Listening RNEC

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Part 3.

For questions 11-15, listen to two teachers, Tim and Jane, discussing a proposal to
introduce computer games into the classroom and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits
best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes
1. Tim is of the opinion that _______.
A. The interactive whiteboard can be utilized as a proper gaming device in the classroom.
B. Games need to serve educational requirements if they are to be useful in the classroom.
C. Children should play video games only when their friends are present.
D. Playing video games helps kids to strengthen their social relationships.
2. What is Jane’s view on the topic?
A. The impacts of playing video games on children are negligible.
B. The introduction of games into schools may exacerbate an existing problem.
C. Children’s screen time has increased significantly over the years.
D. Child obesity is a long-standing phenomenon.
3. Jane is not certain about the idea that _______.
A. Computer games encourage children to play together instead of isolating them.
B. Children’s reading habit suffers as a consequence of computer games.
C. Games can be designed to facilitate the teaching of certain subjects.
D. Several criticisms on computer games are overstated.
4. Which of the following is mentioned by Tim as a benefit of introducing game-making features
into the classroom?
A. Games can be more easily developed as viable educational tools.
B. Children are more likely to learn the importance of careful planning.
C. Children can be encouraged to partake in discourses.
D. Classmates are more likely to welcome their peers’ ideas.
5. What is Tim and Jane’s conclusion on the topic?
A. The potential of gaming as an educational tool remains limited.
B. A clear strategy of how games will be used needs to be worked out.
C. Even with careful planning, games can cause education to deviate from its original purposes.
D. Games should not be integrated into the curriculum given the number of setbacks involved in
such a process.

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