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DDM Module: Integrity of Structures (IoS)

Lectures: Integrity of Structures, Failure Analysis

Module number: 105
Part of Curriculum: Master DDM, compulsory, 1st semester
ECTS Credits: 6
Language: English
Responsible: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Häfele
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Häfele, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lothar Issler

Form of teaching / Integrity of Structures: Lecture with lab exercises, 4 SWS

hours per week per Failure Analysis: Lecture with lab exercises, 2 SWS
semester (SWS):
Time of attendance: Home study: Revision:
Work Load:
70 h 70 h 40 h
Requirements: Fundamentals of strength of materials; fundamentals of engineering
mechanics and material science.
Mathematics: Basic knowledge of statistics
Aim of learning/ Knowledge of advanced methods to evaluate the operational safety
competencies: and integrity of engineering/car structures under static and cyclic
loading; ability to predict the fatigue life of structures under random
loads using advanced concepts (nominal stress concept, local stress
concept, local strain concept, fracture mechanics concept); knowledge
of the basics about fatigue behaviour under complex multiaxial
loading; ability to apply fracture mechanics to cracked structures;
ability to apply software tools for a numerical life time prediction;
understanding of the reasons, characteristics and types of failures, the
principles and methodology of failure investigation and learning how
to prevent failures.
Content: I Integrity of Structures:
 Advanced concepts for life time assessment under cyclic loading:
o Nominal stress concept for cyclic loading,
o Structural stress concept for cyclic loading,
o Local stress concept for cyclic loading,
o Local strain concept for cyclic loading,
o Fracture mechanics concept
 Application of numerical tools for the life time prediction
 Selected topics / ongoing research topics:
e.g. very high cycle fatigue (VHCF); fatigue behaviour of
composite materials; Influence of edge conditions on fatigue
behaviour, ….
Laboratory exercises:
 Non-destructive testing
 Experimental determination of material and component flow curve,
Neubers Law, Masing behaviour, local stress-strain loops
 Numerical life time assessment
Failure Analysis :
 Historical failures
 Typical failures at car structures
 Reason for failures
 Concepts for component optimization
 Definition and classification of failures
 Methods of failure analysis
 Characteristics of failures under static and cyclic mechanical,
thermal and chemical loading
 Practical case studies and exercises
Exam: Written exam, 120 minutes
Lab reports and lab tests
Teaching tools: ppt presentations, black board, audio-visual material, computer
software, lab equipment.
Literature:  Dowling, N. E.: Mechanical Behavior of Materials. Prentice Hall,
 Bannantine, J. A., Comer, J. J., Handrock, J. L.: Fundamentals of
Metal Fatigue Analysis, Prentice Hall, 1990
 Collins, J. A., Failure of Materials in Mechanical Design. Analysis,
Prediction, Prevention. John Wiley & Sons, 1993
 Hertzberg, R. W.: Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of
Engineering Materials, John Wiley and Sons, 1996
 ASM-Handbook. American Society for Metals. Metals Park Ohio,
Vol. 9: Metallography and Microstructure.
Vol. 10: Failure Analysis and Prevention
Vol. 12: Fractography, 1987
Vol. 19: Fatigue and Fracture, 1996.
 Wulpi, D.J.: Understanding How Components Fail. American
Society for Metals. Metals Park, Ohio, 1985

Last update: August 06, 2018

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