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LJMBA Summer Training Program Guidelines

Summer Training Objectives: To enable students to obtain practical knowledge about management concepts and principles taught in the class. To help students acquire various skills and disciplines required to become a successful manager.

Tenure of Training: The tenure for summer training will be 6 to 7 weeks. On successful completion of the summer training the students will be required to collect a certificate from the employer. During the training the student has to report to the guide who shall be a faculty member for inputs and has to get a certificate signed by the faculty guide before submission. Submission of report and presentation: A report shall be submitted by the students along with the certificate as per the schedule notified by the institute. Presentations will be scheduled by the institute immediately after the completion of the training. Students Code of Conduct: 1) Abide by the rules and regulations set by the company for the trainees. 2) Do not share any confidential data about the company with anyone. 3) The data collected during the training shall not be used for any purpose other than academic purpose and that too shall require prior permission of the company. 4) Remain punctual and finish the work allotted within the prescribed time limit. 5) For all practical purposes behave like employees of the company. 6) Take initiatives and try to learn as much as they can from the employer. 7) Get the Summer training Feedback forms filled by respective reporting bosses on completion of their training and submit the same to the institute.
(Turn over for Schedule)


Commencement of Summer Training Program Duration of Summer Training Last date of Completion of Summer training Report Submission Dates Summer training Project Presentations

Next day after Sem-2 exam 6 weeks 16th July, 2011. 14th July to 16th July, 2011. 18th July onwards. (Please refer notice board) Immediately after completion of viva .

Commencement of Regular 3rd Semester Classes

Tentative topics for Summer Internship Project: Topics in the area of Finance: 1. Capital budgeting decisions for wealth maximization 2. Working capital management 3. Technical Analysis 4. Fundamental analysis of sector 5. Foreign exchange exposure management strategies 6. Financial module of SAP 7. Implementation of IFRS and its impact 8. Tax planning and financial planning 9. Preparation of project report for taking loans 10. Impact of various variables on capital markets 11. Analysis of auto/home/car loan market 12. Analysis of financial statements Topics in the area of Marketing: 1. Survey of Consumer satisfaction 2. Survey of dealer/distributor satisfaction/response 3. Product launch 4. New product development

5. Event Management 6. Supply chain management 7. Customer relationship management 8. Study of Market potential 9. Study of distribution channel 10. Study of brand awareness 11. Impact of technology on marketing practices 12. Study of Marketing communication and promotional tools 13. Sales force management 14. Rural marketing practices. Topics in Human Resource Management: 1. Study on HR practices 2. Study on Recruitment 3. Study on training practices 4. Study of Attrition study 5. Study of organization climate 6. Employee satisfaction survey 7. Study of Performance appraisal systems 8. Compensation management 9. Employee Retention management It is not compulsory to select a topic from the above list. The list is tentative and students are required to study the topics in depth by referring books and talking to the faculty members. STUDENTS ARE REQUESTED TO REFER PAST SUMMER PROJECTS IN DESIRED AREAS FROM THE LIBRARY.

Summer Internship Report Outline:

1. Introduction to project 2. Literature review and study of industry 3. Objective of study / problem statement 4. Research methodology/study methodology 5. Data analysis and Interpretation 6. Conclusions and Recommendations Broad Report structure: 1. Title cover 2. Acknowledgement 3. Certificate from Organisation 4. Table of Content 5. Executive Summary and Recommendations 6. Introduction to project 7. Literature review and study of industry 8. Objective/Problem statement 9. Research methodology 10. Data analysis and interpretation 11. Conclusions and Recommendations 12. Limitations of study 13. Notes and references 14. Annexures (Students can seek further guidance regarding the above from allocated guide) Guidelines: 1. The project can be done by a single student or two students in a group but not more than that 2. The report should be typed and submitted in hard copy. The hard copy should be printed in A4 size paper and should be spiral bound. Two copies are to be printed. One is for the institutional library and the other is the students copy. The student should submit a copy to the organization if required. 3. For GTU student needs to submit a soft copy of the report in the pdf format compulsorily. It should be brought in a cd on the day of viva.

4. The report is to be presented in NORMAL TIMES NEW ROMAN FONT. The font size of paragraph text should be 12 while the Headings/Sub-titles of the report should be 14 with bold print. The spacing between lines should be 1.5 5. The margin requirements are: Left : 1.5 Right, Top and Bottom: 0.5 6. The chapter paragraph numbering should be done as follows:

Chapter I Title of Chapter 1. Heading ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 1.1 (Topic 1) ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 1.1.1 (Subtopic of Topic 1) ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 1.2 (Topic 2) ____________________________________________________ Chapter II 2. Heading ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2.1 ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

7. The Header and Footer should start from Chapter 1 and should contain the following information Header : Title of the Report in Times New Roman with 8 size Footer : Summer Internship Report LJMBA in Times New Roman with 8 size 8. Prepare Executive summary and recommendations after completing all other chapters. 9. Annexures and supporting documents have to be attached. Speciman of questionnaire(if used in study) has to be attached 10. References have to be written in the following manner Author surname, name(year), Title of chapter/article, title of book, Publisher name, edition, page number. Evert Gummsson(1991), Marketing Orientation Revisited, the Crucial role of Part-time Marketeer, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 25, Pg. 60-75.

Sample of Title/ cover page A SUMMER INTERNSHIP REPORT ON (TOPIC)

Submitted to L.J. Institute of Management Institute/ L.J. Institute of Computer Application/ L.J. Institute of Engineering and Technology ( Please write as applicable)

In requirement of partial fulfillment of Masters of Business Administration(MBA) 2 year full time Program of Gujarat Technological University

Submitted on: 14th July 20___ Submitted by:

Students Name Enrolment number Batch No.: 20__ - __


It is hereby certified that the work incorporated in the thesis submitted entitled Topic submitted by (Students name) comprises the result of independent and original investigation carried out me. The material which obtained (and used) from other sources has been duly acknowledged in the thesis.

Date: Place: Signature of the student

It is certified that the work mentioned above is carried out under my guidance.

Date: Place: Signature of the faculty guide

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