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1) Das opções, selecione a correta, onde o pronome D) What time / you / drink coffee?

interrogativo e as regras gramaticais estão de acordo

What time do you drink coffe?
com o que é pedido:
E) How much / you / have / pay for it?
A) O que você gosta de comer?
How Much do you have to pay for it?
( ) What you like to eat?
3) Observe a palavra destacada, e assim formule a
( ) What does you like to eat?
pergunta, onde a palavra destacada seja a resposta.
( X ) What do you like to eat?

Gabriel likes TO SWIN

B) Onde Ana estuda inglês?
What does Gabriel like? (Assim deve ser a sua
( ) Where do Ana study English? resposta, formulando uma pergunta).

( ) Where does Ana studies English? A) Ana plays FOOTBALL

( X ) Where does Ana study English? What does Ana play?

B) CAROL lies on the bed.

C) Quando nós temos que voltar? Who does lie on bed?

( X ) When do we have to return? C) George loves to go TO THE CINEMA.

( ) When we have to return? Whore does George love to go?

( ) When does we has to return? D) The girl did the job PERFECTLY.

How did the girl to the job?

D) Por que você assiste anime? E) The book has 245 pages.

( ) Why you watch anime? How many pages does the book have?

( X ) Why do you watch anime? 4) Selecione o PRONOME INTERROGATIVO ideal para

completar a frase:
( ) Why do you watches anime?
A) __________ does Andrew do for a living?

Where / What / When

E) Quem sabe meu nome?
B) __________ do you study english?
( X ) Who knows my name?
Who / What / Where
( ) Who do knows my name?
C) __________ does Katherine have so many cats?
( ) Who does know my name?
Why / How many / When

D) __________ does have problem with this subject?

2) Observe os elementos dos exercícios e componha
a frase junto com os elementos faltantes: What / Who / Why

A) What / Erick / like / drink? E) __________ do you want your coffee, ma'am?

What does Erick like to drink? How / What / How much

B) What / Angela / do / in USA? 5) Analise a frase e monte a pergunta ideal dentro do

What does Angela do in USA?
A) Ana works in an elementary school.
C) How many / books / Steve / have?
Where does Ana work?
How many books does Steve have?
B) I pay R$35 every month on Netflix.

How Much do you pay on Netflix every month?

C) They live together for 5 years.

How long do they live together?

D) Rachel runs in the beach everyday in the morning.

When does Rachel run in the beach?

E) They go to school everyday at 7 o'clock.

What time do They go to school?

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