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Topics for exams

1. Is the Internet and Online Communication creating a Future of Promise?.....................................................2

2. Quality Higher Education: Your Roadmap to Ensuring It in the 21st-century Ukraine...................................4
3. Information Technologies and the Role of Media Literacy against Sustained Propaganda in the 21st-
century World.........................................................................................................................................................6
4. The Impact of Public Transportation System On Our Lifestyle.........................................................................8
5. Has COVID-19 Reshaped our World? The Challenges of National Healthcare Systems Under Pandemic.....9
6. The Politics of Culture and Art, and Why It Matters in the Contemporary World........................................11
7. The Psychology of sport. Main Problems Sportsmens are Facing today.......................................................13
8. The Importance of the Sense of Identity and Growing Societal Concerns of the 21st century (ageism,
racism, gender inequality, national bias etc.).....................................................................................................15
9. Lucrative Jobs and Postmodern Malaise. Can Dropping Out of the Fast Lane Be a Solution?......................16
10. Global Warming and Environmental Challenges of the 21st century..........................................................18
11. Do you agree with the following quotation? Why/why not? Reason your answer: Every war is a war
against children....................................................................................................................................................20
12. Do you agree with the following quotation? Why/why not? Reason your answer: The tragedy of war is
that it uses man’s best to do man’s worst..........................................................................................................22
13. Do you agree with the following quotation? Why/why not? Reason your answer: If our identity was
chosen for us, it is up to us to accept it, or fight and change it..........................................................................25
14. Do you agree with the following quotation?  Why/why not? Reason your answer: Education makes
people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern but impossible to enslave......................................28
15. Do you agree with the following quotation? Why/why not? Reason your answer and draw examples:
Freedom is never given, it is won........................................................................................................................29
16. Euromaidan - Ukraine’s Revolution of Dignity and its impact on you.........................................................31
17. Russia-Ukraine War: the 21st-century Tragedy on the European Continent..............................................32
18. Ukraine’s Centuries-long Battle for Freedom................................................................................................34
19. Ukrainian Refugees and Internally Displaced People: Developing a Culture of Empathy and Solidarity.. 36
20. Discover Ukraine at Its Benign: From Must-See Places to Unexplored Magnificent Spots........................38
21. Lviv: The Past, Present and Your Vision of Its Future...................................................................................41
22. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv: A look into the Past and Present. Lviv University and The
Hryhoriy Kochur Department of Translation/Interpreting Studies and Contrastive Linguistics in Your

1. Is the Internet and Online Communication creating a Future of
One can hardly deny the increasing role of the Internet and Online Communication in our lives.
Scientists, researchers, developers and designers from around the world are trying to create something that will
simplify our life and make it more interesting. While it is almost impossible to exactly predict how the future
will look like, one may make some assumptions on the basis of the current developments in the sphere of
Internet. I would like to start with mentioning that it can be quite difficult to evaluate the impact or the level of
importance of certain notion. Online communication is one of those topics to which I have a rather
ambivalent(подвійне) attitude. The only thing that I am definitely sure about is that fact that it changes us and
those changes may be unnoticed, subconscious, but they are always present.
The application of those advancements in education is of paramount (першорядна) importance since it has the
potential to convey information over vast distances, shape people’s worldview and advance the progress of
humanity. According to the recent studies, homeschooling is expected to become a widely accepted approach to
education and even now the number of pupils and students who are educated at home grows at a rate of 2
percent yearly. Furthermore, new e-learning platforms are emerging due to the significant shift towards online
education. Recent events also show us that this form of knowledge acquisition(здобуття) proves to be
particularly useful in times when the access to educational institutions is virtually impossible due to public
safety concerns. As we may see, Internet has been helping us to communicate easier, faster and more often. It is
anticipated that this process will continue considering recent increase of people with the connection to the
internet. For instance, researchers have developed a technology for people to meet in virtual spaces and this is
just one of many projects exploring the potential of the communication in the future.
There was quite a number of times when I had an obsessive drive(навязлива ідея) to do something, but
was afraid of turning my attempts into reality. With the help of Internet and mass media, I have the whole world
at my feet and can try even the craziest of my ideas. What is even more important is that it can motivate us to
pick up a new hobby, to start doing sport, and it gives us the opportunity to make new friends from the most
unexpected countries.

On the other hand, there is downside(зворотня сторона), because Internet and mass media is
simultaneously one of the worst inventions that has ever been created by humankind. It puts on a show all our
flaws(недоліки), all hate, filth(противність) and dirt that people have in their nature. In the world where
everyone should simply mind their p’s and q’s (не звертати увагу на щось) people, in fact, are trying and
actually quite successfully to keep on top(бути в курсі) of things. There is no such thing as personal privacy as
long as you are not cut off from civilization somewhere is distant mountains or desert. Those who try to
simulate this distancing, especially in big cities though now we can observe this phenomenon even in small
villages, quickly become social outcasts(ізгой). Internet and Online Commucication not only integrated in
popular culture, it is a part of our daily life. Unfortunately, sometimes instead of inflation of self-esteem of
those who use it, media can actually knock user’s confidence. Mainly it is connected with the great visual
impact of those to whom people tend to look up to.
To conclude, Internet and online communication presents a constant stream of opportunities for
individuals skilled enough use it to their advantage. For creators, the emerging fields represent near-limitless
boundaries for creativity and innovation and long-established companies will need to adapt to the changing
consumer demand in order to move with the times. However, we should be wary of potential pitfalls(підводні
камені) caused by uncontrolled technological advancement and keep in mind that new does not necessarily
mean better.

2. Quality Higher Education: Your Roadmap to Ensuring It in the 21st-

century Ukraine
1. Utmost – максимальний, надважливий
2. To be imperative – бути обовязковим
3. Superior quality- найвища якість
4. Tremendously - надзвичайно
5. Syllabus vs Curriculum - A curriculum is a combination of topics, subjects or activities
that are to be included in an educational program. Whereas, the syllabus covers portions
of topics in a particular subject.
6. Indispensable – незамінний
7. Remedied - виправлений
8. Look up to- рівнятися на
9. Versed – обізнаний
10.Up to date - актуальний
11.To be filled to the brim - бути наповненим до країв (перевантажені)
12.Rage – лютий(розлючений)
13.Realm – царство
14.Bribery - хабар
15.Conscientious - сумлінний
16.To cram for an exam – завчити щось перед екз
17.Tuition fee – плата за навчання
18.Passport to success – шлях до успіху
19.Eligible – придатний, кваліфікований
20.Top-notch – на вищому рівні
21.Rigorous- детальний
22.Stakeholder- зацікавлена сторона

High-quality higher education is of the utmost importance for students, institutions and
society, moreover, it is the foundation for the future of our country as well as the passport to
success. It builds the people that are going to be working and leading the country tomorrow.

While there are over 250 higher education institutions in the country: often criticized for
their quality and efficiency since not all institutions provide top-notch education.  With the
impact that these institutions have on people: it is imperative that the education that they
provide is of superior quality. A majority of employers complain that students lack basic skills
like problem-solving, presentation, critical thinking and even communication. There are several
aspects that need to be looked at and improved upon, but here is a short list of the things that
need to be checked immediately:

Firstly, Quality of Education: A major issue that decreases the quality of education
tremendously is the lack of an updated curriculum. There are government institutions that
continue to teach a syllabus that is decades old: and irrelevant to technology and life today. It is
important that all institutions keep a check on what is being taught,and update their curriculum
frequently. Moreover, there are a lot of universities that have too many theoretical subjects and
only a few practical, it should de changes as well.

Secondly, Use of Technology: Technology is both the present and the future of the country; it
is an indispensible entity(ентиті) that can do tremendous things. Students in universities are
unaware of the amount of technology, there is in the world because they are busy getting
knowledge from books. Universities must introduce new technology amongst students and use
it in an efficient manner.

Moreover, Exchange Programs: Exchange programs are a fairly new and untouched area in
the Ukrainian education system. However, exchange programs have the power to transform a
student: not only academically but as an individual too. More universities should introduce
foreign exchange programs so that students can travel and learn from their experiences and new

Interactive Learning must be present as well: Everyone can read from books, memorize the
words and answer the questions on exams. However, true education is beyond the classroom.
Through discussions and projects, new methods of teaching and learning need to be introduced
in universities, so students have more than just the knowledge from books so that they can
develop analytical skills.

I am convinced that the government must increase Funding: Achieving quality education must
be one of the most important goals for the country today. A lot of institutions do not have basic
facilities: like working computer labs, and the lack of proper technical lab resources. The
government should increase funding in these cases to provide top-quality resources for students.
Universities also lack proper infrastructure and accommodation facilities. While these may
seem secondary issues, the lack of a proper environment causes a lack in focus; The tuition fee
is also quite big taking into account the average salary in small cities. This is another issue that
needs to be remedied(ремедід).

Administering Professors: A majority of the professors in Universities today have been

teaching for many years. A lot of these instructors are not updated with the current curriculum.
Since these teachers are the ones students will look up to, it is imperative that they are well
versed and up-to-date with their subject. The question is also about young teachers, not always
if there are eligible. It’s essential to check both cases, this could be done by rigorous testing
them occasionally.
Furthermore, Student-to-Teacher Ratio: Classrooms in universities are overcrowded, to say
the least. They are filled to the brim, and there is one teacher who teaches this whole lot. It is
impossible to remember faces, let alone provide individual attention. The number of students
being admitted in a class must be lowered tremendously, for efficient education.

Last but not least, During Covid and Wartime Digital Classrooms can be very in use: While
in-person classes are effective, digital classrooms are the rage. With the availability of recorded
lectures, being able to ask and solve doubts at any time. Students have access to multiple
resources on the Internet, and tests, quizzes can be returned instantly. This is a realm, that must
be explored by Universities in the future.

All things considered, I believe that a high quality higher education system is
characterised by removing all obstacles to access, ensuring progress and
completion(комплішин) for all students, implementing a student-centred approach to learning
and teaching, and fairly assessing students, using technology and digitalization. For sure,
students must be interested in this process and conscientious and not just cram before the exam
but learn through all year.  Proper funds must be provided as well from the government side
without briberies. Students in this system are considered full members of the academic
community and competent, constructive partners and stakeholders.

3. Information Technologies and the Role of Media Literacy against

Sustained Propaganda in the 21st-century World. 

Swiftly - швидко

Undeniably – безперечно

Vital – життєво-необхідний

exponential growth – геометричне зростання

cultivate new skills – розвивати

habit impossible to resist – звичці неможливо протистояти

denote – позначати

advocacy – захист

vast – широкий

never-ending – нескінченний

distort the truth – «викривити» правду

emotional appeals – емоційні заклики

full-scale/fully-fledged – повномасштабний

brainwash – промивати мізки

get to the bottom of – дістатись до правди

grain of truth – зерно істини

crucial role – дуже важлива роль

While living in 21st century we must all agree that the role of media literacy in the era of
information technologies developing rather swiftly is undeniably vital. The major trends
sweeping the world today starting with the exponential growth of information and
communication technologies that are challenging us to cultivate new skills and competences,
the media literacy being among them. Everywhere, every day, exciting things are happening.
Each day is filled with news. People learn news and views during reading newspapers and
magazines, talking over the telephone or they are kept informed by watching TV or listening to
the radio. The press, the radio and television play a big role in the life of the society. They
inform, educate and entertain people. They also influence the way people look at the world and
make them change their views.

Mass media plays a very important role in organizing public opinion. Millions of people watch
TV and read newspapers in their free time. Most of people can't do without a newspaper in the
underground or during the lunch break. Reading the news using various information channels is
a habit which impossible to resist, so mass Media become a very important part of our life.
Mass media denotes a section of the media specifically designed to reach a large audience. The
term was coined in the 1920s with the advent of nationwide radio networks, mass-circulation
newspapers and magazines. However, some forms of mass media such as books and
manuscripts had already been in use for centuries.

Mass media can be used for various purposes: advocacy(ееедвокесі), both for business and
social concerns. This can include advertising, marketing, propaganda, public relations, and
political communication. Entertainment, traditionally through performances of acting, music,
and sports, along with light reading. Since the late 20th century also through video and
computer games. In the 20th century, these were mainly used for music. Video and computer
uses followed. Film, most often used for entertainment, but also for documentaries. The list of
information technologies we use in the present days is by no means exclusive, since it is quite
vast and practically never-ending.

To my mind we can't imagine our lives without mass media. It is silly to avoid it as we can use
its advantages. Though we should be careful and filter all information we get, since with the
new technologies comes the new threat in the form of propaganda.

Propaganda is a communication that intentionally attempts to persuade its audience for

ideological, political, or commercial purposes. Propaganda often distorts the truth, selectively
presents facts, or uses emotional appeals. I believe in a present situation of full-scale war that
we are facing in Ukraine every single citizen is aware of this notion and what it really
represents. Ukraine and the whole world that stands with democracy is constantly battling
russian propaganda that brainwashes the entire nation of russians and attempts to do so with the
rest of the world. In such challenging times media literacy is of outmost importance, as well as
critical thinking. It helps us to get to the bottom of certain issue and find that precious grain of
truth in specific information in case it is distorted. Information warfare is a part of a fully-
fledged conflict and this is a battle that civilians can fight and for this purpose media literacy
will play a crucial role.

4. The Impact of Public Transportation System On Our Lifestyle 

merely- просто
infirmity- нездужання
rural- сільський 
constrain - обмежувати
commute- їздити на роботу
lessen- зменшити
negate - заперечувати

Transportation is playing an important role in every nation's development process and this is an
important aspect of our life for mobility. Some people believe that private car is the best mean
of transportation while others say that public transport service should be used for this purpose.
However, as far as I am concerned, I firmly agree that public transport service should be our
main mean of transportation.

When referring to health, I would like to use the definition provided by the World Health
Organization (19481948): “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity(недуга).” When discussing wellbeing, I refer to the
emotional and psychological state as well as the ability to function socially, cope well with
difficulties, develop potential, work productively and creatively, build strong and positive
relationships with others and contribute to the community.
There is a clear link between transport and physical health. For example, transport plays a key
role in facilitating people’s access to health services such as GP surgeries, hospitals or dentist
surgeries. This is particularly crucial for older people and disabled people, especially those
living in rural areas, as public transport may be their only link with medical services. Poor
transport links could therefore constrain people from accessing the services and support that
they need. In addition, transport allows medical professionals to access their work places or
visit their patients, including emergency services’ workers such as paramedics to access people
in life threatening situations.
There are also direct links between active travel and air quality. Transport has an impact on
people’s mental health and wellbeing. It allows people to connect and maintain relationships
with others, access work opportunities, education or leisure activities outside their homes, and
to be more autonomous(оутонемис). It enables older people to keep active lifestyles and be
involved in their communities. 
On the down side, our transportation system also contributes to physical inactivity—each
additional hour spent in a car per day increases the likelihood(ймовірність) of
obesity(обіситі). Conversely, each added kilometer walked per day reduces obesity risk.
Walkable, bikable, transit-oriented communities are associated with healthier populations.
People in such communities are more physically active, have less weight gain, have lower rates
of traffic injuries, and are less exposed to air pollution.
What applies to  environmental problems, people should commute more instead of buying
private vehicles from overseas so it reduces the number of vehicles on the road so it will lessen
the gas emission into the atmosphere and also other types of pollution like land, water, and no

To conclude, in the past people used feet to walk in a long distance and they used their body or
large animals to carry things, but today transport plays a vital role in transporting  of things in
the long distance within a short period of time.  These really affect and influence most of the
life of people by making it easier.  It either promotes health and improves  the people's quality
of life or it negates it.  Transportation is a critical(критикл) factor that influences people’s
health and the health of a community. Investments in sidewalks, bike lanes, trails, public transit,
and other infrastructure that supports physical activity can result in improvements to
individuals’ health and decreased health care costs.

5. Has COVID-19 Reshaped our World? The Challenges of National

Healthcare Systems Under Pandemic. 
1. to prevent ill health -  запобіти погрішенню здоров’я
2. devastate - спустошувати
3. under the circumstances – за обставин
4. rough circumstances – важкі обставини
5. to keep fit – пітримувати себе у формі
6. mental breakdown – психічний розлад
7. to trigger - викликати
8. psychological distress – психологічний стрес
9. to influence smth/sb – впливавати
10.contagious –заразна
11.severe, acute (syndrome) – важкий, гострий

The emergence of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which is caused by infection
from the previously unknown severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2),
has devastated economies and caused unprecedented challenges to healthcare and food systems
around the world. Globally, billions of people have been ordered to stay at home as a result of
lockdowns, while almost 7  million people have died.

COVID-19 has turned the world upside down. Everything has been impacted. How we live and
interact with each other, how we work and communicate, how we move around and travel.
Every aspect of our lives has been affected.

We discovered what it means to be stuck at home, with computer screens being our only way of
contact - homeschooling, home office, working out and staying in touch with loved ones
via(ває) zoom. As the virus marched across the globe, governments ordered citizens to stay
inside forcing billions of people to hastily(хейстилі) set up home offices. Working from home
(WFH) all quickly became staples in our new pandemic lifestyle. Even as lockdowns eased,
working from home at least some of the time has remained the norm for many.

As we found out more about how Coronavirus spreads through the air, we learned to keep a

Due to the lockdowns and curfews, cafes, restaurants, bars, hotels, non-essential shops,
cinemas, theatres and other venues had to close for weeks at a time in order to prevent ill
health. Many feared for their survival. With billions bunkered down at home, businesses of all
kinds had to quickly pivot(пивет), and online sales for everything from groceries to meals,
clothes and furniture rapidly boomed.

Unsurprisingly, the pandemic has triggered a wave of mental health issues. Whether it’s
managing addiction, depression, social isolation, mental breakdowns or just the general stress
that’s resulted from COVID-19, we’re all feeling it. But there is good news as far as people`s
health is concerned. From lifestyle changes to better eating habits, people are using this time to
keep fit in many areas.

Under this rough circumstances, we’ve seen both benefits and drawbacks of being cooped up
with family for long periods of time. And there’s certainly been added stress for families who
have had to deal with remote learning situations for school-aged children.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted priorities of the health system, which is finding itself not
only overwhelmed but also with restricted capacity to provide services it has been
hitherto(хіферту-досі) extending to communities. Logistics and supplies are disrupted
especially of material and equipment that were imported till date adversely affecting the

Hospitals and health facilities overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients were making it difficult
for other patients with contagious or chronic ailments to access standard care.

Medical workers experienced higher workload, psychological distress, shortage of quality

personal protective equipment (PPE), social exclusion(іксклужн – відчуження), absence of
coordination, and proper management during their service

Despite these concerns and the difficulties which influenced us throughout the pandemic, we’ve
managed to find positives in our experiences. While quarantine(кворентін) and social
distancing was difficult, it’s made us value our relationships. Meanwhile, the pandemic has
made us reevaluate how we spend our time and our life goals. 

6. The Politics of Culture and Art, and Why It Matters in the

Contemporary World.
Cultural institutions – заклади культури

to preserve – зберігати

heritage – спадщина

ethics – мораль

glorifying – прославляння
to embrace – приймати

overlapping – заходити одне за одне, частково збігатися

to dissolve – розчинятись

controversy – протиріччя

frenzy – шаленіти

unanimously – одноголосно

nonchalantly – безтурботно

popularize – популяризувати

riveting – захоплюючий

flourishing – процвітаючий

eke out a living – виживати, заробляти стільки, що вистачає лише на їжу

mastery – майстерність

to captivate – захоплювати

hackneyed – банальний; теми, які вже розглядали/зображали

to recapture – знову/повторно відтворити

umatchingly – незрівнянно

to depict – зображати

perceptive – проникливий

The notion of art can be called an umbrella term, as it includes various types: music, written art,
painting, cinema, theatre, and others. In the contemporary world, art coexists with other
important spheres of life and influences each of them. Cultural institutions around the world
contribute to spreading and preserving national heritage by promoting the ethics and values of
different nations.

Culture is a milestone for any nation. For the last few months, we as a nation have observed
and participated in the glorying and spreading of our culture, which raises the national spirit
and cultural awareness throughout the country. We realized that it is essential to embrace one’s
culture to even remotely start calling ourselves patriots. In these conditions, culture and politics

overlap and, in some sense, dissolve into one another. Should the culture cease to exist, the
nation would perish.

As for different types of art, their importance in the modern world is unmatched. Music has
been one of the main methods of self-expression since forever. People used to make songs all
the time, in all situations. And nowadays, we see how music is still the way of expression of
one’s thoughts and worries. Nowadays, we see how it even helps to shape national identity.
Consider it a controversy, but music is one of the main levers shaping people’s thoughts and
views. Using Eurovision as an example, we can see how the spread of national music can draw
foreigners' attention to different countries, and how they are driven to a frenzy(шалено) and
unanimously(юненимислі) decide to go beyond just a song and do some research on the
history, culture, and politics of those countries whose songs they enjoyed.

Cinema is that type of art that nonchalantly(ноншелентлі) popularizes different countries,

their languages, and cultures while being entertaining and riveting(ріветинг). Nowadays, with
various streaming platforms like Netflix, it has become extremely easy to reach a diverse
audience. These platforms are being used to promote more than just English-speaking
Hollywood. If the movie brings some novelty to the topic of aptly(ептлі,влучно) depicting a
certain notion, both amateuros and professional movies will be flourishing in the online space.
These accommodations and the spread of the industry to different countries and studios may
bring a great opportunity to those who were eking(ікінг) out a living, as there are more
possibilities to become an actor nowadays, and the acting school degree is not that vital

Writing and visual arts may not be as popular among the general public, but that does not
diminish their importance in modern society. Hence, creating a catchy work requires mastery
and the ability to capture the audience’s attention. To captivate the attention of critics and the
general audience, the artist must strike a perfect balance between hackneyed(хакнід) and
innovative ideas, recapture previously covered topics and give them new life.

All in all, art and culture are umatchingly important in the contemporary world. They
intertwine(інтетвайн) with all the other spheres of life. Culture greatly contributes to national
shaping and is closely connected to politics. Art has many forms and each of them has great
importance. They help to depict the perceptive views of the artists and spread them around the
world. Art is becoming more accessible and more people can both enjoy it and participate in it. 

7. The Psychology of sport. Main Problems Sportsmens are Facing

Throughout history sport was considered to be noble and highly esteemed occupation or task that helps to
impose self-discipline and eradicate diseases. It was the whole culture. First people did sport in order to keep
fit, later – in order to expose their brilliant form, show off, and striving to outdo the others. Competitions and
later Olympic Games became popular. Sportsmen started receiving money for what they do. Within centuries
sums were increasing rapidly and this process can still be observed. As a reflection of our society, and from the
perspective of collective evolution, the modern state of sports, most of which has become “professional”–is
sometimes strenuous and even hazardous(хазедес).

The whole sports world is run by people who mean business taking themselves way too seriously. The 24 hour
sports stations and television in general have ruined the original intentions and incentives(стимули) of sport.
The original Olympics in ancient Greece were a spiritual competition among men and women who respected
one another and the games themselves. The notion of cheating in a competition to honor the Gods would
probably never have occurred to them.

Still the athletic abilities and achievements are hard not to appreciate at the professional level, but it is hard to
watch what the obsession with winning and commercialism has done to our youth. Instead of beavering away
(біверінг,трудитись) to succeed, athletes now pride themselves on “getting away with” bad behavior, as the
discipline in sports is a major problem today. That‟s the reason why there is
negligence(негліджинс,недбалість) in the case of doping, match fixing, biased selection procedures, violence
in sports. These are only some of the problems that are hampering (перешкоджує) sports today. In order to
keep up with fellow competitors and to make the grade sportsmen started using different drugs. Nowadays
this situation is known as doping and sportsmen are strictly punished for it. When introducing foreign
substances into the body sportsmen do not think about health problems triggered off by doping, they think only
about the final outcome.

Corruption is the second major problem in sport. Football is the leader in this area. The matches are the matter
of connection between sport and politics nowadays. Quite often millionaires are the owners of clubs. It is very
easy for them to fix the match in order to outmanoeuver(аутменювер,перехитрити) the сompetitor.
Different organizations try to fight off this process. The other side of corruption is cheating. Illegally altering
the condition of playing equipment is frequently seen in sports such as baseball and cricket.

The problems that are seen at management level can be dubbed as the root of all problems in sports
today.There are numerous sports governing bodies in many countries, which operate very unprofessionally.
This is a very common problem in developing countries. Politicians who take no interest in developing the
sport occupy top positions in sports associations. Sports associations and governing bodies should change their
mindset and should issue serious workplaces with ex sports men and dedicated proffesionals on decision-
making posts.

The development of sports in the country needs a change in the basic mindset and evolution of the new culture.
In the long run there is a need for sports associations and marketers to change the deceptive
image(оманливий) of marketing by professional methods, ,present the innovative concepts and  position the
sport confidently.

Sport is a very beneficial business where billions of dollars circulate. Sportsmen starve to become
indecisive(індесайсив,нерішучі) robots without thinking about consequences. They are sold and bought like
in the fair. Their lives are governed by the law of the jungle.

I think that many of us, even those who still enjoy watching sports on TV, know that the essence of competition
and sports has been badly. Unfortunately, it is part and parcel of the overall domination of modern life by false
material values and corporate interests. To eradicate the disaster we are facing now in the sphere of sports, we
should devise(розробляти) innovative(іноветів) programs,promote ingenious(геніальні) ideas and meet
breaking new targets.
I always liked active entertainment. As long as I can remember, I always played a variety of outdoor
games. And I got incredible pleasure from it! So my parents wrote me down on table tennis. This is a
very interesting sport, in which it is necessary to show a quick reaction, good coordination of
movements, concentration. When I play, it grabs me completely! I like this sport because it does not
have overloads, it is not very traumatic, but it develops flexibility, coordination, endurance and muscle

In addition to enjoying and physical health, sports gave me many interesting people, whom I met in
training and competitions, and now often communicate. It is very important to have like-minded
people and those who share your preferences, with whom you can talk and share your impressions.

8. The Importance of the Sense of Identity and Growing Societal

Concerns of the 21st century (ageism, racism, gender inequality,
national bias etc.). 
Words: bigoted - повний упереджень,
             national heritage - національна спадщина,
             oblivious of sth - несвідомий чогось,
             preaching - повчати (релігійно чи на інші теми),
             monoracialism - віра у те, що одна раса панує над іншими,
             a drop in the ocean - крапля в морі.

We live in a world full of challenges and obstacles. We fight every day for our place under the
sun, however it will never be enough. Demands are growing and people are trying hard to fit
into new society rules which bring too much stress and a lot of problems to both young and
older citizens. So how not to lose a sense of identity and why is it so important?
Let us begin with the thought that any person born in this world has a freedom of will and a
freedom of speech. Our task is to use this gift in order to change the world, improve ourselves
and freely express our opinion. We always face different threads which may cause us to lose
our sense of identity. For example, it may be an influence of our parents, friends, society we
live in, bigoted(бігетид) people who surround us trying to tell what is right and what is wrong,
social media influence which worships money and succes. So all in all, we need to block all the
bad impact society is trying to have on us and preserve our true selves having our own
worldview and follow it. 
Now I would like to talk about the biggest growing societal(сосаєтил) concerns. I want to
begin with ageism(ейджизм). It is stereotyping and/or discrimination against individuals or
groups on the basis of their age. We probably often hear older people discussing the younger
generation judging their appearance, behavior, preferences, lifestyle and a new way of thinking.
They often disagree that they are oblivious of new trends and mentality, adding that when they
were young the youth was better and the times were very different and start preaching us. Most
of the time young people can’t stand such pressure and start arguing and defending themselves.
However, I advice to stop paying attention to such pricks, mind your own business and
understand that they lived during hard times and there is no way to change their mentality,
because probably they don’t want to change at all or, maybe, they understand that their
generation is wrong about some things but is just afraid to accept this fact. 
The next important issue to mention is racism(рейсизм). It is based on the idea of the
superiority of one race over another, so called monoracialism. Being treated differently or
unfairly because of our race, skin color or ethnicity can negatively affect our mental health.
Racism can happen anywhere. It can happen at school, at work, or at home; it can happen
online or outside; it can even happen within families and relationships. Sometimes racist abuse
is obvious - verbal abuse about the way someone looks, stereotypes about how someone might
behave, or physical violence and bullying, for example. Sometimes racism is part of the
structures and systems that we live in. While you might not experience these challenges
personally, there are many different ways you can support the people in your life who may face
discrimination or racism. Showing support for others in this way means you are being an ally,
which is an important part of being a good friend. 
The next point is gender inequality. It is discrimination on the basis of sex or gender causing
one sex or gender to be routinely privileged or prioritized over another. Gender prejudice and
resulting gender discrimination begin in childhood. From the moment they’re born, girls and
boys face unequal gender norms regarding expectations and access to resources and
opportunities, with lifelong consequences – in their homes, schools and communities. For
example, the world’s boys are often encouraged to go to school and get an education to prepare
for work, while girls carry heavy household responsibilities that keep them from school,
increasing the odds of child marriage and pregnancy. Gender equality is not only a fundamental
human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable future.
Eradicating gender issues means a world where women and men, girls and boys all enjoy equal
rights, resources, opportunities and protections. There are many ways to deal with gender
inequality. For example, give girls access to education, give women platforms to be in power
and achieve economic success, end violence and sexual assault against women, assure girls and
women have access to menstrual health facilities, end child marriage etc. 
The last societal concern to discuss is national bias. It is when you look at something only
through the prism of your culture. It is not when you put your national heritage in the first place
but when you don’t respect other nations, like now Russia is doing to Ukraine. The only way to
deal with national bias is to spread awareness especially with children and young people
because they can be easily influenced by television or their parents who they believe are right. 
All in all, respect - is the key to a peaceful world. You may think that your effort is just a drop
in the ocean but we all know that even one person can change the whole history and the world. 

9. Lucrative Jobs and Postmodern Malaise(мелейз). Can Dropping Out

of the Fast Lane Be a Solution? 

Прибуткова робота і постмодерністська хвороба (мелейз). Чи може вихід із швидкої смуги бути
рішенням? Malaise відчуття незадоволеності-
1.part and parcel of life невід’ємна частина життя

2.At least – принаймні

3.have an off day- вихідний день

4.swim against the tide - to not follow what everyone else is doing

5.contentedly - in a happy and satisfied way the same boat - в такій ж складній ситуації, як інші

7. choose of- вибір чогось

8. To be committed to – бути відданим чомусь

9. Dearth of time- нестача часу worth its weight in gold - цінується на вагу золота

11. Covet- бажати, жадати

A lucrative job(прибуткова) satisfies one’s basic needs and at the same time provides the key to spend
the surplus(надлишок) in fulfilling one’s dreams like buying homes, cars and another luxury lifestyle.
It’s true that money counts, but while choosing a career one should be very cautious in deciding the
salary advantages and disadvantages of high paying jobs in the long run. But if to think more about the
choosing of job, we have to remember that a high-paid job doesn’t always mean happiness. We know
there is even such a saying “Money cannot buy happiness”. The question is: should we really pay
attention to so lucrative jobs and what are the consequences?
Firstly,  I want to mention that family and personal life ruins. A high paid job buys your family life as
well. A day cannot be more than 24 hours. When you are running after money and more money it’s
obvious that you will have enough time neither for yourself nor for your family. Furthermore,  you
forget about your friends, who you were in the same boat with  and who you have lots of fun and
pleasure moments with.
Secondly, your health condition ruins, especially because of postmodern malaise. Lots of people work
and work and work and forget about how they feel. As a high pay promises you a dearth(дерс-
нестача) of time, running behind work deadlines, it ruins your health as well. You would not get time
at all. Daily stress, tension and restless hours, sleepless nights will result in degradation of health
without doubts. Moreover, such a condition results to physical and mental illness and sometimes you
don’t even notice it and think that everything is okay.
Finally, it leads to fear of falling in lifestyle. High salary brings with it the achievement of better
lifestyle with high end and luxurious items for a living. When we are committed to the job too much,
there is an opportunity to buy a high lifestyle, there always remains a risk of falling jobless resulting in
the diminishing of the standard of living.
Therefore, can we get out of such a condition just dropping out of the fast lane? Absolutely, yes. We
should Do something for ourselves. Stop overworking and doing lots of things, just concentrate on
what we really want. It’s crucial to enable our mind to understand that you are no longer working. At
least, go out for a walk or run, if we’re able to, or cook dinner. In short, whatever healthy thing you can
do that is different to your work activities, in a different environment to where you work.
Besides,as I previously mentioned if you are chasing a big amount of money, you will be unhappy. Try
to spend much time with your friends and family and to do much healthier things together than just
work. That can be some kind of sport, for example, in my case that is dancing, the best way to reduce
stress and drop out a little of that fane lane. Remember that you can support your friends and family
not only financially. Time spent with loved ones is worth its weight in gold.
And the last thing is that  people don’t usually covet(кавет-жадати) those who chase money. People
are inspired by those who do what makes them happy. If you want to be someone who inspires those
around you or someone who is loved for their worldly possessions, you can just be yourself and feel
In conclusion, I can say that experiences, passion, and great relationships are what really matter. All of
these can be made without money and with likely more success.It's easy to want what others have. And
if you think about your first million and a good job, it won’t be bad. But don’t forget about the real
appreciations. Getting rid of social media or spending as little time on it as possible will stop you from
swimming against the tide. Everyone needs money as well as happiness in their life because both of
them are part and parcel of life . But in general, don't focus on what others have and think about your
own life and your own condition.

Вікторія😽❤️, [20.06.2022 18:39]

Many of us have had those days when our “9-to-5” feels more like “rise then grind until we get the job
done." For some of us, it isn’t just a day here and there but a constant hustle, logging over 40 hours a
week to be seen as a "productive employee."
Whichever your rhythm, there are countless ways we're being encouraged to keep it going. Many
business moguls and celeb-preneurs would applaud you on for all those days of grit and sacrifice; some
CEOs would reward that dedication with a raise or a promotion; and there are countless memes on
Instagram to keep you “motivated” when things get tough.
After all as a very rich man (a.k.a Elon Musk) once famously tweeted, “Nobody ever changed the
world in 40 hours a week.” In some circles it appears that always going the extra mile in your career —
and even in other aspects of your life — is celebrated as walking a heroic path despite the drastic
negative effects overworking can have on mental, physical and emotional health. This is all a part of
what experts call “hustle culture” and it’s so normalized that it can be tough to identify when you’re in
it, and sometimes even tougher to break away. “Fundamentally, [hustle culture] is about work
dominating your time in such an unnatural way that we have no time to live our lives,”
In other words, proponents of hustle culture will tell you that "busier always equals better,” and that
constant busyness will always lead to more money, prestige, happiness and high self-esteem
It’s true that money counts, but while choosing a career one should be very cautious in deciding the
salary advantages and disadvantages of high paying jobs in the long run. But if to think more about the
choosing of job, we have to remember that a high-paid job doesn’t always mean happiness.
Family and personal life ruins. A high paid job buys your family life as well. A day cannot be more
than 24 hours. When you are running after money and more money it’s obvious that you will have
enough time neither for yourself nor for your family. Furthermore, you forget about your friends, who
you were in the same boat with and who you have lots of fun and pleasure moments with.
Secondly, your health condition ruins, especially because of postmodern malaise. Lots of people work
and work and work and forget about how they feel. As a high pay promises you a dearth of time,
running behind work deadlines, it ruins your health as well.
Since hustle culture is very much embedded in many offices, entrepreneur spaces, and even some
family environments, it can be really challenging to slow down and create new habits for yourself. But
thankfully, it is possible to set a new rhythm for yourself, even if it's just small changes here and there.
Here are some expert suggestions that may point you in the right direction:
● Keep track of your energy levels. Since hustle culture is so normalized, sometimes we don’t even
know when our life is out of balance; it encourages us to judge our days based upon how much we’ve
done rather than how we truly feel, according to Northrup. To get out of that headspace and become
more in tune with your inner compass, she suggests journaling for at least three minutes at the end of
the day. Reflect on how you felt mentally, physically, and emotionally.
● Schedule your rest days and hobby time. If you’re used to being constantly busy and you aren’t
intentional about blocking out some space for self-care, you’re to-do list will continue to consume your
time, according to Cammack who admits that she also tends to have a lot on her plate. Read a non-
work related book. Hang out with friends and family. Learn how to play the ukelele. Having some
quiet time can also help you tap into your intuition and get clearer on what’s important to you, rather
than just answering to everyone else’s needs or expectations, she adds.

● Get clear on your boundaries. If you feel secure enough to do so, share your boundaries around work
with your boss and your co-workers, says Cammack. For example, make it clear when you are
available to answer emails or tell them
that it's important for you to take breaks throughout the day. Setting the tone early can let your
colleagues and managers know what to expect from you and minimize conflict, according to
In conclusion, I can say that experiences, passion, and great relationships are what really matter. All of
these can be made without money and with likely more success.It's easy to want what others have. And
if you think about your first million and a good job, it won’t be bad. But don’t forget about the real
appreciations. Getting rid of social media or spending as little time on it as possible will stop you from
swimming against the tide. Everyone needs money as well as happiness in their life because both of
them are part and parcel of life . But in general, don't focus on what others have and think about your
own life and your own condition.

10. Global Warming and Environmental Challenges of the 21st century. 

1. to alter the course- змінити курс
2. combustion of fossil fuels- спалювання викопного палива
3. oil spill- нафтова пляма
4. emission of greenhouse gases- викиди парникових газів
5. flash floods-  раптові повені
6. desertification- опустелювання
7. increase the likelihood of- збільшити ймовірність
8. shortage of resources- скорочення
9. agriculture attempting to lessen the problem- сільське господарство намагається
зменшити цю проблему
10.chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides- хімічні добрива, пестициди та
11.An excessive amount of - Надмірна кількість
12.the oceans’ acidity to rise-  підвищення кислотності океанів
13.Waste disposal- Утилізація відходів
14. pollination- запилення
15.poses a threat to ecosystem- створює загрозу для екосистеми
16. Ozone layer depletion- Руйнування озонового шару
17.aquatic species- водні види
18.cardiovascular disease.- серцево-судинне захворювання
19.Solid waste- тверді відходи
20.landfill waste disposal -вивезення відходів на полігон
21. The bulk of these wastes- основна маса цих відходів
Our environment faces several problems, and many of these seem to be worsening with time, bringing us into a
time of a true environmental crisis.The most serious environmental problems of the twenty-first century have
the potential to alter the course of life on this planet. It is therefore becoming increasingly important to raise
awareness of the existence of these issues, as well as what can be done to reduce their negative impact.

I agree that the environmental issue is perhaps the greatest to these challenges and will still remain a challenge
even in the 21st century. This is due to the challenges that this problem has posed to the world since the
begging of the last century. Among the problem that comprises environmental challenges include
destabilization of the ecosystem, increasing pollution, climatic changes, and many others.
Some of the key issues are:
1)  Global warming
The emission of greenhouse gases(гесиз) due to human activity causes global warming, which in turn causes an
increase in temperature that then leads to rising sea levels, melting of polar ice caps, flash floods and
desertification. Rises in temperature increase the likelihood of extreme weather events such as storms,
droughts(драутс), heat waves and floods. Changes in temperature can also have impacts on agriculture and
food prices, infrastructure, human health and human and animal migration patterns.
Pollution of the air, water and soil caused by toxins such as plastics, heavy metals and nitrates, caused by
factors such as toxins and gases released by factories, combustion(комбасчин) of fossil fuels, acid rain(есид),
oil spill and industrial waste.
3) Overpopulation
We are facing a shortage of resources such as food, water and fuel to sustain the rising global population,
particularly in developing countries. Intensive agriculture attempting to lessen the problem actually leads to
more damage through the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides.
4) Waste disposal
An excessive amount of waste is produced and dumped in the oceans. Nuclear waste is particularly dangerous,
as well as plastics and electronic waste. Solid waste is the number one contributor of landfill waste disposal.
Homes, schools, restaurants, public places, markets, offices and so on produce a great deal of rubbish, garbage
and used materials. The bulk of these wastes eventually end up in the landfills.
5) Ocean acidification
The increase in the production of carbon dioxide by humans causes the oceans’ acidity to rise, which has a
negative impact on marine life.
6) Loss of biodiversity
Species and habitats are becoming extinct due to human activity. This causes an imbalance in natural processes
like pollination and poses a threat to ecosystems – coral reef destruction is particularly affected.
7) Deforestation
Loss of trees in order to make space for residential, industrial or commercial projects means that less oxygen is
produced, and temperature and rainfall are affected.
8) Ozone layer depletion
Pollution caused by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the air creates a hole in the ozone layer, which protects the
earth from harmful UV radiation.

9) Acid rain
Pollutants in the atmosphere such as sulfur(салфер) dioxide and nitrogen oxides cause acid rain, which has
negative consequences for humans, wildlife and aquatic species.
10) Public health issues
Lack of clean water is one of the leading environmental problems currently. Pollutants in the air also cause
issues such as respiratory disease and cardiovascular disease.

In conclusion, whatever we do to the environment will return and affect us. So all levels of education should
emphasize how we can be more responsible in protecting it. A joint approach by the authority and mass people
can only make it happen. With the failure of world powers to act on environmental pollution, it is time for each
and every one of us to ask ourselves what role do we play polluting the environment and device the necessary
measure that we can take to reverse the trend.

11. Do you agree with the following quotation? Why/why not? Reason
your answer: Every war is a war against children.
1. harsh truth – гірка правда
2.    millstone around the neck – зашморг на шиї
3.    raise/bring up children – виховувати дітей

4. victim – жертва

5. detrimental effect - негативний вплив

6.    severity of the effect - серйозність наслідків
7.    popular wisdom - всім відоме 

8.    notoriously – загальновідомо, горезвісно

9.    suffer a mental breakdown - страждати психічним розладом

10.hostilities- бойові дії

11.demographic time bomb - демографічна часова бомба

12.descendant- нащадок spare –щадити

War spares no one. War does not look at a person's status, wealth or age. Adults and children
are killed and wounded, and the harsh reality around leaves young boys and girls deeply

traumatized(тромитайзд) for life. I agree with the statement that  Every war is a war against
children and  I have several reasons for this.

Foremost, children are our future, they are future adults who will shape our society, they will
raise their children, who will also become part of the future society. However, for a society to
be healthy, its members must also be healthy. To be a healthy member of society means to be a
conscious, adequate, functioning part of it. Unfortunately, children traumatized by war who
have survived atrocities need to work hard on their psychological state to become mentally
healthy in the future and complement their society. Notoriously, war is a millstone around the
neck of the country where the war is taking place. Adults who already have some understanding
of the world and common sense are, more or less, able to cope with psychological
trauma(троума). Unfortunately, children will be more likely to suffer from mental breakdowns
in the future. And this applies not only to those children who are at the epicenter of hostilities,
but also to those who simply hear the sounds of sirens on the street on a daily basis.

Secondly, every war is a demographic time bomb. As mentioned above, children shape the
future of the country. However, people who died in shelling, bombing, looting will never be
able to have children, will never raise the next generation. The same applies to children who
have been injured or killed. They will no longer be able to become parents and contribute to the
future. And even if they do, they are unlikely to raise their children with dignity, because they
did not have a proper example. Also, according to statistics, people who survived the war, who
saw its consequences with their own eyes, do not want to have children in the future. After all,
they are afraid that the past will be repeated and their descendants(нащадки) will have to go
through the same horrific events. This leads to a demographic crisis, which has a detrimental
effect on the state of the country as a whole.

The last and no less important reason is that children are victims of war, their lives are stolen
not only physically. Childhood, which should be filled with happy memories, disappears
instantly. Instead, children face the harsh truth of life, death, abuse, hunger and cold. Not every
adult can handle this. Children lose a life that did not have time to begin. Many have to grow up
at a very young age and take responsibility for their own lives and, sometimes, for the lives of
their younger siblings.

It is popular wisdom that every war is a war against children. Sometimes we are even not aware
of the severity of the effect of war. However, future generations will definitely feel all the
consequences, they will have to deal with all the problems that the war will bring for a long

12. Do you agree with the following quotation? Why/why not? Reason
your answer: The tragedy of war is that it uses man’s best to do man’s

1.     So utterly disparate – абсолютно різні

2.     Sheer patriotism – справжній патріотизм

3.     Sacrifice – жертвувати/ to give up something that is valuable to you in order to help

another person

4.     The combat is baffling – бій/боротьба спантеличує/ impossible for someone to

understand or explain

5.     Аchievement renders – досягнення приносять

6.     Put forth – висунути ідею/стверджувати / to suggest an idea for consideration 

7.     Utterly convinced – глибоко переконаний

8.     Blaze of glory – промінь слави/ something that has a very powerful or noticeable effect

9.     Atrocities – звірство,жорстокість/ an extremely cruel, violent, or shocking act

10.                     Ravages war – руйнівна війна/ the damage caused by disease, time, war

11.                     Deceased – загиблий

12.                      Go at war – йти на війну, воювати

13.                     Perish – загинути, померти

14.                      Shelling – обстріли/ the act of firing shells (= containers full of explosives) at

15.                     Flee – тікати/ to escape by running away, especially because of danger or fear
16.                      Refugee  – біженець/ a person who has escaped from their own country for
political, religious, or economic reasons or because of a war

17.                     Persistently – наполегливо/ to do sth in a determined way

18.                     Resilience – стійкість/ the ability to be happy, successful, etc. again after
something difficult or bad has happened

19.                     Ruthlessness – непокірність/ the quality of not thinking or worrying about any
pain caused to others when deciding what you need to do

20.                     Unscrupulous invaders – безсовісних окупантів / behaving in a way that is

dishonest or unfair in order to get what you want

21.                      Full-scale war – повномасштабна війна

22.                     War unfolds – розгортається війна

23.                      Incalculable damage – неймовірна, незліченна шкода/

immeasurable ,extremely large and therefore unable to be measured

24.                      Disruption  – руйнування

25.                      Іn a snap whirl's back decades – за помахом руки повертається на кілька
століть назад

26.                      Deteriorates – погіршується/ to become worse

27.                     Illiteracy – безграмотність/ a lack of the ability to read and write

28.                      Vicious cycle – замкнене коло/ a continuing unpleasant situation, created when
one problem causes another problem that then makes the first problem worse

29.                      Improbable – малоймовірно/ not likely to happen or be true

30.                      Tend to – схильний до

31.                      Drastically – різко, сильно/ in a way that is severe and sudden or has very
noticeable effects

32.                      Devastated lives – зруйновані життя/ completely destroyed

33.                      Placid life – спокійне життя/ peaceful, having a calm appearance or


I’m not entirely sure whether I am in favor of the given statement or not. To my mind, that depends on the
To begin with, what is the real tragedy(траджеді) of war? What is man’s best, and what is man’s worst? The
answers to these questions will be so utterly disparate for every person. It is well known that war is dreadful;
even so, some grow too fond of it, that feeling of sheer patriotism, adrenaline rush and action probably. There
can be great satisfaction in controlling or overcoming one's strong emotions, living through adversity and
danger, and experiencing willingness to sacrifice; the combat is baffling. But, the achievement renders
immense satisfaction and the energy and power after that one victory is pure bliss. Still, that final state is
contentment for one and devastation for another.
War occurs when a disagreement arises between individuals, communities, groups, leaders and countries. Due
to dispute, there is a risk to their need, interests, or concerns. This is a condition in which people receive a
threat such as physical, emotional, political, etc.
As far as I am concerned, we cannot put forth the idea that the war uses man’s best to do man’s worst. One of
the examples proving wrong is Ukraine.  I am confident, indeed utterly convinced, that war is no good. There
is no blaze of glory in battle worth the blood it costs; the unspeakable atrocities and ravages war wreaks are
pure darkness; the end is only death, always death. The most prominent is what the military suffers; a million
will die on this side, and so will they decease in the opposition; those who go at war perish and lose the most,
and so do their families. The emotional and psychological stress and suffering of the civilian population is a
legacy that war carries.
But what if people are forced to go to war, to live under shelling. They use their best to do their best, to save
their families, to protect their lands, to give their lives for the freedom of the country they grew up in. That is
something every Ukrainian is experiencing at this very moment, either fleeing their homes to stay alive,
becoming refugees or fighting persistently .The full-scale war, which unfolded on 24th February 2022, has
created incalculable damage.
Effects of war include mass destruction of cities and a permanent, long-lasting impact on the country's
economy, inflation, public debt, expenditure, etc.
The financial crisis the country endures leads to an increase in poverty which further accelerates the decline in
education, and this is toxic; poverty leads to illiteracy which evidently leads to poverty all over again, and
escaping this vicious cycle is not impossible, but definitely improbable and people tend to believe in
impossible more than they will ever believe in the improbable, the mental status of the war-ridden population
makes it very demanding for a country to go back to its natural state
Whatever is the cause of war, the outcomes are always the same thousands of devastated lives and ruined
cities. People need to understand that war is not a sport; the lives it takes is a cost none can pay. War affects the
economy, politics, environment, and country's status as to where it stands, but most importantly, war is a crime
against humanity and cannot be forgiven in any case scenario. If we don't end the war, war will end us. By
saying that, I believe that the real tragedy of war is not using man’s best to do man’s worst but to be forced to
live at war, abandon your placid life and lose your loved ones for the reason that someone is out of their minds.

13. Do you agree with the following quotation? Why/why not? Reason
your answer: If our identity was chosen for us, it is up to us to accept it,
or fight and change it.
 utterly convinced - глибоко переконаний
 adverse conditions - несприятливі умови
 allegedly - як стверджують
 plausible arguments - вагомі аргументи
 not unambiguous - неоднозначний
 innumerable - численні
 largely - в основному
 embrace - включати, осягати
 the aforementioned - раніше згадані
 govern the choices - керувати вибором
 conversely - навпаки, протилежно
 stem from - випливати з
 however sadly it is - як сумно не було б
 internalize - засвоювати
 pursuit of - гонитва за
 be aligned with - бути узгодженим з
 unfulfilling life - незадоволене життя
 fulfilled - задоволений, наповнений
 pursue meaningful goals - переслідувати значущу мету
 coherent - узгоджений, чіткий, зв’язний
 acquire unintentionally - набувати мимоволі
 prone to - схильний до
 disruptive influence - шкідливий вплив
 cherish/nurse/endear - леліяти, плекати, виховувати
 quite the reverse - повністю протилежний
 state of affairs - стан справ
 blind slave to the conventions - сліпий раб конвенцій
 advocate - захищати, обстоювати
 obviate - уникати, ухилятися, позбуватися
 confront - протистояти
 deeply ingrained - глибоко вкорінений
 responsibility rests with - відповідальність несе…
 abdicate responsibility - зрікатися відповідальності
 natural predisposition - природна схильність
 have an exposure to a wide array of activities - мати вибір серед широкого спектру
 intrinsically motivated - внутрішньо мотивований
 substantial success - значний успіх
 compatible with - сумісний з
 rigid society - жорстке суспільство
 hereditary and environmental impact - спадковий вплив і вплив середовища
 indisputable - незаперечний
 clamor - протестувати, галасувати, вимагати
 carve - різьбити, працювати над чимось

I have always been utterly convinced that our life reflects our choices rather than adverse conditions that
were allegedly imposed on us. Therefore I totally agree with the given quotation “If our identity was chosen for
us, it is up to us to accept it, or fight and change it” and have a couple of plausible(плозибил) arguments to
support my ideas.

To begin with, as far as identity is concerned, which is not unambiguous concept itself, one must consider
innumerable things that shape it.

Identity is largely concerned with the question: “Who are you?” The identity of every human being embraces
belonging to a particular group in society, to be more precise race, nationality, religion, culture, family, as well
as the qualities and attitudes one possesses. On the whole all the aforementioned relate to our basic values that
govern the choices we make. These choices conversely reflect who we are and what we value.

Identity may be acquired unintentionally from parents, peers and immediate surrounding. Children are prone
to define themselves in terms of how people from their inner circle define themselves. The influence of this
kind, though, may appear to be disruptive as well as beneficial. The constituents of such influence might be
cherishing the freedom and national belonging, nursing the love to the Motherland and to the God,
housekeeping, unity, diligence as it is in case with numerous Ukrainian families. Quite the reverse is the state
of affairs with russian nation. Nourishing(норішінг) amorality, absence of dignity, narrow-mindedness,
hostility, greediness and the pursuit of “It’s none of my business” principle are among their key identity
features. The above stated example deters us from being a blind slave to the conventions of your nation,
religion, culture or family and reasons advocating the values rather than imposed conventions. Thus the first
argument of mine consists in obviating the narrow-mindedness and prejudice and confronting the notorious
features of your nation’s, family’s and country’s mentality even if they are deeply ingrained.

Secondly responsibility for the personal values, attitudes and choices rests solely with us. To deny it means to
abdicate responsibility for your own life and attempt to shift it to the natural predisposition, genetic factor
and unfortunate fate. To my way of thinking three goals are required for the task of identity formation or
identity change. The first task is discovering and developing one’s personal potentials. Personal potentials refer
to those things that the person can do better than other things. The second step is choosing one’s purpose in life.
It is necessary to choose what we are seeking to accomplish in our lives. To achieve substantial success in
fulfilling our purpose, the objectives must be compatible with our talent and skills. Finally, one is required to
find opportunities to implement that potential and purpose. Open societies allow for role mobility and flexibility
to implement identity-related choices. However, this is not the case in close and rigid societies. For some, this
may lead to emigration.

Taking all things into consideration, we may conclude that the identity is never “final” and we are capable to
develop it throughout our lifespan. Although the hereditary(хередітері) and environmental impact on our
identity-development is indisputable(пюю), our identity is obviously more than that. Your nationality, race
and family are given at birth, but you’re exposed to an ever-changing environment. You grow up, go to school,
study, travel, work, and gain experience throughout. As your brain is shaped by the choices you make, there is
room for chance and clamor(клеме) — room for you to be unique. That’s why our true identity only settles
after our last breath and before that – it’s time for us to carve it.

14. Do you agree with the following quotation?  Why/why not? Reason
your answer: Education makes people easy to lead, but difficult to
drive; easy to govern but impossible to enslave.
Education is the primary responsibility of any state and the fundamental right of a citizen.
It is more than just being immersed in academic books. It is a tool that provides citizens with
many useful skills like developing critical thinking and perseverance, becoming aware of how
the past has affected the present and preparing for life in the workplace which would help to
earn your keep in the future. Education is an important medium of acquiring essential
knowledge and skills. Education stimulates the thought process that makes a mind averse to
extreme narratives and violent attitudes as well.
Henry Brougham said that “Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive;
easy to govern but impossible to enslave”. I agree with this quotation and I would like to list
some of the reasons proving it.
First of all, though educated societies are easy to mold(сформувати) according to the
law of the state and requirement of the time but are difficult to induce(спонукати) into mere
sloganeering (гасло). They elect public representatives through a democratic process but do not
give them clean-chit(certificate of exoneration-виправдання) even after coming into powers.
Educated societies keep a proper check on the governments through media and public forums.
The uneducated people are easy to become a prey of the extremist ideologies easy to lead, but
difficult to drive; What is more an uneducated might easily follow propaganda and being led by
Secondly, a really educated man is glad to follow but he would certainly resent being
forced to follow. Educated people know the value of the rule of the law as they know there
must be somebody to govern, even though the authority comes from the people. An educated
person would simply follow without being driven, because he knows his limits as well as the
limits of other people, so if he understands that he has been driven, he would revolt(бунт).
Since democracy(демокрасі) means rule by the people, people have to be educated so that
effective leadership may become possible.
Lastly, I am convinced that education makes people easy to govern but impossible to
enslave. No force of government can break an educated person - he may be paralyzed
physically, but his spirit would be strong. There’ve been hundreds of examples of such
situations, starting from Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko, ending with Ukrainian political
prisoners in Russia, whose minds were not enslaved.
On the whole, I agree with the quotation and I believe that every person has not just flick
through the books but enjoy and use the variety of educational possibilities in the 21st century
as they are unlimited.

15. Do you agree with the following quotation? Why/why not? Reason
your answer and draw examples: Freedom is never given, it is won. 
1. To encompass – охоплювати, включати в себе, містити
2. Slaughter – звірства, масові вбивства
3. To be in cahoots – бути у змові
4. Desperate – відчайдушний
5. long-lasting – тривалий 
6. At the end of the day – eventually, зрештою
7. Far away from being – далеко від, геть не, зовсім не
8. War unfolds – розгортається війна
9. To crave – прагнути
10.To tear smth to tatters – розірвати на шматки, вщент
11.Albeit = although
12.Aspirations – прагнення
13.To back smth = to support smth

I’m entirely in favor of the given statement. To my mind, that is a really valid point. Freedom is
never given; it can be achieved only through fighting for it and proving that you are worth it. 

To begin with, it must be stated that freedom is the basic need of each human. This word
encompasses the right to speak, to believe, to love, to act, to live. Freedom is the full right to be
a human and to be considered as such. Without a doubt, each person is born with the right to be
a human, although, throughout history this right of many people of many nations was being
ignored and violated. The Jewish people during World War II who suffered from genocide and
were victims of slaughters, or Crimean Tatars who were falsely accused of being in cahoots

with Nazis(нацис), then forcibly deported from Crimea. About 46% of them either died of
diseases or starved to death, or were drowned in an old as the hills boat in the Azov sea, and
those who survived were brutally killed with bullets(булетс). Those people were declined in
their right to be free as separate and independent nations. And there are plenty of such stories.
Each is full of horror, pain and deaths, and demonstrates the reverse of the medal, i.e. the dark
side of humanity. 

What is more, the question of freedom has always been of the highest priority for Ukrainians.
Basically, our whole history is one of the brightest examples of the desperate struggle for the
right to exist and to be free. Its pages are soaked in our ancestors’ blood. Ukrainian Revolution
1917-1921, the fight of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and Ukrainian Insurgent
Army, dissidents’ movement, Orange Revolution, Revolution of Dignity, Russo-Ukrainian war
and many others – these are the evidence of Ukraine’s long-lasting fight for its freedom. And
at the end of the day, we’ve finally become free as Ukrainians. And it was far away from
being granted.

Even now, as the war has been unfolding since 2014, and our enemy craves tearing our
territory to tatters, Ukrainians (we))once again have to prove to all the world their right to be
free, to live on their territories, to speak their mother tongue, to say proudly that they are
Ukrainians. We’re not being granted freedom today as well, albeit(олбіет), the whole world
stands with us. But mere support is never enough. People have to fight for their desires and
aspirations in order to make them the reality.

This is the reason why I back this quotation – I am the part of the nation that has been fighting
for freedom from the very first and till these days. Nowadays, we are all realizing that there is
nothing more precious and valuable than life and freedom. The gold is just plastic when your
hands are in shackles(шекилз). 

All things considered, I strongly believe that freedom is the most precious gift along with life.
However, it is never granted for nothing. Our history is the solid proof of how freedom is
earned. Thousands of people sacrificed their lives for our better, free future. We are proving it
right now as our brave soldiers are protecting our country in Mariupol, Donetsk, Luhansk,
Kherson, Mykolaiv and other regions. Ukraine’s victory will one more time confirm its fully

legitimate(леджитимит) and deserved right to be free and independent because freedom is
never given, it is won.

16. Euromaidan - Ukraine’s Revolution of Dignity and its impact on you.

The revolutionary movement which recently took place in Ukraine changed the course of our
history forever. Even though some time has already passed since the days of the revolutionary
turmoil(тармоїл, потрясіння) in the capital – the memories are still fresh and it‟s still hard to
speak about it without a lump in the throat and for sure – a great feeling of sheer pride for our

Thus, speaking about the revolution, it‟s important to start from the beginning. Protests
originally erupted in November 2013 after our already ex-President Viktor Yanukovych chose
not to sign a political association and free trade agreement with the European Union at the

Partnership summit in Vilnius, choosing closer ties with Russia instead. The choice of signing
an agreement with Trade Union, which is basically ruled by Russia, was the flash point for the
further events.

Peaceful demonstrations in Lviv started late at night on the 21 of Nov, when a small group of
students ( faculty of history, UKU) gathered in the city center to express their support for
Ukraine signing the Association Agreement with EU. The next day, thousands of people
joined the movement for the European future of Ukraine. Demonstrations in Kyiv on the
central square of capital led to these events being called Eurorevolution. However, the ex top
politicians (including Yanyk), refused to react to the expression of will of the Ukrainian
citizens. The rallies(раліс,мітинги) were initially peaceful but eventually became violent in
January 2014 after parliament, dominated by Yanukovych's supporters, passed laws

intended to repress the protest (16 Jan – laws of Oliynyk-Kivalov). Moreover, peaceful
demonstrations were violently dispersed by riot police which finally led to the full-fledged
revolution throughout the country, especially Western regions of Ukraine. At this point
peaceful pro-European demonstrations turned into rallies against Yanukovych and the ruling
gov. On Feb 18, Police fired guns, with both rubber bullets and, later automatic weapons and
sniper rifles(райфилс,гвинтівки), also using tear gas and flash grenades(гренейдс) in an
attempt to repel thousands of demonstrators, who fought back with weapons and
improvised(саморобан) explosives. As a result around 100 Maidan activists were killed and
later called the Heavenly(хевенлі) Hundred. Many of them were from Lviv region. Such a
big loss for the country was not in vain. On 22 February, the protesters were reported to be
in control of Kiev and President Viktor Yanukovych was reported to have fled the capital for
eastern Ukraine and later Russia. The Parliament, or VerkhovnaRada, voted 328–0 in
favour of impeaching Yanukovych and scheduled new presidential elections for 25 May. The
speaker OleksTurchynov became the interim(тимчасовий) president.

Ukraine set a good learning example for those countries that desire democracy. Like any other
state in the world it fought for human rights and basic freedoms, it united people from East and

17. Russia-Ukraine War: the 21st-century Tragedy on the

European Continent. 
1. Deteriorate – погіршуватись
2. Perpetrate – здійснювати
3. Drag on — затягуватись
4. Lay siege — взяти в облогу
5. Wear down – придушити
6. Nuclear missile silo — ракетно-ядерна шахта
7. The height of folly — вершина дурості
8. Blunting Russia’s advance — притуплення просування Росії
9. Infantry soldiers — піхотинці
10.Take out a tank — знищити танк
11.Armor — броня
12.Dissention — disagreement

 The Russis-Ukrainian War is an ongoing and lengthy conflict that began in February 2014 and
is largely fought between Russia and pro-Russian troops and Ukraine. To begin with the
conflict has been centred on the status of Crimea and portions of the Donbas, both of which are
internationally recognised as being part of Ukraine. Tensions between Russia and Ukraine

exploded particularly between 2021 and 2022, when it became clear that Russia was preparing
an invasion of Ukraine. The issue worsened in February 2022, after diplomatic efforts to pacify
Russia failed; the situation deteriorated further when Russia moved forces into separatist-
controlled territory on 22 February 2022. In a televised speech announcing Russia’s “special
military operation” in Ukraine on February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the
invasion was designed to stop a “genocide” perpetrated by “the Kyiv regime(режім)” — and
ultimately to achieve “the demilitarization and de-Nazification of Ukraine.”

As the fighting has dragged on, Russia has gravitated toward tactics that, by design, hurt
civilians. Most notably, Russia has attempted to lay siege(сідж) to Ukraine’s cities, cutting off
supply and escape routes while bombarding them with artillery. The purpose of the strategy is
to wear down our defenders’ willingness to fight, including by inflicting mass pain on the
civilian populations.

The result has been nightmarish: an astonishing outflow of our Ukrainian refugees and
tremendous suffering for many of those who were unwilling or unable to leave. That’s why we
can really call it the 21st-century tragedy.

Even our words, our tough talk, could be digging us into a hole. That hole looks to me like a
nuclear missile silo(сайло). It has been a long time since nuclear weapons were a hot topic of
conversation. His decision to invade Ukraine already looks like the height of folly. And what
Putin has been saying about his ‘special military operation’ only makes it, and him, look

The war remains, for the moment, a conflict between Ukraine and Russia. But the United States
is the most important third party, using a number of powerful tools — short of direct military
intervention — to aid the Ukrainian cause.

In addition, оn the military side, weapons systems manufactured and provided by the US and
Europe have played a vital role in blunting Russia’s advance. The Javelin anti-tank missile
system, for example, is a lightweight American-made launcher that allows one or two infantry
soldiers to take out a tank. Javelins have given the outgunned Ukrainians a fighting chance
against Russian armor(арме), becoming a popular symbol in the process.

On the surface, the world appears to be fairly united behind the Ukrainian cause. But the UN
vote conceals a great deal of dissention, especially among the world’s largest and most
influential countries — divergences that don’t always fall neatly along democracy-versus-
autocracy lines.

In conclusion, I would like to say that wars do not typically end with the total defeat of one side
or the other. More commonly, there’s some kind of negotiated settlement — either a ceasefire
or more permanent peace treaty — where the two sides agree to stop fighting under a set of
mutually agreeable terms.

But I think it is possible that the Ukraine conflict turns out to be an exception: that Russian
morale collapses completely, leading to utter battlefield defeat.

 18. Ukraine’s Centuries-long Battle for Freedom. 

1. partitioning of  territories – поділ територій

2. to annex – незаконно відібрати
3. self-determination – самовизначення
4. punitive psychiatry - каральна психіатрія
5. to overturn – перевернути щось
6. rigged - сфальсифікований
7. sweat into power – прийти до влади
8. amplitudinous – масштабний

For Ukrainians, freedom and dignity have always been fundamental values. They encouraged the
struggle for independence. At the beginning of the twentieth century, during the Ukrainian
Revolution of 1917–1921, our people were able to revive statehood, and on August 24, 1991, it was
restored by the Act of Independence of Ukraine.

Ukrainian history, early modern history is not so much focused on the Scandinavian Vikings or
the Kyivan Rus(рус) but on the different category, social category, which is called the Cossacks.
The Cossacks sought to defend Ukrainian lands against the Poles in the west and the constant slave
raids in the south by Tatars and Turks.

In 1648, under the leadership of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, the Cossacks launched a war of liberation
which culminated in the establishment of an independent Ukrainian Cossack state.

At the end of the 18th century, with the decline of Poland and the partitioning(патишнінг) of its
territories, most Ukrainian lands ended up under Russian rule, except for Ukrainian parts of
Galicia(галисия) (Halychyna in Ukrainian) and Bukovyna, which were annexed by Austria. In
November 1918, after the collapse of Austria-Hungary, in Lviv the Galician(галишн) Ukrainians
proclaimed the independent Western Ukrainian People’s Republic. Although the Ukrainian “national
revolution’ of 1917-20 ended in failure, the struggle for national self-determination strengthened the
sense of modem Ukrainian nationhood.

Until 1991, Ukrainians lived under the power of the totalitarian regime as a constituent part of the
communist USSR. It was a difficult time with terrible tragedies and challenges — forced
collectivization, genocide-Holodomor, The Great Terror, Holocaust, deportations, GULAG, punitive
psychiatry, Soviet military interventions, the Chornobyl disaster, among other events, that took the
lives of millions of Ukrainians who represented many different nationalities.

In 1991, Ukraine declared independence in order to build a free, democratic and sovereign state
within internationally recognized borders. Since then, any attempts to restore authoritarianism have
faced strong people’s resistance. The Orange Revolution (2004-2005) and the Revolution of Dignity
(2013-2014) have proven that freedom is the ultimate choice and expression of the Ukrainian people.
A peaceful mass protest "Orange Revolution" in the closing months of 2004 forced the authorities to
overturn a rigged presidential election and to allow a new internationally monitored vote that swept
into power a reformist slate under Viktor YUSHCHENKO.

The fight of Ukrainian citizens for their rights that was named the “Euromaidan” (and later – the
Revolution of Dignity) was one of the most amplitudinous(емплітуденес) events in the newest
history of Ukraine and the logical course for the protection of human and citizenship rights. On 21
November 2013 one and a half thousands of people came to the square as a sign of protest against
the refusal of the pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych to sign the document to which our state
had been coming for years – The Agreement on the Associated Membership of Ukraine in the
European Union. The Maidan was a determinative step in terms of the process of de-sovietization of
Ukraine, the lasting and painful process of the transformation of the post-totalitarian society and
redirecting it to the democratic future.

On February 24, 2022, Russia made a decision to create in the temporarily occupied territories of
Ukraine — the so-called ‘Luhansk People’s Republic’ and ‘Donetsk People’s Republic.’ In Ukraine,
there are cases of executions, kidnappings, rapes, threats, looting by the Russian military, as well as
the deportation of Ukrainian citizens to Russia. Over the last month, we have seen very closely and
clearly what heroism truly is. Mariupol, Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Irpin, as well as Kherson, Kyiv,
Enerhodar, Nova Kakhovka,  and many other Ukrainian cities and villages are also great pride of
Ukraine. It is the personification of resistance and protection of truth, justice and freedom – despite
everything. Over the last month, we have realized what an irresistible force the unity of citizens is,
what it is like to share your time, home, resources – for a common victory

It was preceded by centuries of struggle with many pages of heroism, sacrifice, and martyrdom that
should not be forgotten.  And even today, Ukrainians are having to pay a price for their hard-won

19. Ukrainian Refugees and Internally Displaced People: Developing a

Culture of Empathy and Solidarity.
1. Adversity – скрута
2. admittedly– чесно кажучи
3. through blood, sweat and tears - крізь біль і сльози
4. bleak – сумне, тьмяне
5. to give a life lesson – давати життєвий урок
6. struggle – боротьба
7. black and white – чітко, однозначне
8. turn one's life around – обернути життя на 180, змінити повністю життя
9. to put ones back into something – прикладати великі зусилля, віддавати справі на
10. to pull oneself up by the bootstraps – самотужки взяти все в свої руки
11. Glimmer of hope – проблиск надії
12. peace and prosperity – мир та благополуччя
13. Start from scratch – почати з початку
14. shock wears off – шок минає
15. Flee - тікати
16. full-scale war - повномасштабна війна 
17. shell - обстрілювати
18. looting - мародерство 
19. Feel driven- відчувати себе загнаним
20. be puzzled - бути спантеличеним 
21. compatriots співвітчизники
22. be at loss- бути в скруті, розгубленим 
23. compassion співчуття
24. elbow grease – тяжка праця
25. economic decline – економічний спад
26. Come down to – приступити до
27. Financial backing – фінансова підтримка
28. Resilience – стійкість
29. Persistence – наполегливість
30. Ruthlessness – непокірність

With the start of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, the number of refugees has increased
dramatically. People, trying to save their lives and the lives of their loved ones, running away
from adversity, which they found themselves in, fled to those territories of Ukraine where it is
more or less calm. These are areas that are not shelled on a daily basis, where the occupiers are
not looting, areas where they can find all the necessary basic needs, such as food, water,
medicine, heat, clothing.

People fought for their future, fleeing on evacuation trains. Unfortunately, this road was also a
struggle. Not having enough water and food, people left their hometowns and were on the road
sometimes for more than 24 hours. However, it was the only glimmer of hope for them.

Through blood, sweat and tears, people reached the peaceful territories of Ukraine. Although,
that was not the end of the story. When they got off the train and the shock wore off, the only
question that arose was “What is next?”

Admittedly, the only thing that would appear in my mind if I was in their shoes would be a
bleak future. I cannot imagine me being in a situation when something turns my life around.
People were living in peace and prosperity; they were putting their back into something. And in
one night everything has changed. Now, they are standing at the station, having almost nothing
with them, in an unfamiliar city. People are forced to start their lives from scratch. However, it
is almost impossible to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. People are exhausted, they feel
driven, they are puzzled, they are at loss.

At this point, they need support more than ever. And they get it. This is the support of caring
people, the whole nation. Today, people organize various volunteer centers, refugee assistance
centers, provide free assistance and humanitarian support. The whole nation united to help their
compatriots who were in grief.

I believe that we have already created a society of compassion and solidarity. Most people
contribute to the development of our empathic society regardless of who they are, what their
occupation is, what status they have, since the only thing that matters today is the unity of the
whole nation.

From the first day of the war in Ukraine, people came down to organizing aid. Everyone
understood that refugees and internally displaced people would need a lot of help not only with
clothes, food and accommodation, but also financial backing.

I watched as help programs and special accounts to which funds could be transferred were
created in a matter of days. This is an elbow grease. Nevertheless, for three months now, our
people have not given up. On the contrary, We have demonstrated to the whole world the
resilience, persistence and ruthlessness of Ukrainian nation.

We have faced losses, fear, pain, crises, economic decline. But despite all this, we are building
a new society, a new world, a new peace here in Ukraine. And helping those who need it most
now is the first step in creating a new empathic society. I believe that this will be a life lesson
not only for Ukraine but also for other countries. 
20. Discover Ukraine at Its Benign: From Must-See Places to Unexplored
Magnificent Spots.
1. off the beaten track, places of interest, to go sightseeing, guided tours , a far-
off destination, tourist trap: somewhere where too many tourists go, 
2. adamant (непохитний), 
3. aspire to (прагнути чогось), 
4. on offer (в наявності),
5.  mean business (говорити серйозно),
6.  boon (втіха), 
7. span (охоплювати),
8.  carve its reputation (здобути репутацію),
9. transfixed (затамувавши подих),
10. make out (розгледіти), 
11.look up to (поважати), 
12.come in handy (стати в нагоді)

Ukraine is a country with the glorious past. It is rich in historical monuments and different
places of interest. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine and one of the oldest cities in the Eastern
Europe. It is breathtaking(брестейкінг) to wander(вандер) along the streets of the old town, to
feel the breath (брес)of history.

But Ukrainian places of interest are situated not only in Kyiv. Near the small town of Kanev the
monument to the Ukrainian national genius Taras Shevchenko is situated. The museum, where
the books, drawings and manuscripts of Shevchenko are kept, is situated in the village not far
from Kanev. Even the house, where he was born, is preserved. It is very interesting to look at it.
One may come to Poltava and visit the museum of the famous Poltava battle, the field where
Peter the Great defeated the Swedes.

Ukraine is one of the largest countries of Eastern Europe. It occupies an area of 603 700 km2.
Its territory stretches for 893 kilometres from north to south and for 1316 kilometres from east
to west. It has state borders with Russia, Belarus and Moldova. It also borders on Poland,
Slovakia, Hungary and Romania.

In the south it is washed by the Black and the Azov Seas. The major rivers are the Dnieper, the
Dniester, the Donets and others.
The major part of Ukraine is flat and only 5% of it is mountainous. The two mountainous areas
in Ukraine are the Carpathians and the Crimean Mountains.

The geographical position of Ukraine is very favourable because the country lies on the
crossroads of the ways from Asia to Europe.

Ukraine has deposits of iron, manganese, coal, natural gas, oil and other mineral resources.

The main branches of industry are: coal and ore mining, iron and steel engineering, machine
and ship building. Besides, Ukraine has always been an agrarian country. Traditionally crop-
growing and cattlebreeding are being developed.

The population of Ukraine is about 50 million people. The biggest cities are Kyiv, Kharkiv,
Zaporizhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa, Lviv, Mykolaiv and others.

One may also go to Zaporizhia, to the island of Khortytsia, where the Ukrainian Cossacks'
organization was born. One can go to Odesa and walk along the boulevards, where Pushkin
walked a long time ago, and one can touch the trees, which Pushkin touched.It is possible to go
through Gogol places in the Poltava Region and see Dickanka, Sorochintsy. One can continue
this list, because there is also Western Ukraine with the Carpathians and their legends,
feudal(фюдл) lords' castles and cathedrals, with their unique culture and nature.

Ukraine has an ancient history. It has its own original culture and arts.

The country is one of the members of the United Nations Organization (UNO) and participates
in the work of many international organizations.
Ukraine possesses a wealth of cultural talent and a considerable cultural legacy(легасі).
Numerous writers have contributed to the country’s rich literary history. Impressive monuments
of architecture and museums displaying works by generations of Ukrainian artists can be found
throughout the country, and art galleries featuring contemporary Ukrainian artists have become
commonplace in larger urban centres. The country’s strong tradition of folk art also continues
to this day.

 There are numerous professional theatres in Ukraine, notably the Ivan Franko National
Academic Drama Theatre in Kiev and the Mariia Zankovetska National Academic Ukrainian
Drama Theatre in Lviv. Ukraine also has several opera theatres, numerous symphony
orchestras, academic and folk choirs(кваєс), and other performing ensembles(ансамбилз).
Amateur(амете) groups of song and dance are very popular as well.
The Shevchenko Scientific Society, established in 1873, was the main Ukrainian scholarly body
in western Ukraine until it was forcibly dissolved (розчинений) in 1940, after the Soviet Union
occupied the region. It reestablished itself in western Europe and the United States in 1947, and
in 1989 the society resumed (продовжити) operations in Ukraine. Among its many activities,
the society sponsors conferences and lectures, awards research grants, and publishes scholarly
works, particularly in the field of Ukrainian studies.
Among the notable museums in the country are the Museum of the History of Ukraine and the
Museum of the Art of Ukraine (both in Kiev). The Museum of Folk Architecture and Folkways
of Ukraine, an open-air museum in the village of Pyronovo, preserves elements of 17th- and
18th-century village life. The National Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 is part
of a memorial complex near the Dnieper in Kiev that includes the iconic statue Motherland-
Mother, which is more than 328 feet (100 metres) tall.
The country has several national parks, including the Carpathian National Park and the
Shatskyy National Park. Forest parks, located near major cities, offer picnicking, swimming,
hiking, and cross-country skiing. Some of the larger cities have urban “culture and
recreation(відпочинковий)” parks, where theatres, lecture halls, reading rooms, and
playgrounds are found amid(емід) gardens and wooded areas.
There are a lot of places to see in Ukraine and to be proud of. And I am glad to live in such a
country, with all those beautiful monuments.

21. Lviv: The Past, Present and Your Vision of Its Future. 
1. wake up to the fact (усвыдомити той факт)
2.  massively (істотно), 
3. coming up on the horizon ( не за горами),
4. prosperous (процвітаючий),
5.  be a far cry from (дуже відрізняється), 
6. ancestral (спадковий), 
7. incentive=stimule, tried and tested (перевырений часом),
8.  glimmer of hope (проблиск надії), 
9. stand by (підтриманий чимось),
10. bring about (взяти з собою), 
11. set sth apart from others (виділяє з-поміж інших),
12. to be overflowing with (бути переповненим чимось), 
13.striking achievements, stand the test of time, insight into (розуміння чогось), 
14.hold back (стримувати)

Lviv is the important cultural, economic and scientific centre of western Ukraine. Its architectural charm
and cultural heritage have earned the city the nickname – Pearl of Ukraine. This is the city with tiny streets
and magnificent architecture, where Polish, Jewish and Armenian cultures exist alongside the national one,

creating a completely unique mind-boggling combination. “Lviv”. It’s extremely challenging to find

any other place which would naturally attract so many tourists and visitors from all around
the world. the extraordinary abundance of churches and monuments, museums and art
galleries – a wide range of stock for everyone who wants to see a bit of Western Europe in
The history of Lviv is as entrancing and intriguing as the city itself. Here, we can find the imprints of
practically every epoch(іпок) that it has lived through, the buildings of various styles are there to prove it:
elegant Renaissance palazzos (Korniakt Palace), majestic Baroque churches (Saints Peter and Paul Garrison
Church) and lofty Neogothic buildings (Church of Sts. Olha and Elizabeth); thus, everyone can immerse
oneself into the historical ambience of the city by just taking a stroll through it. Even though Lviv was founded
more than seven centuries ago, it has preserved its treasures for us to admire them and learn our history.

Present  Lviv is one of the most attractive cities in terms of education, career prospects and

industry development. The population is creeping steadily(стедилі) upwards mainly due to a

huge number of students coming from all parts of the country. The city has many institutions of
higher education like Ivan Franko University and Lviv Polytechnic. Lviv is also the home of
many cultural institutions, including a philharmonic orchestra and the Lviv Theatre of Opera
and Ballet.

Lviv successfully moves with the times. For example, cycling is a new but growing
mode of transport in Lviv. In 2011 the City of Lviv ratified an ambitious 9-year program
for the set-up of cycling infrastructure – until the year 2019 an overall length of 270
km cycle lanes and tracks is to be realized.
EURO 2012, which took place in Poland and Ukraine, made/delivered an enormous
contribution to the sustainable development of the city. Large and fashionable hotels,
football stadium “Arena Lviv”, which can host 33 000 people, and Lviv International
Airport are pure examples of key local infrastructure updated/modernized specifically
for this event. Lviv also holds plenty of international conferences and exhibitions of
cutting-edge technologies.
Unfortunately, nowadays Lviv goes through tough times because of the lack of attention that it deserves
due to the war and lockdown. The industry of tourism which is vital to the functioning of the city, has been
suffering major losses these past few months. Many landmarks are covered with sarcophagi(сакркофикай) to
save this historic treasure from missiles and their wreckage.
However, I believe that as soon as the war is over, the city will return to its normal state very quickly –
maybe, within a year or so. Of course, nothing will be the same after the recent events, but it will not prevent
Lviv from getting back on its feet. Then, I hope, it will bloom with all its beauty once again, more than ever, as
it always did no matter what.
To my mind Lviv deserves the brilliant future. The urban sprawl, the development of
technologies and population increase will largely contribute to it. Lviv has all chances to
become one of the largest tourist and  entertainment centers of the Europe regarding its rich
culture and history. At the same time Lviv enable to contribute to the development of science
and education. Some small steps have already taken now. There are numerous groups of
young people aimed at the development of the architecture, infrastructure, working out of
new alternatives for the transport system etc. This is an bright evident that even in some 10
years Lviv will be to large extent modernized.

22. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv: A look into the Past and Present.
Lviv University and The Hryhoriy Kochur Department of
Translation/Interpreting Studies and Contrastive Linguistics in Your Life.
1. career prospects, keep one’s nose to the grindstone (сильно і багато трудитися), 
2. job description (посадові обов’язки),
3.  retain top talent (утримувати талановитих людей) 
4. worlkload (навантаження),
5. on the basis of, undergo vocational tests (перейти провырку на профпридатність), 
6. faculty morale ( дух факультету), 
7. incentive=motivation, hold up (підтримувати), 

8. glowing reference (блискуча рекомендація),
9.  pass on (передавати далі),
10. articulate (виразний),
11.break the mould (ламати стереотипи)
12., make advances in one’s field (робити успіхи в певній галузі),
13. move with the times (йти в ногу з часом),
14. turn the clock back (повернути час назад)

Universities play an important role as leaders in teaching and learning, in education, research and
technology. The role of universities is very important to all sectors from social as well legal point of
view. They help students to develop understanding of other cultures, learn social skills, prepare for life
in the workplace, become aware of how the past affected the present and develop critical thinking.

The University of Lviv presently the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv  the oldest university
foundation in Ukraine, dating from 1661 when the Polish King, John II Casimir, granted it its first
royal charter(грамота).

 It has a very prominent history full of many significant events and not less significant names. The
history of Lviv university is traced back up to the 16-17th century.

The University consisted of two departments (faculties): philosophical and theological. There were
three faculties at Lviv university almost until the end of the nineteenth century: the faculties of Law,
Philosophy and Theology(фіолоджі). Each of the four faculties was guided by a collective body –
professors of the Faculty Council, or a panel, which included a dean, all professors and two elected
representatives from lecturers.
Departments in the modern sense of the word did not exist. The department was linked to the person of
a professor who delivered a course of lectures.

Teaching staff at Lviv University consisted of professors, docents, assistants and lecturers. The right to
teach at the university (or venia docendi) could be obtained only after obtaining a doctorate,
undergoing habilitation and the approval of the Ministry of Education in Vienna. The size of the
faculty constantly increased.

At present, Lviv University is considered one of the most prestigious institutions of our country. It
gained high international prestige(престіж) and became a powerful scientific centre.The university
community works hard to make this idea come true. The transformation of the University into a
modern European institution with the preserving of the best national academic traditions is the main
goal of the university community.

In 1959, the University’s General Department of Foreign Languages (English and German) was
established for teaching foreign languages at non-specialised faculties.

The significant advantage for me is that The Department maintains close scientific contacts with the
Universities of  Austria, Germany and Poland. It has various changing-experience programs (Erasmus)
which enable students to go abroad for studying.

The graduates from the department of Applied Linguistics named after Hryhoriy Kochur receive the
qualification of “Translator. Teacher of English Language”.

The studying on my faculty is not only the best opportunity to receive an high-quality knowledge but
also the opportunity to get acquainted with new people, broaden my circle of communication.  

Interpreting Studies and Contrastive Linguistics give me a new perspective for personal development
and career prospects for the future. The knowledge obtained here serves as a solid basis for the further
growth in any other profession connected to the English language. While studying here the student is
wrapped with the strong spirit of nation integrity , university’s and national traditions. The department
does its best to attract young  people and motivate them to maintain the ideological  concepts and to
become active participants of the university’s life.


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