Behaviour Driven Development

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João Ferreira


I´m glad we all agree

Agile … is aging

Meet Dan & Liz

Dan North Liz Keogh

“Communication and collaboration framework for developers, QA and non-technical or

business participants in a software project” 2009

“It's using examples to talk through how an application behaves... And having
conversations about those examples.” 2013

BDD is a means of clearing confusion between testers,

developers, and business people.
Deliberate Discovery

BDD is a means of clearing confusion between

testers, developers, and business people.

• Business – What problem are we trying to solve?

• Development – How might we build a solution to solve that problem?
• Testing – What about this, what could possibly happen?

Shift Left Model

User Stories have three critical aspects

The card has just enough text to identify the requirement, and to remind everyone what the story is.
(As … I want … so that …)

The requirement itself is communicated from customer to developers through conversation:
an exchange of thoughts, opinions, and feelings.

When the conversation about a card gets down to the details of the acceptance test,
the customer and developers settle the final details of what needs to be done.

Source: Ron Jeffries; Essential XP: Card, Conversation, Confirmation
Highlighting the impact

Extracting information via conversations




Formalized Acceptance Criteria

Title (one line describing the story)

In order to [impact]
a [role]
Wants [feature]

Acceptance Criteria: (presented as Scenarios)

confirmation Scenario 1: Title

Given [context]
And [some more context]...
When [event]
Then [outcome]
And [another outcome]...

Scenario 2: ...

User Story practice is not linear


Example: Narrative

Story: Account Holder withdraws cash

In order to request money when the bank is closed

As an Account Holder
I want to withdraw cash from an ATM

Example: scenario 1

Story: Account Holder withdraws cash

In order to request money when the bank is closed

As an Account Holder
I want to withdraw cash from an ATM

Scenario 1: Account has sufficient funds

Given the account balance is €100
When I withdraw €20 from an ATM with card
Then the ATM should dispense €20
And the card should be returned
And the account balance should be €80

Example: scenario 2 Story: Account Holder withdraws cash

In order to request money when the bank is closed

As an Account Holder
I want to withdraw cash from an ATM

Scenario 1: Account has sufficient funds

Given the account balance is €100
When I withdraw €20 from an ATM with card
Then the ATM should dispense €20
And the card should be returned
And the account balance should be €80

Scenario 2: Account has insufficient funds

Given the account balance is €10
When I withdraw €20 from an ATM with card
Then the ATM should not dispense any money
And the card should be returned
And the account balance should be €10
And the ATM should say there are insufficient funds

Story: Account Holder withdraws cash
Example: scenario 3
In order to request money when the bank is closed
As an Account Holder
I want to withdraw cash from an ATM

Scenario 1: Account has sufficient funds

Given the account balance is €100
And the card is valid
When I withdraw €20 from an ATM with card
Then the ATM should dispense €20
And the card should be returned
And the account balance should be €80

Scenario 2: Account has insufficient funds

Given the account balance is €10
And the card is valid
When I withdraw €20 from an ATM with card
Then the ATM should not dispense any money
And the card should be returned
And the account balance should be €10
And the ATM should say there are insufficient funds

Scenario 3: Card has been disabled

Given the account balance is €100
And the card is disabled
When I withdraw €20 from an ATM with card
Then the ATM should say the card has been retained
And the account balance should be €80
And the card should not be returned

Story: Account Holder withdraws cash

In order to request money when the bank is closed

Example: scenario 4 As an Account Holder
I want to withdraw cash from an ATM

Scenario 1: Account has sufficient funds

Given the account balance is €100
And the card is valid
And the ATM contains enough money
When I withdraw €20 from an ATM with card
Then the ATM should dispense €20
And the card should be returned
And the account balance should be €80

Scenario 2: Account has insufficient funds

Given the account balance is €10
And the card is valid
And the ATM contains enough money
When I withdraw €20 from an ATM with card
Then the ATM should not dispense any money
And the card should be returned
And the account balance should be €10
And the ATM should say there are insufficient funds

Scenario 3: Card has been disabled

Given the account balance is €100
And the card is disabled
When I withdraw €20 from an ATM with card
Then the ATM should say the card has been retained
And the account balance should be €80
And the card should not be returned

Scenario 4: The ATM has insufficient funds

Given the account balance is €100
And the card is valid
And the ATM does not contain enough money
When I withdraw €20 from an ATM with card
Then the ATM should not dispense any money
And the card should be returned
And the account balance should be €100
And the ATM should say it is out of cash 16
Slicing a story becomes easy

Regression testing grows fast with each change


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