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sphere of influence of the Soviet Union over Eastern period, the Reesian theory of war reached its mature
Europe and the Balkans." [42] It is unnecessary that we loire. In addition to being able to perform psychological
go into UNRRA's replacement, in essence, by the profile experiments on a good part of the world
Marshall Plan. especially in the crucial Eastern Bloc, before those
What is important to note is that the Rockefeller countries would be closed to clinicians such as Rees
forces that pushed UNRRA, and later the Marshall the Tavistock network was able to make large-scale tests
Pla n, had more than Harriman's simplistic notion of of selection and resettlement methods of mass persua-
su_ programs. Much'ofUNRRA aid, for instance, was sion. Rees hoped it would never end. "The resettlement
• go!ng to countries that had already been ceded to the of the worm and the constant flow of social problems will
Soviet Union at the Summit Conferences with Stalin, provide us with unlimited opportunities for attempting
anal "influence" in the form of good will could not have wiser direction [emphasis added]."[37] In fact, Rees
been the only goal. UNRRA's activities in the so-called helped the CIA continue .to select agents out of the
"Iron Curtain" countries were, to a large extent, refugee camps until as late as 1959.[38] -
directed at gathering a psychological profile of those In addition, the German occupation experiments
countries under stress. Every bit of contextual evidence under SHAEF and the UNRRA experience helped the
suggests that wherever possible, UNRRA administrators Tavistock and CIA planners add a new weapon to their
manipulated food supplies to select areas not simply for repertoire, food control. The weapon itself was not new.
"disciplinary" purposes, but to test stress factors as Rees As a historian of the post-war period has noted, "Food
ha d prescribed, had proven to be a critical political weapon after World
_Rees himself only mentions in 1945, that perhaps ' _ War I, and during the discussions leading to the forma-
UNRRA units were pre-eminently suited to gather tion of UNRRA the obvious utility of its serving the same
psychiatric material on national ideologies for later use function came up again."[39] But it would take the
in:b0th selection and psychological warfare[M]. But we Reesian psywar specialists in SHAEF and the OSS-CIA,
aware that he was in a position to do more than who actually programmed the supply of food to exacer- ,
suggest. By that time Rees had already sent two Tavi- bate psychological tensions of European workers, to put
stockers on'leave to the UNRRA psychological section.. ' food control on a rigorous basis.
UNRR_ executive was itself advised by the Inter, . ,, The post-war European experience had proven to the
Allied Study Group which Rees set up immediately after Rockefeller forces and their faction within the CIA, and _'
the war_ The IASG was headed by Dicks, the ranking to most of the British Military Establishment, that eco-
psychiatrist in British Intelligence, and Ed Shils, the top nomic warfare subsumed within a Reesian psywar profile
psywar specialist for the OSS and the OSS's liason man and concerted with other mass persuasion techniques
with the SHAEF Psychological Warfare Division. Not : Was likely the most effective, not to mention eco,
coincidentally0 Dicks was responsible for training Shils nomicaI, form of war. Unfortunately, for these planners,
and the rest of SHAEF Psywar in Reesian methods such _[echniques could not be taken to their logical exten-
ddring the war. [35] sion in Europe at the time. Attempts 'at full control
_That: UNRRA was deeply involved in testing and would have undoubtedly met with serious resistance
irfiplementing Reesian control techniques is illustrated _ i from the working class, psychologically blasted as it was,
readily by the case of Richard Hauser, UNRRA admini- and probably from the Soviet Union. Thus, in the 1950's
strator in Italy in charge of Displaced Persons. most of the Tavistock field agents returned to England
Hauser, though nominally unconnected with Rees and .... where !hey wrote up their reports of the psychological
the_,Tavistock network, set up a unit in 1945 for ex-fascist capacities of the Eastern l)loc for the CIA think tank, the
army officers modeled precisely on the selection and RAND Corporation[40], and began testing their
resettlement camp that Rees had developed. Using _methOds on the British labor movement.[41]
Bzon's "leaderless group" techniques, he was assigned . Thedynamic of Reesian control techniques was in no
to convince the ex-fascists that democracy was an way blunted after the war, but the location of their area
inherently better system than fascism. He was so suc- of operations was shifted to an area more politically
cessful that by 1945, the officers were assigned to be suited to their implementation in fulll War, even psywar,
"_structors in democracy" for the Italian Army and is incompetent if it is not aiming for complete victory
Civil Service! [36] For the incredulous, it might be noted, over the enemy. While such victories could not be had in
an_cdotally, that one of Hauser's more recent_pupils was Europe immediately, the weakness of the working class
t_ Kawaida hit-man, Ron Karenga, whom he trained at and the indecisive position of the Soviets in Southeast
Saul Alinsky's Urban Training Center, where he is a Asia and Africa provided ample opportunity for real
visiting instructor, victories over the working class. Such victories
._With the, experiences of the immediate post-war demanded not only the destruction of the morale of the

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