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Jot down

questions or ● Somatic cells= body cells

highlight key ○ These are diploid (2n)
points and/or ○ Ex. Blood cells, Lung cells, Muscle cells, Heart cells,
vocabulary terms etc.
here! ● Gametes= sex cells
○ These are haploid (n)
○ Ex. Egg and Sperm

● Autosomes= ● Sex chromosomes=

Carry traits that make Carry traits that are AND
you who you are determine your gender
Ex. Chromosomes
● Diploid cells= 2 full sets of chromosomes
Jot down - (2n)
questions or - A set from mom and a set from dad
highlight key - Ex. Human somatic cells 2n-4n
points and/or ● Haploid cells= 1 full set of chromosomes
vocabulary terms - (n)
here! - Only one set that is a combination of chromosomes from
mom and dad
- Ex. Gametes= egg and sperm n=23

● Organism that reproduce sexually (like humans) fuse the

genetic information (gametes) from two parents to produced
offspring that are a genetic mixture of both parents

● The actual fusion of egg and sperm to form a zygote

Duplicated chromosomes
Duplicated chromosomes
chromosomes n n

chromosomes Unduplicated
n n n n

Chromosomes pairs that have the same types of genes

- One from mom and one from dad

2 identical copies of the same chromosome

● Mesois is the process of creating gametes- sex cells that have
Jot down HALF the noraml number of chromosomes (only 1 set)
questions or ● We call these cells haploid because they only have one of each
highlight key chromosomes. These cells are used ONLY for sexual
points and/or reproduction (sperm in males or eggs in females)
vocabulary terms ● Each parents only passed on HALF of their chromosomes (23)-
here! one from each pair- so the offspring ends up with a full set (46)

● Interphase= growth of cell

● Remember it is divided into 3 phases:
○ G1 (gap 1) phase- the cell grows and makes
○ S (synthesis) phase- chromosomes
○ G2 (gap 2) phase- cells continue to grow
and make proteins
● At the end of interphase the cell has 2 full sets of
duplicate chromosomes
Homologous chromosomes
Haploid duplicate

● Nuclear membrane will breaks down

● Centrioles separate and make spindle
● Homologous chromosomes pair up &
become visible
○ Tetrad - cluster of 4 chromatids

● May occur between homologous chromosomes

● During prophase 1 homologous chromosomes are
lined up together
● Sometimes chromosomes can cross over each other
and get “tangled”
● When this happens, they swap pieces of DNA
● This process creates new combinations of genes-
chromosomes that are “part mom/part dad”
Jot down
questions or ● Homologous chromosomes are lined
highlight key up in the middle of the cell in pairs
points and/or
vocabulary terms
● Homologous chromosomes pairs
separate, one chromosomes (2 sister
chromatids) to each side of the cell
● Sister chromatids remain attached

● Chromosomes gather at poles

● Nuclear membrane MAY form
● Cytoplasm divides (cytokinesis)

results in 2 haploid daughter


Sister chromatids

● Spindle fibers form & attach to

the centromeres of the sister
● Nuclear membrane breaks

● Sister chromatids line up in

the middle of the cell single file

● Sister chromatids are

pulled apart
● One chromatids from each
pair travels to each pole
Jot down
questions or ● Nuclear membrane forms
highlight key around each set of
points and/or chromosomes
vocabulary terms ● Spindle fibers dissolve
here! ● Cytoplasm divides
● End Result= 4 genetically
unique, haploid daughter
cells, each containing one
set of chromosomes

Creation of diploid Creation of haploid

somatic cells “body cells” sex cells
Throughout your Females: before you are
life born---Males: throughout life

In ovaries and
Throughout body
For growth and
To make babies
PMAT once PMAT twice

2 identical diploid 4 unique haploid

somatic cells gametes
Asexual Sexual

Summarize the main ideas from this concept, as if you were

explaining the concept to another person not in our class. Use the
italicized questions above to help guide your summary.

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