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5:29 2G.4 864% € O&M MANUAL-DE12T-P126.. [Q (mm) Tappet Dia | 219.044 ~ 310.066 (mm) Standard | Limit Tappet 00s | Cleararce 0.077 ° @ Push ‘od run-out (mm) Limit 0.3 oF less Use a feeler gauge to measure the push rod run-out. Roll the push rac along a smooth lat surface as shown in the figure. Cam shaft 1) cam @ Cam lobe height (mm) Standard Limit Cam journal | 1159.86 ~ 50.52 diamete(A,B) | 059.88 Use a micrometer to measure the SS cain journal diameter It the measured number is less than the specified limit, the camshatt must replacec. EAMav62 @ Cam surface Use a micrometer to measure the cam journal diameter Ii the measured number is less than the specified limit, the camshatt must replaces. 532 8 & NOTE: When regrinding the crankshaft as described below, the fillet section 6Ri should be finished correctly. Avoid sharp corners or insufficient fillet. * Standarc values of "R’ Crankshaft Pin "R" : 4.5 -03 @ Crankshaft journal"R" : 4 oz 3) Crankshaft run-out @ Support the crankshaft on V blocks. @ Turn the crankshaft with a dial indi- cator placed on the surface plate and take the amount of crankshaft run-out. (mm) Standard mi 0.05 O41 26.4 64% Normal 531 8 & 4) vereet cneck @ Visually check the crarkshaft jcurnal and crank pins for scores or cracks. @ Using a magnet particle test and color checx, inspect the crankshaft for cracks, and replace the crank- shaft which has cracks. 2) Wear @ With an outsice micrometer mea- sure the damater of the crankshaft journals and pins in the directiors as showr, and compare ti2 mea- sured values to determine the amount Of wear. @ If the amount of wear is beyond the limit, Fave the crerkshaft ground and nstall uncersize bearings. How- ever, if the amoturt of wear is within the limit, yau can correct the wear using an cil stone or oiled grinding paper of fine grain size. iBe sure to use grindirg pager which hes been immersed 1 oil) $2G.4 64% Eo A EAMDOS? (mm) Standard | Limit AL Journal diameter, 92? 988 | oa 966 ral con gas | oS Ly Pn diameter | “82-286 ~ | ces 966 | 082.988 " A @ Standard @ 0.25 (Inside diameter is 0.25 mm lesser than tre @ (50 (Inside diameter is 0.50 mm lesser than the @ © (Inside diameter is 0./5 mm lesser than the @ 1.00 (Inside dameter is 1.00 mm lesser than the crMzo4? standard size.) standard size.) standard size.) standard size.) Undersize bearings are available in 4 different sizes as indicated above, and the crarkshe can be teground to the above sizes. 530 8 & € O&M MANUAL-DE12T-P126... - Measure the insde diameter of the camshaft bushing on the oylindor block using a oylinder bore incicator, and compare the measured value with the camshaft outsice diameter to determing the clearance. (mm) Standard Limit 0050 ~ 0.128 o2 Replace the bushing if the measured value is beyond the specified limit. @ Run-cut Suppor: the cemshatt on two V blocks arc check for run-out using a cial indicator. Correct or replace the cam shaft if the amount o% rin- out s beyond the value indicating need for servicing. (mm) Standard Limit $2G.4 64% Q@ & | Carrshat bearing EAONZ0¢ EACK40€ 0.05 a2 3) Cam shaft & play @ Push the thrus: plate toward the cam gear @ Wit) a fezler gauge, measure the clearance between the thrust plate and camshaft jourral. @ Ii the end play is excessive, replace the thrust plate, (mm) Standard Limit C3 a block, tighten the bearing cap to 9:33 specified torque, then measure the inside diameter. Torque 30 kgm (mm) Standard Dia. 96.06 ~ 096.108 Compare the two values obtained through measurement of main bearing inside diameter with the outside diame- ters of crankshaft journals to determine the oil clearance.
(mm) @ Connecting rod bearing clearance Install the connecting rod bearing in the connecting rod bearing cap, tighten the connecting rod cap bolis to the specified torque, then mea- sure the inside diameter. (mm) Standard Dia.| 83.02 ~ 83.092 535 BH 2G.4 863% Compare the two values obtained through measurement of connecting tod bearing insice diameter with the outside diameters of eranksnaft pins to determine the oll clearance (mm) Standard Limit 0.049 ~ 0.119 0.20 @ If the clearance deviates trom the specified range, nave the crankshaft journals and ground and install undersize hearings @ Connecting rod bearing clearance (Method 2 ; with plastic gauge} Assemble the crankshatt on the cylinder block and put the plastic gauge on journal anc of crankshaft and then after assembling bearing cap, tighten the bolts at the specific tor Again after disassembling the oearing cap by removirg the bolts, take out the flatled pl gauge and measure the width of plastic gauge by neans of plastic gauge measuring s This is the oil clearance. :) Bearing spread and crush @ Inspection Check 10 see that the bearing requires a considerable amount of finger pressure at reassembly opera- tion EDMA20 Spread =. - AB 535 BH 2G.4 8 63% @ Crankshaft bearing crush Insiall the bearing anc cap in ‘he cylinder block, retighten the bolts to specified to‘que, unscrew out cne holt completely, tren measure ‘he clearance delween the bearing cap and cylinder lock using a foclor gauge. B) \\Rr~, aa AY easipea (mm) Standard Dia 0.15 ~ 0.25 @ Connecting rod bearing crush Install the bearing anc cap in ‘he connecting rod big ond, retigy:en the hots to specified torque, unscrew cut one bolt completely, then reasure the —olearance between the hearng can ann con- necting rod big e1d using a feeler gauge EAGM26aI (mm) ‘Stangara ORB ~ 0716 4) crank shatt end play @ Assomo'e the crankshaft to the cyl- inder block. @ With a dial gauge, measure crank- shaft end olay. (mm) ‘Standard Lirnit 0.15 - 0.826 0.5 537 BE 2G.4 8 63% 9.2.8. Piston 1) Visual check Visually check the pistons for cracks. scuff or wea’, paying particular ator tion to the ring groove. 2) Clearance between the piston & cylinder liner @ With an outside micrometer, measure Posiicn of measuring he piston cutside diameter at the cutsice daneter ts Da(t8 Da(ssmm), SSS points (18mm). (88mm), $$ —— Da{i24mm) away from the lewer end Sa of piston skirt na direction et a right T ange © the vision pin hole. Dz(emm) (mimi 7 D1 (16mm) |] =< Point Standard Dia. a Di(témm) 122.370 = 0.007 Eteonor7 Dgi8amm) 122.750 # 0.609 D3(124mm} 122.450 + 0.010 © Using a cylinder bore gauce, measure cylinder iner inside diameter at 3 pois jcylincer top riag comacing face, middle, and cil ring contacting ‘aco on BUC) In a cirecton at an ange of 45 Take the mean value with the largest and smallest values exceptec. (mm Standard Limit 8 ~ PADS (198 228 @ The clearance Is ccmptted by subiract- ing the piston outside dameter from the cylinder finer is Replace ether piston ar oylinier liner, whichever damaged mere, if he clear- ance is beyord the specified limit. x irsice diameter, fm) ‘Standard 0114 ~ 0.169 539 8 & a Visually check the pistons for cracks, scuff or wear, paying particular atter- tion to the ring groove. 2) Clearance between the piston & cylinder liner @ Wen an outside micrometer, measure the piston outside diameter at the points —_D1(18mm). (88mm). DAG24mm) away from the lower and of piston skit na direction at @ right angle 1 the pistcn pin hole. (mimi Point Standard Dia. Diigmm) 122.870 # 0.c07 pagemm) 122.790 + 0.c09 Datiz4mm) 122.450 + 0.010 @ Usng a cylinder hore gatige, measure cylinder iner inside diameter at 3 pois icylincer top rag con‘aciing face, middle, and cil ring enntacting ‘aca on BDC) in a cirection al an ance of 45. Take the mean value with tho largest and smallest values axceptec. (mimi Standard Limit 26.4 62% ositicn of measurng outsica dametar Da(tz4mmy | D2(a8mm) D1(18mm) FieoNat7 EAMD0e75 @129 - 129.920 0120.228 © The cleerance is computed by subtract: ing the piston outside diameter fram the cylindar liner irsice diameter. Replace either piston or oylinder liner, whichever damaged mere, if ne clear- ance Is beyord the specified Imit (mm ‘Standard 0114 ~ 0.169 Disassembly and Reassembly of Major Components - 87 - 540 8 & Replace the piston rings with ew ones i* detected wom or broken when the ‘engine is overhau ed. 2) Piston ring gap @ Insert the fiston i into ‘he upoer portion of the cylinder liner bore so that it Is hed at a right angle to the cylinde- liner wall. @ Veasure the pistor ing gap with a ‘eeler gauge (mim) Standard | Limit Top rng | 990~045 | 15 Pnd_ rng 10 ~ 1? 20 Oirng [930-050 | 15 Replace piston rings with new ones if the gap Is beyond the limit 9) Piston ring side clearance @@ Fir ne compression ning and oll ing in the piston ring groove. @ With 2 teeler gauge, measure side clearence 0} each ring, and replace either the ring or piston it the maa- sured value is beyond the specifiec limit (mm Standard Limit + 2G.4 62% EAOM033 Feoler geuge “oN es == EAaM2007 Tap_ang [O18 ~ O1ab ad ring | 0.07 - 0.102 | 0.15 Ol ring [0.05 ~ 0.085 | 0.15 4) Piston ring tension with a tension tester, measure piston ring tension. Replace the giston ring if the measured value is beyond the limit, Standard Top fing 227 ~ 04 Kg 2nd ring 20 ~ 6.0 ka Oi ring 403 ~ 6.57 Kg - 88 - Disassembly and Reassembly of Major Components 540 8 & “2G.4 862% € O&M MANUAL-DE12T-P126.. [Q @& piston ain at the pointe as shown. The Teasured values are beyond ina livit (0.005 mm or greate), replace the pin ~N (mm) Standard Limit 244.995 ~ 45 | 044.990 oF less \—— Fannecan 2) Clearance Measure the clearance between th> piston pin and ing, and replace either of them, onnecting rod bust~ whichever damaged more, if the mee- sured value Is beyond tne mt. (? ‘ (mm) ( | \ GS € ‘Standard Limit 0.003 ~ 0.008 0.011 EAsN2047 3) Condition check Check the engaged condition of the piston anc piston pin. If t is possible to force the oin into the piston heated with piston heater, the piston is nor- mal When raplacng the piston, be sure to replace the piston pin together. 54. 8 & @ Apoly oil to tho ontro part of the boar Fe” ing cas tot, nen tian gtonng sequence to sprcified torque Tarque a0 kg-m @ Afcr ccmitightening both _—_balis eveny, tghten tiem diagonally sped- fied corque using @ torque wrench es follows. Tightening orders (1) First stage : Coat engine oil over the bolts. (2) Second stage : Temporary assemble the bolts about 1 ~ 2 threads (3) Third stage : With impact wrench, tighten up to about 15 (4) Fourth stage : With torque wrench, tighten up to atout 25 kg.m (5) Fitth stage : By veans of ‘crque wrench, tighten finally in the specified torque. (39 kg-m) @ Tighten the bearing cap in the sequence of @ Check tc see that the essemtled crankshaft turns smoothly. 3.3.6. Flywheel housing @ Tomporariy install the guide bar on the cylinder block @ Apply gasket to the cylinder block. @ Using the dowel pin and guide bar, install the flywheel housing and tighten the fixing bolts in a diagonal sequence to specified torque. Torque 12 kgm 3.3.7. Rear oil seal @ Apply lubricating 91 1 the outside of Fl theoi seal and flywnael housing inside diameter and fit them over the crank shaft. then assemale the cil seal usirg an oil seal filting jig 4-3-5-2-0-1-7 Eqrascoo! Oiisea fing yn” / = EASM3003 3.8. Flywheel @ Install a guide bar into a bolt hoe on a the crank shaft, and lift the flywheel to align the dowel pin with the pin hole ‘on the flywheal for temporary assem- bly operation @ Install bolls in the remaining holes, take out the guide bar, then install a bolt in the hele where the guide ber had been inserted. Tighten the fixing bolts using @ torque wrench ir a diagonal sequerce to specified torque. Torque 18 kgm 3.9. Timing gear case ® Mount gasket using dowel pin on the ta cylinder block. @ Install tha timing gear cese by align- ing the dowel on with the cawel pin hole on che timing gear case. 3.10. Fuel injection pump drive gear assembly @ Mount gasket by algning the bolt holes with the pin holes on the bearing housing. @ Tighten up the fixing bolts in the direction cf fue injection pump. 26.4 62% EAMDOS! EAMDUY/ 542 8 & < shaft and assemble the cam gear by aligning it with camshaf. key groove O&M MANUA L-DE12T-P126... Q Torque 31 gm @ With the oil per: on the idle gear pn facing the cylinder block, instal :he idle gear pir @ Install the icle gear by ccinciding “he marks impressod on tho crank gear, cam gear, “uel injection pump drive gear. and idle gear. @ Install a tiust washer on ‘he ide gear and tighten to specified terque Torque 7.4 «gm @ Check and cdjust the amount of backlzsh batweer gears using a faoler (mm) Measuring position Backlash | Limit (between) Cain year & idle gear 013 ~ 9-28| 635 Crank aa & 1. 28] cas idle gear Inecton FMP A459.) 30 2G.4 Bo 2% EASMs003 | purrp drive gear <5" \ e Se Ss Merk ‘Ot degear | - 96 - assembly and Reassembly . Jajor Components 543 8 & . Piston & connecting rod @ Align the piston pin hele with the olled connecting roc small end and press the piston pin (by lightly tap- ping with @ rubber hammer) to assemble the connecting rod with the piston. @ Noting the director of the piston, make tho longor sido (machined with key groove on the bearing) of the connecting rod big end and che mark of “DI” impressed 01 the inside of the piston face each other in opposite directions. On the piston head sur- face, the ‘crger side of connecting rod big end is in opposite direction from the valve seating surface as well as in the same direction witn the nar- row margin oF combustor chamber. @ Install the srep rings and check to see that it is securely assembled @ Install the piston fing in the piston using piston ting pliers. @ Identity tae mark "Y" or "TOP" on the ring end to prevent the top and bot- ont of the piston ring is interchanged each other and make the marked top face upwerd. NOTE : Be sure to make the piston ring end marked face("Y" or "TOP") upward. EAWDO38! wR . J LF me Marked with the rane of piston ting manuactuingoomaary EAMDOSO! 544 8 & 4Bo1% @ Adjust the angle among individual pis- ton rng gaps to 90° and fit a piston assembing jij onto ‘he pister, Lise care net to match the rirg gaps with pin direction. @ install the bearing by aligning it with the connecting rod key groove and apoly oil to the tearing and oiston. @ Position the valve seating surace toward the laypel hole and insert the piston with hand, Use care not 70 demage the cylinder liner anc piston, and slighty lift and insert the piston into the cylinder so that the ring may not he damaged by the fillet of the liner. @ Install the beering in the connecting rod cap and apply oil. @ Vike sure that the manulacture sarial numbers improssed on the connecting cod cap and connecting rod big end aie identical, and inslall the connec ing rod cap by aligning it with dowel pin MDW ard Reassenny of Wao! Comcanerts 2nd Pa Te Ondring gap SN, Tow ring 920 Fo SX f, “ A AN \\ Ka oy) )) I" Fistun 9AQ S= A L SS 6 ring geo EA@M3003 Tapoet hole Va ve seating < EAOMZ002 @ Wet the fixing bolts with oi, semi-tighten them with hand, tighten them to specified torque using a torque w. :nch as follows. 546 8 & cylinder head @ Install the injection nozzle txing stud bolts and water pipe fixing stud bolts. @ Glean the hezc holt noies on the cyl inder veck wilh compressed air to remove foreign substances and thor- oughly clean the gas Typet Type2 Typed (12.67) | Typed (1297) | Types (1097) aR ry > ew aN Type (zr) Gear ay 7) M14 18 x 153] MI4 x 15 x 150|M14 x 1.5 x 153] M14 x 1.5 x 150/M14 x 1.5 x 130 Tighten tat: 6kgm fist: 6 kgm | ist: 7kem 4s: 6 kgm to fe. {26-3 Kou 2rd: 180" 2nd: 90°+ 90° J2nd 9g0°+ 90° |and : 99°+ gc° 4 Finishad : 150° | Finished : 30° Finished : 90° However, before tightening bolts, align the side ‘ece of 2 should be adjusted in a straight line exactly. cylinder heads with parallel. They 547 BH 26.4 861% Tightening order of bolts by steps> (1) Fret stage : Coat the bol's with engine oll. (2) Second stage : Tighten 1 ~ 2 threads with rands (8) Third stage : Tighten at about 6 kgm with a wrench. (4) Fourth stage : Tighten at rotating angle methed 99° wit a wrench, (5) Fith stage : Tighten at rotating angle methed 99° with a wrench. (6) Sixth stage : Finally tighten at rotating angio mothod 90° with o toque wrench Especially, all oolts are tightened simultanaously in each sep according te above process as possible. EAMD1031 NOTE : Cylinder head bolts should be replaced by new one after using two or three times because of being loosed as a result of its length too extended. (Limit length 150mm) @ Coa insert it into the push rod hole he push rod with engine oll and @ Adjust the valve clearanze as follow. ing guide 72 BEES € O&M MANUAL-DE12T-P126.. [Q @& ‘94 047% @ Loosen the loc« nuts of the rocker arr adjusting screws and push the specifiec feele: gauge and adjust the valve clearance with adjusting screw respectively. (mm) ‘Model Intake Valve Exhaust Valve DEIOT / P1g6TI/ Pi2eTI-4 P1zeTill / PUI26TI 03 03 Method of adjusting the valve clearance 1) Loosen the lock-nuts (1) using a ring spanner 2) Insert a thicknoss gauge of 0.3mm between valve stam (2) and rocker arm (3). 8) Turn the adjusting oolts i4) using a screw driver until the gauge car be pullec out with some restriction 4) After the adjustment fix the adjusting bolt not to rotate and tighten the lock- nut al the same time. 5) Measure the dlecrance cne more time and it necessary adjust again EADOAUTA 72 BEES € O&M MANUAL-DE12T-P126.. [Q @& ‘94 047% @ Loosen the loc« nuts of the rocker arr adjusting screws and push the specifiec feele: gauge and adjust the valve clearance with adjusting screw respectively. (mm) ‘Model Intake Valve Exhaust Valve DEIOT / P1g6TI/ Pi2eTI-4 P1zeTill / PUI26TI 03 03 Method of adjusting the valve clearance 1) Loosen the lock-nuts (1) using a ring spanner 2) Insert a thicknoss gauge of 0.3mm between valve stam (2) and rocker arm (3). 8) Turn the adjusting oolts i4) using a screw driver until the gauge car be pullec out with some restriction 4) After the adjustment fix the adjusting bolt not to rotate and tighten the lock- nut al the same time. 5) Measure the dlecrance cne more time and it necessary adjust again EADOAUTA

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