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Cardservproxy changelog:


0.9.1 - RC4

- Added: An experimental catch-all mode, that allows for unidentified traffic

(unknown onid/caid or matching no profile).
Messages in this category with no onid will receive a dummy value (fffe). The
mode is enabled either by adding at
least one chameleon-connector with catch-all set to true, or by setting catch-all
true for the extended-newcamd port.
If enabled, block-caid-mismatch defaults to false (so no need to set it), and
most warnings in the extended port and
the chameleon connector(s) will be hidden. This also changes cache-behavior to
always wait the full max-cache-wait
before moving on to connector forward.
The dummy catch-all profile uses the global max-cw-wait set for the connector-
manager (default 9000ms).
- Added: Overwrites in the cache will now retain both cw candidates (up to 3 extra
will be kept for a request). Unique
new candidates will be counted (new cache stat counter "contested" added).
- Fixed: Handling for unknown sid (0 or a dummy sid listed in dummy-services) was
broken in 0.9.0.
- Fixed: Incoming requests for dummy sids should not retain the dummy when
forwarded, now changed to 0.
- Fixed: Per profile max-cw-wait could not be set below 1s (now both per profile
and global allow down to 100 ms).
NOTE: While it may now be possible to configure such low values, whether it works
or not below 1s is still undefined.
- Fixed: Probing was sometimes attempted even when there was only one candidate
- Fixed: Radegast support updated to make sense with 0.9.x.
- Fixed: Emm handling for extended newcamd in systems with signifcant provider-
- Fixed: Now possible to move messages between profiles from plugins, changes to
networkid/caid were previously ignored.
- Fixed: Per user sid lists provided by custom usermanagers were ignored for multi-
context sessions (Csp, ExtNewcamd).
- Fixed: The default-deny-list wasn't checked for CspConnect connection attempts.
- Fixed: Closing of old sessions (on new login) wasn't working for ExtNewcamd.
- Fixed: Debug mode for the "*" pseudo profile (Csp, ExtNewcamd) couldn't be turned
off via config (attribute ignored).
- Fixed: Enigma1/2 bouquet file generator in status web now works for multi-profile
setups. Additionally, it will
include services for which no mapping data exist (unscrambled, or never watched).
Still requires enigma service files.
- Fixed: Using manual service mapping (can-decode list) for one connector would
affect discovery of the listed services
for other connectors in the same profile.
- Fixed: It was not possible to specify manual service mapping lists for csp and
chameleon connectors, for more than
one profile at a time.
- Fixed: Removing a profile from a user that had used csp-connect had no effect, as
it remained locally cached at the
client proxy, and no mechanism existed for removing it or blocking the now
disallowed requests.
- Fixed: Missing log warning and cws event for csp-connector login failure (on bad
- Fixed: Massive memory leaks when using high volumes of ClusteredCache udp updates
in broken/assymetric clusters, or
when using third party relayers (probably still a bad idea to do this however).
- Changed: Two ecms (or dcw replies) with the same payload data but different dvb
table ids (even/0x80 vs odd/0x81) are
now considered identical by the proxy. Implications unknown.
- Changed: ClusteredCache transport format now includes meta-data such as ca-id and
NOTE: This breaks compatibility with previous versions. If one node has the new
format, all nodes must be upgraded.
The source ip's of any received incompatible updates are listed in the property
'version-mismatch' (when possible).
- Changed: Enabling debug for a user now also enables web transaction logs for that
user (same as profile debug).
NOTE: Kicking the users sessions may be required before this takes effect (both
after enabling and disabling).
- Added: Experimental resend/broadcast mechanism for ClusteredCache, to make cache-
only nodes slightly more feasible.
This allows a node to ask all peers for a cw that doesn't exist locally and is
taking more than max-cache-wait / 2.
- Added: Option to automatically add any peers that are sending updates to
- Added: Cws event for found service now shown in the status-web (despite the
command being called error-log).
- Added: Experimental sid cache linking feature, allows cache hits based on meta-
data like sid rather than ecm payload.
Links added via the web commands are stored in etc/links.cfg (this file is
monitored for changes and autoloaded also).
- Added: More sanity checks to DcwFilterPlugin (checksums, length and an option to
monitor all replies for duplicates).
- Added: DreamboxPlugin (csp-agent) support for more/older dm500 images. Basic
(unsecured) file upload support.
- Added: proxy-reference.html updated with highlighting for important elements and
additional examples.
- Added: CacheCoveragePlugin, for visualizing the contents and show coverage per
- Added: New AdvXmlUserManager to show how to add um-specific functionality without
changing the core or existing um's.
- Added: Some basic sanity checks for incoming ClusteredCache udp updates (DCW
checksum, zero counting). Default enabled.

- Changes to proxy.xml:
Added: Element <auto-add-peers> to ClusteredCache <cache-config> (true/false,
default: false). Add peers automatically
if they send you traffic (adding them as targets for outgoing packets).
Added: Element <cw-validation> to ClusteredCache <cache-config>. Attributes
'checksum', 'zero-counting', 'log-warnings'
(true/false, default true). Determines whether to drop remote-origin cw's with
bad checksum, and more than 4 zeroes
(but less than 8, so intentionally blanked out cw's will not be affected by this
Added: Attribute 'enable-service-linking' to <cache-handler> (true/false,
default: false). Enables sid cache linker.
Added: Attribute 'allow-different-ip' to <user-manager>, allows newcamd
connections from different ip sources
for the same user.
Added: Element <hide-radio-services> to <mapper> (true/false, default: true).
Show/hide radio services in web/xml api.
Added: Element <catch-all> to <chameleon-connector> (true/false, default: false).
Ignore remote meta-data and forward
anything to this connector, regardless of properties.
Added: Attribute 'catch-all' to <extended-newcamd> (true/false, default: false).
Allow unidentified traffic (that
doesn't match any profile). Only makes sense with a perfect cache, or a
chameleon-connector with catch-all.

- Changes to the http/xml api:

Added: Attribute 'filtered-by' to <ecm> (transaction logs). Contains the reason
for a B flag, or the filtering plugin.
Added: New event type 9 - "found service" added to connector events output
(error-log, yes - not really an error).
Added: New ctrl command 'set-connector-metric', allows changing individual
connector metrics without config reload.
Added: New ctrl command 'set-au-user', forces a specified user to au status for a
connector (kicking existing sessions)
Added: Attributes 'reset-services', 'blocked-services', 'allowed-services' to
<profile> (ca-profiles output). Shows
the currently configured lists resolved with service names (but only if they're
shorter than 25 entries).
Added: Attribute 'include-parsed' to <all-services>. Includes services with no
mapping data (info parsed from file only).

0.9.0 - 2010-08-15 (see README.0.9.0.txt for conceptual changes and tips)

- Fixed: The included ConaxConnector plugin in 0.8.13 was an older version.

- Fixed: Extra http auth login was required for accessing plugin webs (bug
introduced in 0.8.13).
- Fixed: Probing of connectors with unknown status wasn't done when cache hits
- Fixed: No longer possible to create multiple profiles where both ca-id and
network-id are the same.
- Fixed: Anonymized (non-au) newcamd card-data can no longer end up with user id 1
(this confused some clients).
- Fixed: Disabling a profile now automatically disables any connectors that
explicitly references it.
- Fixed: Enigma services file parsing now uses comma separated filter strings, to
allow names with spaces.
- Fixed: No longer possible to set the same user as au-user for multiple cards
within the same profile.
- Fixed: Initial web startup is now delayed until after there is a usermanager
- Fixed: CCcam.channelinfo parsing errors (some of them).
- Fixed: Potentially serious and long standing ClusteredCache bug that caused
sporadic io errors when sync-period > 0.
- Changed: Now possible to configure max-cache-wait both as a fixed time value (as
before) and as a percentage of
the max-cw-wait for the request. I.e if set to the string "50%", requests for a
profile with 9000 ms max-cw-wait would
end up with a max-cache-wait of 4500 ms, while requests for another profile with
650 ms would get 325 ms.
- Changed: Adding manual can-decode/cannot-decode services to a connector will now
also update any previously
automapped data to prevent conflicting/overlapping information (so no need to
clear maps after manual changes).
- Changed: Network-id is now used in enigma services file parsing only when no
provider string filter is set.
- Changed: All time fields in the config can now be specified in
minutes/secs/millisecs by adding a suffix (m, s, ms).
If no suffix is added, the old default for the field will be assumed (so
configs/docs remain compatible).
- Changed: Added and updated defaults in the generated proxy.xml template to make
more sense with the current version.
- Changed: ClusteredCache sync-period is now used even in receive-only mode
(without peers). This can allow you to
significantly increase cache hits at the expense of ecm transaction time.
ClusteredCache is now used by default.
- Added: Services parser for dvbviewer exports (ini files). The filter string is
matched against the "Root" key if set.
- Added: Services parser for neutrino services.xml.
- Added: Timed ecm blacklist per connector, to avoid forwarding the same ecm
several times to a connector that can't
handle it (mainly when there is no sid to go by in the request). Entries will be
kept for 3*max-cw-wait.
- Added: Slightly better awareness of satellite concepts like provider-idents and
other ca-system-specific artefacts.
This includes extending the service mapper with an additional custom-id/cid
(besides sid) for systems like irdeto.
For some systems this will include provider-ident as a factor in the mapping
(with require-provider-match for profile).
- Changed: Max-connections changed to a per-profile value, to handle the satellite
scenario of the same user connecting
to multiple profiles. I.e now max-connections 1 means the user is allowed 1
connection in every profile they have.
NOTE: This means if you change the value or add ports to a profile, you may have
to kick users before it takes effect.

- Added: New connector type 'csp-connector' specifically for chaining multiple

proxies together. Requires that the
ONID (network-id) and ca-id is set properly for all profiles in all involved
proxies. This type allows multiple
profiles to be shared over a single connection, and prevents loops (forwarding
the same ecm back and forth between
proxies that have each other as connectors).
The protocol is documented in the source and connections are initiated using the
httpd (so ssl can/should be used).
See proxy-reference.html for more info.
- Added: New connector type 'chameleon-connector' for connecting to newcs as mgcamd
and accessing multiple cards in one
newcamd session. Only properly identified traffic can be sent to this connector
type (known caid + provider ident).
Only remote cards that map into locally defined profiles (matching caid/provider
ident) will be used.
- Added: Support for mgcamd/newcs newcamd-extensions in incoming connections (via a
single extended-port for all
profiles), using multiple systems over a single newcamd session. For this to work
all combinations of caid and
provider ident must map to a profile with network-id set. Ambiguous traffic will
be denied.
- Added: Redundant forwarding. The service mappers can now be configured to select
two of the least loaded connectors
instead of just one (if two or more candidate connectors exist for a request). If
enabled, this can up to double the
load on the cards, but assuming enough capacity exists it will mean always having
a backup ready in case the primary
connector choice failed/timed out for any reason. Should improve reliability in
single-node proxy setups.
- Added: Plugin dependency resolver. This makes it easy to build plugins that make
use of existing 3rd party libraries,
by fetching jars automatically on first load. See README.Plugins.txt for more
info and DreamboxPlugin for examples.
- Added: getProperties() method in the plugin interface, for returning arbitrary
usage information shown in the output
of the proxy-plugins status command.

- Added: When using only asynchronous connectors, it is now possible for a client
session to get a cache hit even after
a forward to card was initiated. This can result in transactions with both F and
C/R flags.
- Added: Last-seen data now also contains entries for failed login/connect
attempts, available through a new status
command 'login-failures' (available to all users, but non-admins can only see
attempts made with their user name).
- Added: New interface ReplyFilter that plugins can use to intercept and
alter/block DCW's as they're returned from
connectors, before they're processed by the proxy (possibly find and delete bad
CW's). See README.Plugins.txt.
A DcwFilterPlugin that illustrates this and blocks some common bad responses is
- Added: Fixes for running under jamvm on embedded systems (including the broken
auto-generating of the config template).
- Added: New status commands for troubleshooting: 'export-services', 'system-
properties', 'system-threads', 'file-log'
and 'proxy-plugins'.
- Added: Option to configure the date-format used by the default logger (allows
easier fail2ban monitoring).
- Added: Arbitrary meta-data/remote info can now be returned by connectors (for
- Added: Multiple client ids (oscam, scam, rq-sssp etc).
- Added: More example plugins included (and updated versions of the rest).
- Added: JVM version check. The proxy will refuse to start with anything but a sun
jvm. If you're absolutely sure, this
can be overridden by adding the following to the java cmd line: -

- Changes to proxy.xml:
Added: Element <csp-connect> to <status-web> (to receive csp-connections, enabled
by default).
Added: Element <csp-connector> to <connectors> (to define csp-connectors). See
Added: Element <chameleon-connector> to <connectors> (connector to a
newcs/chameleon setup as mgcamd). Same as a
newcamd-connector, except it is not bound to a profile, always asynchronous and
ignoring the client-id setting.
Added: Element <extended-newcamd> to <profiles> (unbound port for extended
newcamd protocol, as used between mgcamd
and newcs). Allows mgcamd to use multiple systems (all profiles the user has
access to) over a single connection.
Added: Element <log-dateformat> to <logging> (optional java SimpleDateFormat
string to use for the standard logs).
Added: Attribute 'provider-idents' to <profile> (optional, allows listing of
provider-idents, even with no connectors).
Added: Attribute 'require-provider-match' to <profile> (true/false, default:
true). Set to false if you know that for
this profile, provider idents in ecm requests do not need to match those on the
cards (this is the case for irdeto).
NOTE: If require-provider-match is false, provider-idents will get 000000 added
automatically. Conversely, if only
ident 000000 is specified for a profile, require-provider-match defaults to false
instead of true when omitted.
Added: Attribute 'provider-idents' to <newcamd-connector>, (optional, overrides
the idents from the server/card).
Added: Attribute 'exclusive' to <can-decode-services> (true/false, default:
false). Set to true for a list to indicate
that there should be no probing done for the connector, only those services
listed are to be considered decodable.
Added: Attribute 'profile' to <can-decode-services> and <cannot-decode-services>.
Only applicable for connector types
csp-connector and chameleon-connector, where multiple lists can be used to
specify services for several profiles.
that there should be no probing done for the connector, only those services
listed are to be considered decodable.
Changed: Attribute 'provider' for <service-file> changed to 'filter' to avoid
confusion. If provider-idents have been
specified correctly for the profile, there is no longer any need to repeat that
list in the case of cccam parsing.
Changed: All elements that allowed hex sid lists to be specified (per connector
or profile) now accept an alternate
syntax sid:cid (where cid is custom id, used for situations like the irdeto chid
where sid alone is not enough).
NOTE: <allow-services> is an exception, checks against that list are made with
sid only.
Changed: Element <unknown-sid> removed from <mapper>, replaced with <dummy-
services> that may contain multiple sids.
Use this to list any fake sids used by limited clients that can't know the real
one, to avoid interference with maps.
Added: Element <redundant-forwarding> to <mapper> (true/false, default: false).
Can be set globally or per profile,
as with other mapping settings. Transactions that trigger redundant forwarding
will get the new flag '2'.
Added: Attribute 'include-file-events' to <warning-threshold> (true/false,
default: true). Setting this to false
disables the 'file-log' http query (no file log events will be intercepted for
display on the web).

- Changes to the http/xml api: (always use /xmlHandler?command=status-commands or

ctrl-commands to see syntax).
Added: New status command 'export-services', dumps the internal state of the
service maps (admin only). Add the param
format=hex for an alternate format matching the sid lists used in the config.
Added: New status command 'system-properties', shows the JVM system properties
(superuser only).
Added: New status command 'system-threads', dumps all JVM threads as strings
(superuser only).
Added: New status command 'login-failures', shows a list of failed login attempts
per user or ip (for most interfaces).
Added: New status command 'proxy-plugins' for listing all loaded plugins and any
associated info they publish.
Added: New status command 'file-log', returns recently intercepted file loggings
with level WARNING or SEVERE.
Added: New ctrl command 'gen-keystore', auto creates a java keystore for using
the status web with SSL.
Added: New ctrl command 'disable-connector', temporarily disables a specified
Added: New ctrl command 'set-profile-debug', temporarily changes debug flags (set
to false for ALL to delete ecm logs).
Added: New ctrl command 'set-user-debug', temporarily changes debug for a user
(enabling log-ecm, log-emm, log-zap).
Added: New ctrl command 'remove-failed', removes entries matching specified
wildcard mask from login-failures.
Added: New ctrl command 'clear-file-log', removes intercepted file log entries
from the web-backend.
Added: Attribute 'time' to <jvm> (proxy-status output). Local system time as a
rfc822 date.
Added: Attribute 'cdata' to <service> (most output containing services). Custom
data for service mapping (chid/ident).
Added: Element <remote-info> to <connector> (cws-connectors output). List of
<cws-param> elements with name/value
attributes, containing arbitrary information about the connector.
Added: Attributes 'network-id', 'ca-id', 'provider-ident' and 'origin-id' to
<ecm> (transaction logs). These are only
included when the transaction occured in the '*' profile, and origin-id only for
CspSession transactions.
Added: Attribute 'au' to <session> for NewcamdSessions. Indicates which connector
the session is forwarding emms to.
Added: Attribute 'build' to <proxy-status>. The build number for the running

0.8.13 - 2009-10-18

- Added: New attribute per profile 'network-id' (the original dvb network id, 4 hex
digits). This will uniquely
identify profiles between proxies, instead of ca-id. It will also be used in
filtering enigma services files.
See proxy-reference.html for info about how to find the id if you don't know your
- Added: Optional mapping table to auto-assign newcamd connectors to profiles based
on ca-id, to make this work as
before even when multiple profiles use the same ca-id (no longer any need to set
0000, use the correct id always).
Use this only when it is unknown which card a remote newcamd server contains (or
when this changes randomly).
- Added: ClusteredCache now avoids locking for requests where a remotely received
cache lock has the same ip as
requesting client, to deal with situations where both connectors and cache
sharing are used to link multiple proxies
together (prevents incoming ecm requests from a remote proxy being blocked by the
cache lock from that same proxy).
- Added: Plugins can now affect connector selection, if they implement the
interface CwsSelector. They'll be given a
chance to exclude connectors from the selection process for each message.
- Added: Cache hits where the cached request had a different ca-id will now be
blocked, to avoid misleading clients
that are sending requests to the wrong profile. This can be disabled using new
global setting <block-caid-mismatch>.
- Added: Disconnected connectors now show when they went offline.
- Added: Newcamd OSD messages are now sent to Acamd as well (previously only to
- Added: More user events in the remote api (login, logout, login failure). Plugins
can use these as well.
- Changed: ClusteredCache now uses a much more compact format to reduce bandwidth
(not compatible with old versions).
- Fixed: ClusteredCache bandwidth usage estimates are now properly calculated even
with multiple peers and sync-period.
- Fixed: Minor browser-specific issues with the status web layouts (clear the
browser cache or force a reload).

- Changes to proxy.xml:
Added: Attribute 'network-id' to <profile> (4 hex digits, i.e "a027"). Set this
to the original dvb network id.
Added: Element <block-caid-mismatch> (true/false, default: true) to section ca-
Added: Element <caid-profile-map> to <newcamd-connector> (caid=profilename,
entries separated by space). This element
is mandatory if no profile attribute is set for the connector.
For example: <caid-profile-map>0b00=cable 0500=terrestrial</caid-profile-map)

- Changes to the http/xml api:

Added: Attribute 'disconnected' to <connector> (cws-connectors output). The time
of last disconnect (if disconnected).
Added: Attribute 'network-id' to <profile> (ca-profiles output).

0.8.12 - 2009-06-29

- Fixed: No forwarding attempt will now be made if a cache timeout meant that max-
cw-wait was already exceeded.
- Added: Experimental broadcasting of ecms without sid to all non-congested
connectors in profile (off by default).
- Added: Client id for DiabloCam wifi (uw?).
- Added: Command to clean the last-seen log.
- Added: Made the connector reconnect attempts more visible and consistent in the
status web.
- Changed: Radegast sessions are no longer added to disconnected users/last-seen
- Changed: Connectors that fail on proxy startup are now added anyway, to make them
visible via the http/xml api.
NOTE: If the failed connector has no profile specified, it will still not be
visible until it has connected properly.
- Fixed: Error when unloading the LoggingPlugin.
- Fixed: Lost service warnings are no longer shown for sids that have been made
sticky using can-decode-services.
- Fixed: Slow memory leak in ClusteredCache when using sync-period.
- Fixed: Typos in the generated proxy.xml template.
- Fixed: Inconsistent username case handling.
- Fixed: Card-data with extra trailing bytes would break sessions for non-au users
- Fixed: The open-access handling should now work for xmlusermanager as well as
- Updated ConaxConnector to latest version.

- Changes to proxy.xml:
Added: Element <hide-disabled-connectors> (true/false, default: false) to section
Added: Element <broadcast-missing-sid> (true/false, default: false) to section

- Changes to the http/xml api:

Added: New ctrl command 'remove-seen', removes users matching the 'name'
parameter from the last-seen log.
Added: Attribute 'next-attempt' to <connector> (cws-connectors output). Shows the
nr of secs until next retry.
0.8.11 - 2009-05-01

- Added: Jvm stats in the debug logging: heap used/allocated, thread count, file
descriptors (used and max, unix only).
- Added: UserManager interface now has a getDisplayName() method, to allow for an
optional display-name attribute.
- Added: Client id for Rq-echo-client and sbcl.
- Added: Config and Admin sections (status-web) are now disabled by default. List
users that should have access to
these in the new super-users element in the status-web section.
- Added: MessagingPlugin can now send automated email with the same type of
triggers as for mgcamd-osd.
- Added: Msg filtering now shows up in LoggingPlugin (assuming the filtering plugin
used msg.setFilteredBy() to do it).
- Added: SimpleUserManager now allows for open access, accepting any newcamd
connections as long as they have the right
(common) password. Open access can be restricted to specific profiles or to
usernames starting with a certain prefix.
NOTE: Random user names will be assigned, but the display-name will be whatever
the client specified.
- Added: Made it possible to configure card-data (non-au) for newcamd ports without
editing the card-files manually.
- Added: A parser for using CCcam.channelinfo as the services-file for a profile.
As with enigma files you need to
specify which sids are relevant for this profile by creating a filter. See proxy-
reference.html for details.
- Added: Externally loaded plugins can now be individually re-loaded just by
replacing the jar file.
- Fixed: When using the status-web without ssl, any specified bind-ip was ignored.
- Fixed: Distribution tars finally corrected.
- Fixed: Enigma bouquet-file generator in the status web might actually produce
valid files now (enigma services-file).
- Fixed: Status-web session transfer from script/ajax context to browser context
via cookie was always broken.
- Fixed: Made card-data parsing less sensetive to errors/truncated data.
- Changed: More minor tweaks of the status web views.
- Changed: Blowfish encryption tool trtest.jar renamed to: fishenc.jar
- Updated the codemirror xml/js editor (used in the status-web) to version 0.61.

- Changes to proxy.xml:
Added: Element <super-users> to <status-web>. List of user names that should have
access to the Config and Admin
sections (the users must have admin="true" or they'll be ignored).
Added: Element <open-access> to <auth-config> (SimpleUserManager/XmlUserManager).
See proxy-reference.html.
Added: Attribute 'ca-id' to <card-data> (newcamd listen ports). The ca-id
returned to clients, when type="config".
Added: Element <providers> to <card-data>. List of providers returned to clients
when type="config". 3 bytes each,
separated by comma, i.e: 00 00 00,00 00 01,00 00 02

- Changes to the http/xml api:

Added: Attributes 'filedesc-open' and 'filedesc-max' to <jvm> (proxy-status
output). Used/max file-descriptors, only
available on unix jvm's (java6+). See README.Optimization.txt for info on
increasing this limit on linux.
Added: Attribute 'super-user' to <status> (cws-login output for successful
login). Indicates whether the user has
access to control commands and is allowed to modify the config.
Added: Attribute 'display-name' to <user> (proxy-users output). The status web
will use this primarily, if available.

0.8.10 - 2009-03-08

- Fixed: The experimental strict synchronization for ClusteredCache now does what
it claimed to (sync-period).
- Fixed: Setting debug="true" for the logging now outputs any stacktraces at
WARNING level, as indicated in the docs.
- Fixed: Sessions weren't always being properly disconnected when session timeout
was hit (introduced in 0.8.9).
- Fixed: Newcamd sequence nr wasn't set correctly in EMM replies (caused some
clients to log errors).
- Fixed: Possible socket handle leak when new sessions couldn't be created. This
may have caused listen ports to close.
- Fixed: The default value for user attribute max-connections is now calculated
correctly, based on the total number of
newcamd listen-ports in the profiles the user has access to. See INFO logging on
startup and on connect for the values.
- Fixed: If a user exceeds the max-connections count, the session that is closed is
now always the oldest one.
- Changed: Slightly improved views and more stat values in the example status web.
- Changed: ClusteredCache now accepts multiple proxies running on the same host
name (on different ports).
- Changed: ClusteredCache is now slightly less inefficient with its bandwidth usage
(still much room for improvement).
- Added: ClusteredCache now pings each peer regularly to keep track of latency
(breaks compatibility with old versions).
- Added: ClusteredCache additional stat counters (toggle debug for the cache to see
- Added: Custom usermanager and cache implementations can now be loaded with the
plugin classloader (from a jar-file).
- Added: Additional custom connector implementations can now be loaded, also via
the plugin classloader if desired.
A new example connector is included with the plugis: ConaxConnector - It reads
local conax cards directly using java6
and pcsc card-readers. See README.ConaxConnector.txt for more info.

- Changes to proxy.xml:
Added: Attribute 'jar-file' to elements <user-manager> and <cache-handler>
(optional). If this is specified, the class
will be loaded by the plugin classloader from the named jar-file (path relative
to the plugins dir).
NOTE: This doesn't mean the implementations can be re-loaded dynamically,
restart is still required for new jars.
Added: It is now possible to specify custom connector implementations using the
same notation as the built in newcamd
and radegast connectors, but with the added attributes of 'class' and
optionally also 'jar-file'.
If a jar-file is specified the plugin classloader is used, as above. For
<conax-connector name="lcard" profile="sat2"
class="com.bowman.cardserv.cws.ConaxCwsConnector" jar-file="conaxconnector.jar">
<!-- config goes here -->

- Changes to the http/xml api:

Added: Attributes 'active' and 'keepalive-count' to the <session> element (proxy-
users output). This is used to show
which inactive/idle sessions are sending keepalives in the status web (they are
shown in blue). All inactive rows
will show with italic font.
Added: Element <listen-port> to <profile> (ca-profiles output). Listen ports are
now separate child elements with the
attributes: name, protocol, port-number, alive (true/false), properties (custom
settings as key=value string).
Removed: Attribute 'listen-ports' from <profile>, replaced with the above list of
<listen-port> elements.

0.8.9 - 2008-11-04

- Fixed: Possible infinite loop state for the file-change-watcher (would fill
sysout log once triggered).
- Added: The reset-connector ctrl command can now be used to delete all mappings
(full reset).
- Added: Client ids for and octagon stbs.
- Added: A test-delay feature for the LoggingPlugin. This allows for a manually
added delay applied to all logged
requests (before they are processed). The delay can be set via status web
command, and is intended as tool for
finding the exact freeze-time for a given ca-profile, i.e: gradually increase the
delay until freeze and note the
full ecm transaction time (roundtrip) in the client logs. The LoggingPlugin has
also received a feature for sending
arbitrary newcamd-messages. This can be used to explore the capabilities of
different clients in realtime.
- Added: New setting for allow-services lists, per profile (inverse of block-
- Added: The duration column in the status-web now shows the time since last zap
(if any has occured since connect).
- Added: Feature for sending keep-alives to clients as well as servers. Normally
only the client sends these in newcamd,
but most clients seem to ignore incoming keep-alives. It can be used to find dead
sessions faster in very large shares.
- Changed: XmlUserManager now considers deleted users as disabled (causing any
active sessions to be kicked).
- Changed: max-cw-wait can now be set per ca-profile, as it is typically different
from one ca-system to the next.
This also means all capacity estimates (status-web) can be made more accurate.
Use the test-delay feature of the
LoggingPlugin to find the freeze-time for each profile, and set the max-cw-wait
to this (or 1 second above).
- Changed: Moved more previously hard-coded settings to config. No need to touch
these unless you know what its about.
- Updated the codemirror xml/js editor (used in the status-web) to version 0.58.
- Misc minor fixes.

- Changes to proxy.xml:
Added: Element <max-threads> to <ca-profiles> (default: 1000). If this is reached
the proxy will stop accepting
connections until it drops again. The fixed default in 0.8.8 was 500.
Added: Element <session-timeout> to <ca-profiles> (default: 120, in minutes).
Maximum idle time for user sessions.
Added: Element <newcamd-maxmsgsize> to <ca-profiles> (default: 400). This is
CWS_NETMSGSIZE. The old default was 240,
so try that if you run into any problems related to message size.
Added: Element <allow-services> to section mapper. List of sids (hex). The
inverse of <block-services>, only sids
listed here will be passed through to connectors. This can help filter out
requests with bad ecms, and reduce
unecessary probing of the cards. As for block-services, it only makes sense to
specify this element per profile.
Added: Elements <max-cw-wait> and <congestion-limit> to <profile>. Same settings
as for the connection-manager, but
allows overriding the global setting per profile.
Added: Element <session-keepalive> to <ca-profiles> (default: 0, in minutes =
off). Sends keep-alives to clients.
Attributes are: exclude-clients (list of client names, default: "" = send to
all). Exclude listed client types.

- Changes to the http/xml api:

Added: Attribute 'id' to the <session> element (proxy-users output). The
numerical id for the session, can be matched
to the proxy logs (or LoggingPlugin log file names).
Added: Attribute 'idle-time' to the <session> element. Shows how long the
connection has been idle.

0.8.8 - 2008-09-23

- Added: Client id for acamd.

- Added: Support for multiple xml sources in XmlUserManager (see
README.XmlUserManager.txt). This also fixes handling
of deleted users (which previously required a restart/config reload).
- Added: Support for enigma2 format in bouquet file generator (status web channels
- Added: Various mechanisms to protect the proxy from connector disconnects in case
of misbehaving/buggy clients.
- Added: Multiple format support for the services file importer (assigning names to
sids). At the moment only two:
enigma - the default (as before, enigma1/2 services file with optional provider
string filter)
simple - a plain text list with hex-sid=service name (provider attribute is
ignored, use one file per profile)
- Changed: Now skipping all host name/cert verification when making outgoing
connections to https urls.
- Changed: LoggingPlugin now saves files named with session id instead of ip
(separates multiple sessions from one ip).
- Changed: Moved MAX_Q_SIZE and MIN_DELAY to proxy.xml to allow for additional
tweaking of the connector behavior.
Don't touch these unless you fully understand the implications.
- Changed: The manual service mapping (<can-decode-services>/<cannot-decode-
services> per connector) is now profile
specific rather than global. This matches the automatic service mapping and will
hopefully cause less confusion.
- Changed: Clicking on the user names in the status web sessions view now links to
the full xml for that user. The ecm
transaction log is available via clicking on the ecm count instead (last-seen
also changed to match this).
Additionally, if a user session currently has more than 1 pending ecm this will
be shown in (red) in the Iv column.
- Fixed: Minor leaks related to logging.
- Fixed: Rare date formatting errors (mainly for the status web).
- Changes to proxy.xml:
Added: Element <default-max-queue> to <connection-manager> (default: 50). Max
queue length allowed to build up on
one connector before the proxy assumes something has crashed and disconnects
Added: Element <default-min-delay> to <connection-manager> (default: 10, in ms).
Delay inserted between consecutive
ecms to one connector in async mode. Workaround for servers that misbehave when
requests are too close together.
Added: Elements <max-queue> and <min-delay> to <newcamd-connector>/<radegast-
connector>, same as above but specified
per individual connector (allowing different values for different connectors).
Added: Attribute 'format' to <services-file> (default: enigma). Example for the
"simple" format:
<services-file format="simple">etc/</services-file> <!--
format e.g: 03fb=Service Name -->

- Changes to the http/xml api:

Added: Attribute 'last-zap' and 'pending-count' to the <session> element (proxy-
users output). Indicating the time
since last 'Z' flag and the number of currently pending requests a session has
(>1 means its using async mode).
Added: Attribute 'context' to the <session> element (proxy-users output). This
shows the context of the last ecm
from the client (roughly = the card that the client believes it is connected
Added: Attribute 'unknown-newcamd' to <ecm> elements (user/cws-log output). This
is an attempt to chart what the
various clients and servers use the "undocumented" extra newcamd bytes for:
offsets 4 - 9, and the 4 upper bits of
offset 11. The attribute will contain these values for both the request (>) and
the reply (<).

0.8.7 - 2008-08-23

- Added: Connector info now contains details about the received newcamd card-data
(status web/xml api).
- Added: Client id for rqcamd.
- Fixed: Capacity estimates remained for cards that were disconnected, they are now
excluded from the totals.
- Fixed: Plugins only worked if all of them were externally loaded (from separate
jar file). I.e: LoggingPlugin failed.
- Fixed: A few unlikely memory leaks related to connectors ending up in a zombie
state (seemingly ok but locked).
- Changed: Only client id 0000 is now displayed as Generic, other unknowns will be
shown by the actual numerical id.
- Changed: Transaction flags are now in the order in which they are set internally
by csp, not alphabetical.
- Minor updates to the example plugins.

- Changes to the http/xml api:

Added: Attribute 'card-data1' and 'card-data2' to the <connector> element (cws-
connectors output). Admin only.

0.8.6 - 2008-07-27

- Changed: Xml status commands are now handled like the control commands, they can
be registered and added on the fly
by any user component. This also makes it possible to override the default
command handlers with your own.
- Changed: Reworked the "filters" interface to a more generic plugin framework, to
enable quick extensions that
are not directly related to the ecm traffic (LoggingFilter changed to
- Added: GeoipPlugin. Illustrates the plugin framework and command overriding (adds
a google maps + geoip mashup).
- Added: EmmAnalyzerPlugin. Gathers statistics regarding emms received from
- Added: MessagingPlugin. Auto mgcamd-osd replies for client session (e.g "service
unavailable") and mail to users.
- Added: New flag '1' (one), assigned to the first transaction a session performs
(instead of Z as before).
- Added: Stat counter for denied/blocked ecm's (flag N).
- Added: Missing client ids (cccam, evocamd, alexcs etc).

- Changes to proxy.xml:
Changed: Elements <proxy-filters>, <filter> and <filter-config> renamed to
<proxy-plugins>, <plugin> and
Added: Attribute 'jar-file' to <proxy-plugin>. Allows loading the plugin using a
separate classloader, from an
external jar file in the "plugins" dir. This way plugins can be
replaced/reloaded at runtime without restarting
the proxy (they are reloaded and restarted each time the proxy.xml config is
Added: Element <delay-missing-sid> to <connection-manager> (default: 100, in ms).
This adds a short delay for any
incoming request without sid, before the cache is checked. The idea is to
increase the likelyhood of a another
request for the same ecm (but with sid specified) arriving first in the cache.
This is to avoid having a large
number of clients waiting in the cache for a forward that might get routed to
the wrong card (because it had no sid).

- Changes to the http/xml api:

Changed: Status command 'error-log' will now always honor a profile selection
(previously admin users would get all
profiles regardless of preference).
Added: New status command 'status-commands', lists meta-data for all registered
status commands.

0.8.5 - 2008-06-29

- Fixed: Proxy now sets correct service id in cache hit replies (i.e same as in the
request, unless 0).
- Fixed: Repeated web events for "cws connected" retries when the server returned
invalid card data (caid 0 or mismatch).
- Fixed: Connector name was sometimes missing in the transaction time breakdown
even though the F-flag was set.
- Fixed: XmlUserManager will now keep its last known working set of users when
proxy configuration changes are made.
- If a reply was received from a remote cache, the connector name in the
transaction data is now prefixed with:
"remote:" - to make it possible to distinguish when the same names are present
- "Last seen" session data now includes last known ip address for the user.
- Cache flag 'O' is now strictly for timeouts in the cache (max-cache-wait
exceeded). Added new flag 'Q' for aborts due
to forward failures (remote or local).
- Added filtering per profile to status web (only shown for users with access to
more than one, in events + channels).
- Added ecm load estimates to status web totals and ca-profiles (sums based on the
cws-connector data below).
- Added a tool for tracing configuration file use in the proxy. Set -
Dcom.bowman.cardserv.util.tracexmlcfg=true when
starting the proxy and all config access will be traced. This trace can be
written to file (etc/xmlcfg.txt) by using
the CtrlCommand "dump" from the admin page of the status web (or by using the
http/xml api directly).

- Changes to proxy.xml:
Added: Element <hide-names> for ClusteredCache (true/false, default: false). Set
to true to stop the cache from
sending the connector names to the remote targets (only makes sense if they are
untrusted/unknown and the names
contain sensetive information).
Changed: Attribute 'debug' for <profile> now defaults to true. The flag is only
used to enable the transaction
backlog and there is typically no reason not to have that.

- Changes to the http/xml api:

Added: Attributes 'request-hash', 'cw' and 'warning' to the <ecm> element (user-
log output). The request hash allows
comparison with the hash values logged elsewhere, and makes it possible to
identify a particular ecm request.
If 'cw' is not present, it indicates the client received an empty reply (flag
'E' should also be present).
If 'warning' is true, the proxy considered this transaction a problem and
logged it also to the user-warning-log.
Added: Attribute 'host' to <entry> (last-seen output).
Fixed: Status command 'ctrl-commands' was available for non-admin users via http
GET (listing command definitions
only, no actual execution possible).
Added: New status command: cws-log (params: name). Allows the admin user to view
the last 100 transactions for the
specified cws-connector. Note that this is still ecm transactions from the user
point of view, so time stamps and
durations reflect when the client sessions sent ecms to the proxy, not when the
proxy sent it on to the connector.
In the status web, a link to this log appears under each connector in the
status view.

0.8.4 - 2008-05-27

- Fixed: Old ecm replies being processed as card data on rapid newcamd reconnects
(caused parse errors and bogus ca-id
for connectors, leading to them being disabled).
- Fixed: Newcamd clients sending multiple async requests to the proxy would get
incorrect/duplicate sequence numbers
in their replies (effectively making the proxy incompatible with async mode).
- Fixed: Events for connectors with no profile configured (i.e those with auto-
detect) were hidden even from admin in
the web error-log.
- Fixed: Connection failures occuring during startup are no longer filtered in the
web view. Also replaced the firefox
alert error for when the web script can't reach the proxy to something less
- Connector re-connect behaviour on login failure improved (no longer logs
disconnects which would cause 3 sec loop).
- Flag T is now only used for actual timeouts when forwarding, transactions
affected by aborts/disconnects will receive
flag A instead.
- Service names will now include a [R] prefix for radio and [HD] for hdtv (based on
the type from the services file).
- Added more details to the LoggingFilter output (sequence numbers, sids, sessions)
to improve client troubleshooting.
- Duplicate newcamd messages (with the same sequence number) are now logged as
warnings for the CWS communication.
Also, if debug logging is set the same is done for client communication (although
these can occur normally when
zapping or due to local network lag/congestion and don't necessarily mean
NOTE: If a server returns the same sequence id twice (without having been sent
that) it indicates something went
wrong on the server side, either some kind of overload situation or outright
If it repeats it needs to be investigated further and resolved.
The proxy will now also check to make sure the sid in the reply matches the one
in the request, to help identify
error replies.
- For case-insensetive user managers (e.g SimpleUserManager), the stored case of
the user name is now used instead of
the one supplied by the client for the login.

- Changes to proxy.xml:
Added: Element <log-sid-mismatch> to <connection-manager> (true/false, default:
true). Allows turning off logging
warnings when sid in the server reply doesn't match what was in the request.

0.8.3 - 2008-04-15

- Fixed: CtrlCommands caused NPE if status-web was disabled or had failed to start.
- Fixed: Logging in case newcamd card data could not be parsed (WARNING level + the
offending data now logged).
- Fixed: Services from different profiles could be merged in the watched-services
xml reply if they had the same name.
- Fixed: Minor pending ecm leak in ClusteredCache.
- Changed asynchronous newcamd mode to be off by default as it caused problems with
some servers (you now have to
explicitly set <asynchronous>true</asynchronous> for each connector if you want
to use it).
- Further tweaked utilization estimates, now using different methods depending on
async/sync mode.
- Made it possible to manually override the service maps for each connector, by
specifying sid lists. Useful for
situations where the automatic service discovery is unreliable. Services that
aren't manually specified will still
be probed for automatically.
- Status web now shows services with full information (sid and profile), space and
context permitting.
Additionally, services listed per connector will be highlighted blue if a forward
occured for that service in the
last max-cw-age seconds (allows you to see roughly which services the ecm-load
value refers to).

- Added a mechanism to better handle overload situations (= only congested/timeout

state connectors are available).
If this is enabled (which is default), the proxy will avoid forwarding until the
situation resolves itself,
by returning empty cannot-decode replies to clients (flag N). Note that this
typically causes clients to retry
repeatedly (e.g with a 1 sec interval), but that these retries will also fail
immediately until there is card
capacity available.
This may help stabilize traffic in overloaded shares (or shares where cards are
temporarily lost).
Clients that don't retry the same ecm immediately when receiving an empty reply
will likely freeze.

- Changes to proxy.xml:
Added: Element <hard-congestion-limit> (true/false, default: true) to
<connection-manager>. See above.
Changed: Element <asynchronous> for <newcamd-connector> default value changed to
Added: Elements <can-decode-services> and <cannot-decode-services> to all
connector types. Optional lists of
sids (hex) allowing manual overriding of the automatic service mapping. Note
that services already known to decode
on a connector will not be affected by the cannot-decode-services list (until a
manual reset is performed, or the
corresponding .dat file is deleted from the cache dir).

- Changes to the http/xml api:

Added: Attribute 'hit' to <service> elements for <connector> (cws-connectors
reply). If this attribute is present
and the value is 'true', it indicates there was a forward for this service
within the last max-cw-age seconds.

0.8.2 - 2008-03-07

- Fixed: ArrayIndexOutOfBounds on emm forwards to newcamd connectors set to

asynchronous false.
- Fixed: Connectors getting stuck in unresponsive state for extended periods (keep-
alives are now sent as before 0.8.0).
- Fixed: CWS average processing time included send-queue time (even with async
false), restored old behavior.
The utilization and capacity calculations have also been tweaked to use the most
optimistic estimates (since averages
will vary in async mode), this may help with async connectors showing more
utilization than they actually have.

- Congestion warnings are now logged only when no alternative connectors exist.
Also, the utilization estimate is now a
factor in determining congestion (i.e > 100% over the last 60 secs = congested
even when there are 0 pending requests).
- Made it possible to configure the threshold for logging CWS timeout events
(default 1, was 2 before 0.8.0).
The number of timeouts to allow in a row before disconnecting can also be set
(default 2, was 3 before 0.8.0).
- The max-connections value (per user) now defaults to the number of profiles the
user has access to, or the total
number of active profiles if there are no restrictions. Previous default was 1,
if you want to keep that limit you
will now have to explicitly set every user to max-connections="1" in the user
- Flag T now means only this: Timeout when forwarding (no response from CWS within
time limit, i.e max-cw-wait).
- New flag S introduced: Timeout in send queue (when trying to forward to
connector, should normally not occur).
- The log event (level FINE) that occurs when client sessions end now contains a
summary of the session state, to help
show why the client may have disconnected. If the user has debug="true" this is
logged with level INFO.
- If the ca-id for card data (received during login for a newcamd connector) is
0000, the proxy will fail the login and
try again later instead of disabling the connector. This may help with re-init
card issues that cause servers to
temporarily return empty card data.
If override-checks is true then this check is also skipped and the 0000 data
accepted as valid.

- Changes to proxy.xml (optional additions only):

Added: Element <event-threshold> to <logging>, defining how many failures are
required to create a CWS event.
Attributes are: min-count (default 1).
Added: Element <timeout-disconnect-threshold> to <connector-manager>. The number
of timeouts before a connector
is closed and reconnected (default 2).

- Changes to the http/xml api:

Added: Attribute 'ecm-load' to <connector>. This shows the ecm count over the
last max-cw-wait seconds. This provides
an absolute measure of the load on the connector (whereas the utilization is
relative to the estimated capacity).

0.8.1 - 2008-02-28

- Fixed: Potential deadlocks in relation to network timeouts, introduced in 0.8.0

(sessions waiting on connectors
waiting on sessions). Caused eventually fatal thread leaks.
- Fixed: Javascript alert box infinite repeat for some status web errors that
resulted in logout.
- Fixed: The improved probing could still generate duplicates.
- Modified to work with JamVM (1.4.3+)! If you get "Unrecognized option" socket
exceptions for the connectors, add
the following attribute to the connector definitions (both radegast and newcamd):
For more information on JamVM and gnu classpath see:

- Added a quick-start option: if the proxy is started with no proxy.xml config

file, one will be generated.
The generated config will use recommended defaults, and a single profile with two
connectors (disabled).
Most non-essential elements can now be omitted from the config, defaults will be
used if they are.
Some defaults have been altered (e.g retry-lost-services now defaults to true,
missing services files are ignored etc).

0.8.0 - 2008-02-25

- Switched to fully asynchronous newcamd communication with servers. This should

significantly increase throughput, but
may not work with all servers. If it fails or behaves erratically with your
server of choice, the old behaviour can
still be used if the newcamd-connector element contains
Radegast connectors always use the old synchronous mode.

- More changes to support other jvms (removed references to sun base64, and httpd
now tries multiple ssl providers).
- Added a javascript xml-editor to the status-web, for quick config updates (based
on codemirror, source included).
- Forced parsing of proxy.xml to always use UTF-8 regardless of system locale (when
installed from both file and web).
- Cleaned up web backend and made it possible to extend it from user code (see
ClusteredCache, XmlUserManager source).
- Cleaned up the client side scripting for the status-web, it now uses xslt to
generate the markup (see xslt dir in war).
- All user-log transactions will now contain cws-name (if it was a transaction that
involved a forward).
- Added a new user-warning-log with potential problems from all user recent
transactions (40 most recent).
- Transactions marked as warnings will now contain additional debug information,
and show the time spent on each stage:
in cache, cws send queue, cws reply wait, client write back.
- Tweaked probing to avoid multiple probes for the same service and connector, and
avoid problems under high load.
- Fixed: Now possible to add new ca-profiles without restarting.
- Fixed: Transaction tracking now correctly deals with overlapping/asynchronous
newcamd traffic. Flag E is now always
included if the client reply was empty, regardless of the cause.
- ClusteredCache will now indicate in the log which remote proxy has the wrong
version (SEVERE event on startup).
Additionally the cache stats on the web will contain a version-mismatch property
with the same IP.
- Status web section "Sessions" (previously Users) will now contain last-seen
information for disconnected users and
an option to show the idle sessions. Note: No last-seen data will be shown if all
known users are connected.
This section is now shown for regular users (non-admin) but will only list
information related to their own sessions.

- Made it possible to read connector definitions from an external or remotely

hosted file, similar to XmlUserManager.
NOTE: This doesn't mean you should have multiple proxies reading from the same
connector file, use one for each.
As with the XmlUserManager and the ClusteredCache tracker file, the blowfish
option is there strictly to allow the
files to be hosted in a public place (it adds _zero_ security if the files are
hosted with the proxy).
Using an external connector config also makes it possible to keep connector
definitions in a database, just provide
a php/jsp/asp page to render the xml on demand.
- Changes to proxy.xml:
Added: Element <warning-threshold> to <logging>. Defines which transactions
should be considered potential problems.
Attributes are: bad-flags (string list of all that should qualify), max-delay
(in ms).
This setting determines what will show in the user-warning-log for profiles
that have debug="true".
Note: changing it will not affect already recorded events.
Added: Element <external-connector-config> to <connector-manager>. Specifies an
external source for connector
definitions with the following elements: connector-file-url, connector-file-
key, update-interval (minutes).
Added: Element <asynchronous> to <newcamd-connector> (true/false, default: true).
A way to disable asynchronous mode.

- Changes to the http/xml api:

Added: Example test page: /api-test.html
Added: New status command: fetch-cfg (no params). Returns the currently used
config file as is (no cws-status-resp).
Added: New http end point /cfgHandler (for posting updated config xml, as an
admin user with http basic auth login).
Added: New status command: user-warning-log. This log is aggregated and contains
the 40 last potential problems from
the user transaction logs. Only profiles with debug="true" will trace these
events. Events of the same type from
the same user are merged and tagged with a count (time stamp and transaction
shown are always from the last such
event logged). Any transaction that fits the warning-threshold critera will
qualify (see config). Only admins will
see warnings from other users traffic.
Removed: Attribute 'admin' from <proxy-users> reply when requesting multiple or
all users (i.e. no name specified).
Caused problems for some user managers and wasn't used for anything.
Added: New status command: last-seen (params: name). Returns information about
currently disconnected users.
This data is tracked by the session manager and saved regularly as
etc/seen.dat. Delete it before startup to clear
the seen history.

0.7.6 - 2008-02-02

- Changed the example LoggingFilter into something actually usable. It now logs
just the raw messages (minus encryption)
from user sesssions (as RECV) and their responses from the proxy (as SENT).
- Removed all unnecessary java.util.logging experiments, to be compatible with
gcj/gij and possibly other jvms.
- Fixed: Removing au-users no longer requires restart.
- Fixed: Adding/removing/changing listen ports should now work without restart.
Disabling a profile will close the
ports (but existing sessions are not affected until kicked). Any change to a ca-
profile config will result in the
listen ports for that profile being closed and reopened.
- Fixed: Status-web httpd no longer logs to sysout if its log file is disabled
(removed from config).
- Fixed: Status-web jscript continues to request xml after connection errors (now
logs out instead).
- Fixed: Cache timestamp bug that could sporadically delete all cached ecms except
- Fixed: ECM interval for radegast sessions (0 was always shown).
- Fixed: Mgcamd OSD message sending would fail if radegast sessions were active.
- Exposed the automatic rotation features of the logging api, in case anyone is
serious about using the logs for stats.
A maximum size for all file logs as well as a number of files to cycle through
can be specified (see below).
Additionally, any active file logs are now re-initialized when the config is
- Added JVM stats to the status-web title for all views (os, version, heap
used/allocated, thread count etc).
- Enhanced the embedded httpd (keep-alive connections, gzip content-encoding).

- Changes to proxy.xml:
Changed: Renamed <exclude-services> setting to <reset-services>, to reflect what
it actually does.
Services in this list will also no longer cause "lost service" warnings.
Changed: <auto-exclude-threshold> is now <auto-reset-threshold>.
Added: Attribute 'bind-ip' to listen-ports. Optional local ip to bind listeners
to (default is all, i.e
Added: Element <bind-ip> to <status-web>. Optional local ip to bind httpd listen
port to.
Added: Element <bind-ip> to <rmi>. Optional local ip to bind all rmi-related
listen ports to.
Added: Attributes 'rotate-count' and 'rotate-max-size' (in kb) to <log-file> (for
both main log and status-web).
E.g: setting count to 3 and max-size to 2048 will cycle between file.log.0,
file.log.1 and file.log.2 when they
reach 2 megs. The file currently in use will be indicated by a separate .lck
Restart is required to change the log rotation.

- Changes to the http/xml api:

Added: Element <jvm> to <proxy-status>, with attributes: name, version, heap-
total, heap-free, threads (count), os
Added: Attribute 'version' to <proxy-status> (csp version)

0.7.5 - 2007-10-17

- Added another example user-manager implementation:

com.bowman.cardserv.XmlUserManager (see separate README).
- Fixed a bug that caused send attempts for queued ecms/keep-alives on unitialized
NewcamdConnections (NPE in sysout).
- Fetching the service list for a connector that was in a reconnect loop (via http)
would cause NPE, fixed.
- Added support for receiving sid in radegast messages (as sent by mgcamd 1.25+ and
maybe others, in field 0x21).
In the unlikely event that there are radegast clients out there that will put
something other than the sid in this
field, sid parsing can be disabled by setting the new attribute sid-in-
0x21="false" for the radegast listen port.
- Added support for sending sid in radegast messages, using the same method as
- Fixed a bug that prevented kicking of idle user sessions.
- Fixed stats based on sliding window averages (utilization, intervals) to properly
show ceased activity when
appropriate. Utilization now actually shows the current load (over the last
minute), and the average utilization
since connect only takes successful transactions into account (as failed tend to
be nearly instant).
- Added a capacity estimates to the status web (for total, cws and profile). This
is simply the following calculation
(since people seem to have a hard time grasping this basic fact): max-cw-wait /
processing time
E.g: 10s / 900ms ~= 11 transactions per CW validity period
(= 11 simultaneous clients in a worst case scenario with no cache hits, or 11
different services processed).
When total capacity is greater than the number of services for the provider (or
providers if using multiple profiles),
you can have an infinite number of clients. Total estimates will only make sense
once all cards have handled at least
one ecm transaction.
- Added red hilighting to potential problem values in the user list of the status
web, along with capacity estimates
and service-mapping count (per profile). :)
- Made it possible to control which card-data is returned to clients, as a setting
per newcamd listen-port. Previously
the proxy would use data from one of the cards in the profile, more or less at
random. Card-data can be specified by
connector name (to get the data from) or by a file name. The proxy will dump
card-data files when connecting to
cards (in the etc dir). This feature is only useful for ca systems where the
providers/idents on the cards matter
to the client, and affects only the newcamd protocol (see protocol.txt for card-
data format).
- Au-users are now given card-data only from the card they're meant to update (if
several, they receive the first
available). If cards were not being updated properly despite receiving emm's,
this was a possible cause. Can be
overridden by the above card-data feature if the attribute override-au is set to
- Added validation checks that ensure all cards in a profile are identical. Unless
the attribute override-checks is
set to true for the connector, a card will be _disabled_ when it has a differing
ca-id or a different provider ident
list than another already connected card in the profile. Warnings will be logged.
Under normal circumstances with
most ca-systems, differing cards should require separate profiles.
- "Negative" forward notifications are now sent by the clustered cache (i.e one
proxy will notify another that it
couldn't provide the reply that it previously indicated it was going to handle).
Thus giving the remote proxies
a chance to get it elsewhere.

- Changes to proxy.xml (only optional additions):

Added: <card-data type="connector|file|empty" name="connectorname|filename"/> for
<newcamd> listen ports. Only use
this if you need to make sure that clients connecting to a specific newcamd
port always get the same exact card-data.
Added: <hide-unknown-services> to section mapper (true/false, default: false).
Hides services if no name for them was
found in the services file (only affects remote monitoring, e.g xml commands
like all-services and cws-connectors).
Added: <block-services> to section mapper. List of sids (hex) that the proxy will
always immediately return empty
results for, and not probe cards/attempts forwards. Can be used to optimize
handling of services known not to
exist on any card and reduce probing. E.g: you know there are cards available
to handle all services except 3, then
add those to the block list and the mapper will stop trying.
Added: Attribute 'override-checks' for <newcamd-connector> (true/false, default:
false). Set to true to skip card
validation checks. If you use this for one card in a profile you should
probably enable it for all of them.
Added: <congestion-limit> to section connection-manager. If you use different
metric priorities for CWS connectors,
then this allows you to set what the maximum queue-time estimate can be before
a connector is considered
congested (and higher metric connectors are used instead). This can lower
response times but should be used with
care. Value (in seconds) must be between max-cw-wait/2 and max-cw-wait.
Reasonable values could be 4-8.

- Changes to the http/xml api:

Added: Attribute 'capacity' for <proxy-status>, <profile> and <connector>.
Added: Attribute 'active-sessions' for <proxy-status>. Count for sessions
currently generating traffic (not idle).
Added: Attribute 'mapped-services' for <profile>. The number of services known by
the service-mapper for this profile.

0.7.4 - 2007-09-04

- Automatic profile assignment based on ca-id is now done for each cws reconnect,
not just the first one.
- No longer ignoring HD services when parsing (dvb service types 0x11 and 0x17, for
mpeg2 and "advanced codec" hdtv).
- "Successful" cannot decode replies are no longer counted as ecm failures in the
- Additionally tweaked load-sharing (0.7.3 may have had a serious bug that only
manifested under heavy load on 3+ cards).
- Emm's are now properly acknowledged to the client even when sent by non au-users
(without forward of course).
- Fixed several potential problems with radegast sessions (clients using radegast
towards the proxy).
- Added a delay on startup, listen ports will now not be opened until the cws
connector manager has had a chance to run
through one connection attempt for each active cws connector (this will prevent
the service mapper from removing
entries for "unknown" connectors that simply haven't been connected for the first
time yet).
- Added a real time negotiation procedure in the clustered cache to maximize use of
cache-sharing. Using this adds a
fixed delay (e.g 100 ms) to _every_ transaction. The time is used to collect
cache notifications for a pending ecm
from all proxies in the cluster, and ensure that only one of them proceeds with
querying a card. Highly experimental,
not quite sure yet whether this is useful in a real life scenario. The multiple
proxies will attempt to find which
one is best suited to handle a given request (based on estimated queue time and
whether the services is known to
exist on a local card or not). If in doubt, leave it alone (it's enabled with
<sync-period> for the clustered cache).
- Added a preconfigured java-service-wrapper setup for running the proxy as a
service on w2k/2k3/xp/vista. See README.
- The 'last-transaction' time per session now includes any time it took to send the
reply back to the client. This
means it is no longer depending exclusively on the proxy response time, but also
on the client connection.
- Changed CWS average processing time to current processing time (thats what it was
before as well, just a misleading
label). Average processing time is now the true total average for all ecm's
processed since connect (and utilization
will now show both versions).
- Made it possible to use any number of listen ports for each profile, each can
have their own protocol and allow/deny
lists as well as their own des-key/noencryption settings (and any other protocol-
specific data). Adding/changing ports
while running should work now too.
- Fixed weird synchronization issues with the session manager (caused NPE in
various places and blocked logins,
especially in conjuction with heavy use of the status web).

- Changes to proxy.xml: (mostly optional additions)

Added: Attribute 'debug' for <user> (SimpleUserManager), set to true to enable
log-ecm, log-emm and log-zapping but
only for this user. NOTE: For protocols like radegast that have no user concept
you can still use this and other
special attributes, by defining a dummy user with a name like:
protocol@source.ip.address (e.g radegast@
and a dummy password. It won't be used for login auth but attributes like map-
exclude and debug will be applied.
Added: <ip-filter> to <filter-config> for the LoggingFilter, if specified then
only traffic from the matching ip will
be logged (? * wildcards supported, e.g: 192.168.1.*).
Added: <cannot-decode-wait> to <connection-manager>. This adds a configurable
delay when service mapping determines
that there are no cards available that can decode a given ecm (or there are no
cards at all). Instead of immediately
responding with a cannot-decode reply, the proxy will wait the specified number
of seconds and then check the cache
again. This increases the chances of a cache hit through sharing. It will have
no effect on cache-only profiles
since these always wait as long as possible, but if you're using cache sharing
in combination with local cards you
should try this and set it to 1-4 seconds.
Added: <sync-period> to <cache-config> (ClusteredCache).Set to larger than 0 to
enable the experimental synchronized
cluster arbitration procedure. Value in milliseconds (try somewhere around
twice the round trip ping between the two
furthest/slowest proxies in the cluster).
Moved: Attribute 'no-encryption' for <newcamd> is no longer an attribute, it
should now be an element within newcamd,
i.e: <newcamd
listen-port="1234"><no-encryption>true</no-encryption></newcamd>. It is now
possible to have
multiple newcamd ports for a single profile, and set no-encryption per port.
Added: Attribute 'debug' for <profile>, set this to true to enable storing the
last 100 transactions for each user
session (in order to use the user-log http/xml command for troubleshooting).
Added: <retry-lost-services> to section mapper (true/false, default: false).
Whenever the service-mapper registers a
service lost from a card that could previously decode it, it will register a
background probe to see if it returns.
The status for the service on the particular card in question will be reset
with an increasing interval (doubles
every time, starting at 5 minutes after it was lost and ending if it hasn't
been found after 48 hours).
NOTE: This only makes sense if there are multiple cards in the profile,
otherwise lost services would be found
within minutes when someone tried to watch them, through the auto-reset-

- Changes to the http/xml api:

Added: Attribute 'flags' for <session> (proxy-users). This will contain
information about the last ecm transaction
in the form of one or more of the following chars:
C = Cache hit (local), R = Cache hit (received from remote cache), F =
Forward occured, Y = Forward retry,
N = Cannot decode (mapping says service not on any card), T = Timeout when
forwarding, O = Timeout in cache,
G = Congestion when forwarding (time > max-cw-wait/2), I = Instant cache hit
(no waiting at all in cache),
W = Triggered cannot-decode-wait, X = Cache hit after failed forward, E =
forward returned empty (cannot-decode),
Z = SID changed (compared to previous transaction), P = Triggered probing of
one or more cards,
D = The user session disconnected before it could receive the reply (likely
reached the client ecm timeout),
+ = Caused an addition to the service map (found channel), - = Caused a
removal from the service map.
Examples (flags in the attribute string are not shown in chronological order):
+FPZ (client changed to a service that had uknown status on some cards,
triggering probes, one of which
found the service where it wasn't previously known to exist).
CI (local instant cache hit, both ecm and cw were immediately available in
the cache when the client asked)
RZ (cache hit on changing service, and the cw reply was provided by a remote
FO (client was held in cache waiting for a reply that never came, and
eventually fell back to forwarding)
The statusweb user section has been updated to show these flags, and a info
level log printout has been added (only
when log-ecm is true).
Added: New command 'user-log'. This will show the status of the last 100 ecm
transactions completed on any of the
selected users sessions. Admins can specify user name with the 'name'
parameter, others always get their own log.
This allows you to troubleshoot a specific glitch experienced by one user, find
the corresponding ecm transaction
and see exactly what caused it to fail (at least if you check within 100*10
seconds, i.e about 16 mins).
The per-user storage will only be updated if the profile has debug="true" set.
A form for this command has been
added to the admin page of the example-web.
Changed: <profile> now has a single 'listen-ports' attribute that contains a
string list that will indicate protocol
and port number for each of the defined ports, instead of the previous
radegast-port/newcamd-port attributes.

0.7.3 - 2007-07-28

- Fixed a bug that caused web logging to switch to sysout after changing the httpd
port number.
- Fixed problem with rapid cws reconnect that caused an IndexOutOfBoundsException
if there was pending traffic.
- Fixed NPE on NewcamdCws connect if the socket was unexpectedly closed during the
login procedure.
- Fixed last-transaction time for a user session getting confused by other message
types (non-ECM).
- Improved load balancing: queue size has been redefined to take the average
processing time into account, meaning that
in theory a queue size of 3 on a fast card can now be considered faster than a
queue size of 1 on a slow card.

- Updated the example web page to include several user contributions, including a
user/session section and re-use of
the xml parser object (to stop IE from leaking memory with each xml pull). I'm
keeping my logo though. :)
- Added a filename translation servlet for picon images. See
/picon/readme.picon.txt in the war for details.

0.7.2 - 2007-06-10

- Fixed a bug that would cause emm's to be forwarded to connectors that weren't
connected (caused NPE stacktrace in log).
- Fixed NPE in radegast response parsing when no matching pending request was
- Fixed a serious cache sharing bug that could prevent remote cache data from being
used between servers with different
system locales set for the jvm (language/regional settings).
- Fixed another serious cache sharing bug that meant system clocks had to be
synchronized to within the max-cw-age time
across all servers, or cached cw's could be deleted before they were used.

- Added a cache-only (card-less) mode. A profile that makes use of this will accept
connections even if there are no
cws connectors ready (or even defined). It will rely entirely on cache sharing to
handle requests.
This allows a frontend proxy to be set up where untrusted users could get access
to anything cached, without being
able to affect the traffic load on any cards. Such a card-less frontend proxy
would only receive cache data (one way,
use the receive-only ClusteredCache setup by leaving out remote-host and remote-
port) from one or more other proxies,
thus completely isolating clients from the real proxies and their
As long as the backend proxies have enough users to statistically ensure that all
the profiles services are cached
at any given moment, all services would also work for clients in the frontend
NOTE: When there are no newcamd connectors in a profile, clients will receive
dummy card data on connect (empty).
This may not be good enough for all clients/ca-systems, but it works for me. If
you do have connectors defined
and cache-only mode set, the connectors will not be used for traffic (only for

- Changes to the http/xml api:

Added: Attribute 'profile' to <service> for the commands watched-services and
all-services, since these lists can
contain services from multiple profiles if the calling user has such access.
Added: Attribute 'cache-only' for <profile> (ca-profiles command).

- Changes to proxy.xml:
Added: Attribute 'log-zapping' for <logging>. Set to false to disable the log
entries for when users switch service.
Added: Attribute 'cache-only' for <profile>. Set to true and the profile will
accept connections even without
card connectors. This will also prevent the "no available card" warnings, the
proxy will instead silently return
cannot decode for each cache miss.
Added: Attribute 'no-encryption' for <newcamd> (in profile). Setting this to true
means the proxy will handle
unencrypted newcamd traffic on this listen port. NOTE: no clients support this,
its just for debugging.

0.7.1 - 2007-05-19

- Major structural changes to handle multiple protocols (besides newcamd), expect

- Fixed a bug where connectors could be flagged as congested and never recover.
- ECM cache hits (INFO level printout) now mentions if the hit was received from a
remote cache (and which one).
- Added basic radegast support for both incoming and outgoing connections. Since
this protocol doesn't have user auth
or includes SID, clients should avoid using it if they can. Using cws connectors
with the radegast protocol
should not have any obvious drawbacks however. A consequence of this is that it
becomes possible to use a "radegast
only" client towards cardservers that only allow the newcamd protocol (and vice
versa) using the proxy to convert.
If a radegast listen port is configured, the accept/deny list is the only access
control since there is no user auth.
NOTE: If using only radegast cws connectors, and connecting to the proxy with a
newcamd client, the proxy will
return dummy card data to that client (a single provider with ident 0, but
including the ca-id for the profile so this
should probably be set correctly).

- Added an option for completely disabling the service-mapping. Doing so means the
proxy will no longer attempt to find
out which services exist on each card. Instead it will assume all cards in the
profile are identical and only apply
load balancing. This way effective clusters can be achieved even with protocols
or clients that don't include SID,
providing the cards all have the same services. It can also be useful for
troubleshooting in small clusters.
Profiles for which the mapping has been switched off will not show any service
lists in the http/xml api or webgui.

- Changes to the http/xml api:

Fixed: Duration time strings (longer than 1 month was previously broken?).
Changed: Any user@host:port information for cws connectors from the error log
is now only shown to admin users.
Added: Utilization percentage per cws connector, based on the current average
ecm time. This shows the % of the
total time since connect that the card has been spending on actual processing
(rough estimate).
Changed: getUserCount() in the remote api renamed to getSessionCount() since
thats what it actually is.
The <users> element in the proxy-status reply has been changed to <sessions>
to reflect this.
Added: Attribute protocol added to <session> and <connector> (a string with
either Newcamd or Radegast for now).
The example web page has updated to reflect this in the status CWS list.

- Changes to proxy.xml: (old configs WILL need to be edited)

Added: Separate listen ports for <newcamd> and <radegast> protocols, per
profile. Each with an optional accept/deny
list that uses ip masks with wildcard support (separated by space). See the
example configs for details.
Changed: Moved <des-key> from <profile> to <newcamd>.
Removed: <ban-list> from <profile>, replaced with the allow-list/deny-list
elements of the new newcamd and
radegast elements, e.g: <newcamd
Changed: <connector> elements in <cws-connector> replaced with either <newcamd-
connector> (as before) or
<radegast-connector> (profile attribute mandatory, and only host/port).
Added: Attribute 'enabled' for <mapper> in <service-map>, to turn of mapping
entirely for one or all profiles.
Added: Attribute 'hide-ip-addresses' for <logging>, this will replace all IPs
in logs like so:
This doesn't apply to the web-access.log, switch that off by removing the
rmi/log-file element when using this
option. Debug output or log levels lower than INFO are also not affected.
Changed: Attribute ca-id for <profile> is now mandatory (it simplified the
radegast implementation).

0.6.3 - 2007-03-03

- Changed load balancing to consider queue size before other factors.

- Fixed potential false "connection from different IP" errors for rapid client
- Fixed handling of missing SID (service maps ignored but load balancing applied).
Clients that don't send SID should
work fine now providing all the cards in the profile have the same services (or
there is just one card).
Mechanisms to more effectively deal with setups where this is not the case will
be added in a future version.
- Enigma service files are now monitored for changes and re-read if changed. This
allows for automated updates of the
files, i.e by cron'ed ftp/scp. They are of course also re-read when proxy.xml
changes, as before.
- Added INFO level logging for web logins (see the web-access log for more details)
and WARNING for failed attempts.
- Changes to the http/xml api:
Added: Simple admin section in the example web page, for executing the control
Changed: Services with no name/type information are now included (as "Unknown
(id)") in xml replies.
Changed: Cleaned up most of the javascript for the example web page and fixed
some minor firefox issues.

- Changes to proxy.xml:
Changed: Attribute 'provider' for <services-file> can now contain a list of
names (separated by space). Use this
in case services in the file have variations in the provider name (or
lists some as unknown even though
they should be part of the same provider subscription).
Added: <unknown-sid> to section mapper. Defines a special SID that will be sent
to servers when SID is 0 (unknown).
Client requests for this SID will also be treated as if it was 0. This
can be used as a workaround for
servers that require a non-zero SID, and for clients that send a fixed
special SID instead of 0 when service
is unknown (e.g cardlink). Make sure that this isn't set to a real SID
that exists in the services file.
Can be specified globally or per profile like all other mapper elements.

- Misc minor fixes and improvements.

0.6.2 - 2007-02-10

- Fixed rare ConcurrentModificationException related to the average calculations.

- Changed the timeout for keep-alive replies to 3 seconds instead of using max cw
- Fixed false timeouts that could theoretically occur in the connectors even when
max cw wait wasn't exceeded.
- Improved the default INFO level logging to make it easier to spot problems.
- Changes to proxy.xml:
Added: Attributes 'log-ecm' and 'log-emm' to section logging (true/false,
default: true).
Added: <log-missing-sid> to section mapper (true/false, default: true). Allows
hiding the [0] SID warning.
- Changes to the http/xml api:
Added: 'last-transaction' field to proxy-users. Shows how long the last
perceived ecm -> cw roundtrip time was (ms).

0.6.1 - 2007-02-05

- Added a getUsageStats() method to the CacheHandler interface. Caches can return

whatever relevant information they have.
- Improved the queue handling for outbound ecms. Queue size and average response
time is now used for load balancing.
- Changed timeout handling for cws connectors. If a timeout occurs the connector
will be removed from load balancing
until it is responding again (unless it is the only available connector for a
given request). Keep-alives will be sent
until it either responds or exceeds the maximum number of timeouts and is
disconnected. This should help minimize the
impact of shaky connections in setups where there are multiple connectors of the
same type available.
- Remote api extended with kickUser and shutdown methods.
- Changed average ecm interval and average processing speed to count for the last
minute rather than total since connect.
This also applies to the rate limit feature in the UserManager interface.
- Changes to proxy.xml:
Removed: <peer-proxy-url> from status-web section. This no longer made much
Added: Attribute 'map-exclude' for the auth-config section (SimpleUserManager).
Stops a user from causing changes
to the service maps. Can be useful in large clusters for clients that
misbehave and send a lot of bad ecms.
Changed: <tracker-update> for ClusteredCache can now be set to 0 to disable
auto updates (i.e only update when
proxy.xml is updated).
- Changes to the http/xml api:
Added: New command api, accessible by admin users only. 4 commands so far:
reset, kick, shutdown and osd-message.
- Reset will clear the service map for a specific service on all cards,
or for all services one card.
Params: name (cws connector name) or profile + id (service id in hex
or decimal).
GET example: /xmlHandler?command=reset&profile=myprofile&id=0x04F3
POST example: <cws-command-req><command command="reset"
profile="myprofile" id="1267"/></cws-command-req>
- Kick will close all sessions for a specific user (mainly a debugging
tool, the user cam will just reconnect).
- Shutdown will stop the proxy node.
- Osd-message sends a Mgcamd osd message to any matching active user
sessions (with client id = Mgcamd).
GET example: /xmlHandler?command=osd-message&name=username&text=hello
Name can be omitted to send to all users. This is experimental, use
with care.
Note: the command api responses will contain the element <cws-command-
resp> instead of <cws-status-resp>.
Added: New status command 'cache-status'. Will show usage counters for the
currently used cache implementation.
Changed: Timestamps now use RFC822 format, and any previously included duration
has been moved to a separate field.
The timestamp fields have also been renamed to show what they
represent (i.e started or connected).
Changed: Command 'tv-services' changed to 'all-services'.
Added: New status command 'watched-services'. Returns currently watched
services with a user count. :)

- Added a view of the 'watched-services' to the channels section of the example web
- Added cache-status to the status section of the example web page.
- Added some reasonable usage stat counters to DefaultCache and ClusteredCache.
- Added isMapExcluded() to UserManager interface, return true to stop a user from
discovering new services or changing
the status of existing ones (map failure counters etc will not be updated as a
result of ecms from this user).
- Improved some of the INFO level logging to more clearly show the new load
balancing and timeout handling in action.

0.5.1 - First public release

- Changes to settings for proxy.xml (see config/proxy-reference.html for full

Removed: <default-profile> from rmi section. Remote api now allows specifying a
list of profiles per method.
The http/xml api and web page will use this to only show info for
profiles accessible by the current user.
Added: <allowed-ip-masks> to rmi section. List of ip masks separated by space
that should be allowed to use the
remote api.
Added: <default-client-id> to section connection-manager. Allows setting the 2
bytes that is used by newcs and
others to identify the type of client. Beware, this only works as long
as the server doesn't modify its
behavior or makes use of client-specific features based on this value
(for example identifying as mgcamd
will cause newcs to do this and no longer be compatible with the proxy).
Added: <client-id> to section connector. Same as above but overriding the
default for one connector.
Added: <au-users> to section connector. List of users allowed to send AU to
this connector. All EMM's clients from
these users send to the corresponding profile will be forwarded to this
connector. The old behaviour with
matching connector and user name for AU has been removed.
Added: Attribute 'metric' for <connector>. Allows grouping connectors together
for preference in the load-balancer.
See proxy-reference.html for examples.
Added: Attribute 'admin' for the auth-config section (SimpleUserManager). Set
to true to mark a user as
administrator. Only used by the http/xml interface so far.
Added: <ssl> to section status-web. Allows HTTPS instead of HTTP for the
http/xml api and web page. This requires
a java keystore file with a certificate to be specified as well, e.g:
<ssl enabled="true"><keystore

- Changes to http/xml api:

Added: Only info from profiles that the current user has access to are shown.
There should be no way to tell other
profiles even exist in the config.
Added: New HTTP GET based version of the xml api. Access /xmlHandler?
command=command&paramName=paramValue to get
the same reply that posting <command include="true"
paramName="paramValue"/> would produce. HTTP basic auth
is used for login/password (user must be one known to the current user
Added: New command 'ca-profiles'. Lists all profiles accessible by the
currently authenticated user.
Added: New parameter 'profile'. Allows selecting one of the available profiles
rather than getting info for all.
(Mainly for commands cws-connectors, proxy-users and tv-services).
Added: Extra fields in the replies for cws-connectors and proxy-users. Profile
is shown where applicable, client-id
is shown for users and metric for connectors. Ecm and emm count added to
both connectors and user sessions.
Added: The beginnings of privacy/security. Only users marked as admin will be
able to list all users, others will
just get their own information. Note that even admins will be subject to
profile restrictions.
Only admins will see the host/ip for the cws connectors, but the rest of
the information is available to all.

- Changes to the clustered cache implementation: (see example proxy.xml for

Added: Example p2p type cluster management. Cache can be configured to get a
list of other proxies (host:port) from
a preconfigured "tracker" url. The list is a static plain text file that
can be stored anywhere in public.
As a privacy feature, the list can be blowfish encrypted with a
configured key that all proxies would need
to have. The file format is one proxy host:port per line, lines starting
with # are considered comments.
To encrypt the list file, use: java -jar lib/trtest.jar inputfile.txt
outputfile.enc secretkey
The encryption is the same type of blowfish used by fish/mircryption for
encrypted irc.
Added: <tracker-url> to section cache-config. URL pointing to a file with a
list of peers in host:port format.
Added: <tracker-key> to section cache-config. Blowfish encryption key, if this
is set the list file must be
encrypted with the same key.
Added: <tracker-update> to section cache-config. The update interval in
minutes, minimum 5.
Added: <local-host> to section cache-config. The cache needs to be able to
identify itself in the list of peers,
otherwise it would send updates to itself which would be bad. Set the
local-host to the same as this node
has in the list of peers file. If omitted the cache will use the local

- UserManager interface now has limits that can be imposed on idividual users, but
SimpleUserManager will _not_ use this.
For anyone working on their own user manager, the methods are:
Set getAllowedServices(String name, String profile); // return Set of Integer
(service ids, null for all)
Set getAllowedConnectors(String name); // return Set of String (connector
names, null for all)
int getAllowedEcmRate(String user); // return minimum interval between ecm in
seconds (-1 for no limit)
A note about allowed connectors: this will stop ecm's from this user from being
routed to other connectors, but it
will _not_ stop them from watching services that only exist on those excluded
connectors, through the cache.

- Proxy now detects the type of client for each connected user session.
- Fixed xml-related problems with http/xml api and java 1.5.
- "Webgui" cleanup, removed everything not used or not working.
- Fixes to startup sequence, all errors shown by the start script should now halt
the proxy with a non-zero exit code.
- Fixed enigma services file parsing (0xffffff transponder ids and other values
caused it to fail).

0.4.9 - First pre-release for testing

- Pluggable implementations for user manager, cache handler and filters/loggers.

Contact bowman on efnet for details.
- Extensible remote api (java rmi and arbitrary http/xml) for monitoring and remote

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