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​My Friends and Family are What Matters

November 8, 2007

By Jason Foo, Holmdel, NJ

In my life, what matters most to me is my friends and family. Just think, “Where would I be if I had no
friends and family.” These people are the most important human beings I know of on Earth. They always
get me through rough times when I am down, and they are always very understanding of what I am going
through. They are my living diary, and I can tell them almost anything that is on my mind or something
that bothers me.
My family matters so much to me in my life. I always ask myself, “What would I do without them.” The
truth is, I really do not know what I would do without them. Life is already as difficult as climbing to the
top of Mount Everest. To have my family every step of the way is so reassuring. I can talk to them about
my problems and what I am having trouble with. They will try their best to help me and that is all that I
ask for. Yeah, sometimes they can be annoying, but still, I know they love me and all they are trying to do
is help. My family matters to me because they give me a sense of love, joy, and laughter during rough
times. I share a great bond with my family and that is probably the most important aspect in life.
My friends are my second family. I can rely on them even if the world depended on it. That is how much
trust I have in them. If I cannot come to my real family for some reason, I always go to my friends to seek
a little guidance. My friends are the ones who keeps me going in life. They always seem to give me that
little spark. My friends are my cure for all my sadness, loneliness, or anger that I have upon me and I
know for a fact that no medicine can alleviate that pain. They give me a great sense of joy, laughter, and
competition. Whether it is playing sports with them or hanging out in the movies together I always know
I can have fun. They are my outlet to release all of my energy. My friends are one of the few things that
matters most to me in my life.
From my perspective, living the dream life is having family and lifelong friends that will support you
throughout the whole walk of life. It’s not just having a great deal of money that will buy you everything
in life. Yeah, being rich would be cool, but that is an added bonus in life that comes through hard work
and determination. If you think that money is the most important thing that matters in life, you are
wrong and it means that you are just a self-centered person. What really matters in life is your friends
and family that love you. Love and happiness are the greatest things on Earth and that is what really
should matter to you.

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