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Organization of Emerging African States Action Committee Tribute to Mr.

Paul Siwela

Paul Siwela Leader of the Mthwakzai Liberation Front

Paul Siwela is a true African leader. He cares about his people and risks his life to oppose tyranny and corruption. Freedom not riches is his motivation. Paul is currently facing charges of treason which carry a potential death threat from the corrupt Zimbabwe regime. Zimbabwe is a regime which has no morals or shame, it will not think twice about committing murder, genocide, theft, and assassination to preserve the status quo.

He is under strict and inhuman bail conditions that restrict his movement to 40kms from the Bulawayo Post Office, he reports to the police 3 times a week, and he is banned from attending political gathering. Agents of the Mugabe regime have him under constant surveillance. His health is suffering and it is very possible he may have poisoned while in jail recently.

Mthwakazi An Emerging nation of Africa Mthwakazi is country of diverse ethnic groups numbering fifteen who have lived in harmony with intermarriages taking place to cement the bond of one common identity as Mthwakazian with one common destiny. These 15 ethnic groups have suffered inhuman brutality and genocide from the hands of colonial masters and later from the present government of President Robert Gabriel Mugabe. Mugabe and thugs have murdered 40,000 innocent men, women and children, 100 000 women have been raped, and over 1 million people displaced to Botswana, South Africa and other countries. There remaining 3,5 million are traumatized and marginalized within the failed state known as Zimbabwe. Imagine people who had to watch their friends and relatives being shot at point blank range and shallow graves dug where there would be buried and the remaining relatives and friends forced to dance on fresh graves where their relatives were buried, pregnant women slit open and children less than a year killed and their mothers forced to eat their flesh and daughter and father- in- law forced to have sex., families bungled into a thatched hut and the same doused with petrol and then set alight, women raped and later bayoneted and in some cases people were not allowed to bury their relatives and dogs and vultures would then feed on corpses. No reparations have been put in place since then and now the remaining Mthwakazian population is subjected to psychological genocide by being denied jobs, health care facilities, education, housing and other social amenities and they are even denied the right to speak their own languages

Mthwakazi is a Viable State

Mthwakazi is rich in precious minerals that includes diamonds, gold, emeralds, tin, chrome, coal, uranium, methane gas, iron ore, hardwoods, wild animals, cotton, beef, breath taking tourist sites, has four major international border post, honest and hard working human resource and beautiful women too just to mention a few. Mthwakazi is well developed with all facilities that you can find in a developing economy and with potential GDP of $50 billion albeit the people are living in abject poverty. They have tarred roads linking all major cities, telecom facilities, a health delivery system that needs to revamped, education facilities that need attention ,electricity generation facilities ,heavy and light industries, two international airports, modern, a banking system and have ready ti implement a Central Bank, State House, High Court, Parliament, radio and television studios. The population is around 4,5million people and the country geography is about 230 million square km with five cities/towns with a population of over 100 000 people. The Lost History of Mthwakazi The Mthwakazians lost their country on December 4 1893 after fierce and protracted battles with the white colonizers while neighboring Mashonaland later day Zimbabwe was colonized on 13 September 1890 without resistance to the white oppressors. The two countries were joined together by the infamous Cecil John Rhodes when he called the country Rhodesia albeit being run as separate entities (Matabeleland and Mashonaland) with two white Governors all reporting to Cape Town, South Africa. The two countries were formally joined together in 1923 following a whites only referendum where they

had a choice of joining South Africa as the Fifth Province or having what was called Self Governing Status and the English speaking whites opted for the later fearing their numbers were small and would controlled by the white Afrikaners of Dutch descent. The Mthwakazians were forcibly incorporated into the disaster known as Zimbabwe. Paul Siwela dares to speak the truth and for this he has been arrested and his life imperiled. WRITE, CALL, EMAIL Contact everyone and all international organizations about Paul Siwela, a true African leader. Do not let Mugabe and his ilk claim yet another victim. For more information contact:

Organization of Emerging African States Secretariat Fax +1-202-318-2406

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