Nurses and ASHAS in Rural Pandemic India

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uture Role of Nurses in India especially after the

Pandemic, in rural India.
Role of Asha.

The outbreak of SARS COVID 19in 2019 has a ected all the na ons in the world
globally and it has hit hard especially the health system,ques oning the
infrastructure, quality of health services, availability of manpower and strength
of the na on,which mainly relied on the controlling of both the mortality and
morbidity rates of the na on.
India being one of the biggest na on with huge popula on,was hit hard by the
virus. Though India was successful in controlling the 1st wave of virus, but the
2nd wave with variant muta ons of virus really ques oned the Indian health
system globally, requiring huge aid from other na ons to tackle the virus.
Both wave of virus, really has taught India to strengthen and to correct its
system in which it lacked controlling the spread of disease and ght with the
The 2nd wave was spread fast in Rural areas ques oning the health care
delivery system in rural community.
Here the Community health Nursing played the vital role in controlling the
spread of virus, with the team work, ANM, ASHA she could achieve the
community goals keeping in mind the approaches of Community health
Nursing. Through the approaches like Persuasive Approach i.e. by convincing
the community people and educa ng them to modify their a tude and
behaviour, and implemen ng this approach in all nursing interven ons will
de nitely help in achieving health goals.
Secondly Community Involvement i.e that the CHN should be able to
mobilise ,encourage and prepare the people of the community to take greater
interest and responsibility in decision making of the be er health services of
the community.
Thirdly Intersectoral Approach i.e in close coordina on and Coopera on with
mother sectors of. Govt will also help in achieving the goals.

Fourthly the CHN depending upon the population and area coverage under
her sector should be able track the vaccine coverage under the population
and she should ensure that 100%under her area is fully immunised and this
can be done with the help of ASHA in order to develop HERD IMMUNITY.
Fifthly the CHN should be able to approach to GOVT or the administration
for building of better health centre with adequate materials and manpower
depending upon the population of her area so that she will be able to handle
any Pandemic in future.







Sixthly better records and reports of her community will surely able to make
the future planning of any health services easy .


ASHA covering a population of 1000 is one of the vital person in the

community, she acts as medium of communication between the people and
the health care givers, it is in the hand of ASHA where 50%of the population
su ering can be cured and brought into notice of the Health care givers, she
should be a trusted member of the community so that the people of
community can freely discuss and participate any health services given in
the community, ASHA should be able to give as much information related to
health services and newly implemented govt schemes to the people of the

She should be good observer and keep in track of all the people health
under her area.

She should ensure that the people of her area is getting all the bene ts given
by the GOVT.

Thus it can be said ASHA is one the most reliable person in achieving the
health goals in future.

Sangmita TAMANG


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