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Reading fluency exercises

Link all the words that are said together by the people in the audios.

Audio 1

-So, tell me about your family.

- Well, my brother James is a mechanic.

-And your sister?

-Nicole’s a teacher.

-Are they married?

-Yes, my brother’s wife is a taxi driver, and Nicole’s husband is a police officer.

-What about your parents?

-Mom’s a salesperson in a store, and Dad’s a lawyer. What about your family?

Audio 2

-Wow! Your brother has a lot of albums on his computer.

-Yes, he does. He goes online and buys MP3s. He buys a new album every week! My sister
likes music, too, but she doesn’t buy MP3s. She buys CDs. She has hundreds. What about
your sister? Does she like music?

- No, she doesn’t really like music, but she loves movies. She often watches movies online.
I prefer music though. What about you?

-Yes, me too.

-Do you like this song?

-Yes, I do.

-Me, too! Let’s listen to it!

Audio 3

-I’m always so busy! I never have any free time. I’m usually at work in the morning, and I
always study in the afternoon. What about you?

-I don’t work, so I often get up late. I sometimes study in the morning and relax in the
afternoon. Five times a week, I go out with friends.
-Five times a week! I rarely have time to go out maybe just once a month. But I love watching
movies. How often do you go to the movies?

-Oh, three or four times a month. Do you want to go this weekend?

-Yeah, that sounds great.

Audio 4

-Excuse me. Is there an ATM near here?

-Yes, there’s one in the Union Bank. It’s on Mason Street.

-How do I get there?

-Go straight ahead on this street for two blocks. Turn right on Park Street and go one block.
Then turn left on River Street and walk about half a block. The bank is on the left, next to
the supermarket. Don’t go into the bank. The ATM is outside.

-OK, right on Park Street, and then left on River Street.

-That’s right. Don’t worry. It’s easy to get there.

-Thank you very much.

-You’re welcome.

Audio 5

-It’s nice to meet you in person, Martina, and not just on the dating website.

-It’s nice to meet you, too.

-So… Are you meeting a lot of people on the New Friends website?

-Not really. You’re the first, so I’m a little nervous!

-Yeah, me, too. Well, tell me about yourself. You’re in dental school, right?

-Yes, but I’m just studying part time this semester. I’m also working as a receptionist at a
dental clinic. What about you?

-I’m in school, too. I’m studying robotics. Oh, you’re not eating your hamburger. Do you want
something different?

-Oh, no. It’s fine! I’m just not very hungry. Uh… are you working, too, or just studying?

-I’m just studying, but I want to work during the summer vacation.

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