104 Vibration and Acoustics 1

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DDM Module: Vibrations and Acoustics 1

Lectures: Vibration and Acoustics Measurement, Laboratory Vibration and

Acoustics Measurement
Module number: 104
Part of Curriculum: Master DDM, compulsory, 1st semester
ECTS Credits: 4
Language: English
Responsible: Prof. Dr..Ing. Joachim Berkemer
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Berkemer, Prof. Dr. rer. Nat. Hanno Käß,
Thomas Vogt, Hans-Georg Leis

Form of teaching / Vibration and Acoustics Measurement: Lecture, 2 SWS

hours per week per Laboratory Vibration and Acoustics Measurement: Laboratory, 2 SWS
semester (SWS):
Time of attendance: Home study: Revision:
Work Load:
45 h 45 h 30 h
Requirements: Basic knowledge of measurement techniques
Aim of learning/ Knowledge of measurement techniques for vibration and acoustics
competencies: Ability to implement and conduct vibration tests and to interpret
measurement data
Content: Vibration and Acoustics Measurement: vibration measurement by
mechanical means, optical and laser basics, vibration measurement
by interferometric and holographic means, acoustic noise
measurement, analysis of dynamic signals.
Laboratory Vibration and Acoustics Measurement: speckle
interferometer, laser vibrometer.
Exam: Written exam, 90 minutes
Lab reports and tests
Teaching tools: ppt presentations, audio-visual material
Literature: Lecture documents
Eugene Hecht: Optics, Pearson New Internat. Edition
Pedrotti: Introduction to Optics Pearson

Last update: August 06, 2018

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