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and  all  other  examples  of  DOs  and  DON’Ts  that  you  will  see.  In  short,  please  take 
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This is Richard. Customer
Hi, Richard. It's Jamie from SiteLock. How are you? Rep
I'm fine. How's your day going? Customer
It's going good. It's finally good to get a hold of you. We've been playing phone tag for Rep
I'm sorry about that. Customer
Oh, it's not your fault. I'm sorry, too. We're just having a good old game of phone tag, that's Rep
Yeah. Customer
So, I'm sure you've noticed that your site has been blacklisted from Google. That's what Rep
the red on it means. And basically, it's because there's some serious malware on it
including a phishing malware. Phishing malware is the kind that is intended to take your
customers and your visitors' information and use it maliciously, obviously. That's why
Google took it down. And we send out alerts when stuff like this is coming up. Also, the
hosting company has suspended the page right before Google took it down. What is the
purpose of your website? What does it do? What does the website have on it? Does it sell
No. Customer
Okay. Rep
I set up parking lots. Customer
I'm sorry, you do what with parking lots? Rep
I set up the lines in the parking lot. Customer
Okay, got it. That makes sense. Let me see if I can find another version. Okay. And how Rep
long have you had the website about?
Probably since 2011. Customer
Okay. And I see here some before-and-after pictures, some kind of photos. What kind of Rep
information do you have there?
Those are pictures of what the shops have done and stuff, but not many. Customer
Perfect. Rep
In fact, there's just 1 or 2 on there. Customer
You should get some more up there. It's mainly an informational website just to keep your Rep
business legit and also when people look you up or try to find your services.
Yeah. Customer
Okay. So again, it looks like there's some phishing going on. We have had a very small Rep
scan in your website and it came with your hosting package. It just wasn't something that
was actually fixing as it was going. It was just looking for issues and when it found one, it
should have been sending an alert. But then at this point, like I said, the site is blacklisted.
The only way to get out of being blacklisted is to add a more robust scanner and to get it
cleaned. There is a couple of different option as far as that goes. And basically, what we
do is add a scanner that will find and fix it and that will be the long-term solution for you so
you don't run into this again. With that, it will also clean your website thoroughly. Our
engineers will do that and make sure it's scrubbed clean and there's no malicious malware
on it. And then we'll resubmit it to Google and your hosting company to get it both
unblacklisted and back online. So, that will be our course of action. The different options I
have for your site would be the Secure Starter which comes with the Premium Scanner
which will find and fix up to 500 pages so you can continue to grow. Every element of your
website, every page, every image, every link, every page that you would consider a page,
if you have Contact Forms and stuff like that, everything is it's own unique page as far as
like where malware and get in and what we're scanning. So, it's really easy to get to 500
pages. And then there's also a Professional Firewall so that will block people or
information. And that is $50 a month. And we can add a one-time clean for $100 to get
back from being blacklisted. But I can ask my manager if can get that done for a $50 clean
and $50 a month. And that would just be a one-time clean. It will be one-time of $50 clean
once she approves it, and it would be $50 a month going from there. That would keep it
secure. Google won't be worried. Your hosting company won't suspend it. The other option
would be to do $70 a month and that would come with unlimited clean and not only
including the 1st clean free, but also any clean for the whole 12 months free. But that
would be $70 a month and that's a little bit more expensive. If you're just informational, it
sounds like the less expensive one would make more sense. $50 a month and then
one-time clean as long as she approves it for $50.
I feel like, for my company, it's just not worth it. I'm sorry. Customer
Yeah, I know. This is the only way to get off from being blacklisted. Rep
This is just a little website. I've built it up myself. It's very amateur and it's very Customer
embarrassingly simple.
Right. Yeah. It won't get unblacklisted until we do the clean, for sure. So, I mean, we do Rep
have a one-time clean for $300 and no security but that never makes sense to me. It
always makes sense, if you're going to get a security, you might as well just get the
12-month and then get a discount on the one-time clean. It's not going to be unblacklisted.
It's going to be in your name until the hosting is done. I could try and see if we can do a
six-month agreement if that is even a possibility to get this unblacklisted and then you can
kind of see where you want to go from there. You have the six months to figure out if you're
going to... If something were to happen again then you can consider closing it down or
something like that, but that's another option.
Okay. Your minimum deal, how much would it be? Customer
So, minimum? If I can get the one-time clean for $50 instead of $100. And then if I were to Rep
do a six-month, if I can get that. And you can pay this monthly, too, by the way. So, for six
months, it'd be $300 plus the one-time of $350, so it's $350 for six months. And then
basically, it'd be one-time $50 as long as she approves it and then for six months it would
be $50 a month. And that would keep you in the clear for six months. And honestly, if
you're in the clear we can go ahead and probably just put a premium scanner for $10,
going forward after that. But at least, that would wash completely off the phishing. You
don't want that. If Google sees phishing, you're out. But we have a partnership so when we
clean it up, we report back to them and then they put you in the clear. So, that would get
you completely washed and free of that for six months. And then after that, as long as
we're not seeing anything crazy, we'd probably just add the $10 scanner after that, going
forward. We'll clean you completely up.
Let me think about it. I'll call you probably tomorrow. Customer
Okay. Rep
We're just a really small website. Customer
I understand what you're saying. Yeah, give me a callback tomorrow if you have any Rep
questions or we can talk about it further, any ideas that you have. We'd have to do a
thorough clean on it first to get unblacklisted, though. That's a [...] effect. It would just make
more sense to do the six months.
Okay. I appreciate your time. Customer
No problem. I'll talk to you in the next couple of days. Rep
Okay. Bye. Customer
Bye. Rep
Better Builders, Steve speaking. Customer
Hey, Steve. My name is Stephen with Square, the card processing company. I was hoping Rep
to get in contact with Kyle Morris. He may be out of the country.
I don't know where he is now. Customer
Okay. Is there a better time? Do you know when he's going to return? Rep
I don't know exactly. No. Customer
Okay. But is he out of the country? Rep
I don't know. Customer
Got it. I am an account manager here for Kyle Morris for Better Builders. He actually sent Rep
us a message regarding custom rate inquiry. I just wanted to get in contact with him about
that and get his rates lowered. Is there a better method of contact I can use?
You can use his email. If you're his manager, you'd know his email, right? Customer
Our Tech Support Team actually. I can use the email that's associated with the account. Rep
All right. Customer
Is it Rep
Well, that's the main account for the whole company. For Kyle, it's just Customer
Okay. That's Rep
Uh-huh. Customer
Okay. I'll send him an email. Whenever you see him, just let him know his account Rep
manager gave him a call to discuss his current rate with Square.
You're calling at the shop here and he's never at the shop. Customer
Okay. Rep
I never see him. But he pays attention to his email. Customer
Okay, great. It sounds awesome. Hopefully, I will speak with him soon. Rep
Very good. Customer
All right. Have a good one. Rep
Bye. Customer
Bye. Rep

Thank you for calling Weebly. My name is Waylon. May I have your email, please? Rep
It's Customer
Got it. You know what? I don't know if that pulled up an account. You said Rep
You're not seeing anything? Customer
No, not under that one. Rep
Oh, okay. Try this one, Customer
There we go. What's going on today? Rep
Well, I got this scary notice saying that my computer had been locked, that I was infected Customer
with the Trojan virus, and that I should call this number. What happened before that was
that the computer shut down and restarted all by itself.
It might be a security measure by your computer to shut down, restart, and do an update. Rep
That is all that you've got? Was it a virus software or software scanner? Where did you get
our number from specifically?
I don't know. It said I should call Apple and then it gave me this number. Customer
It's weird. This is Weebly. We do hold your website and your website content, but it doesn't Rep
look like anything in your account has been affected by what happened. I'm going to see if
I can give you Apple's customer service. Give me a moment. I'll look it up for you, okay?
If you would, that'd be great. Customer
I'll have to have my guys take a look at it and see why our number is listed there. There's Rep
two numbers. It's 472-3221649 or it's 472-3222650.
Hang on. It's 472-3222650. Customer
Okay. Rep
I've got to put you on speaker. Hang on a second. Customer
No problem. Rep
Do you hear me? Customer
Yeah. Rep
Okay. 472-3222650, Apple, right? Customer
That's it. That's directly from their website support: Apple Care. You have an Apple, right? Rep
Like a MacBook?
Yes. Customer
I would contact them and see what they can do for you. Unfortunately, that number you Rep
have is for us and we just manage your website, which on the good side is it doesn't look
like anything was touched or anything looks bad. So, you're good on that, okay?
I guess the reason I'm concerned is that the computer shut down and rebooted. Customer
Does it pull back up like it looks okay? Other than maybe if you go to a website, it might Rep
say [...].
Well, it's just... I never have that happened before. Customer
Sometimes, I believe the latest OS update through Apple does that. If you get some sort of Rep
software update, it will try to reboot itself and clear out the issue. I can't give you any more
advice since I'm not an Apple expert. But if you call them before you do anything else, they
should be able to log in there and help you out, okay?
That's great. Customer
Awesome. Well, good luck. Sorry, Kevin. What was that? Rep
I was just going to say that Weebly has great tech support. Customer
Well, I appreciate that feedback. Rep
I appreciate getting a hold of an actual person. It makes all the difference in the world. It Customer
really does.
I agree. Rep
Well, anyway, I appreciate your help very much. Customer
My pleasure. Well, good luck with that, Kevin. You have a great day. Rep
You, too. Thank you. Customer
Yes, sir. Bye. Rep

NEA Travel, this is Raymond Yang. Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with? Rep
Kimberly Jacobs. Customer
All right, Kimberly. Let's see here. Just so you know, the calls are recorded for quality and Rep
training purposes. What is the phone number associated with your account?
412-8253042 Customer
That’s 412-8253042? Rep
Uh-huh. Customer
All right, perfect. Let's see here. Okay. Do you mind if I call you Kim or do you prefer Rep
Yeah, Kim is fine. That's what I go by. Customer
Okay. And could you please verify the email address on the account real quick here? Rep Customer
All right, perfect. Thank you so much. How can I help you today? Rep
I just want to activate this card I got. Customer
All right. For the Travel Savings Credit, correct? Rep
Yes, sir. Customer
Okay. Let's see here. You're still at [/]? Rep
Yes. Customer
Okay, cool. So, if you don't mind, what I'm going to do real quick is I'm just going to update Rep
your travel profile because in order for me to activate your Travel Savings Credit, I do need
to update the travel profile. Because we actually have updated all our benefits. So, we had
a really big update in[...]as of January that's very, very beneficial. We kind of changed our
benefits around to be able to make sure that our NEA members are getting the most out of
their benefits. So, first things first. How often do you travel, if you don't mind me asking?
About maybe three times a year. Customer
Is that three times a year? Rep
Uh-huh. Customer
Okay. When you travel, do you prefer cruises, resorts, simple hotel stays? What do you Rep
We'd go to Gatlinburg and we rent cabins. Customer
That sounds like fun. Rep
It is. And then we get to Panama City Beach where we rent a condo. Customer
Okay, good. Rep
And then we'll go to gulf shores and rent a condo. That's all we did. Customer
Okay. So, you guys don't do any other kind of hotel stays or any other kind of resorts, Rep
anything like that?
Not all the time. No. Customer
Okay. Do you guys ever do any kind of cruises? Rep
Not recently. We've been to in the past, though. Customer
Oh, okay. All right. And when you guys book, you do stuff like gulf shores and Gatlinburg,
and all that. Where do you normally book through? Rep
Bear Company. He's been my Real Estate. Customer
Oh, you book direct? Rep
Yeah, direct. Customer
Okay. Let's see here. So, whenever you book other hotels, or resorts and stuff, what do
you normally book to? Do you go to Expedia, Travelocity, or... Rep
Well, a lot of times I look it up in the internet for the area where I'm at and I'll look for one
that way. I have gotten some [...] before. Customer
All right. The only reason I'm asking is because with NEA, we've upgraded our benefits to
where we actually are able to help the NEA members. Basically, you're able to earn free
travel or free vacations. There's a couple of different benefits that we offer for you that are
able to help you with all of your travel, not just your vacation. So, as of right now when
you're currently just enrolled into our standard basic program just like the online
enrollment, that does give you access to what's called our best price guarantee. Meaning
that any time that you book through NEA when it comes to your travel, you will be able to
pay the best price when it comes to market rate. Basically, this is the lowest market rate.
Also, if you ever find anything cheaper, we do price match. However, about 95% of our
members are part of what's called Select Access. I don't know if you have ever logged in
to your account online through NEA. Rep
No, I have not. Customer
Okay. So, when you log in, book online, technically, you can check your account. Rep
Okay. Customer
Now, you're aware of the benefits that we offer with what's called Select Access, that's
where people get the most benefits because our inventory is the same inventory that you
would find on PriceFind, or Expedia, or Travelocity. Same inventory and you're able to
book all of the different hotels, resorts, cruises, airline tickets through your NEA account.
You can book car rentals, all of the above. Plus you also have the lifestyle side of it where
you can actually book merchandise lifestyle needs. I mean, pretty much everything from
the front yard to the backyard and everything in between. Kind of similar to Amazon. They
have tv, handbags, and accessories. They have fashion. They have games, indoor and
outdoor furniture. Just pretty much everything you could think of. And the cool thing about
it is you have savings credit that you can use to buy down the cost of that. That's where
you could basically pay the discounted rate for it just like if you would travel with us. Now,
with your benefits, you have a couple of different ways and stuff that you save and that you
earn. First things first, you have for example, what you're calling in right now for the
savings credit. With Select Access, those saving credits, they actually eliminate the whole
retail markup. So, for example, let's say you're booking through... Let's say that they have
40% markup on their hotel. It's cool because when you book with your NEA account and if
you have Select Access, when you book the hotel, if there's 40% markup, then we're going
to eliminate that 40% markup. So, if it's a $500 booking, you're only going to pay $300.
The other $200 which is the 40% markup will be covered by the travel savings dollars.
Does that make sense? Rep
Yes, it does. Customer
Okay. Now, on top of being able to pay wholesale for all your travel, you also are rewarded
as well for using your NEA account. For every $1 and that you spend through NEA, no
matter if it's hotel, air or merchandise, whatever, every $1 you spend booking through
NEA, you also get what's called reward loyalty points. These reward points you can use a
couple of different ways. You earn five points for every $1 that you spend. And then those
points, you could either: a. turn them into cash, you use that cash to pay for your airline
tickets or you could use that to pay for hotels, resorts, cruises and similar stuff like that. Or Rep
you can do: b. the more valuable way to use them would be to turn them into vacation. So,
this will...

Trident University 
Pleasant morning. Customer
Hi. May I speak to Ms. Rita, please? Rep
Speaking. Customer
Hi, Ms. Rita. This is Jonathan following up from Trident on a recorded line. Rep
Oh, hi. Customer
Just wanted to touch base regarding your inquiry here on our Bachelor's program. Rep
Yes. Customer
Okay. All right. Can you just tell me a little bit about your educational background? Rep
Well, first of all, it is an online college, right? Customer
Yes, 100% online. Rep
Right. Okay. Because that's really why I'm interested in it. The only thing I have is Customer
secondary level education. So, I was just browsing through to see what other courses are
available that I could take...
Okay. Rep I was checking through. Customer
When you say secondary level, is that college level, or high school, or... Rep
I tried to Google the difference between it because I'm using CXC certificate. So, I saw Customer
they had stuff like diploma in high school and I was trying to see if that's the one or if
there’s a difference between a diploma in high school because I was certificated in the
same CXC.
Okay. All right. So, you don't know what the US equivalency of your education is yet? Rep
No. I tried to figure it out last night to see which one, yeah. Customer
Oh, okay. All right. Rep
It's actually... Customer
Okay. Well... Rep
Go ahead. Customer
I was just going to say if it has a US equivalency of a high school diploma or GED, then Rep
that allows you to be eligible for college level classes like a Bachelor's level degree. So,
that's where we start with here at our university. We do Bachelor's, Master's, and Ph.D.
Great. I guess I've got to figure out which one it is. Customer
Okay. Yeah, there's a good site,, N-A-C-E-S. .O-R-G. Rep
I'll take note of that, too. Go ahead, sorry. Customer
It's www. N-A-C-E-S .O-R-G And they do evaluations of education for US equivalency. So,
there's a lot of different choices on there. You can kind of click around there and evaluate
your education to find out where it stands with the US. So, if its a high school degree, a
high school diploma, you would be eligible for Bachelor's level college classes. If it is a
Bachelor's level degree, then you can be eligible for Master's level classes. Rep
Okay, great. All right. So, I guess I'll check on that and then maybe communicate back with
you? Customer
Okay. I think I got your email here. So, what I can do is send you my contact information. Rep
Yes. Customer
I have Rep
That's right. Customer
All right. Well, I'll go ahead and send you my information right now and it'll have my email,
my phone number so you can contact me anytime. And I'll check back with you maybe in a
week and see how things are going, okay? Rep
Okay. Customer
All right. Okay. Rep
Great. Thank you very much. I'll check on this. Customer
Sounds good. Nice chatting with you, too. Rep
All right. Have a good day. Customer
We'll talk soon. Rep
Thank you. All right, bye. Customer

SV Academy
Hi, Jennifer. Did I catch you at a bad time? Rep
Hello? I'm not sure. May I ask who's calling? Customer
My name is Collins. I'm an intern at Talend. We're an organization that helps [...] and we Rep
have an event that's coming up soon that you might be interested in.
Okay. Customer
Yeah. Can I just confirm that you work at PinnacleCare? Is that correct? Rep
Correct. I work there, yes. Customer
Okay. Is this your personal number? Is this too early? Rep
No. Customer
Okay, I just wanted to make sure. Can I ask you a couple of questions about your work? Rep
Does your team work on data integration or data management at all?
Yes. Customer
Yes, and do you all use data warehouse or data lake? Rep
Yes, we do, just the data warehouse. Customer
You do. And has there been any thought about using cloud integration? Rep
No. Customer
Okay. Rep
There's actually so much resistance to cloud integration. Customer
Oh, really. That's interesting. Rep
Yes, for security reasons. Customer
Okay. That makes sense. Rep
We are a health-care organization and we have many rules about how we must secure our Customer
Yes. Customer
Okay. Now, I just wanted to give you an invitation to an event that is being hosted by
Talend. Its being held on May 17. Now, I understand that all of your data tools are on
premises and Talend is mainly... Well, Talend can help with data integration and... Rep
I don't really have any say in what products we buy so I wouldn't be the right person to
attend the event. Customer
Okay. Rep
So, I apologize for that. Customer
Yeah, that's perfectly okay. Would it be possible for you to connect me with somebody who
has more say? Rep
If you would like to give me your phone number, I would happily give it to them. Customer
Absolutely. Are you ready? Rep
Uh-huh. Customer
Okay. My phone number is 413-4452444 extension 119. Rep
And what is your name? Customer
And is it okay if I... My name is Collins, C-O-L-L-I-N-S. Rep
Okay. Customer
And would it be okay if I sent you an email? Perhaps you can forward it to them as well? Rep
Yeah. That would probably be best, yes. Customer
Okay. Thank you so much for your time, Jennifer. I hope you have a great day. Rep
Okay. Bye. Customer
Bye. Rep

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