Date and Shift Focus Progress Notes

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Date and Shift Focus Progress Notes

July 29, 2022 Risk for delayed Data

2pm - 10pm growth and > low weight: 2.487kg
development > Trisomy 21

> Assess the patient for other signs of abnormalities
> Evaluate the parents’ knowledge of Down Syndrome
> Educate the parents regarding Down Syndrome and the possible management of this
> Educate the parents’ regarding the proper nutrition that their baby needs
> Encourage parents to have their child’s hearing and vision regularly tested
> Encourage parents to consider treatment programs such as speech, physical,
occupational, and/or educational therapy
> Give emotional and motivational support to the patient’s family

> Short term: After 2 hours of nursing intervention, the patient’s parents will verbalize
understanding of their baby’s condition, and its management
> Long term: The patient will be able to perform motor, social, and/or expressive skills
typical of the age group within the scope of present capabilities

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