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AEX 101 – Rural sociology and Educational Psychology

Lec - 1 to 4 – Model test

Time – 30 minutes Maximum Marks
– 25

Answer the following questions

1. The father of sociology -------------------------
2. The etymological meaning of sociology -----------------------------
3. The word Socius is a ----------------------- word and meaning -----------------
4. Sociology is the systematic study of the human being in -------------------
5. The fundamental process in any society is ------------------------
6. ---------------------- is the web or tissue of human interaction and interrelationship
7. The book ‘Introductory Rural Sociology’ was written by ------------------
8. ----------------- is the science of rural society.
9. ------------- is the process of teaching rural people how to live better by learning ways that
improve their farm, home and community institutions
10. Villagers are ------------- to change their attitudes so as to raise their standard of living
11. The word ‘extension’ means ------------
12. The father of Extension Education --------------------
13. -------------- is the scientific study of the laws of the structure and development of rural
14. Extension education is the --------------------- type of education
15. Extension education seeks to ----------------- the attitudes and behavior of village people
16. ---------is the complex of organized associations and institutions within the community
17. In society ------------------- should be present
18. ------------ is the main source of livelihood of rural people
19. ---------- is dominant institution of village
20. Village is characterized by ---------------
21. Size of community is ----------------- in rural area
22. -------------------- means of social control is prevailing in rural area
23. Status of women is ---------------------- in urban area
24. Social change takes place at a ---------------- rate in rural areas
25. Social mobility is ------------------- in rural areas
26. ----------- is a medium through which we learn culture
27. The process of ---------------- takes place in groups
28. ---------------- as a collection of human beings who enter into distinctive social
relationships with one another
29. ------------------ means collection of items that have atleast one common characteristic that
distinguishes from other items which have other characteristics in common
30. cinema audience is an example of --------------------
31. Personal and intimate relationships is the characters of ------------------ group
32. Secondary Group is ---------------------- in nature
33. ------------- are tightly-knit groups
34. Concept of structure and type of membership groups was given by---------------------
35. An example of delegate group ------------------
36. --------------- group in which members belong to different social strata
37. ------------- is the group which the individual refers for advises on different aspects.
38. ------------ group is the family in which a man is born involuntarily
39. corporate groups is an example of ----------------
40. Persons in this group feel that they belong to that group based on their attitudes of the
members towards their own social groups ----------------------

Define the following questions

1. Society
2. Any four differences b/w rural and urban society
3. Characters of social group
4. Difference b/w Primary and Secondary group with example
5. Classify the groups based on Personal feelings

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