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Independent University, Bangladesh

School of Business and Entrepreneurship

MBA 509-1 Human Resources Management
Summer semester 2022
Quiz – 2

Name: Nafees Hasan Chowdhury

ID: 2222287
Helping “Roseate Paints Bangladesh Limited”

Lamia Chowdhury, Executive Director (ED) of human resources for Roseate Paints Bangladesh
Limited, took over her job just after numerous charges forced the company’s previous board of
directors and top executives to leave the firm. Hired by the new Managing Director (MD) Mrinal
Sen, Lamia had to tackle numerous difficult problems starting the moment she assumed office.
For example, she had to help hire a new management team. She had to do something about what
the outside world viewed as a culture of questionable ethics at her company. And she had to do
something about the company’s top management compensation plan, which many felt
contributed to the allegations by some that some former company officers had used the company
as a sort of private ATM. Lamia Chowdhury came to Roseate Paints Bangladesh Limited after a
very impressive career. For example, she had been Head of executive compensation at KK
Pharmaceutical Limited and was a graduate of the Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB).
But, as strong as her background was, she had her work cut out for her when she took the ED of
HRs position at Roseate Paints Bangladesh Limited.


1. What human resource management (HRM) related steps did Lamia Chowdhury take to help
get Roseate Paints Bangladesh Limited back on the right track?

Answer: We are aware that human resource management is a method for hiring, selecting,
evaluating, and rewarding employees as well as monitoring their concerns for their health, safety,
and justice. Lamia Chowdhury, Roseate Paints Bangladesh Limited's Executive Director (ED) of
human resources, obtained her position shortly after the organization's former board of directors
and senior executives were forced to resign due to a number of allegations. After a highly
successful career, Lamia Chowdhury joined Roseate Paints Bangladesh Limited. She took
various actions as the new ED of HR to put Roseate Paints Bangladesh Limited back on the
correct track. Below are the steps that Lamia Chowdhury took:

• Recruitment and selection: Lamia hires a few fresh employees. She conducted interviews and
picked the best candidates for the job. She had to restructure the team in accordance with the
demands since, as we learned, the company's previous senior management, including the board
of directors and key executives, left the company.

• Training and development: These personnel received training from Lamia, who also developed
as is appropriate. She uses their talent according to her needs.

• Performance management: She tried to establish a common scale of performance for all of the
staff so that each person may have the opportunity to demonstrate their work for the firm and
receive performance evaluations in accordance.

• Compensation and benefits: Employees of this firm used to do this in a different method for pay
and perks prior to Lamia. However, Lamia changes the employee compensation, annual
incentives, vacation policy for each employee, retirement policy, and most significantly, profit-
sharing arrangements like stock plans.

2. Do you think she took the appropriate steps? Why or why not? What, if anything, do you
suggest she do now?

Answer: Lamia Chowdhury, Roseate Paints Bangladesh Limited's Executive Director (ED) of
human resources, in my opinion, made the right decisions for the business. Because the board of
directors and key executives had already departed Roseate Paints Bangladesh Limited when she
entered. She later joined Roseate Paints Bangladesh Limited as Executive Director (ED) of
Human Resources. She had to alter the framework in light of the current situation, and she did
so. Lamia also resolved various immoral tasks that arose during the compensation scheme. For
the time being, I can advise Lamia to do a few actions. Similar to hiring, she must predict
demand based on the needs of the business. If she requires a competent worker for a particular
department, she must base her search on what is known as forecast supply. She needs to find
qualified employees for a particular department with specialized tasks. And all employees must
have sufficient training in order for the business to receive a perfect performance from every

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