics dialog 1: show
DWORD ShowMax Show Maximum value column in 0: hide
Statistics dialog 1: show
DWORD ShowMean Show Mean value column in 0: hide
Statistics dialog 1: show
DWORD ShowMin Show Min value column in 0: hide
Statistics dialog 1: show
DWORD ShowMode Selection of statistics 0 : item selected
1 : view of item selected
2: items from all recipe
DWORD ShowParts Show Parts value column in 0: hide
Statistics dialog 1: show
DWORD ShowRange Show Range value column in 0: hide
Statistics dialog 1: show
DWORD ShowSaveToTxt Show selection for saving on 0: show
Text format 1: hide
DWORD ShowSDev Show StandardDeviation value 0: hide
column in Statistics dialog 1: show
DWORD Show3SDev Show 3xStandardDeviation 0: hide
value column in Statistics dialog 1: show
DWORD ShowLogsDlg Show Logs dialog menu item 0 : hide for all
1 : show for admin
DEPRECATED 2 : show for Ad and Su
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowSingleReset Show submenu item to reset 0 : hide for all
stats for single view 1 : show for admin
2 : show for Ad and Su
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowStatistic Show Statistic name column in 0: hide
Statistics dialog 1: show

© 2001 35
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

DWORD ShowStatsDlg Show Statistics dialog menu item 0 : hide for all
1 : show for admin
DEPRECATED 2 : show for Ad and Su
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowStatsReportDlg Show statistics report dialog 0 : hide for all
menu item 1 : show for admin
DEPRECATED 2 : show for Ad and Su
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowStatsShowMode Show submenu item for 0 : hide for all
selection of statistic in 1 : show for admin
EnableStatistic dialog 2 : show for Ad and Su
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowMovableSDev Show Movable value column in 0: hide
Statistics dialog 1: show
DWORD ShowMovable3Sdev Show Movable value column in 0: hide
Statistics dialog 1: show
DWORD ShowMovableMean Show Movable value column in 0: hide
Statistics dialog 1: show
DWORD ShowMovableReset Show Movable reset menu 0 : hide for all
command 1 : show for admin
2 : show for Ad and Su
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all

UI Timers

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI Timers]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD Column<x> Column x size of Timers data of n >= 0
Timer dialog
DWORD DisplayTime Minimum elapsed time for
DWORD ShowAcqStats Show Acquisition time value 0: hide
column in Timer dialog 1: show

© 2001 36
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

UI SharedItems

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI SharedItems]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD SaveSharedParamsOnly Only Shared Params are 0: false
saved 1: true
DWORD ShowDirtySharedFilesOnly Only Shared modified items 0: false
are shown 1: true
DOWRD ShowSharedFileSave Visibility menu item to save 0 : hide for all
shared items 1 : show for admin
2 : show for Ad and Su
3 : hide only for Op
4 : show for all
DWORD ShowSharedFileSaveOnSave If sharedReadOnly, show 0 : disable
dialog for shared files 1 : enable

UI InspectionResults

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI InspectionResults]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD Column<x> Column x size of n >= 0
InspectionResults dialog
DWORD ShowInspectionResults Enable display of 0: hide
DEPRECATED InspectionResultsDialog 1: show

DWORD DisplayTime Minimum elapsed time for


© 2001 37
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

UI UserSettings

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI UserSettings\Categories]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD Enable Enable use of categories 0 : hide for all
1 : show for
2 : show for Ad
and Su
3 : hide only for
4 : show for all
DWORD Category<x> Category x name string

[<..>.\3.4\ UserInterface\ UI UserSettings\SettingsDlg]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD Precision Number of decimals Dflt = 2
DWORD Show<ColumnName> Show column 0 : hide for all
1 : show for
2 : show for Ad
and Su
3 : hide only for
4 : show for all

© 2001 38
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual


[<..>.\3.4\ Users]

Type Name Description Value

String currentUser Name of last user of ProInspect
String ForcedUser Name of user to load at Startup
DWORD ForcedUserConfirmationLevel Ask for a confirmation before 0: (default) no
loading ForcedUser (due to confirmation
ForcedUserIdleTime) 1: Admin
2: Super
3: Leader
4: Operator
DWORD ForcedUserIdleTime Idle time in minutes before 0: (default) disable
loading ForcedUser N: minutes
DWORD ForcedUserNotification Notifies that ForcedUser has 0: no notification
been loaded (due to 1: (default) show
ForcedUserIdleTime) notification
DWORD NumUsers Number of created users n >= 0
DWORD UserCloseMode Enable Exit button for users 0 : no OP
<= value (compatibility)
1 : only Ad
2 : Ad & Sup
3 : Ad & Sup And
4 : All


[<..>.\3.4\ User<x>]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD Group Group owner of this user 1 : Administrator
2 : Super User
3 : Leader User
4 : Operator User
String Name Name of user
String Password Password to access this user
DWORD FontHeight Font height to use in GUI when Values are normalized
this user is logged in. to:
11 if value <=13
14 if 13 < value <=16
18 if value >16

[<..>.\3.4\ User<x>\Split\Split<R><C>]

© 2001 39
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

Type Name Description Value

DWORD Rows Number of rows for splitted R,C n>0
DWORD Width Console width n >= 0

© 2001 40
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

Custom Plugins

[<..>.\3.4\ CustomPlugIns]


[<..>.\3.4\ CustomPlugIns\ CPUserSettings]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD AllowSettingsEdit Enables edit in dlg 0 : disabled
UserSettings for all
1 : enabled
for admin
2 : enabled
for Ad and
3 : enabled
only for Ad
Su Op
4 : Enabled
for all
DWORD ShowSpecificationToolbarButton Visibility of the toolbar button 0 : hide for
that opens Specification all
DEPRECATED dialog 1 : show for
2 : show for
Ad and Su
3 : hide only
for Op
4 : show for
DWORD ShowUpdateFromLastToolbarButton Visibility of the toolbar button 0 : hide for
that opens UpdateFromLast all
DEPRECATED dialog 1 : show for
2 : show for
Ad and Su
3 : hide only
for Op
4 : show for
DWORD ShowUpdateFromMeanToolbarButton Visibility of the toolbar button 0 : hide for
that opens all
DEPRECATED UpdateFromMean dialog 1 : show for
2 : show for
Ad and Su
3 : hide only
for Op
4 : show for
DWORD ShowUpdateFromMeanLastContextMenu Visibility of dlg UserSettings 0 : hide for
context menu command for all

© 2001 41
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual

updating specification value 1 : show for

with Last/Mean value admin
2 : show for
Ad and Su
3 : hide only
for Op
4 : show for
DWORD ShowUserSettingsToolbarButton Visibility of the toolbar button 0 : hide for
that opens UserSettings all
dialog 1 : show for
2 : show for
Ad and Su
3 : hide only
for Op
4 : show for

© 2001 42
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual


[<..>.\3.4\ CustomPlugIns\ CPPluginUIS]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD NumOpenButton Enables edit in dlg 0 : disabled
UserSettings for all
1 : enabled
for admin
2 : enabled
for Ad and
3 : enabled
only for Ad
Su Op
4 : Enabled
for all
DWORD ShowSpecificationToolbarButton Visibility of the toolbar button 0 : hide for
that opens Specification all
DEPRECATED dialog 1 : show for
2 : show for
Ad and Su
3 : hide only
for Op
4 : show for
DWORD ShowUpdateFromLastToolbarButton Visibility of the toolbar button 0 : hide for
that opens UpdateFromLast all
DEPRECATED dialog 1 : show for
2 : show for
Ad and Su
3 : hide only
for Op
4 : show for


[<..>.\3.4\ CustomPlugIns\ CPStatsGraph\MeasurementsCharts]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD Columns Number of columns int
DWORD Rows Number of rows int
String Panel<i=1..x> Name of graph i

© 2001 43
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual


[<..>.\3.4\ CustomPlugIns\ VC100]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD EnableRestoreOnUserChange Enable restore on User int

DWORD EnableToolBarExportImport Enable Deprecated toolbar int

Export/Import values
String ExportImportPath Default path

DWORD StatUpdatePolling [msec] int

delay update Process dialog

[<..>.\3.4\ CustomPlugIns\ VC100\ UI VC100]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD ShowAlarmSection Show section name 0 : hide for
1 : show for
2 : show for
Ad and Su
3 : hide only
for Op
4 : show for
DWORD ShowCheckStation

DWORD ShowEnableReject

DWORD ShowGenericCommands

DWORD ShowQCStation

© 2001 44
Appendix C ProInspect Registry Settings User Manual


[<..>.\3.4\ CustomPlugIns\ VC100]

Type Name Description Value

DWORD DisplayTime int

DWORD EfficiencyTime int

DWORD MinimumFontHeight_ int

DWORD NumDevices Num RTVC100 devices int

DWORD ShowSettings Show section name 0 : hide for

1 : show for
2 : show for
Ad and Su
3 : hide only
for Op
4 : show for
DWORD ShowToolbar Show section name 0 : hide for
1 : show for
2 : show for
Ad and Su
3 : hide only
for Op
4 : show for

© 2001 45

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