Apostila Conectors

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1 Connectors: We use connectors to connect two ideas (sentences).

The connectors we use can express different ideas such as

1.1 Connectors which express the idea of addition and are used to give more information about something or someone

Connectors which add information about somebody or somethi

1. In addition 2. In addition to

3. Furthermore 4. Moreover

5. Besides 6.also

Some examples :

1.1 In addition to
Fires are burning the Amazon rain forest. + Fires are burning on agricultural land where the forest had
already been cleared.
We can connect the two information by using the connector in addition to

Scientists studying satellite image data from the fires in the Amazon rain forest said that in addition to
being burning the Amazon rain forest, fires are also burning on agricultural land where the forest had already
been cleared.

Note this : After the conjunction in addition to the verbs must take ing

 In addition to damaging the environment, the burning in the Amazon rainforest has raised many criticisms of Brazil

 In addition to putting biodiversity at risk of extinction, fires in the Amazon forest threatens the lives of Indigenous
peoples who depend on the forest standing for their survival.

1,2 Furthemore

 In accordance to scientists from the University of Maryland, most of the fires in the Amazon rain forest were likely set by
farmers preparing the land for next year’s planting, furthermore , these scientist have collected data which shows that this is a
common agricultural practice in that region.

 The majority of the agricultural land currently in use in Brazil’s Amazon region was created through years of deforestation,
furthermore, the increase in fires every August to October coincides with the season when farmers begin planting soybean and

1.3 Besides

 Besides fighting to protect the forest and Indigenous lands from fires and deforestation, It is crucial to offer them good
health care since The smoke from the fires will put their respiratory system at even higher risk during the pandemia we’ve
been facing.
 The whole world has been worried about the fires in Brazil, besides that international investors, companies and governments
have been signaling their concerns about the destruction of the forest and its impact on the environment, and their message is
clear: they don’t want to do business with forest destroyers

Note this : After the conjunction besides the verbs must take ing

 To properly protect the forest and its Peoples, the Brazilian government must properly fund environmental
agencies, besides reinforcing environmental laws to protect the rights of Indigenous Peoples.
 Besides being aware of the necessity to protect the environment, we also must keep in mind that the
exploitation of nature and people is a major cause of the current health, climate and biodiversity crises.

1.4 Moreover

 As far as fire in the amazon rain forest is concerned, most of the fires were likely set by farmers preparing the land for next
year’s planting, moreover, this is a common agricultural practice, said scientists from the University of Maryland .
 We must be aware of the necessity to protect the environment,more over, it is necessary to keep in mind that the exploitation of
nature and people is a major cause of the current health, climate and biodiversity crises .

1.5 also

 It is not only necessary to fight to protect the forest and Indigenous lands from fires and deforestation, but it is also crucial to
offer them good health care since the smoke from the fires will put their respiratory system at even higher risk during the
pandemic we’ve been going through.
 “When you slash an area, pile it up, let it dry and then burn it, it burns very intensely, and that’s also what puts off a lot of that
 Environmental issues in Brazil include not only  deforestation but also illegal wildlife trade, illegal poaching, land degradation,
and water pollution caused by mining activities, wetland degradation, pesticide use and severe oil spills, among others.[

2- Conectors to express opposite ideas

Examples addressing on social issues
2.1 although
 As far as racism is concerned, studies show that although we didn't have a legal apartheid in Brazil like the US or South Africa,
Brazil is considered a very racist country where black people are very segregated - institutionally and structurally."

 Although a law ended slavery on may 13, 1888, there was no policy to integrate the people who had been enslaved into society

2.2 However

 After the liberation of slaves, the Brazilian society appropriated the wealth they had produced by then, however the society gave them nothing in
 People in Brazil and abroad have believed for a long time in the myth of the racial democracy, however many researches have
shown a pervasive discrimination and racism against afro descendants in Brazil .
2.3 in spite of/despite
 Afro descendants represent 56% of the Brazilian population, in spite of that the poorest and most socially excluded are the afro
 Despite having 56% of afro descendants Brazil's public universities tend to reflect the Brazilian upper classes who are
mostly white.

Note this: After ‘in spite or despite’ verbs must take ing

 Despite suffering, many women face difficulties to break up and end an abusive relationship.

2,4 even though

 Many women don’t accept the dictatorship of beauty, even though, society, generally, judges a woman by her appearance.2.5 on the
other hand
2.5 neverthless
 The women's liberation movement (WLM) emerged in the late 1960s nevertheless women

3 Connectors which express the idea of condition

Sometimes, we need to impose specific conditions or set limits on a situation. In these cases, conditional clauses can begin with
phrases such as as long as, so long as/ as long as, only if, on condition that, providing (that ), provided (that).

3.1 Unless We use the conjunction unless to mean ‘except if’. The clause which follows unless is a subordinate clause : it needs a main
clause to make a complete sentence.

Note this: When ‘unless’ comes before the main clause, we use a comma:

 Unless we decrease the level of C02 on the atmosphere, It will severely damage the growth, physiology, and chemistry of plants
 We can’t win the battle against racism in Brazil, unless we admit Brazil is an extremely racist country.
 Fires might destroy big part of the Amazon rain forest, unless the Brazilian government takes effective measures to stop them,

3.2 Provided that : on the condition that

 Women may break the patterns of beauty imposed by society, provided that they are educated to value who they are.
 Corona virus pandemic may be defeated provided that there are vaccines for everybody.

3.3 As long as

 It is possible to improve the current health, climate and biodiversity crises as long as we become aware that the exploitation of
nature and people are the primary causes of this problem.
 Environmental issues in Brazil can improve as long as there are policies to stop deforestation, illegal wildlife trade,
illegal poaching, land degradation, and water pollution caused by mining activities, wetland degradation, pesticide use and severe oil
spills, among others.[
4 Connectors which express the idea of results

4.1 As a result

The so-called Lei Áurea ended up the slavery in Brazil, nevertheless it did not bring forth any inclusion policy
for people who had hitherto been enslaved, as a result most of afro-descendants still

 I’ve done a pranic healing course. As a result, I’ve been able to cure my neighbour’s sick cat.


 Zack has skipped school on many occasions. As a consequence, he’s failed his French test.


 We’re going to experience some meteor showers in the next few days. Therefore, the number of miraculous self-healings will rise.


 You didn’t tell me you wanted to come. Thus, we won’t be taking you with us.


 Plenty of tourists visit the area in summer. Accordingly, selling hand-made objects is the main source of income for locals.

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