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A Survey of Likely DEMOCRATIC Voters in NY 5th Congressional District


October 2019

[INTRODUCTION] Hello, is [ASK FOR NAME ON LIST] there? I’m calling from New
York Opinion Surveys. I am not selling anything. I am conducting an opinion survey and
would like to ask you a few questions about issues facing your community and the nation. This is
a research study in which your name was chosen at random. Your individual answers are



1. [CELL PHONE] First, are you in a place where you can talk safely and openly on your
phone? I know we are calling you on your cell phone so we will make this as quick as
possible and we really appreciate your time.

call back
Yes Continue
(Don’t know/refused) Continue

2. (First), does anyone in your household work for a news media outlet including print, radio,
and Internet blog or television station?

No 1
(Don’t know/refused) TERMINATE

3. Are you 18 or older and registered to vote in New York?

Yes 1
(Don’t know/refused) TERMINATE
4. I know it’s still a long way off, but what are the chances that you will vote in the April
2020 DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY for President – will you definitely vote, probably
vote, are the chances 50-50, or will you probably not vote?

Definitely vote
Probably vote
50-50 Terminate
Will not vote Terminate
(Don’t know/ refused) Terminate

5. As you may know, in New York the Presidential primary is earlier than the Congressional
primary, I know it’s still a long way off, but what are the chances that you will also vote in
the JUNE 2020 DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY elections for CONGRESS and other state
offices – will you definitely vote, probably vote, are the chances 50-50, or will you
probably not vote?
Definitely vote 1
Probably vote 2
50-50 3
Will not vote Terminate
(Don’t know/ refused) Terminate

6. Now, thinking about the direction the country is headed in, generally speaking, are you
very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with the direction in which the
country is headed?

Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied
(Don’t know/ refused)

7. And thinking about some of your elected leaders, generally speaking do you APPROVE or
DISAPPROVE of the way Andrew Cuomo is doing his job as Governor? [PROBE: And is
that STRONGLY (approve/disapprove) or SOMEWHAT (approve/disapprove) of the job
that Andrew Cuomo is doing his job as Governor?]

Strongly Approve
Somewhat Approve
Somewhat Disapprove
Strongly Disapprove
(Don’t know/ refused)
8. [SPLIT A] Do you APPROVE or DISAPPROVE of the way the state legislature is doing
its job? [PROBE: And is that STRONGLY (approve/disapprove) or SOMEWHAT
(approve/disapprove) of the way the state legislature is doing its job?]

Strongly Approve
Somewhat Approve
Somewhat Disapprove
Strongly Disapprove
(Don’t know/ refused)

9. [SPLIT B] Do you APPROVE or DISAPPROVE of the way Democrats in Congress are

doing their job? [PROBE: And is that STRONGLY (approve/disapprove) or SOMEWHAT
(approve/disapprove) of the job that Democrats in Congress are doing?]

Strongly Approve
Somewhat Approve
Somewhat Disapprove
Strongly Disapprove
(Don’t know/ refused)

10. And generally speaking, do you think Gregory Meeks deserves to be re-elected to
Congress, or do you think it’s time for someone new?

Deserves Re-election
Someone New
(Don’t know/ refused)

11. Do you APPROVE or DISAPPROVE of the way Gregory Meeks is handling his job as a
Congressman? [PROBE: And is that STRONGLY (approve/disapprove) or SOMEWHAT
(approve/disapprove) of the way that Gregory Meeks is handling his job as Congressman?]

Strongly Approve
Somewhat Approve
Somewhat Disapprove
Strongly Disapprove
(Don’t know/ refused)

12. [IF QX LE 4: OPEN-END] And what makes you feel that way about the job Meeks is
doing in Congress? __________________________________________
Now I’m going to read you a list of issues and concerns some in your community say they want
their member of Congress to focus on. For each, I want you to rate on a scale of 0 to 10 how
important you think each issue is for your member of Congress to focus on. Use a 10 if you
think it should be a top priority for your member of Congress, a 5 if you think it should be
somewhat of a priority, and 0 if you don’t think it should be a priority at all for your member of
Congress. You may use any number between 0 and 10. [IF DK/REF CODE 99]
13. [SSA]Attracting new industries and jobs to the district
14. [SSB]Increasing wages and salaries
15. [SSC] Making college education more affordable
16. [SSA]Making health care more affordable
17. [SSB]Improving the quality of K-12 public schools
18. [SSC] Ending the tax breaks to big corporations and the wealthy
19. [DNS] Getting corporate money out of politics
20. [DNS] Cracking down on corruption by elected officials
21. [DNS] Passing Medicare for all
22. [SSB]Fighting racism and division
23. [SSC] Obtaining federal funds to improve the subway to lower
commute times
24. [SSA] Improving infrastructure like roads and bridges to lower
commute times
25. [SSB] Negotiating for Federal money to improve downtown areas
throughout the district
26. [SSC] Impeaching Donald Trump
27. [SSA]Passing the Green New Deal legislation
28. [SSB] Passing laws that help stop climate change
29. [SSC] Protecting women’s reproductive rights
30. [SSA]Ensuring equal pay for equal work by closing the racial and
gender wage gaps
31. [SSB] Working to end police harassment and racial profiling
32. [SSC] Supporting rights for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and
Transgender individuals
33. [SSA]Reducing crime and violence
34. [SSB] Passing stricter gun control laws
35. [SSC] Banning assault rifles
36. [SSA] Protecting our elections from foreign interference
37. [SSB] Increasing border security
38. [SSC] Passing immigration reform that leads to a path to
39. [SSA]Restoring the Federal deduction for state and local taxes
40. [SSB] Controlling the pace of development and gentrification
41. [SSC] Creating more affordable housing
42. [SSA]Bringing down the Federal budget deficit

Now, I’d like you to rate your feelings toward some people, organizations, and issues using a
scale from zero to one hundred, on which a “100” means that you feel VERY WARM and
FAVORABLE towards them, a “0” means that you feel VERY COLD and UNFAVORABLE,
and a “50” means that you do not feel particularly warm or cold. You may use any number from
zero to one hundred, depending on how you feel. If you have no opinion or have never heard of a
person or organization, please say so. [IF “NO OPINION” OR “DON’T KNOW,” RECORD
43. Donald Trump
44. Barack Obama
45. [SSA] Andrew Cuomo
46. [SSB] Crystal D. Peoples-Stokes
47. [SSA] Andrea Stewart-Cousins
[Rotate QXX-QXX]
48. [SSB] Pete Buttigieg
49. [SSA] Joe Biden
50. [SSA] Bernie Sanders
51. [SSB]Elizabeth Warren
52. [SSA] Cory Booker
53. [SSB] Michael Bloomberg
54. [ASK ALL] Gregory Meeks
55. [ASK ALL] Shaniyat “Shan” Chowdhury
56. [ASK ALL] Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
57. [SSB] Democratic Socialists of America
58. [SSA] Socialists
59. [SSB] Moderate Democrats
60. [SSA] Progressive Democrats
61. [SSB] Corey Johnson
62. [SSA] Eric Adams
63. [SSB] Scott Stringer
64. [SSA] Rubin Diaz Jr.

65. I know it’s still a long way off, but thinking now about the Democratic primary for
president, if that election were held today, and you had to decide right now would you vote
for… [Read list]

Joe Biden 1
Bernie Sanders 2
Elizabeth Warren 5
Cory Booker 6
Amy Klobuchar 8
Julian Castro 9
Tulsi Gabbard 10
Pete Buttigieg 14
Andrew Yang 15
Tom Steyer 21
Michael Bloomberg 22
(Other) 97
(Undecided) 98
(Don’t know/Refused) 99

66. And if the Democratic Primary for Congress in the 5th District were held today, for whom
would you vote [ROTATE] _Gregory Meeks or _Shaniyat “Shan” Chowdhury for
[IF DK/NS OR WOULDN’T VOTE, ASK:] Even though you say you are undecided /
wouldn’t vote - If you had to decide, which candidate would you lean toward [ROTATE] ]
_Gregory Meeks or _Shaniyat “Shan” Chowdhury?

Gregory Meeks 1
Lean Meeks 2
Shaniyat “Shan” Chowdhury 3
Lean Chowdhury 4
(Other) 5
(Dk/Ref) 6
67. [QXX<4 ] And how certain are you that you are going to support [NAME OF
CANDIDATE FROM QX] in the Democratic primary for congress– are you very certain,
somewhat certain, not too certain or not at all certain?

Very certain 1
Somewhat certain 2
Not too certain 3
Not at all certain 4
(Don’t know/refused) 5
Now I’m going to read you some qualities and attributes some people consider important in an
elected leader. Please tell me, in your general opinion, how well the following applies to Gregory
Meeks – Use a 0 if you don’t think it applies at all to Meeks, a 5 if it somewhat applies, and a 10
if it completely applies to Meeks in your opinion. You may use any other number between 0 and
10. [IF DK/REF CODE 99]


68. [SSA1] Has the experience and know how to get things done
69. [SSA2] Fights for people like me
70. [SSA1] Stands up and takes on Trump
71. [SSA2] Is a typical DC politician
72. [SSA1] Has strong constituent services
73. [SSA2] Is a strong leader
74. [SSA1] Is honest and ethical
75. [SSA2] Is active in the community
76. [SSA1] Shares your values
77. [SSA2] Is too moderate
78. [SSA1] Is a practical moderate
79. [SSA1] Looks out for and fights for our community
80. [SSA2] Understands the problems and concerns of your community
81. [DO NOT SPLIT] Is corrupt
82. [SSA1] Fights to make our government and economy work for
everyone, not just the powerful interests
83. [SSA2] Is too often at odds with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the
socialists in the Party
84. [SSA1] Doesn’t challenge the politics of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
and the socialists in the Democratic Party enough
85. [SSA2] Delivers for our community
86. [SSA1] Has been in Washington too long
87. [SSA2] Is out of touch
88. [SSA1] Is standing in the way of new leadership
89. [SSA2] Cares more about wall street than main street


Now I’m going to read you some values, qualities and attributes some people consider important
in an elected leader. Please tell me, in your general opinion, how important is it that your next
congressman has these attributes– Use a 10 if it is extremely important, a 5 if it is somewhat
important, and a 0 if it is not important at all. You may use any other number between 0 and 10.
90. [SSB1] Has the experience and know how to get things done
91. Fights for people like me
92. Stands up and takes on Trump
93. [SSB2] Isn’t a typical DC politician
94. [SSB1] Has strong constituent services
95. [SSB2] Is a strong leader
96. [SSB1] Is honest and ethical
97. [SSB2] Is not corrupt
98. [SSB2] Is active in the community
99. [SSB1] Shares your values
100. [SSB2] Is a practical moderate
101. [SSB1] Looks out for and fights for our community
102. [SSB2] Understands the problems and concerns of your community
103. [SSB1] Fights to make our government and economy work for
everyone, not just the powerful interests
104. [SSB2] Agrees with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the socialists in
the Party
105. [SSB1] Doesn’t challenge the politics of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
and the socialists in the Democratic Party enough
106. [SSB2] Delivers for our community
107. [SSB1] Is an outsider with no Washington experience
108. [SSB2] Is accessible
109. [SSB1] Represents new leadership
110. [SSB2] Cares more about main street than wall street

Switching gears a bit…Now I’d like to give you a little more background information about the
two candidates running in the Democratic primary for Congress. Generally speaking, please tell
me which candidate you would be more likely to support. [ROTATE Candidates A/B]
MEEKS: Gregory Meeks was born and raised in public housing in New
York City. Through hard work, and with the support of his
community, he made his way to Adelphi University and later
Howard University Law school. After law school, he went to work
for the District Attorney’s office where he focused on rooting out
corruption and combatting organized crime before being elected to

Meeks is an experienced Congressman, who has delivered time

and time again for the district… from getting project funding for
public transportation, JFK airport and creating jobs, to holding
Trump and Wall-Street accountable, Meeks has put his experience
and seniority to work for the district.

SHAN: Shaniyat— Shan for short, was born in Queens to working-class

Bangladeshi parents, who immigrated to the United States in
search of the American dream. After graduating high school, Shan
enlisted in the Marine Corps where he served for 6 years. After
leaving the Marines he earned a degree from John Jay. He’s since
worked for Assemblyman Walker and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s
campaign. He currently works as a bartender and international
Rugby player.

Shan believes it’s time for a new generation of leaders. If elected

to Congress, Shan says he will be a strong progressive voice, he
will go to Washington to shake things up and move a progressive
policy agenda, not be a “Type B” politician who just attaches his
name to other people’s work.
111. Now that you’ve heard a little background about the candidates, generally speaking, which
candidate are you more likely to support: Gregory Meeks, who promises to continue his
work delivering for his district, or challenger Shan Chowdhury who promises to be out
front fighting for progressive priorities.

Much more Meeks 1

Some more Meeks 2
Some more Chowdhury 3
Much more Chowdhury 4
(Undecided) 5
(Don’t know/ refused) 7
Now I am going to read a few more statements about one of the two candidates [PAUSE]… In
this case about Gregory Meeks. Here are some things supporters of Meeks say. For each
statement please rate on a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 means that statement is a very strong reason
to support Meeks, 5 means it is a somewhat strong reason to support Meeks, and 0 means that
statement is not a strong reason at all to support Meeks. You may use any other number between
0 and 10.
112. [SSA] [Development money] As congressman, Gregory Meeks
has used his experience to deliver for the district time and again,
even when the Republicans controlled Congress. Over the course of
his career he’s brought more that 50 million dollars of Federal
funding to the district to support the district’s priorities including
infrastructure, health care, and education. Among his landmark
achievements was securing more than 10 million dollars to improve
transportation in the district to and from JFK airport. If re-elected,
he’ll continue to use his seniority to improve life across the district.
113. [SSB] [ [Transportation money] One of Gregory Meek’s
crowning achievements was the launch of the NYC Ferry in the
Rockaways, under budget and ahead of schedule. The ferry has
allowed residents from across the city to visit beaches in the district
and spend money at the many family-owned small businesses
across the district. Even more importantly, the ferry has helped cut
down on commute times in the district. Meeks will continue to fight
for ways to improve the quality of life for everyone in the district.
114. [SSA] [Anti-bank corruption] As a senior member on the
Financial Services Committee, Gregory Meeks played a key role in
passing the Dodd Frank bill in the wake of the Great Recession,
which created new regulations that help prevent the kinds of fraud
and corruption that originally lead to the Great Recession. He’s also
worked to hold banks accountable in preventing redlining and
enhancing the Community Restoration Act, a bill that has generated
substantial investment in minority neighborhoods that have
historically been cut out of equal opportunity.
115. [SSB] [Progressive voice] Gregory Meeks is a fighter for the hard-
working people of the district. Having grown up in public housing,
he has firsthand knowledge of how hard it is for families in New
York to get by. That’s why he’s a strong voice in Washington for
raising the minimum wage to $15, expanding access to affordable
health care and protecting Medicare for seniors who have paid into
the system for years. As your congressman, he’ll continue to fight
for progressive polices that ensure that everyone has a shot at the
American dream.
116. [SSA] [Jobs Development] Congressman Meeks has dedicated his
career to bringing economic opportunity to the district. During his
years in office, he’s found money time and time again to help create
new jobs and businesses in Jamaica. In 2017, Meeks secured
funding that created 4,000 construction jobs, created hundreds of
affordable housing units, and, in 2016, Meeks secured $91 million
dollars to revitalize Far Rockaway. He’s delivered for the district
with both Democrats and Republicans in office, and he’ll keep
delivering jobs if he’s sent back to Washington.
117. [SSB] [Climate Change] When super storm Sandy rolled through
in 2012, knocking out power for several days and doing untold
damage to the district, Congressman Meeks fought to make sure
Republicans in Congress didn’t withhold storm relief for New York
City. Sandy showed that New York needs to be prepared. That’s
why Congressman Meeks is a strong supporter of the Green New
Deal and other efforts to combat climate change.
118. [SSA] [ [Young People] Gregory Meeks knows that it’s our duty to
leave the world better than we found it. He’s been a strong
supporter of funding education initiatives that make sure the quality
of a school doesn’t depend on its zip code, and making sure that
young people have access to jobs and afterschool programs to help
them succeed. He’s also secured money for arts programs in the
schools and for needed improvements at Roy Wilkins Park. In
congress, he’ll use his experience to continue to improve life for the
youngest people in the district.
119. [SSB] [GUNS & Police] Congressman Meeks believes in a holistic
approach to community safety which includes holding abusive
police accountable. Congressman Meeks is a strong supporter of an
assault weapons ban, and is one of the original co-sponsors of the
PEACE act, which would make Federal officers accountable when
they use excessive force against African Americans and other
minorities. He’s also directed funds to Life Camp which helps teach
young people ways to deal with problems besides violence.
120. [SSA] [CRIME] Congressman Meeks started his career in public
service in the district attorney’s office, where he saw how young
men and women across the district fell into a life of crime when
they ran out of other options. Throughout his career, he’s fought
hard to make sure that our children have options available to them,
no matter their zip code. He fought to bring Eagle Academy to the
district and helped fund afterschool programs to keep kids off the
streets. He’s also worked hard to fund job and rehabilitation
programs for individuals who have completed their sentences. As
congressman, he’ll continue to fight for greater opportunities for
our young people.
121. [SSB] [K-12 Education] Congressman Meeks has been a
champion for K through 12 education in the district. He’s helped
bring a NASA program to the city that allows students to get hands
on experience and get excited about Science and Technology. He
was also instrumental in bringing Eagle Academy an all-boys
charter with a graduation rate well above the city average to the
district. By bringing high quality schools to the district,
Congressman Meeks is working hard to help every child in the
district get the educational opportunities they need to succeed.
122. [SSA] [WOMENS RIGHTS] Congressman Meeks has been on
the frontlines supporting women’s rights. From fighting to ensure
that planned parenthood is funded, to co-sponsoring the violence
against women act, Congressman Meeks has been a champion for
Women’s rights. In the MeToo era, we need people in congress
who have the experience to push through legislation that will
protect everyone.

123. Sometimes, over the course of a survey, people change their minds. So let me ask you
again if the Democratic Primary for Congress in the 5th District were held today, for whom
would you vote [ROTATE] _Gregory Meeks or _Shaniyat “Shan” Chowdhury for
[IF DK/NS OR WOULDN’T VOTE, ASK:] Even though you say you are undecided /
wouldn’t vote - If you had to decide, which candidate would you lean toward [ROTATE] ]
_Gregory Meeks or _Shaniyat “Shan” Chowdhury?

Gregory Meeks 1
Lean Meeks 2
Shaniyat “Shan” Chowdhury 3
Lean Chowdhury 4
(Other) 5
(Dk/Ref) 6

124. Now I'm going to read you some statements some others have made about why they aren’t
supporting Gregory Meeks. For each please rate on a 0 to 10 scale where 10 means the
statement gives you serious doubts about supporting Gregory Meeks, 5 means it gives you
some doubts, and 0 means it doesn’t give you any doubts at all about supporting Gregory
Meeks for Congress. You may use any number between 0 and 10.
[ROTATE] (0-10)
125. [Corrupt] Gregory Meeks has been in Washington for more than
20 years. While he may have started off representing the
community, he’s become a symbol of the corruption in
Washington. Meeks has a long history of dubious financial
transactions and has been included several times on the liberal think
tank Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington’s list of
most corrupt members of congress. While our democracy is under
attack both within and without, we can’t afford to have corruption
in the Democratic party.
126. [SSA] [Too close to wall street] While Gregory Meeks claims to
regulate Wall Street, he’s repeatedly voted to bail out the big banks
and loosen regulations. And while he’s voting to make it easier for
banks to make a quick buck, they’re lining his pockets, having
donated more than one hundred thousand dollars to his campaign in
2019 alone. Gregory Meeks only cares about keeping his corporate
donors happy since he believes he and the corrupt political machine
can buy his way to an 11th term in Congress.
127. [SSB] [Not a leader] Gregory Meeks is a “Type B” politician who
doesn’t actually have any ideas of his own. He simply co-sponsors
things that he likes. The 5th district deserves a congressperson who
will be out front, fighting for the priorities of the district. Not
someone content with taking whatever congressional leaders offer.

128. After hearing more about Gregory Meeks, would you say you are more or less likely to
support Gregory Meeks for Congress [IF LESS LIKELY:] and is that MUCH less likely or
SOMEWHAT less likely to support Gregory Meeks for Congress?

Much Less likely 1

Somewhat less likely 2
(More likely) 3
(No difference) 4
(DK/NS/Refused) 5

129. Removed….

Switching gears a little bit...

The last few questions are for statistical purposes only.

130. What is your age?

[IF REFUSED] I am going to read you some categories. Stop me when we get to your

18-24 years 1
25-29 2
30-34 3
35-39 4
40-44 5
45-49 6
50-54 7
55-59 8
60-64 9
65-69 10
70-74 11
75-79 12
80 or over 13
(Refused/ don’t know) 14

131. Are you married, separated, divorced, widowed, or have you never been married?

Married 1
Separated/divorced 2
Widowed 3
Never married/single 4
(Refused) 5

132. Which of the following best describes your current living situation? [READ LIST]

Rent 1
Own 2
Other 3
(Don’t know/ refused) 7

133. Do you have any children 18 years of age or younger?

Yes 1
No 2
Don’t know/ 3
134. How long have you lived in New York City? [Read list]

Less than a year 1

1 to 2 years 2
3 to 5 years 3
5 to 10 years 4
10 to 20 years 5
More than 20 years 6
Dk/R 7

135. How often do you attend church or religious services – twice a week or more, every week,
once or twice a month, several times a year, or hardly ever, or never?

Twice a week or more 1

Every week 2
Once or twice a month 3
Several times a year 4
Hardly ever 5
Never 6
(DK/NS) 7

136. What is the last year of schooling that you have completed? [READ LIST IF

1 – 11th grade 1
High school graduate 2
Some college – but less than two
years of college
Some college--two years or
more/AA degree
College graduate/bachelors
Postgraduate courses 6
Masters degree 7
MBA or Law degree 8
PhD or MD 9
(Don’t know/ refused) 10

137. Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican or Cuban?
[IF YES: Which of the following do you consider yourself to be Mexican, Puerto Rican,
Dominican, Cuban, or another Hispanic or Latino origin?]

Yes, Mexican 1
Yes, Puerto Rican 2
Yes, Cuban 3
Yes, Dominican 4
Yes, Other 5
No 6
Refuse 7
(Don’t know/ refused) 8

138. Which of the following describes your race? You can select as many as apply. White,
Black or African American, Asian or Asian American or some other race. [RECORD UP
is that?]
White 1
Black or African American (e.g.
Kenyan, Nigerian, Haitian)
Asian or Asian-American (e.g.
Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino,
Vietnamese or other Asian origin
Some other race (SPECIFY____
IF NEEDED: What race or races is 4
Native American/American
Indian/Alaska Native (VOL.) 5

Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian

(VOL.) 6

Hispanic/Latino (VOL.) (e.g.,

Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban) 7

Don’t Know (VOL) 8

Refuse (VOL) 9

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