The Need of Knowledge and Skill For Leading A Good Life

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The need of knowledge

and skill for leading a

good life.
The first Industrial Revolution happened in
the year 1765. Before this revolution agriculture
was the backbone of the economies of most of the
countries. The Feudal Lords, who owned the
majority of land didn’t just own the land and its
produce. They owned all the people who
depended on their lands and its lands produce for
a living and for living(surviving). They literally
owned the economy of their region. However,
after the industrial revolution of 1765 the feudal
lords’ authority and power over the economy
began to dwindle and gradually blow up as a
whole. Now the economy was in the hands of
leading industrialists. The rich industrialists
became richer after the Second Industrial
revolution in 1870s. However, the Labor class of
our society suffered and became poorer and more
The Third Industrial Revolution took place in
the mid 20th centaury. This was the Digital
Revolution which began due to invention of
computers. This revolution was a game changer
for the underprivileged and the suppressed
people of the society. This revolution snatched the
power from the hands of the industrialists and
equally distributed it among the people of the
society. Tasks that couldn’t be done by any
amount of wealth, people or governments were
now being accomplished by a few men sitting in
the corner of their rooms and with nothing but a
computer and lines of computer codes. The most
astounding change that occurred due to this
revolution was the redefinition of the metrics of
the valuation of a person. It doesn’t matter if you
own a zillion acres of land or had an enormous
number of laborers working under you. The only
thing that now mattered was the amount of
Knowledge you had acquired. It gave rise to
Innovators who didn’t possess tons of tangible

assets like ancestral land or jewels but to ones
that possessed the invaluable of all assets, a mind
full of knowledge and curiosity.
This revolution enabled a student of the
Michigan University to write lines of code which
would later comprise of 70% of the code used to
build the Internet. It is the same Internet on
which, now, the economies of entire countries,
survival of 7 billion people and the smooth
function of our daily lives depends on. That
student was later known as Bill Joy, one of the
pioneers of computer science and engineering. It
gave rise to global billionaires and geniuses like
Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg. For
the first time, the power of knowledge showed its
true colors. Several futurist and economists of the
18th and 19th centaury had predicted the Third
Revolution and the role of knowledge and
information in this Revolution. “We never saw it
coming even though it was inevitable.” said
Jonathan Gruber, the most influential Economist
of all time, when he was asked to share his

thoughts on the increased significance of
knowledge and information.
If knowledge and information were so
important, one might wonder, then why were they
so insignificant before the Third Revolution. One
might expect to see great influencers like Elon
Musk, Sheryl Sandberg and Sheila Lirio Marcelo to
emerge in the previous centauries as well and in
fact they did. Legends like Mahatma Jyotirao
Phule, Savitribai Phule, Subhash Chandra Bose,
Satyendranath Bose, Jagdish Chandra Bose, Louis
Pasteur, Alexander the Great, Archimedes, Euclid
and so many others did exist and changed several
peoples lives entirely on the basis of their
knowledge. The reason most of the people don’t
know about them is because they didn’t like,
either to be in the limelight or weren’t given the
amount of attention and recognition they
deserved. That is why, these forgotten Influencers
are now being rediscovered and the knowledge
which they had imparted is now being truly

Now, in the 21st centaury, it doesn’t matter of
what color, race, religion, caste, gender or class
you belong to. The only thing that matters is how
much knowledge have you acquired. We live in an
era in which a former tea seller and a former
newspaper seller can, respectively, become the
Prime Minister and President of the world’s
largest democracy, solely on the basis of
knowledge. The proverb “where there is a will
there is a way.” has now become a fact. Anything
can be done with the help of knowledge.
Knowledge and information can help one to
develop vaccines to cure people, modify laws to
help people and also find ways to colonialize Mars
for survival.
In conclusion, one can think of knowledge as
the salt for the dish called life. One may not realize
its importance when it is present, but its absence
surely ruins the dish.


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