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EDUC N NDARIA Let’s Stop Violence Against Women and Girls English: Level A SEXUAL VIOLENCE PSYCHOLOGICAL VIOLENCE Example: Mario pushed Sandra. Listen to dread the infographics ab it violence against women HOW CAN I KNOW IF 1 AM IN A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP? © Do stil nave time to spene with my rlends and family? stner respect my decisions? 0 different acviies tagether and also hel solve our problems by talking about them? VIOLENCE CANNOT BE TOLERATED! 1 out of 3 women dle: UN Women Wing violence against waren, Recuneraclo de 'o1 02 de noviembre de 2020 5 Aclambavio ele. We anit Qreaameaton (20209 Sewunl ane remreck EDUCACION SECUNDARIA Let’s Stop Violence Against Women and Girls English: Level A2+ LET’S UNDERSTAND! UNDERSTAND - EXERCISE 1: Choose the correct option to complete the sentences about the infographics. Follow the example: Example: My relationship is healthy if, a. | have time to spend with my partner and my family and friends b. we fight every time we have a problem €. my partner respects my decisions Options a. and . 1. Violence against women and girls 5. A form of violence against women and girls, usually comes from another woman canbe b. is experienced by 1 in 3 females. a. adivorce €. most likely comes from a partner. b, a deep depression 4. options b. and c . a physical fight 2. You should call 100 only if @. a break up a. you feel that your partner doesn’t love you anymore ® If my partner humiliates me in front of my friends, b. your partner forces you to have sex a. | suffer from psychological violence ¢. you know someone who is a victim of psychological violence b. I should call the police 4. options b and c. ¢. lam in an unhealthy relationship 3. Controlling where your partner goes or how d. options b and c. he/she dresses is, 7. Among the consequence of violence against women and girls are: a. violence too b. a clear example of psychological violence a. Addictions to drugs and depression ¢. assign of love b. Unwanted pregnancy 2 options a and ¢. Physical injuries. 4, Some of the consequences of violence against, 4. options a, b and c. women and gitls are: ‘a, mental health issues like depression or stress b, unwanted pregnancy ¢. serious injuries or even death. . options a, b and c. EDUCACION SECUNDARIA Let’s Stop Violence Against Women and Girls English: Level A2+ LET’S PRACTISE! PRACTISE - EXERCISE 1: Label the parts of the infographic?. You can use the words from the box more than once. Follow the example: Example Sot PICTURE vie emess gee again wwomes® 1 tourer woner PRACTISE - EXERCISE 2: Match each sentence with the graphic. Follow the example RELIABLE INFORMATION PICTURES. Example: 35% women experience physical or e@ sexual violence. __A. a bs 1. Violence can cause depression and other mental health problems. > 3. Violence against women and girls may cause different types of addiction. e ‘4. One sign of a healthy relationship is effective communication 5. Violence against women and girls usually e comes from a partner or family member. 3. Adaptado de: World Health 7 yanization (2020). Sexual and reproductive health. Violence against women. Rec: EDUCACION SECUNDARIA Let’s Stop Violence Against Women and Girls English: Level A2+ LISTENING COMPREHENSION PRACTISE - EXERCISE 3 Listen to a presentation from the United Nations about violence. Circle the three pictures that shows information you heard in the presentation. You will isten to the presentation twice. Pictures: wenaL ® 2030 ® — _ No violence Do it yourself - D.1. LET’S CREATE! Create an infographic to raise awareness about violence against women and girls Violence against females is a problem that every country in the world faces. Last week we read a story about violence disguised as love. We need to help the United Nations (UN Women) reach their goal of ending this type of violence by 2030, Your job is to create an infographic to be published on their web page ( to raise awareness about violence against girls and women all over the world. To complete your task, follow these steps: Step 1: Research information about violence against women. Use information from the following. + Infographics from this week + The story about Sandra and Mario from last week, + Information from reliable sources: EDUCACION SECUNDARIA Let’s Stop Violence Against Women and Girls English: Level A2+ + United Nations Women: httos://apps who int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/82753/WHO NMH VIP PVL 13:1 eng pdfisessionid=FIC34239CDA43A2IDOOCFB336331ESDE?sequence=| + World Health Organization: httos://wwwwho int/reproductivehealth/oublications/violence/VAW infoaraphies/en, Step 2: Make notes about from your research about violence against women and healthy and unhealthy relationships. Write five sentences in your own words, based on your notes. At least one of the sentences should have statistics or numbers. Step 3: Draw or find a picture that represents the information. Add a chart for with statistics or numbers. i i 7 10% 2 in every 5 a engage = *t Step 4: Write a message to raise awareness about violence against women and girls, You can find examples in the infographics above, last week's story and the links from Step 1 Step 5: Organise your information in an infographic. Be creative!

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