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3 ATION RATES O! 0 QW Laperiment No. AP tissue and germinating seeds. AIM: To study PRINCIPLE : Respiration is a vital process in living organi) food materials in presence/absence of Op. The releas respiration depends on internal and external factors (age, and availability of oxygen). ‘The amount of energy Pro If the raw material for respiratory bre of a mole of glucose releases 673 {kilocalories of energy- > 6C0, + 6He CeH120¢ (glucose) + 602 the amount of COz produce! »onsumed is equal to ppohydrate could be determined by measuring é the rate of respiration in flower budsileaf generates energy through break down of ‘used for all life processes: Rate of of cell, temperature, ms and sed energy is physiological status and type the nature of the raw material, ‘ation depends upon the complete oxidation duced during respi: aiedown of food is a sugar such 85 glucose, 0 + 673 Keal .d. Thus, the rate of Note that the amount of O2 ¢ ther the rate of 0: respiration of a plant oxidizing car consumption or the rate of CO2 production. ‘You will be measuring respiration rate with plant materials containing different substrates including sugars (Rose flower buds), ‘starch (potato), proteins (green pea) and fats (cotton seed/sunflower/castr seeds). ‘There is net gain of 36 by Aerobic respiration. Respiratory Quotient (RQ) : It is the ratio in respiration over a period of time. ATP in Bukaryotes and 38 ATP in Prokaryotes from 1 Glucose molect of volume of COy produced to volume of O2 consume! __ Volume of CO, evolved : Volume of 0, REQUIREMENTS + eee Pea, rose flower buds, sunflower seeds, ; " a , potato tuber di: bent twice at right angles, a rubber cork with central eel ae if =e eee : est tube, beaker, string: ¥™* sss el Scanned with CamScanner or pea seeds and put them ie ames E20 g of potato tuber dises or castor / sunflower different coni 2. Set the experiment asin the pane no ical flasks, label them as A, B, C, D, ete. 3, Note the initial ley eu vel of Water in the'tubé set in the Mask and leave undisturbed for few hours. 4, Finally note the reading by measuring the rise of level of water in the tube. oBSERVATIONS : 1, Note initial and final Jevel of water, 2, From diameter calculate radius of capillary. 3, Calculate volume of water risen in the capillary. 0BSERVATION. TABLE : 77 | Initial level |“ Final level esha Vdegann [ A = be & Ber Fear c Ee s > = = CONCLUSIONS : In the various seeds, flower, buds and potato, discs the, energy source or substrate for respirations are different and the rise of water level shows difference. It is because of various types of substrates utilized at differential rates, that there is variation in respiration; DISCUSSION : , ‘The rates of respiration are not same in differen! materials and under different conditions. Respiration isan enzymatic process where food materials aré broken down to Felease energy’ Light and temperature affect the process, Young meristematic cells show high rate of respiration: PRECAUTIONS : 1. Take same amount of seeds or other materials in the flask. 2. Apparatus must be airtight. 3. Any green portion of the'plant should Lerma sven be avoided in the experiment. Rsv, 4. The initial level in the tube should ° be noted after a short interval. GERMINATING SEEDS as 5. Rise in water level should be noted carefully. a 6. Various types of seeds usel t ME [AS1, Experinent to show that carbon donde is experiment should be 59%! i Se oe watér, one day earlier. Lene oo | ar “ex Scanned with CamScanner i 6? Why is respiration an important wrooeet Since it provides energy to perform various ee TANTIA i is completely oxidised to COp ang Respiration is a catabolic process in which glucose is completely * rey “ATP molecules are released during breakdown of one molecy), glucose ? 38 ATP molecules are released. “is 38. CeHi20g + 602 ——> 6 CO, + 6H,O + , ; Why are flower buds or germinating seeds used in this experiment , , inati they respire very actively, ‘The flower buds or germinating seeds are iised because tl ‘What is the role of KOH strip taken inside the flask 2°” (N.C.E.R.T. Lab Manuy Since it absorbs carbon dioxide released by the respiring seeds. What is a catabolic process ? Catabolic process is that in which c in the living organism. Is respiration a catabolic process ? Yes. Why rate of respiration is not measured by energy released ? Because energy released is immediate! ly transformed into many otlier types of energy and cann be measured, If RQ = 1 what does it signify ? ‘When substrate is carbohydrate and is completely decomposed to carb Coll120¢ + 602 —> 600, + HO RQ = 6/6 = 1 If substrate is fat or protein, what will be RQ? RQ is less than one, What is the significance of RQ > 1? Ifrespiratory substrate is organic acid then RQ>1, processes/activities. omplex substances break down to produce simple substaric on dioxide and water. What is the site of respiration in cells ? Glycolysis takes place in cytoplasm whereas Krebs ‘yele takes place in matrix of mitochondria, Why air bubble move in pipette ? (N.C-E.R.T, Lab Manual) Dus to the air pressure because of released gases dissolve in KOH to reduce Pressure inside the What will happen, if set up is not airtight ? NCERT. Lab CERT, feet up is not airtight, bubble will be not move, cana 00000 EE Scanned with CamScanner

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