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Running head: Impact of an ​electronic cigarette smoking ban​ 1

What is the impact of an electronic cigarette smoking ban?

Health 309

Yanet Cuellar

California State Channel Islands

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Cigarette smoking has been a common practice for many individuals in the United States.

Yet there is also another trend that has been occurring in our society today, which is electronic

cigarette smoking. Most individuals have been relying on this type of cigarette to reduce stress,

anxiety, or clear their minds from negative thoughts. It is also a way for individuals to quit

tobacco smoking. However, there could still affect their overall health. What is the impact of an

electronic cigarette smoking ban? Could it reduce the number of people who smoke or in general

reduce any addiction that individuals may have? After reviewing this question the dependent

variables are people who are smoking and the independent variable would be an implementation

of a policy to put a stop on electronic cigarette smoking. The purpose of the literature review is

to discuss the possible outcomes of what could happen with a change in health policy.

After reviewing a couple of peer review articles that talked about the impacts in

electronic cigarettes there was the use of random sampling or having group sampling. In the

study from “The impact of local regulation on reasons for electronic cigarette use among

Southern California young adults,” they had a sampling of 126 participants that were currently

e-cigarette users. They also suggested enforcement on regulations for policy change but about

12.8% use e-cig to help quit tobacco smoking (Hong et al., 2018). This group sampling has the

advantage of just focusing on and observing the individuals. Furthermore, according to the

“Impact of Trying Electronic Cigarettes on Cigarette Smoking by College Students,” the

methodology method that was used was a longitudinal study. This study showed the relationship

between college students and their behavior with cigarette smoking. A strength that this method

has is that they were able to observe in a natural setting. Although, this method could also be

more expensive as it requires a large sample size and it requires huge amounts of time to gather
Running head: Impact of an ​electronic cigarette smoking ban​ 3

all the data. Additionally, in the study “An evaluation of school-based e-cigarette control

policies' impact on the use of vaping products,” they had also used a longitudinal study and a

quasi-experimental design. The quasi-experimental designs were used to evaluate natural

experiments such as schools as e-cigarettes are popular with the youth (Milicic et al., 2018). Both

of these design methods are exceptional to use among the youth and in schools since it can

examine how a ban of electronic cigarettes can impact them.

A data collection that was implemented in the study, “Effect of an electronic nicotine

delivery device (e-Cigarette)on smoking reduction and cessation,” is observation. They had

monitored about forty people who are smokers to be abstinent from smoking in 24 weeks (Polosa

et al., 2011). This method for data collection is a great tool to use as observing first hand can

show the reduction in smoking. For instance, they notice during this time those who use

electronic cigarettes, twenty-two out of forty participants, showed a reduction in smoking

(Polosa et al., 2011). This qualitative approach also has its setbacks since it is time-consuming.

Moreover, surveys were implemented in the study and it concluded that individuals between 18

to 24 years old have a higher prevalence of e-cigarette (Sutfin et al., 2015). The use of this data

collection helps to see the measures of demographics and it can be easy to analyze. Despite these

strengths, there are also disadvantages to them. For instance, people may not be honest when

answering these surveys which can lead to questionable data results.

According to “Decreased Cigarette Smoking but No Change in Use of Electronic

Cigarettes Following a University-Wide Smoking Ban,” they analyze their test results by using a

two-tailed test in SPSS 25 (Allen & Stuart, 2019). This statistical analysis was able to use models

by using a logistic regression. This also helped to show the relationship between the
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implementation of a smoking ban and the use of smoking e-cigarettes or smoking in general

(Allen & Stuart 2019). The statistical analysis that was used in this study helped to show the

regression between a before versus after smoking ban and how it affects the youth. It also

mentions that after the smoking ban was implemented it showed a decrease in smoking by 12%

(Allen & Stuart 2019). Another method that could have also helped with analyzing could be

discriminant analysis. This method could have gathered any characteristics from observation and

classify them into overlapping groups.

Implementing a change for a health policy could change the lives of many individuals.

The study from the articles showed that electronic cigarettes smoking is helping those to quit

smoking tobacco cigarettes. However, it is quite popular among the youth in today's society. A

ban from this type of cigarette could cause setbacks for many individuals especially those who

are young adults. The methods that were used such as observation, surveys, random sampling,

and longitudinal study, could help people understand the impact that could cause a ban in e-cig

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Allen, B., & Stuart, G. (2019). Decreased Cigarette Smoking but No Change in Use of Electronic
Cigarettes Following a University-Wide Smoking Ban. Substance Abuse: Research and
Treatment, 13, 1178221819874351.
Milicic, S., DeCicca, P., Pierard, E., & Leatherdale, S. (2018). An evaluation of school-based
e-cigarette control policies’ impact on the use of vaping products. Tobacco Induced Diseases,
16(August), 35.
Papale Gabriella, Morjaria Jaymin B, Caponnetto Pasquale, Polosa Riccardo, Campagna Davide,
& Russo Cristina. (2011). Effect of an electronic nicotine delivery device (e-Cigarette) on
smoking reduction and cessation: A prospective 6-month pilot study. BMC Public Health, 11(1),
Sutfin, E. L., Reboussin, B. A., Debinski, B., Wagoner, K. G., Spangler, J., & Wolfson, M.
(2015). ​The impact of trying electronic cigarettes on cigarette smoking by college students: A
prospective analysis.​ American Journal of Public Health, 105(​ 8), E83-E89. Retrieved from

Hong, H., Mcconnell, R., Liu, F., Urman, R., & Barrington-Trimis, J. (2018). The impact of local
regulation on reasons for electronic cigarette use among Southern California young adults.
Addictive Behaviors, 91, 253-258.

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