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Comparison of Livestock Policy of 2006 and 2010, incorporating additions /deletions / modifications in respect of specific issues.

Livestock Policy 2006 Livestock Policy 2010 S Addition/Deletion/ Impact/Explanation N Modification a Breeding policy enunciated in States Livestock Policy 2006 substitutes its Livestock Breeding Policy 2004. It deals with breeding policy of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and poultry birds as these species are the economically important species of livestock for the state. Major emphasis obviously has been laid upon reorienting the breeding policy for cattle and buffaloes being of paramount importance for milk production, with reference to increasing per capita availability of milk. So also, genetic improvement for enhancing draught power has been focussed. The next important species viz. sheep, goat and the poultry have been given due consideration in context to increasing their productivity. Besides Emus and Quails, other important domesticated animals viz. equines, pigs have also been considered. Breeding policy for equines and pigs has also been proposed. It is expected to help in conservation and propagation of indigenous equine breeds such as Bheemthadi horses and will also help in giving a boost to the development of piggery in Maharashtra.


1 . 1 . 1

Breeding Policy for cattle is in consonance with National Project for Cattle & Buffalo Breeding (NPCBB). It aims at increased productivity of cows by genetic improvement. However, it also aims at conservation of native breeds and ensuring adequate supply of quality bullocks for animal draught power in rural areas

It aims at increased productivity of cows by genetic improvement. However, it also aims at conservation of native breeds and ensuring adequate supply of quality bullocks for animal draught power in rural areas

The reference regarding breeding policy being in consonance with NPCBB targets has now been deleted even though the same is not mentioned, the targets as envisaged in the National Dairy Plan will have to be adhered.

1 . 1 . 2

In order to achieve self sufficiency in milk production it is aimed to achieve a level of 60% genetic improvement from present level of 28% by end of year 2015 (instead of the year 2010 as envisaged under NPCBB due to delayed implementation of the said project in the state) and to further improve it to 80% by the end of year 2025.

In order to achieve self sufficiency in milk production, it is aimed to achieve a level of 60% genetic improvement in terms of proportion of genetically improved animals to the Nondescript population, from present (2009) level of 37%, by end of year 2017 and to further improve it to 80% by the end of year 2025.

Target of achieving 60% genetic improvement (in cattle and buffaloes) by end of 2015 has now been revised to be achieved by end of year 2017.

The expected thrust for enhancing the pace of genetic improvement programme could not be given in the years 2008-09 and 200910 as the scheme of improving the AI delivery services under RKVY could not be implemented for the want of funds.


1 . 1 . 3

Above mentioned targets are expected to be achieved through the consolidated and collective efforts of all the agencies engaged in cattle breeding activity viz. State Animal Husbandry Department, Cooperative Milk Unions, NGOs, Private Sector Agencies and unorganized Artificial Insemination (AI) workers in the state.

Above mentioned targets are expected to be achieved through the consolidated and collective efforts of all the agencies engaged in cattle breeding activity viz. State Animal Husbandry Department, Cooperative Milk Unions, NGOs, Private Sector Agencies and unorganized Artificial Insemination (AI) workers in the state. However, regulatory interventions will be implemented, so as to bring all segments involved in implementation of Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART), under uni-controlled modus operendi at the Government level

However, regulatory interventions will be implemented, so as to bring all segments involved in implementation of Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART), under uni-controlled modus operendi at the Government level

Government need to control the in coordinated breeding activities occurring at the field level, which has been the consistent result of stagnation in milk yield over the last couple of years.


1 . 1 . 4


Due care has been taken to streamline the present policy document to be in consonance with the guidelines issued by the Government of India. An area specific breeding policy will be adopted in consideration of Agroclimatic zones, (As depicted in the map) available fodder resources, prevalent breeds of that area and resources available with the farmer / livestock owner. In view of this, the type of respective germplasm to be used in various districts under specified Agro-climatic zones is indicated in the statement at Annexure-I. Government of India have stressed upon the need to evolve an area specific methodology for genetic improvement suitable for the Agro-

Not existing in the earlier policy

The policy needs to be in very much consonance with the National Dairy Plan.

1 . 2

For achieving abovementioned level of genetic up-gradation, three pronged strategy is to be adopted as follows;

An area specific breeding policy will be adopted in consideration of Agro-climatic zones, (As depicted in the map) available fodder resources, prevalent breeds of that area and resources available with the farmer / livestock owner. In view of this, the type of respective germplasm to be used in various districts under specified Agroclimatic zones is indicated in the statement at Annexure-I.

Government of India have stressed upon the need to evolve an area specific methodology for genetic improvement suitable for the Agro-climatic zones. The land profile, rainfall and cropping patterns of these Agro-climatic zones play a decisive role in supporting the livestock farming activities in particular areas.


climatic zones. The land profile, rainfall and cropping patterns of these Agro-climatic zones play a decisive role in supporting the livestock farming activities in particular areas. For achieving genetic up-gradation, three pronged strategy will be adopted as follows 1 . 2 . 1 Cross-breeding program for genetic up-gradation of targeted non-descript cattle population, in targeted herd / areas where cross-breeding program is suitable and desirable but excluding the home / breeding tracts of identified indigenous breeds of the state. Genetic improvement of low productive nondescript cattle population in targeted herds / areas will be achieved after, judiciously considering the resources available with the farmer, through cross-breeding programme ( by using exotic germplasm i.e. HF / Jersey) where ever it is suitable and desirable. However, in the home / breeding tracts of identified indigenous breeds of the state, the non-descript animals will be continued to be upgraded with the better performing suitable recognized indigenous The parameter of resources available with the owner has now been proposed to be taken into consideration while advocating the breeding policy. The implementation of the policy should be in a more practical manner as the improved progeny that would be born is expected to be taken proper care of (feeding management etc.) by the owner, in view of resources available wit him.


breeds viz. Deoni, Dangi, Red Kandhari, Gaulao and Khillar and will be subsequently bred with the germplasm of same breed used initially 1 . 2 . 2 Natural service by true to type bulls of selected native breeds, by introduction of such bulls after ensuring minimum chances of natural service by nondescript bulls by means of castration, in the areas where crossbreeding for genetic up-gradation of nondescript cattle population is not suitable, such as tribal, hilly and nonaccessible areas with prevalent practice of free grazing. Selection of bulls for natural service will be on the basis of Dams milkyield and draftability of the bull itself. Conservation of native breeds by genetic upgradation using semen of proven / true to Pure bred indigenous animals in the home/ breeding tracts as well as in the extended breeding tracts will be continued to be bred with pure bred animals of the same breed through selective breeding to conserve and upgrade the original germplasm In addition, pedigreed germplasm of indigenous cattle viz. Gir, Tharparkar, Kankrej, Sahiwal etc. will be utilized suitably Besides, continuing with the policy of conservation and propagation of renowned indigenous breeds, a policy change of up-grading local / nondescript cattle by using superior indigenous milch breeds viz. Gir, Tharparkar, Kankrej, Sahiwal etc. is now proposed. This addition is expected to help in increasing the hybrid vigor amongst the low productive non-descript cattle, which can further be exploited for higher milk production, besides retaining their gifted quality of disease resistance.

1 . 3

Use of Bulls for Natural Service: In the tribal, hilly and nonaccessible areas with

The addition made in 2010 policy is that bulls for natural service will

The intention behind this addition is that, while introducing the bulls for natural service, care should be taken to consider the resources available with the farmers,


type bulls of the same breed and also by appropriate advanced means of biotechnology such as semen preservation, embryo preservation etc. It is envisaged that Breeder-farmers and Breeders Associations will play important role in breed conservation.

prevalent practice of free grazing, where cross-breeding using ART is not suitable; genetic improvement of non-descript cattle population will be achieved through provision of natural service by using true to type bulls of selected native breeds. Such bulls will be introduced after ensuring minimum chances of natural service by non-descript bulls by means of castration. Selection of bulls for natural service will be on the basis of Dams milk-yield and/or draftability character of the bull (as the case may be). Preferably, available resources and feasibility of the indigenous breed as well, will be considered prior to such an introduction of bulls in the defined areas Conservation and propagation of recognized local indigenous breeds

be on the basis of Dams milk-yield and/or draftability character of the bull (as the case may be). Preferably, available resources and feasibility of the indigenous breed as well, will be considered prior to such an introduction of bulls in the defined areas.

feasibility of sustaining particular breed in the prevailing environment and the dams milk yield. This is expected to help this activity in becoming practically viable.

1 . 4

Conservation of native breeds by genetic upgradation using

by using ART such as semen preservation, embryo

The word biotechnology has been elaborated further by explaining importance of use of Assisted Reproductive Techniques for enhancing the pace of genetic up-gradation





true to type bulls of the same breed and also by appropriate means of such semen advanced as


preservation, embryo preservation etc. It is envisaged Breeder-farmers will role play in that and

Breeders Associations important breed


by genetic upgradation: Conservation and propagation of recognized local indigenous breeds by genetic up-gradation will be achieved by using semen of true to type bulls of high genetic merit of the same breed with the help of appropriate advanced means of bio-technology by using ART such as semen preservation, embryo preservation, use of sexed semen etc. The donor bulls will invariably be checked by Karyotyping. It is envisaged that Breeder-farmers and Breeders Associations will be encouraged for active participation in breed conservation 1.6 Level of Exotic Inheritance: In consonance with the thrust program of achieving genetic improvement

preservation, use of sexed semen etc. The donor bulls will invariably be checked by Karyotyping. It is envisaged that Breeder-farmers and Breeders Associations will be encouraged for active participation in breed conservation

process. Emphasis has been given to use techniques like Karyotyping for all the donor bulls. So also, active participation from Breeder Farmers as well as Breeders Association to achieve the ultimate goal of breed conservation.

1 . 6

1.4 Inheritance Levels:Considering the management level with

The level of exotic inheritance, which was earlier prescribed to be maintained at 50% in the progeny and

The modification has been proposed in order to maintain 62.5% level of exotic inheritance to have highest possible level of disease resistance under the prevalent Indian tropical conditions along with optimum capacity of milk production in population.


common farmers, normally the exotic inheritance / blood level in cross-bred cattle should be maintained at 50%. However, in favorable environments with farmers having better resources and management level, and also in cases the cattle it-self has inheritance level higher than 50%, the exotic blood level may be increased up to and maintained at 75% on demand of cattle-owner. However, in-charge of artificial insemination centre should, in such cases, explain to the cattle owner the possibility of increase in cost of rearing of cattle by increase in inheritance level and possibility of achieving higher milk production at 50% inheritance level by insemination by semen of bull of higher pedigree

of the non descript cattle by using exotic semen, normally the level of exotic inheritance /blood level, in progeny, will be maintained at 50% initially and could be further enhanced to 62.5% and further maintained at that level by considering the managemental capabilities of common farmers. However, in favorable environments wherein the farmers are having better resources and managemental capabilities and, also in cases where the cattle have an exotic inheritance of more than 62.5%, appropriate guidelines with need based strategy for breeding such animals will be issued separately in due course of time.

in exceptional cases was allowed to be raised to 75%; has now been prescribed to be maintained at 62.5%. However, in favorable environments wherein the farmers are having better resources and managemental capabilities and, also in cases where the cattle have an exotic inheritance of more than 62.5%, appropriate guidelines with need based strategy for breeding such animals will be issued separately in due course of time.

Considering the possible constraints while adhering to the exotic level upto 62.5%, it is mentioned that appropriate guidelines with need based strategy for breeding such animals will be issued separately in due course of time.


1.5 Ensuring Quality of Cross-breeding ProgramSustenance and elevation in improved genetic make-up:

1.7 Ensuring Quality of Cross-breeding Programme (Sustenance of and elevation in improved genetic make-up): 1.7.1 For achieving the objective of increased milk production per lactation at any stabilized level of exotic inheritance, it is necessary to use semen of bulls of higher pedigree or progeny tested bulls with daughters performance better than the cow to be inseminated. At present, this is not being generally observed in crossbreeding programme resulting into adoption of easier solution of increasing exotic inheritance level in order to attempt for increased milk production per lactation without considering managemental capabilities of the

a. milk

For achieving the of increased per any it of or bulls is higher progeny with at production

objective lactation

stabilized level of exotic inheritance, of bulls necessary to use semen pedigree tested daughters be

At present, this is not being generally observed in crossbreeding programme resulting into adoption of easier solution of increasing exotic inheritance level in order to attempt for increased milk production per lactation without considering managemental capabilities of the owners/farmers

The modification has been proposed to emphasize the fact that managemental capabilities of the owner / farmer have to be considered prior to adoption of higher exotic level in cross breeding while attempting for increased milk production.

performance At in

better than the cow to inseminated. observed present, this is not being generally crossbreeding program

resulting into adoption of

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easier level

solution for



increasing exotic blood attaining milk increased

production per lactation. b. Keeping Pedigree Record of bulls and informing cattle owner accordingly at the time of insemination will be made compulsory. It will be made compulsory for the inseminators / agency producing and supplying frozen semen doses to make Bull Catalogues that contains pedigree details of breeding bulls, available to the cattleowner, buyers of semen doses and breeders for ensuring quality standards. c. Artificial Insemination (AI) Cards will be made mandatory: No proper cattle-wise record such as AI card is maintained resulting into chaotic situation in crossbreeding program. All Pedigree record of bulls will be updated from time to time at all the frozen semen stations and the relevant information of the pedigree will be made available to the cattle owners through the service outlets as well as through official publications. Preparation of Bull Catalogues will be mandatory for all the agencies producing and supplying frozen semen doses. 1.7.4 It will be mandatory for all the agencies to supply artificial insemination (AI) cards to the cattle owners No change in the matter.

No change matter.


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agencies engaged in cross-breeding program will be put under statutory obligation to issue AI cards, maintain proper record for AI program executed by it and keep record regarding source of semen doses used & pedigree record of bull whose semen is used. 1.6 Natural Service:As far as possible efforts will be made to castrate all non-descript bulls, before introducing elite breeding bulls for natural service in herds / villages. However, introducing the limitations and economics of natural service by exotic bulls and crossbred bulls in cross breeding programme, it will be adopted mainly for breeding of native breeds. Intr NIL Deleted This point pertaining to use of bulls for natural service for conservation of native breeds has been proposed to be covered under point number 1.3 of the revised policy. Use of bulls for natural service in crossbreeding programme has not been proposed, since the past experience ahs not been encouraging.

oduction of Elite Bulls for

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1.7 I.




Indigenous Breeds:-

Selective breeding in Indigenous Breeds for better productivity vis-a-vis environmentadaptability

Selective breeding in Indigenous Breeds for better productivity vis-avis environmentadaptability 1.8.1 Considering effect of threatened global warming and preferred trait of heat tolerance and disease-resistance in low input management systems, the animals of breeds of Deoni, Dangi, Khillar, Gaulao and Red Kandhari will be selectively bred in their home tracts as well as extended breed tracts and thus will be conserved and propagated. While introducing the indigenous breeds of cattle into the extended breeding tracts for upgradation of nondescript cattle, the draught power of

The change in the title has been proposed in consideration with the possible effects of global warming, on the propagation of native breeds.

II. The home / breed tracts of Deoni( latur), Dangi ( Nasik & Thane), Khillar, (Satara, Sangli, Solapur and Kolhapur), Gaulao (Wardha) and Red Kandhari ( Nanded) have been identified as indigenous breeds of cattle, which need to be protected and propagated. Suitable technology shall be introduced for evaluating draught power of indigenous breeds.

1.8.1 Considering effect of threatened global warming and preferred trait of heat tolerance and diseaseresistance in low input management systems, the animals of breeds of Deoni, Dangi, Khillar, Gaulao and Red Kandhari will be selectively bred in their home tracts as well as extended breed tracts and thus will be conserved and propagated. While introducing the indigenous breeds of cattle into the extended breeding tracts for upgradation of non-descript cattle, the draught power of the breeding bulls will be evaluated on the basis of FPR (Field Performance

The modifications have been suggested after considering the possible effects of global warming on the propagation of native breeds. Emphasis has been given on the use of field performance recording for the evaluation of draught power of breeding bulls to be used for upgradation of nondescript cattle.

Besides use of the breeds of Deoni, Dangi, Khillar, Gaolao and Red Kandhari, for selective breeding in their respective home tracts, breeds viz. Sahiwal, Gir and Tharparker have been proposed to be used for genetic upgradation of the nondescript cattle because of their inherent genetic

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Recording) trials. In addition, other recognized indigenous breeds viz Sahiwal, Gir, and Tharparkar will also be used suitably

the breeding bulls will be evaluated on the basis of FPR (Field Performance Recording) trials. In addition, other recognized indigenous breeds viz Sahiwal, Gir, and Tharparkar will also be used suitably Introduction of selected breeding bulls in herds / villages for natural service in the home tracts and delineated / extended tracts of these breeds. The Breeders Associations will be encouraged to get involved in conservation of indigenous breeds and will also be entrusted to function on principles of management under its articles of association. Specific methodology will be evolved to extend the assistance


1 . 8 . 3 . 1

Introduction of selected breeding bulls in herds / villages for natural service in the home tracts of these breeds

Introduction of selected breeding bulls in herds / villages for natural service in the home tracts and delineated / extended tracts of these breeds. The Breeders Associations will be encouraged to get involved in conservation of indigenous breeds and will also be entrusted to function on principles of management under its articles of association. Specific methodology will be evolved to

The modification has been suggested as the concerned indigenous breed has to be used to its fullest potential in its native tract as well as delineated / extended tracts, in order to further propagate the breeds, in the wider geographic area.

1 . 8 . 3 . 5

IV. The Breeders Association will not only be encouraged to get involved in conservation of indigenous breeds but also will be allowed to function on principles of management under its articles of association

Modifications have been suggested in order to strengthen the Breeders Associations and to make them functioning effectively. Introduction of concept of genetic upgradation of nondescript cattle through SHGs has been proposed to increase the scope of animal husbandry activities.

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extend the assistance (technical, monetary, regulatory, etc.) to the Breeders associations. Self Help Groups (SHGs) will also be encouraged to play active role in breed conservation as well as genetic upgradation of nondescript cattle by providing them breeding bulls of area specific indigenous breed. A tie up between bankers and SHGs / Breeders Associations will be established to trigger the desired activity in this direction. Cattle owners will be educated through Breeders Associations and SHGs for better feeding and managemental practices. VI. Program of castration of scrub bulls will take care that breeding bulls of indigenous breeds do not get castrated. NIL

(technical, monetary, regulatory, etc.) to the Breeders associations. Self Help Groups (SHGs) will also be encouraged to play active role in breed conservation as well as genetic upgradation of non-descript cattle by providing them breeding bulls of area specific indigenous breed. A tie up between bankers and SHGs / Breeders Associations will be established to trigger the desired activity in this direction. Cattle owners will be educated through Breeders Associations and SHGs for better feeding and managemental practices.


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1 . 8 . 3 . 6

However, as per owners wish and for agricultural purposes, where docility is required, castration of such bulls will be allowed NIL

Karyotyping and testing against the Sexually Transmitted Diseases will be made mandatory for all the bulls prior to being used for frozen semen production Also, assistance will be given for this purpose to cattle owners for their bulls which are to be used for breeding.

Karyotyping and testing against the Sexually Transmitted Diseases will be made mandatory for all the bulls prior to being used for frozen semen production Also, assistance will be given for this purpose to cattle owners for their bulls which are to be used for breeding.

The modifications have been suggested to keep the policy in tune with the CMU norms of NPCBB.

2. Breeding Policy for Buffaloes: 2.1 Strategy and target for genetic up-gradation 2 . 1 Breeding Policy for buffalo is in consonance with National Project for Cattle & Buffalo Due care has been taken to streamline the present policy document to be in consonance with the Due care has been taken to streamline the present policy document to be in consonance with the Due care has been taken to streamline the present policy document to be in consonance with the guidelines issued by the Government of India.

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Breeding (NPCBB).

guidelines issued the Government India.

by of

guidelines issued by the Government of India. to achieve a level of 60% in respect of genetically improved buffaloes by end of year 2017 The expected thrust for enhancing the pace of genetic improvement programme could not be given in the years 2008-09 and 200910 as the scheme of improving the AI delivery services under RKVY could not be implemented for the want of funds.

2 . 1 . 2

In order to achieve self sufficiency in milk production it is aimed to achieve a level of 60% in respect of genetically improved buffaloes by end of year 2015 (instead of the year 2010 as envisaged under NPCBB due to delayed implementation of the said project in the state) and to further improve it to 80% by the end of year 2025. 2.2 Germplasm:Semen of Surati, Murrah , Mehsana, Zafarabadi, Pandharpuri and Nagpuri buffaloes will be used for genetic up-gradation of non-descript Buffaloes and also for performanceenhancement of descript buffalo-breeds.

In order to attain self sufficiency in milk production, it is aimed to achieve a level of 60% in respect of genetically improved buffaloes by end of year 2017 and to further improve it to 80% by the end of year 2025

2.2 Germplasm:Semen of Murrah, Jaffrabadi, Pandharpuri, Marathwadi, Nagpuri and Surti breeds will be used for performanceenhancement of respective descript buffalo-breeds and also for genetic upgradation of nondescript Buffaloes. 2.3 Strategy:

Marathwadi breed has been included.

Marathwadi breed has been included to achieve the desired objective of genetic upgradation of the buffaloes of Marathwada region.

2.3 Strategy:-

2.3 Strategy:

Government of India have stressed upon the

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. 3

An area specific breeding policy will be adopted in consideration of Agroclimatic zones, available fodder resources, prevalent buffalo breeds of that area and resources available with the farmer / livestock owner. In view of this, the type of respective germplasm to be used in various districts under specified Agro-climatic zones is indicated in the statement at Annexure-II. It is pertinent to have such a policy approach since the same has been stressed upon by Government of India. The land profile, rainfall and cropping patterns of the Agroclimatic zones and market opportunities by virtue of vicinity to the Metros / large towns play a decisive role in supporting the buffalo dairy farming activities in particular

An area specific breeding policy will be adopted in consideration of Agro-climatic zones, available fodder resources, prevalent buffalo breeds of that area and resources available with the farmer / livestock owner. In view of this, the type of respective germplasm to be used in various districts under specified Agroclimatic zones is indicated in the statement at Annexure-II. It is pertinent to have such a policy approach since the same has been stressed upon by Government of India. The land profile, rainfall and cropping patterns of the Agro-climatic zones and market opportunities by virtue of vicinity to

need to evolve an area specific methodology for genetic improvement suitable for the Agro-climatic zones. The land profile, rainfall and cropping patterns of these Agro-climatic zones play a decisive role in supporting the livestock farming activities in particular areas. rest of the additions are self explainatory.

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areas. Moreover, the consistent inclination of the consumers to buffalo milk on account of its taste and higher fat percentage is the decisive factor in maintaining and proliferating buffalo dairy industry throughout the State. Besides, added advantage of Beef and other byproducts that can be derived from non productive / culled buffaloes adds to the pecuniary gains to the owners. These aspects support the scope for increasing the horizon of buffalo dairy enterprise in crescendo in the State. Accordingly, the breeding policy for buffaloes consists of the following parameters:

the Metros / large towns play a decisive role in supporting the buffalo dairy farming activities in particular areas. Moreover, the consistent inclination of the consumers to buffalo milk on account of its taste and higher fat percentage is the decisive factor in maintaining and proliferating buffalo dairy industry throughout the State. Besides, added advantage of Beef and other byproducts that can be derived from non productive / culled buffaloes adds to the pecuniary gains to the owners. These aspects support the scope for increasing the horizon of buffalo dairy enterprise in crescendo in the State. Accordingly,

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the breeding policy for buffaloes consists of the following parameters: 2 . 3 . 1 Buffaloes of descript breeds (viz. Surati, Murrah , Mehsana, Zafarabadi, Pandharpuri & Nagpuri ) should be bred only with semen of bulls of respective breed. Buffaloes of descript breeds (viz. Murrah, Jaffrabadi, Pandharpuri, Marathwadi, Nagpuri and Surti) should be bred only with semen of bulls of respective breed Non-descript buffaloes should be bred with germplasm of any one of the identified breeds Murrah, Jaffrabadi, Pandharpuri, Marathwadi, Nagpuri and Surti. Use of Mehsana germplasm for upgrading non descript buffaloes will be discontinued since Mehsana itself is a mixed germplasm variety. As a strategy, subsequent selective breeding will be aimed at increasing inheritance level of Use of Mehsana germplasm for upgrading non descript buffaloes will be discontinued since Mehsana itself is a mixed germplasm variety. Use of Mehsana germplasm for upgrading non descript buffaloes will be discontinued since Mehsana itself is a mixed germplasm variety. Use of Mehsana germplasm for upgrading non descript buffaloes will be discontinued since Mehsana itself is a mixed germplasm variety.

2 . 3 . 2

Non-descript buffaloes should be bred with germplasm of any one of the identified breeds except Mehsana & Jafarabadi. However, subsequent selective breeding will be aimed at increasing inheritance level of the first selected breed. For this, superior germplasm of respective breed of higher pedigreed bulls will be used.

Use of Mehsana germplasm for upgrading non descript buffaloes will be discontinued since Mehsana itself is a mixed germplasm variety.

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the first selected breed. For this, superior germplasm of higher pedigreed bulls of respective breed will be used. 2 . 3 . 2 NIL Progeny Testing Programme will be implemented for buffalo bulls in a phased manner. So also, Karyotyping and testing against the Sexually Transmitted Diseases will be made mandatory for all the bulls prior to being used for frozen semen production Progeny Testing Programme will be implemented for buffalo bulls in a phased manner. So also, Karyotyping and testing against the Sexually Transmitted Diseases will be made mandatory for all the bulls prior to being used for frozen semen production progeny Testing programme is equally important for buffaloes. Therefore, the addition.

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2 . 3 . 4

Conservation of Pandharpuri and Nagpuri buffaloes will be practiced especially in their home tracts and in other areas having similar geoclimatic conditions. These breeds will be used for up-grading non-descript buffaloes if demanded by owners.

Conservation of Pandharpuri, Marathwadi and Nagpuri buffaloes will be practiced especially in their home tracts and delineated / extended tracts and in other areas having similar agro-climatic conditions. These breeds will be used for up-grading nondescript buffaloes.

Agro-climatic conditions has been introduced.

Government of India have stressed upon the need to evolve an area specific methodology for genetic improvement suitable for the Agro-climatic zones. The land profile, rainfall and cropping patterns of these Agro-climatic zones play a decisive role in supporting the livestock farming activities in particular areas.

The upgradation is no longer owner wish dependent, hence deleted. Development of suitable buffalo breed for beef purpose will be promoted through scientific research and by involving Breeders Associations/ NGOs Marathwadi breed has been included here.

The upgradation is no longer owner wish dependent, hence deleted.

2 . 3 . 5


Development of suitable buffalo breed for beef purpose will be promoted through scientific research and by involving Breeders Associations/ NGOs

The addition has been suggested to cope up with the increasing demand of beef.

2 . 4 . 1




Indigenous Breeds of BuffaloesPandharpuri and Nagpuri have been identified as two indigenous breeds of buffalo, which need to

2.4.1 Pandharpuri, Marathwadi and Nagpuri have been identified as three indigenous buffalo breeds of the State, which will be conserved and propagated

Marathwadi breed has been included to achieve the desired objective of genetic upgradation of the buffaloes of Marathwada region.

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be protected propagated 2 . 4 . 3

and The Breeders Associations will be entrusted to function on principles of management under its articles of association and will also be encouraged to get involved in conservation and propagation of buffalo breeds. System of herd registration, suitably designed Field Performance Recording (FPR) etc. will be introduced to identify the high-yielder animals of indigenous breed and putting in place a suitable system of buy-back of pedigreed male-calves for developing them in to breeding bulls. Specific methodology will be evolved to extend the assistance (technical, monetary, regulatory, etc.) to the Breeders associations. Self Help Groups (SHG) will also be encouraged to play active role in breed conservation as well as genetic upgradation of The Breeders Associations will be entrusted to function on principles of management under its articles of association and will also be encouraged to get involved in conservation and propagation of buffalo breeds. System of herd registration, suitably designed Field Performance Recording (FPR) etc. will be introduced to identify the highyielder animals of indigenous breed and putting in place a suitable system of buy-back of pedigreed male-calves for developing them in to breeding bulls. Specific methodology will be evolved to extend the assistance (technical, monetary, regulatory, etc.) to the Breeders associations. Self Modifications have been suggested in order to strengthen the Breeders Associations and to make them functioning effectively. Introduction of concept of genetic upgradation of nondescript buffaloes through SHGs has been proposed to increase the scope of animal husbandry activities.

The Breeders Association will not only be encouraged to get involved in conservation of indigenous breeds but also will be allowed to function on principles of management under its articles of association

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non-descript buffaloes by way of lending them the area specific indigenous breed. A tie up between bankers and SHG/ Breeders Association may trigger the desired activity in this direction. Cattle owners will be educated through Breeders Associations and SHGs for better feeding and management to reduce exhalation of Methane to tackle the threat of Global Warming

Help Groups (SHG) will also be encouraged to play active role in breed conservation as well as genetic upgradation of nondescript buffaloes by way of lending them the area specific indigenous breed. A tie up between bankers and SHG/ Breeders Association may trigger the desired activity in this direction. Cattle owners will be educated through Breeders Associations and SHGs for better feeding and management to reduce exhalation of Methane to tackle the threat of Global Warming System of herd registration, Field Performance Recording (FPR), etc; will be made mandatory for identifying the high yielding animals of Field performance recording technique being the best possible way to identify the high yielding animals at field level. therefore, the addition.

2 . 4 . 4

System of herd registration, suitably designed milk competition etc will be introduced to identify the high-yielder animals of indigenous breed and putting in

System of herd registration, Field Performance Recording (FPR), etc; will be made mandatory for identifying the high yielding animals of

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place a suitable system of buy-back of pedigreed male-calves for developing them in to breeding bulls

indigenous breeds besides putting in place a suitable buyback system for getting elite breeding bulls. 3. Ensuring Quality of A.I. Services 3. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) 3.1 Quality of service rendered by AI workers 3.2. Quality of Frozen Semen Doses 3.3 Quality Standards for Manufacturing of Critical Inputs

indigenous breeds besides putting in place a suitable buy-back system for getting elite breeding bulls. These parameters have been added at the end of policy for buffaloes, as AI is mainly dealing with cattle and buffaloes.

3.4. Bull Mother Farms and Production of Bulls 3.5. Introduction of Livestock Development and Regulation Act 3.6 Comprehensive Information System For Enhancement of Breeding, Nutrition and Health Care of Livestock

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3.7 Import of Genetic material 4) Breeding policy for Goat: An independent policy is proposed for Goat, in order to increase the scope of species-wise development for meat and milk production. The contents consequently mentioned in this section are self explanatory. An independent policy is proposed for Sheep, in order to increase the scope of species-wise development for meat and milk production. The contents consequently mentioned in this section are self explanatory.

5) Breeding policy for Sheep:

6. Breeding For Poultry 6 . 2 The Policy mainly covers chicken, Japanese Quail and Duck. Other species of poultry birds may continue to be bred by private sector initiatives

Policy The Policy mainly covers chicken, Japanese Quail and Duck. Emu farming is an emerging activity in the state. Although, it is gaining popularity amongst the farmers. However, unavailability of validated scientific information about breeds, breeding pattern, disease pattern, management under geo-climatic conditions of the state and product development, marketdevelopment and Emu-farming and Turkey- farming are gaining popularity in the state. There is a need to have a rational policy whioch will help to promote development and propagation of these activities, but only after availing substantial scientific and statistical information / data.Accordingly modifications have been made.

The Policy mainly covers chicken, Japanese Quail and Duck. Emu farming is an emerging activity in the state. Although, it is gaining popularity amongst the farmers. However, unavailability of validated scientific information about breeds, breeding pattern, disease pattern, management under geoclimatic conditions of the state and product development, marketdevelopment and economics etc. have put restrictions on

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establishing the economic viability and the subsequent economic gains / profits so as to prove it a profitable commercial venture. It is thus expected that, efforts will be made toavail data for validating the profitability and economic usefulness of large-scale / commercial Emu-farming with the joint efforts of entrepreneurs , Cooperative societies (engaged in Emufarming) and the reputed Central Government Institutes (such as CARI) Thus, after availing the relevant data, desired shape will be given to the breeding policy for Emu and appropriate decision for providing financial assistance and concessions to Emufarmers will suitably be taken. Hence , with a view to propagate and promote Emu-farming as a better business proposition at this juncture, it will be kept open largely through

economics etc. have put restrictions on establishing the economic viability and the subsequent economic gains / profits so as to prove it a profitable commercial venture. It is thus expected that, efforts will be made toavail data for validating the profitability and economic usefulness of large-scale / commercial Emufarming with the joint efforts of entrepreneurs , Co-operative societies (engaged in Emufarming) and the reputed Central Government Institutes (such as CARI) Thus, after availing the relevant data, desired shape will be given to the breeding policy for Emu and appropriate decision for providing financial assistance and concessions to Emufarmers will suitably be taken. Hence , with a view to propagate and promote Emu-farming

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private sector initiatives. Central Avian Research Institute (CARI) has identified the Large White or the Broad Breasted White is the most commercially popular turkey breed being reared in our country carry has also reiterated that turkey farming can be adopted as an alternate commercially viable option to broiler farming. However present status of turkey farming is still at a primary level in the commercial arena. Therefore efforts will be made to gather relevant scientific / statistical information and data on all aspects. After availing such an information, suitable decisions will be taken for promoting and propagating turkey farming in the state.

as a better business proposition at this juncture, it will be kept open largely through private sector initiatives. Central Avian Research Institute (CARI) has identified the Large White or the Broad Breasted White is the most commercially popular turkey breed being reared in our country carry has also reiterated that turkey farming can be adopted as an alternate commercially viable option to broiler farming. However present status of turkey farming is still at a primary level in the commercial arena. Therefore efforts will be made to gather relevant scientific / statistical information and data on all aspects. After availing such an information, suitable decisions will be taken for promoting and propagating turkey farming in the state.

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6 . 9


Existing structure of Poultry breeding/ farming will continue, hitherto. However, keeping in view the global scenario pertaining to various poultry / zoonotic emerging diseases, entire poultry farming activities rapidly flourishing under the ambit of private / commercial sector needs to be streamlined through baseline support (technical / monetary etc.) that can be extended only after recognition of these commercial units through registration. Thus, in view of safeguarding the interests of commercial poultry owners / poultry farms, a legislative support in form of Poultry Development and Regulation Act is being considered

Existing structure of Poultry breeding/ farming will continue, hitherto. However, keeping in view the global scenario pertaining to various poultry / zoonotic emerging diseases, entire poultry farming activities rapidly flourishing under the ambit of private / commercial sector needs to be streamlined through baseline support (technical / monetary etc.) that can be extended only after recognition of these commercial units through registration. Thus, in view of safeguarding the interests of commercial poultry owners / poultry farms, a legislative support in form of

Need based inclusion.

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Poultry Development and Regulation Act is being considered 7 Breeding Policy For Equines, Pigs and Rabbits B. Ensuring Quality of A.I. Services 3 NIL 3. Ensuring Quality of A.I. Services The addition has been proposed on the basis of recommendations made by representatives of private sector during the Livestock Policy Seminar.

3. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for delivery of AI services and guidelines for AI service providers: Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)/guidelines for delivery of AI services and handling of genetic material will be prepared in consonance with the norms specified by Government of India/CMU. Accordingly, relevant guidelines will be communicated to the field staff / service

3. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for delivery of AI services and guidelines for AI service providers: Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)/guidelines for delivery of AI services and handling of genetic material will be prepared in consonance with the norms specified by Government of India/CMU. Accordingly, relevant guidelines will be

Addition is made on the basis of norms specified by Government of India / CMU

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providers in order to provide qualitative AI services to the farmers for effective implementation of AI programme.

communicated to the field staff / service providers in order to provide qualitative AI services to the farmers for effective implementation of AI programme. The word French Mini Technology is replaced by the word Modern Technology; for increasing the scope of application. The word French Mini Technology is replaced by the word Modern Technology; for increasing the scope of application.

3 . 3

Quality Standards for Manufacturing of Critical Inputs Frozen Semen Laboratories and Frozen Semen Production:Government of India has prescribed Minimum Standard Protocol (MSP) for frozen semen production. This will be adhered to under national project for cattle & buffalo breeding. The frozen semen production laboratories at Pune, Aurangabad and Nagpur (which are now under control of Maharashtra Livestock Development Board) will be strengthened with adoption of French-mini technology of frozen semen production.

Quality Standards for Manufacturing of Critical Inputs Frozen Semen Laboratories and Frozen Semen Production:Government of India have prescribed Minimum Standard Protocol (MSP) for frozen semen production. This will be adhered to under National Project for Cattle and Buffalo Breeding. The frozen semen production laboratories at Pune, Aurangabad and Nagpur (which are now under control of Maharashtra Livestock Development Board) will be strengthened with adoption of modern technology of frozen semen production

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3 . 4

4. Bull Mother Farms and Production of Bullse bull mother farms functioning under Maharashtra Livestock Development Board will also be strengthened by providing required quality inputs such as F.S. doses of desired standard, elite cows & bulls through procurement from within the country or through import from other countries, modernization of cattle sheds and augmentation in coverage of the available land for fodder production. In case of native breeds of cattle and buffalo the buy-back system of calf from breeder-farmers / breeder-association should be introduced to minimize the requirement of bullmothers to be maintained at such farms.


Bull Mother Farms and Production of Bulls

The word Native is replaced by the word recognized Indigenous Breeds. For this purpose, state level milkcompetitions will be organized in view of identification of elite animals.

The word Native is replaced by the word recognized Indigenous Breeds. The replacement is technically more appropriate. This is a need based addition, as the procurement of quality calves from the field will be possible through such state level milk competitions.

The bull mother farms functioning under Maharashtra Livestock Development Board will also be strengthened by providing required quality inputs such as F.S. doses of desired standard, elite cows and bulls through procurement from within the country or through import from other countries, modernization of cattle sheds and augmentation in coverage of the available land for fodder production. In case of recognized indigenous breeds of cattle and buffalo, the buy-back system for procuring quality calves from breeder-farmers / breeder-association should be introduced to minimize the requirement of bull-mothers to be maintained at such farms. For this purpose, state level milk-

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competitions organized in identification animals. 3 . 5 5. of (Development Regulation) Act It is proposed to introduce Livestock (Development Regulation) Act for ensuring scientific intervention in genetic improvement of livestock and production of quality critical inputs for genetic up-gradation of livestock, enforcing good management practices in commercial farming of livestock and for taking care of issues relating to health, hygiene, disease control and prevention of animal cruelty. Introduction Livestock 3.5.

will be view of of elite Such type of legal framework has also been duly recommended by Government of India in form of Draft Bovine Breeding Bill. Citation of GOI recommendation.

Introduction of Livestock Development and Regulation Act

It is proposed to introduce Livestock Development and Regulation Act for ensuring scientific intervention in the important aspects of genetic improvement of livestock and production of quality critical inputs for genetic up-gradation of livestock, regulation of delivery of AI service, export of genetic material, enforcing good management practices in commercial farming of livestock and for taking care of issues relating to public health, hygiene, disease control and prevention of animal cruelty etc. Such type

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of legal framework has also been duly recommended by Government of India in form of Draft Bovine Breeding Bill. 3 . 6 NIL 3.6 Comprehensive Information System For Enhancement of Breeding, Nutrition and Health Care of Livestock: A Comprehensive Information System for Enhancement of Breeding, Nutrition and Health Care of Livestock viz. Information Network for Animal Productivity and Health (INAPH) developed by NDDB or alike system will be suitably introduced to monitor breeding, nutrition and health care. This system will be terminally attached with the market development and intelligence cell to be established under the world bank aided MACP project in the office of Commissioner, AH, M.S., Pune for further 3.6 Comprehensive Information System For Enhancement of Breeding, Nutrition and Health Care of Livestock: A Comprehensive Information System for Enhancement of Breeding, Nutrition and Health Care of Livestock viz. Information Network for Animal Productivity and Health (INAPH) developed by NDDB or alike system will be suitably introduced to monitor breeding, nutrition and health care. This system will be terminally attached with the market development and intelligence cell to be established under the Addition in continuation of the suggested projects to World Bank.

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dissemination information.



world bank aided MACP project in the office of Commissioner, AH, M.S., Pune for further dissemination of the information. 3.7 Import of Genetic material The policy for importing genetic material with its intended use for bringing desired genetic improvement of the local / low productive / improved livestock will be in full consonance with the policy laid down by GoI in this regard. Hence, import of genetic material will be undertaken within this stipulated framework without laying any further restrictions Deleted Registered veterinary practitioners practice allopathy system of medicines. alternative systems of medicines Homeopathy, Unani, Ayurvedic etc. are included in the syllabi. Hence, omitted. can The viz. not Addition is made in full consonance with the policy laid down by GOI in this regard.

3 . 7


3.7 Import of Genetic material The policy for importing genetic material with its intended use for bringing desired genetic improvement of the local / low productive / improved livestock will be in full consonance with the policy laid down by GoI in this regard. Hence, import of genetic material will be undertaken within this stipulated framework without laying any further restrictions

c) States Policy in to livestock health-care is to have integrated alternative systems of medicine e.g. Aurvedic, Unani and Homeopathic with allopathic system of


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medicine at the core; only after validating the components of indigenous system.

E. Feed, Fodder, Animal Nutrition and Grazing Policy It is observed that fodder crop cultivation is not up to the desired level. Usually the animals are fed with food crop residues. Only few progressive farmers and organized dairymen undertake feeding of chaffed fodder to the animals. Stocking of dry fodder in form of silage is also restricted to few places. The waste lands and gairans have not been developed as grazing lands. It is observed that green fodder and concentrate feed is supplied only to the productive animals (that too when they are in production). The drypregnant cows and buffalo heifers and male


Feed, Fodder, Animal Nutrition and Grazing Policy

9.1 It is observed that fodder crop cultivation is not up to the desired level. Usually the animals are fed with food crop residues. Only few progressive farmers and organized dairymen undertake feeding of chaffed fodder to the animals. Stocking of dry fodder in form of silage is also restricted to few places. The waste lands and gairans(communit y grazing lands) have not been developed as

A concept of fodder as a high value crop will be introduced among the dairy farmers. It will be encouraged to bring maximum land under fodder cultivation, by providing incentives for production and marketing of fodder seeds.

Self explanatory.

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calves do not receive the desired nutritious feed on account of negligence of owner. At present there is no legislation for regulation of the quality of cattle & poultry feed.

actual grazing lands. It is observed that green fodder and concentrate feed is supplied only to the productive animals (that too when they are in production). The dry-pregnant cows and buffalo heifers and male calves do not receive the desired nutritious feed on account of negligence of owner. A concept of fodder as a high value crop will be introduced among the dairy farmers. It will be encouraged to bring maximum land under fodder cultivation, by providing incentives for production and marketing of fodder seeds.

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9 . 2


Introduction of Cattle and Poultry Feed Regulation of Manufacture and Sale Order : In order to achieve the optimum productivity along with the genetic improvement of animals, it is necessary to provide them quality feed and fodder. Therefore, it is utmost essential to govern and monitor the quality of variety of feeds being manufactured and / or marketed in the state. Hence, a draft order comprising of Regulatory Interventions will be issued as suggested by Government of India. To enhance the productivity and to improve reproductive efficiency even with the limited protein meals available for ruminants and to compensate heavy loss of body weight in high yielding animals after calving, the

Introduction of Need based addition. Cattle and Poultry Feed Regulation of Manufacture and Sale Order : In order to achieve the optimum productivity along with the genetic improvement of animals, it is necessary to provide them quality feed and fodder. Therefore, it is utmost essential to govern and monitor the quality of variety of feeds being manufactured and / or marketed in the state. Hence, a draft order comprising of Regulatory Interventions will be issued as suggested by Government of India. To enhance the productivity and to improve reproductive efficiency even with the limited protein meals available for ruminants and to compensate heavy loss of body weight in high yielding animals after calving, the feeds manufactured with latest technology

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feeds manufactured with latest technology such as Bypass Protein Technology (BPT) or Bypass Fat Technology (BFT) is a need of the day. Hence, a special drive will be taken to promote manufacturing of feed involving such advanced technologies. f. A study groups will be set up to study the practice of free-grazing by cattle on community pasture land in larger parts of Konkan, Vidarbha, Marathwada and hilly and tribal areas, in order to get a suitable intervention tool designed for conserving grass land and at the same time improve the animal husbandry practices adopted by the local people in those areas; the study group will also study various aspects of sheep and goat rearing by shepherd community and NIL

such as Bypass Protein Technology (BPT) or Bypass Fat Technology (BFT) is a need of the day. Hence, a special drive will be taken to promote manufacturing of feed involving such advanced technologies.


This issue, although was expected to be tackled as per the 2006 policy, through formation of study group; the same did not have happened in a span of almost four years and it is felt that this would not be a feasible and viable proposition.

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intervention tools for improving their lot and also conserving pasture land resources. 9 . 2 . 7 Mineral deficiency pattern and its geoclimatic distribution be determined and updated from time to time so that suitable mineral supplementation (in feed) can be prescribed State aims at providing full infrastructural support and policy support in this regard. Co-operative sector and private sector are playing significant role in this regard. Therefore, State aims at disinvesting from public sector product development unit known as MAFCO. Increased private capital investment in product development, processing, packaging, market development, market intelligence and marketing is Mineral deficiency pattern and its geoclimatic distribution will be determined and updated from time to time so that area specific mineral supplementation (in feed) can be prescribed State aims at providing full infrastructural support and policy support in this regard. Cooperative sector and private sector are playing significant role in this regard. Increased private capital investment in product development, processing, packaging, market development, market intelligence and marketing is envisaged. so that area specific mineral supplementation (in feed) can be prescribed Area specific mineral supplementation (in feed) can be prescribed to cope up with the deficiency pattern of the minerals in the respective areas.

1 2 . 1

The word MAFCO is deleted

as MAFCO is no more functioning.

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envisaged. 1 4 NIL 14 Monitoring 15 implementation, review and revision of the policy: Monitoring implementation, review and revision of the policy has been newly incorporated in the Policy-2010. It is necessary from the point of view that the foregoing paragraphs reveal only policy decisions. Therefore, it is The Livestock Policy pertinent to issue detailed working 2010 will be guidelines for effective implementation implemented by all the of the Policy-2010. prominent players / participating agencies in the State, in true spirit and fervor. A system by utilizing the available machinery as well as infrastructure of Animal Husbandry Department for continuous monitoring and review with subsequent adoption of need based modifications will be brought in to ensure smooth and effective implementation of the policy. Monitoring implementation, review and revision of the policy: Various important aspects of the Livestock Policy2010 have been discussed in each foregoing section. However, detailed operational

The Livestock Policy 2010 will be implemented by all the prominent players / participating agencies in the State, in true spirit and fervor. A system by utilizing the available machinery as well as infrastructure of Animal Husbandry Department for continuous monitoring and review with subsequent adoption of need based modifications will be brought in to ensure smooth and effective implementation of the policy. Various important aspects of the Livestock Policy-2010 have been discussed in each foregoing section. However, detailed operational guidelines will be issued to facilitate the ground workers as well as all the

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implementing agencies, by the Commissioner Animal Husbandry, Maharashtra State, for ensuring effective operationalization of the policy.

guidelines will be issued to facilitate the ground workers as well as all the implementing agencies, by the Commissioner Animal Husbandry, Maharashtra State, for ensuring effective operationalization of the policy.

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