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Jamichael Hill 11th Grade American Literature Ms.

Binion 4/29/11

Chapter 1-5 1. Why is everyone concerned about Janie? How is the mens reaction to Janie different from the womens? Why do you suppose that is? 2. What are you impressions of Janie in the beginning of chapter 1? How would you visualize her? 3. Why did Janies grandmother raise her? Give details. 4. Where does Janie do a lot of her daydreaming? What is the significance of the pear tree?
5. Describe Logan Killicks? Why doesnt Janie share her grandmothers enthusiasm for

Killicks? 6. Why does she marry him if she feels that way? 7. What happens to Janies marriage with Logan Killicks? 8. How would you describe Jody? Why do people put up with his bossiness? 9. Why is Hicks irritated with Jodys idea of the town getting a post office?
10. What does Jody mean when he tells Janie to dress up and think of herself as the bell-

cow?What do you suppose she is feeling inside when he says this? 11. Why do you think Jody was angry with Pitts in chapter 5? What do you think Jody should have done with Pitts? 12. Do you agree with Jones-That Jody exploited them-or with Sam- that they should give Jody his due for leading the efforts to build the town? Chapter 6 13. How does Janie feel about the stories people tell on the porch? How are they like crayon enlargements? 14. Why does Matt become a target for the story tellers? How does he feel about the jokes? 15. Why doesnt Janie laugh at the mule-baiting? What does that show about her? Why does Jody buy the mule? What does that show about him? 16. How does Janie feel the day that Jody slaps her for burning dinner? What does she decide and how does she act after this incident?

Jamichael Hill 11th Grade American Literature Ms. Binion 4/29/11

Chapter 7-9 17. Why is it for years, no matter what Jody does, Janie says nothing? 18. Why does Jody ridicule Janies body? 19. Why is Jody so angry with Janie for talking back to him after the tobacco cutting incident?
20. Why does Jody go to the root doctor instead of the real one?

21. Why does Jody refuse to let Janie into the sick room? Why do you think he lets in people who were never invited before?
22. Janie finally tells Jody a lot of things that she has been feeling inside. Why is it so

important for her to say these things before he dies? 23. What are the months of wearing black like for Janie? What decisions does she make during this time? What is her attitude when she appears in mourning white? 24. Do you agree with her that mourning shouldnt last longer than grief?

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