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CIA in the subversion of the world labor movement is provides us with evidence of the growing hegemony of
adequately handled elsewhere (see Cuskie, Freeman), as Reesian methods among Rockefeller planners, and how
is the clinical brainwashing network which is its those methods themselves were shaped by capitalist
"medical" corps. [27] We shall now confne ourselves to circumstances.
key points of development of the Rees-Rockefeller theory By that year the sides were beginning to form around
of psychological control, the question of what would be done with the soon-to-be-
As we have noted, Rees realized that war and other defeated Germany. Henry Morgenthau, Jr., the vora-
crises easily provided him with both the leverage and the ciously anti-communist Secretary of the Treasury under
opportunity to test, and in some cases, implement his FDR, was the first to articulate a position. The Morgen-
control mechanisms. Indeed, it was and is standard tlaau Plan, in outline, called for the expansion of the
operating procedure at post-war Tavistock to send concentration camp system to include the whole country!
"flying squads" to war-torn areas and disaster sites, in Germany must be "pastoralized," he demanded its
hopes of gleaning a little more knowledge of how people industrial capacity in the Ruhr and Rhine regions must
can be manipulated while under stress. This cohered be either dismantled or internationalized under the aegis
quickly with the theory of the Rockefeller faction of the of the UN, and German workers must be forced to work
American policy-makers and their CIA. Wherever class under starvation wages at light industry and agri-
forces made it feasible, they would attempt a military culture. [28] Only in this way, Morgenthau reasoned,
solution short of world war to stop the Soviet Union and would the able to stop the Soviet Union.
"the spread of communism." Germany, for Morgenthau, posed a two-fold problem:
During the war, under the direct influence of Rees, if Germany was allowed to re-grow into a mighty indus-
these policy-makers were coming to understand that this trial power not only would she be in competition for the
military solution should be of a covertj.type if possible. Dollar Empire, but she would also necessarily give rise to
(See Cuskie.) By the early post-war years, Rockefeller an equally mighty industrial proletariat and a concomi-
and the CIA understood that this covert "uncon- tantly high potential for socialist revolution. The former
ventional" or "counterinsurgency" warfare need not be meant that the Soviet Union might be able to break the
limited to countering communist "insurgency," but Dollar stranglehold that Morgenthau hoped would keep
could be used positively to develop governments in the Russians in check, the latter's significance is ob-
complete thralldom to the CIA, especially if Reesian vious. Certain that no capitalist could disagree with such
techniques were used. sentiments, Morgenthau convinced Roosevelt, and,
In the post-war period, every major war and social through him, Churchill, of the efficacy oftheplan.
crisis has been used by the Rockefeller-CIA, to whatever By 1947, poor Henry found his plan discarded and
extent possible, to refine and implement Reesian control himself in disgrace under a combined attack by the
methods. In the first twenty years after the war, the Departments of War and State, the Supreme Head-
British led this thrust on behalf of American capital, quarters of the Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF),
They were placed in this position not only because of the and the Rockefeller faction in the Legislature. [29] As we
deep infiltration and hegemony of Rees in British mill- know from Marcus and Syvriotis [30], the Dollar Empire
tary and ruling circles, but also because the debt-service that Henry envisioned was built, and the German
of their completely untenable colonial empire could not working class was devastated to the extent that Morgen-
be lost to communism especially as the whole island thau had thought necessary, so much so that there would
was already hopelessly in hock to the Americans. The be no significant strike activity in Germany until well
Rees and CIA sympathizers within the military provided into the second half of the 1960's. While, admittedly,
an acceptable solution. As we shall show, by the early there was no quarrel with Morgenthau's anti-
1960's the locus of the development of psywar control communism in capitalist circles, Henry's view that
had shifted back to its ultimate target, the United States. workers could only be beaten with crude, physical
" weapons was myopic, given the developments of the war.
iii. The Shaping of" War By Psychiatry ' The Rocket_ller forces exacted the price for that myopia
from Morgenthau.
As the current war against the working class in the As already notorious, the corporate men that Rocke-
Third World, particularly in Brazil, implies; Auschwitz feller and Mellon had seconded to the government as
as an economic concept has never really been discarded, economic warfare specialists for the OSS and the Strate-
In 1944, its utility as a means of accumulation was being
/ gic Bombing Survey had scrupulously avoided the
debated much more hotly in Allied circles than among destruction of Germany's industrial capacity, in anxious
German capitalists and Nazis. The debate actually anticipation of post:war looting. At the same time they

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