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Accordion History 2nd register 2

 1884- Porfirio Diaz begins his second term as president and modifies the constitution to stay in power.
 1893- Victor Ochoa, El Paso, TX, editor of Hispano-Americano launches a revolutionary movement against
 1896- After inspiring several uprisings along Mexico’s northern border, Teresita Urrea (La Santa de Carbora) is
banished by Diaz
 1906- Brothers Enrique and Ricardo Flores Magon plan an anarchist movement (Magonismo) that fails
 1908- Magonistas (Partido Liberal Mexicano) make a 2nd plan to take Juarez but fail. Diaz Creelman interview
 1909- USA president William Taft meets with Diaz in El Paso
 1910- Diaz wins reelection after putting Madero in jail. He escapes to San Antonio and makes the plan de San
Luis to overthrow Diaz. Revolution begins with insurrection movements in the north, many flee to the USA
 1911- Madero establishes his HQ in offices 507-508 in Caples building in El Paso. He establishes a provisional
capital in an adobe building near the Revolution Marker monument. His troops under Villa and Orozco attack
Juarez for 3 days. After losing Juarez Diaz flees to Paris. Madero becomes president. Zapata drafts Plan de
Ayala to denounce Madero, recognize Orozco as the leader of the revolution and call for land reform. USA send
troops to the border in fear of the war crossing over to their country.
 1912- Orozco betrays Madero who assigns Huerta and Villa to fight his forces. Huerta joins Reyes and Diaz
(Felix) to plan a Coup against Madero. Decena Tragica Huerta kills Madero, his brother and Jose Maria Pino
Suarez. Huerta assumes presidency. Carranza drafts Plan de Guadalupe. Mills building in El Paso become his
HQ. Villa attacks Huerta in Juarez.
 1914- Huerta faces opposition and suspicion. Woodrow Wilson sends troops to occupy Veracruz. Villa
establishes offices in the first National bank of El Paso. Villa defeats Huerta in Zacatecas and he resigns.
Carranza declares himself president. Villa and Zapata challenge him. Carranza flees to Veracruz to get
American troops out of there.
 1915- Carranza’s troops under Obregon defeat Villa in Celaya and Zapata. Carranza returns to Mexico City.
USA recognize Carranza’s government. Mariano Azuela writes Los de Abajo.
 1916- Villa attacks a train in Santa Ysabel, Chihuahua and kills 17 Americans including employees from the
American Smelting and Refining Company (ASARCO) Anglo residents in El Paso attack Mexicans in a race
riot outside the Majestic Theatre. Villa raids Columbus. John J. Pershing (Blackjack) leads 10,000 soldiers to
Mexico in a punitive expedition against Villa but fails.
 1917- New Mexican Constitution drafted and Carranza becomes president.
 1918- Villa is defeated in Juarez and Zapata killed in Chimameca
 1920- Obregon becomes president.
Maximato: Period in historical and political development in Mexico from 1928 to 1934. Named after Plutarco Elias
Calles´ Sobriquet “El jefe Maximo”. Period when Calles continued to exercise power without holding presidency.
Calles: President from 1924 to 1928 Maximum chief of the revolution born in Guaymas, Sonora. Son of Plutarco Elias
and Jesusa Campuzano. His father died when he was 4 years old and took the last name of his step father Juan B. Calles.
Plutarco studied in Hermosillo and in 1894, began work as a teacher. He married Francisca Bernal, and when he became a
widow he married Natalia Chacon.
 Calles fought against the convention next to Carranza. Became governor and commander of Sonora.
 During his administration alcohol was banned
 Civil code modified to allow divorce
 Supreme Tribunal of Justice eliminated, and its powers transferred to executive branch. All catholic priests
expelled from the state
 Government spending increased
 Agrarian commission established, Teacher’s school is founded
1917- he was elected constitutional governor and in 1919, Carranza made him secretary of industry, commerce and labor,
but from which, he resigned to support Obregon’s presidential campaign.
When Obregon assumed presidency, he made Calles secretary of government. Until 1923 when he runs for presidential
During the first 2 years of his administration, roads and irrigation systems are built, the army is reorganized, an efficient
postal service is established, and the National Agricultural and Co-operative Bank and Central Bank of Mexico are
founded. The central Bank as the sole issuer of money.
He establishes a Pension office, reorganizes the treasury, defends agrarian policy conducts a dignified foreign policy and
demonstrates his abilities as a statesman.
During the last 2 years of his presidential term, the peoples’ protest the government’s actions against the catholic church
become an armed movement Los Cristeros.
1929- Calles creates the National Revolutionary Part (PNR). His influence ended because of his criticism of Lazaro
Cardenas. Calles is forced to leave Mexico and live in the USA. He returns after Manuel Avila Camacho’s presidential
term and dies in Mexico City.
The power of the PNR allowed Calles to centralize the national politics. He took advantage of this to choose the
candidates and manipulate them as he wished. The support of the army now purged after the Escobarista Rebellion which
gave him the chance to get rid of soldiers in key positions and those who doubted their loyalty. The control exerted by the
Callistas in congress allowed Calles to counteract opposition groups as well as to pressure and weaken the president in
turn establishing the diarchy that characterized this period.
Emilio Portes Gil Pascual Ortiz Rubio Abelardo Rodriguez
1/12/1928-5/02/1930 5/2/19303-2/9/1932 4/9/1932-30/11/1934
Foreign policy Labor movement Education Agrarianism
Emphasizes the Estrada Workers movement is 2 aspects stand out. Allocation of land through
doctrine a political doctrine divided by the collapse of Autonomy granted to the agrarian distribution
proclaimed in 1930 by J. the CROM as a result of Autonomous University of continued paying more
Estrada concerning the accusations by Mexico and the absolute attention to the problem of
recognition of new Obregonistas to Morones Secularism established by land tenure than to the
government. He to participate in Obregon’s the minister of Public problem of productivity
condemned abuses of death. New trade Education Narciso Bassais. because the agrarian
power of recognition as organizations emerge like question was handled from
well as interference in the the CGOM led by Vicente a political rather than an
internal affairs of nations. Lombardo which will economical point of view.
contest the control of
workers movement.

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