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Fonética Inglesa

Fredianny Olaverria R.


Tema :
Stress, Rhythm, and Intonation

Profesor/a :
Abad A. Montero

Fecha :
28 / 4 / 2022
Stress, Rhythm, and Intonation

❖ Listen and repeat the sentences.

1. Please record the record.

2. Please don't desert me in the desert.
3. We project that the project will be good.
4. The sheik was fifty with fifteen wives!
5. His hairline began receding recently.
6. The teacher was content with the content of the report.
7. He objects to the ugly objects.
8. I mistrust Mister Smith.
9. She will present you with a present.
10. He will contest the results of the contest.

❖ Fill in the black with compound nouns formed from the two boldfaced
Example: A rack that holds coats is a coatrack.
1. Juice made from oranges is called…..
2. A box used for storing bread is called a
3. A store that sells books is called a
4. A ball you kick with your foot is called a
5. A hat you wear in the rain is called a
6. A store that sells toys is called a
7. A man that delivers the mail is called a
8. A sign that signals you stop is called a
9. When you have an ache in your head, you have a
10. A store that sells drugs is called a

❖ Circle the ONE word in each group that has a stress pattern different
from the other.
Example: connect control contain constant
1. agent annoy allow agree
2. upon until undo under
3. protect program pronoun protein
4. token toaster today total
5. supper sunken suffer support
6. explain extra excite exam
7. deepen deny devote degree
8. repair reason recent reader
9. invite invent inform instant
10. open oppose over only

❖ Circle the number of the stressed syllable in each italicized word.

1 2
Example: The convict escaped from jail.

1 2
1. Keep a record of your expenses.
1 2
2. The police don't suspect anyone.
1 2
3. The student will present a speech.

4. The present was not wrapped.

5. The invalid was in the hospital.
1 2
6. Please print your address clearly.
1 2
7. I will send a survey to all students.
1 2
8. Be sure to record your speech.
1 2 3
9. The letter is in the envelope.
1 2 3
10. I want to envelop the baby in my arms.
❖ Circle the number or the stressed syllable in each two-syllable word.

1 2
1 2 1 2
Richard Armour
1 2
Workers earn it,
1 2
Spendthrifts burn it,
1 2
Bankers lend it,
1 2
Women spend it,
1 2
Forgers fake it
1 2
Taxes take it,
1 2
Dying leave it,
1 2
Heirs receive it,
1 2
Thrifty save it,
1 2
Misers crave it,
1 2
Robbers seize it,
1 2
Rich increase it,
1 2
Gamblers lose it …

I could use it !

❖ Circle all content words and underline all function words.

Example: The dogs are barking.

1. Mary is a good friend. 6. The store opens at nine.

2. Steve is tall and handsome. 7. My shoes hurt my feet.
3. It's early in the morning. 8. Please look for the book.
4. The baby caught a cold. 9. He's leaving in a week.
5. I ate a piece of pie. 10. We walked in the snow.
❖ Fill in the blanks with appropriate function words.
Example: I went to the store.
1. Mary wants —--- cup—---coffee.
2. —------show started—----eight.
3. —-------movie—---very funny.
4. Sue ate—-------slice—-----cake.
5. We met—-----couple—-----friends—----mine.

❖ Circle the word that you must stress to clarify the intended meaning of
the sentence.
Examples: Mary Hall will visit John and Anna. (Not Mary Jones.)
Mary is from Washington. (She isn't from New York.)
1. Mary is Anna's friend. (She isn't her cousin.)
2. John is married to Anna. (They aren't engaged anymore.)
3. She's from Washington, D.C. (She's not from Washington state.)
4. Her house is on First Street. (It isn't on First Avenue.)
5. She lives in the white house. (She doesn't live in the White House.)
6. Anna and John got married three years ago. (They didn't get married
five years ago.)
7. They own a small home. (They don't rent.)
8. Mary wants to come in a week. (She doesn't want to wait a month.)
9. She'll bring her collie and snakes. (She's not bringing her poodle.)
10. Mary is opening a pet store. (She isn't opening a toy store.)

❖ Fill in the blanks with the contraction.

Examples : He's my favorite teacher. (He is)
We're good friends. (We are)
1. —---------------- a good student. (I am)
2. Lynn—--------play tennis. (does not)
3. —-------seen that movie. (We have)
4. —--------quite right. (You are)
5. His brother—--------come. (cannot)

❖ Underline the sentence in each pair that is correctly marked for pauses.
Example: I finished my homework // and watched TV.
I finished my // homework and watched TV.

1. Meet me at the bus stop // after you're done.

Meet me at the bus // stop after you're done.

2. Bill Brown the mayor will // speak tonight.

Bill Brown // the mayor // will speak tonight.

3. Please clean your room // before leaving.

Please clean your // room before leaving.

4. Cervantes // the famous author // wrote Don Quixote.

Cervantes the famous author wrote // Don Quixote.

5. The truth is I don't // like it.

The truth is // I don't like it.

6. He was there // for the first time.

He was there for // the first time.

7. Where there's a will // there's a way.

Where there's a // will there's a // way.

8. Do unto others as // you would have them do // unto you.

Do unto others // as you would have them // do unto you.

9. Patrick Henry said // “Give me liberty // or give me death.”

Patrick Henry // said “Give me // liberty or give me death.”

10. When in Rome do // as the Romans do.

When in Rome // do as the Romans do.
❖ Circle all contractions and linked words. Then on the lines below, list
these shortened forms and write their full form equivalent.

Frances Black: Hello, this is the Black residence. This is Frances Black

Ellie White: Howarya Frannie? Its Ellie. Doyawanna come over for a

Frances Black: Eleanor, I am very sorry I can not visit you. I am going to
lunch at the club.

Ellie White: That's OK. I'm gonna eat at Burger Palace. Why don't we go
tathamovies tonight?

Frances Black: We will not be able to join you, We have tickets for the

Ellie White: My husband Sam wont like that. He's more of a wrestling fan.

We'll meetcha some other night.

Frances Black: Eleanor, I really have to go now. It has been most pleasant
speaking with you.

Ellie White: I hafta go now, too. It's been great talking to you. (hangs up the
phone ) Frannies a nice girl, but she hasta learnta relax!

Reduced Forms Full Form

Howarya? How are you?

Its It is

❖ Indicate whether they have a falling or rising intonation by marking a X

in the appropriate column.

Falling Rising

Examples: I feel fine. X

Can you sing? X

Falling Rising

1. When is your birthday?

2. Did you see my friend?

3. How are you?

4. I'm fine, thank you.

5. Why were you absent?

6. Can you have dinner?

7. How do you know?

8. I don't like beets.

9. Where is my pencil?

10. Will you drive me home?

❖ Draw the correct intonation arrows in the blanks ( ↘ = voice falls; → = voice
stays level; ↗ = voice rises).
Example: Do you want coffee → , tea → , or milk ↘ ?
1. We enjoy swimming —----, k¡hiking—---, and tennis _—-- .
2. Is a barbecue all right —--- if it doesn't rain—-- ?
3. If it rains tomorrow —----, the game is off—---- .
4. Is he sick—-- ? I hope not—--- .
5. Please bring me the hammer—---, nails —---- , and scissors—--- .
6. Do you like grapes —--- , pears —---- , and plums —--- ?
7. May I leave now —--- , or should I wait —---- ?
8. He's good at math —----- , but not spelling —---- .
9. Call me later —--- if it's not too late —----- .
10. Will you visit us —--- if you're in town —---- ?
❖ In the blank spaces, draw the correct intonation arrows ( ↘ = voice falls; → =
voice stays level; ↗ = voice rises). Sentence stress patterns and some intonation
arrows are already provided.

Sam Cant Tell a Joke!

Sam → , a convicted felon _________ , was sentenced to life in prison ↘ .
When he arrived at the prison ______ , the other inmates were sitting around
calling out numbers __________ . He heard Bill call _____ , “One thousand
twenty ______.” Then Joe bellowed ______, “Two hundred forty”_______.
“Does anyone know three thousand two” ↗ ? asked Mark happily _____.
Each time a number was called ______ , the men roared with laughter ____.
Sam asked ______ , “What's so funny ______? What is everyone laughing
at”_______ ?

Bill explained ______. “Well ____ , we know thousands of jokes ____. It

would take too long to tell each one ______. So we've numbered all of them
_____. When we want to tell a joke ______, we simply call out its number”
________. Sam asked hopefully ______ , “Will you guys teach me all the
jokes ____ and their numbers”_____?

Bill taught Sam all of the jokers and their numbers _____. One day _____ ,
while the inmates were telling jokes _______ , Sam called _____ , “Five
hundred” _______ . No one laughed ______ He shouted _____ , “Five
hundred” ____ . Still no one laughed _____ .“I don't get it _______ . Why
isn't anyone laughing _____? Isn't number five hundred one of our funniest
jokes '' ______ ? “Yes”______ , replied Bill _________, “but you didn't tell it
right” _____ !

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