Applications of Feedback: - Oscillators - Phase-Locked Loop

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Lecture 15 Applications of feedback

Oscillators Phase-locked loop


feedback is widely used in oscillators, which generate sinusoidal signals to generate sinusoidal signal at frequency 0, closed-loop system should have poles at j0 other poles should have negative real part (i.e., other terms decay) closed-loop pole at j0 L(j0) = 1, i.e., L(j0) = 180 + q360, |L(j0)| = 1

intuition: gain around whole loop, including sign, is q360; the feedback regenerates the signal (at frequency 0)

Applications of feedback


Example. voltage amplier has gain a, a > 0

PSfrag replacements

vin(t) a

vout (t)

design variables: R, C, a transfer function of RC feedback network is 1 Vin(s) = F (s) = Vout(s) (sRC)3 + 5(sRC)2 + 6(sRC) + 1 loop transfer function is L = aF
Applications of feedback 153

Bode plot of F :

|F (jRC)|

20 40 60 80 2 10





F (jRC)


PSfrag replacements

360 10




Applications of feedback 154

want loop transfer function L = aF = 1 at 0 L(j0) = aF (j0) = F (j0) = 180 from Bode phase plot we see 0 2.5/(RC) from Bode magniture plot we see F (0) 30dB, so we need a +30dB


L(j0) = 180 is same as 1/L(j0) = 1 (j0RC)3 + 6(j0RC) = 0 a

so 0 =


a a = , so we need a = 29 hence L(j0) = 2+1 29 5(j 6)

Applications of feedback 155

summary: with gain a = 29, system oscillates at freq. 0 = (can check third pole is real & negative)


in practice, gain needs to be a little larger; nonlinearities limit amplitude of oscillation (careful analysis is hard)

intuitive analysis of RC oscillator: at 0 = 6/(RC), RC network gives 180 loop phase shift

amplifer gain a = 29 makes up for amplitude loss of RC network at 0

Applications of feedback


Phase-locked loop (PLL)

PLL is widely used to synchronize one signal to another applications: synchronize clocks, frequency multiplication/division video signal sync FM demodulation synchronize data communications transmitter, receiver track varying frequency source (e.g., Doppler from space vehicle or aircraft)

Applications of feedback


basic PLL block diagram:

Phase detector PSfrag replacements

Loop lter

osc vout


signals on left (marked in, osc) are frequency-varying sinusoids, of form cos((t)t); instantaneous frequency (t) varies only a small amount around some xed value signals on right (vphase, vout) are (usually) voltages idea: feedback from phase detector adjusts voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) frequency to match input frequency
Applications of feedback 158

Phase detector
phase detector generates voltage proportional to phase dierence of freqeuncy-varying sinusoids

vphase(t) = kdeterr(t)

err(t) =

(in( ) osc( )) d

provided phase dierence err is less than 90 or so kdet is the detector gain (V/rad)

Applications of feedback


Voltage controlled oscillator

VCO generates frequency-varying sinusoid, with frequency depending on its input voltage vout(t): osc(t) = free + koscvout(t) free is called the free running frequency kosc is the VCO gain (in (rad/sec)/V) real VCOs have a minimum and maximum frequency

Applications of feedback


LTI analysis of PLL

loop lter is often LTI, i.e., T.F. G(s)
in 1 s err vphase kdet G(s)

PSfrag replacements

osc free



this LTI model of PLL is good provided |err| 90 (or so)

osc stays within limits

Applications of feedback 1511

transfer function from free to osc is s s + kdetkoscG(s) which is zero at s = 0, so free does not aect osc (in steady-state) transfer function H from in to osc is H(s) = kdetkoscG(s) kdetkoscG(s)/s = 1 + kdetkoscG(s)/s s + kdetkoscG(s)

phase detector gives integral action: H(0) = 1 for constant in, osc(t) in as t , i.e., VCO frequency locks to input frequency

Applications of feedback


First order loop

simplest PLL uses G(s) = 1, which yields 1 H(s) = 1 + s/(kdetkosc) (hence the name rst order)

kosckdet is called loop bandwidth osc(t) tracks in(t), with time constant 1/(kdetkosc)

Applications of feedback


Second order loop

very common PLL uses lowpass loop lter 1 G(s) = 1 + s/loop which yields 1 H(s) = 1 + s/(kdetkosc) + s2/(loopkdetkosc) (hence the name second order) common choices for loop: loop = 4kdetkosc (sets both poles of H to loop/2 = 2kdetkosc) loop = 2kdetkosc (sets poles of H to (1 j)loop/2 = (1 j)kdetkosc) osc is 2nd order lowpass ltered version of in
Applications of feedback 1514

Phase detectors
basic idea of common phase detector:
v1(t) w1(t)

PSfrag replacements

F (s)



input signals are converted to squarewaves, then multiplied lowpass ltered (averaged) by F (s)

Applications of feedback



w2(t) PSfrag replacements


Applications of feedback


PSfrag average value replacements

of w1(t)w2(t) depends on phase dierence :

1 w1(t)w2(t) 0 1



this phase detector operates between 0 and 180 instead of 90; doesnt aect PLL if bandwidth of lowpass lter is w1(t)w2(t) input frequencies, its output

phase detector is linear (plus constant) for 0 180

Applications of feedback


Lock range
lock range: range of in over which can the PLL can maintain lock recall that we must have |err| < /2 or so for linear phase detector operation transfer function from in free to err: F (s) = 1 s + kdetkoscG(s)

for in constant, we have in steady-state err in free = F (0)(in free) = kdetkoscG(0)

so lock range for slowly varying in is |in free| (/2)kdetkoscG(0)

Applications of feedback 1518

lock range analysis for rapidly varying in: assume |in(t) free(t)| for all t err = f (in free) where f is impulse response of F by peak-gain analysis, peak of err(t) is no more than

|f ( )| d

so lock occurs for


|f ( )| d /2

Applications of feedback


rst order loop lter (G(s) = 1): F (s) = so


1 s + kdetkosc

f (t) = ekdetkosct

1 |f ( )| d = F (0) = kdetkosc

therefore lock range, for rapidly varying in, is (/2)kdetkosc (same as slowly-varying lock range . . . )

Applications of feedback


PLL: nonlinear analysis

our linear analysis holds as long as phase dierence stays in the linear range (say, 90) frequency stays within VCO limits (usually not the problem) when phase dierence moves out of linear range, dynamics of PLL are highly nonlinear, very complex

analysis of losing and acquiring lock is very dicult there is no complete theory or analysis, but lots of practical experience

Applications of feedback


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