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In some cases, it is useful to add heat stable salts to a material stream. You can define the amounts of HSS ions present To add heat stable salts to a material stream: 1 - On the HSS Compost In the Properties environment, add heat stable salts to the component list. Heat stable salts are only available for Acid Gas and Sour Water property packages. - In the Simulation environment, specify values for the material stream © The Worksheet tab | Composition page displays the apparent ions. © The Worksheet tab | Electrolytes page displays the true ions . Select the Worksheet tab | Composition page of the stream view, |. Click Es The Input Composition for Stream view appears. The default composition of the heat stable salts is 0. You can either: © Specify the composition of the heat stable salts on this view. or © Use the HSS Composition Wizard. Note: For Composition Basis, you must select one of the following options: Mole Fractions, Mass Fractions, or Liq Volume Fractions. . To provide further details regarding the composition of the heat stable salts, click HSS Composition Wizard. The HSS Composition Wizard appears. n Wizard, you can specify the ppm weight and wt% of various ions © The Net Charge in System field reports the net charge in the system. © You can balance the charges yourself or click Balance Charges with H30+/OH-. If you click this button, HYSYS changes the compositions of H30+ and/or OH- so that the net charge in the system is 0. © If the charge balance is zero, HYSYS calculates the compositions of the apparent components based on the final true component compositions. The composition of water is calculated to ensure that the sum of compositions in the system are equal to 1 Click OK on the form to calculate the apparent compositions of the compounds, This allows for a more precise measurement of the system. Notes: © When you click OK, the composition of water is recalculated. If the values of the other compositions are such that the composition of water must be negative to sum to 1, the water composition value is calculated as 0. The composition of all the other components are also updated. © Click Cancel to close the wizard without updating the apparent compositions. . Click OK to close the Input Composition for Stream view.

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