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Structure of Skin
Layers of the skin
Skin Lesions

Primary Secondary Special

Disease process→ Modifications of Specific for

Initial physical the primary lesion certain diseases
changes in the skin
Primary Skin Lesions
Primary Definition
Macule Flat, circumscribed, change in colour/texture of skin w/o surface
elevation /depression (Non palpable)<1 cm
Patch Well-demarcated, circumscribed, change in colour of the skin >1 cm
Primary Skin Lesion
Macules Patches
Primary lesion Definition

Papule Circumscribed, solid, raised lesion <1 cm

Plaque Circumscribed, solid, plateau-like lesion >1 cm
Primary lesions

Papule Plaque
Primary lesion Definition

Vesicle Circumscribed, Fluid filled, raised lesion <1 cm

Bulla Circumscribed, Fluid filled, raised lesion >1 cm
Primary lesion Definition

Pustule Well-circumscribed, elevated lesion containing visible purulent

Abscess Localized accumulation of pus in the dermis/ subcutaneous
Primary lesion Definition
Wheal Evanescent , edematous , plateau-like elevations of various sizes
Primary Definition
Purpura Reddish discoloration of skin or mucous membrane, due to extravasation
of red blood cells
Petechiae : < 0.3 cm
Purpura : 0.3–1 cm (3–10 mm)
Ecchymoses: > 1 cm
Secondary skin lesions
Secondary lesion Definition
Scale Visible exfoliation of Stratum corneum

Crust Hardened deposits resulting from drying of serum, blood or

purulent exudate on the surface of the skin (F)
Secondary Definition
Fissure Linear, sharply defined , deep cleft through the epidermis or rarely into
the dermis
Erosion Loss of all or portions of the epidermis
Ulcer Full thickness loss of continuity of epidermis plus some portion of the
dermis associated with molecular death
Secondary Definition
Excoriation Punctate or linear abrasion produced by mechanical means, usually
involving only the epidermis
Secondary lesion Definition
Lichenification Thickening of the epidermis, hyperpigmentation and
accentuation of skin markings in response to prolonged
Special Lesions
Special lesion Definition
Burrow Wavy, Slightly raised, brownish, tortuous, thread like tunnel in the
epidermis that houses scabies mite: Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis
Special Lesion Definition
Comedone Inspissated plug of keratin and sebum wedged in a dilated
sebaceous follicle
Special Lesion Definition
Target Lesion These are less than 3 cm diameter,3 zones
Central zone: Dusky erythema /purpura
Middle zone: paler oedema
Outer ring: Erythema with a well-defined edge

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