Community Service Project

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Community Service Project

It’s no secret that New York City is not one of the cleanest places in the country. There

are millions of people who live here and even more that come to visit. So how can you possibly

keep the area looking nice? A community clean up is great start. I wanted to do my part so I

signed up to help at the “Team Up 2 Clean Up” event on June 25th.

When I arrived to my pickup my supplies, I was greeted with big smiles and I noticed a

lot of different tables with more information about going green and even a table with water

bottles for all the volunteers. After talking to other volunteers about the past events they

volunteered for, I was assigned to deweed the street median flower beds. It was a hot day so it

was quite difficult but I got to chat with “neighbors” as I got to work. I think that was the most

I’ve ever talked to other residents since I moved to the city. After all the weeds were pulled and

disposed of, I went back to the registration area

to be assigned my next task. I chose for my next

task to go around my designated area and pick

up any trash. Littering is one of my biggest pet

peeves especially considering all the trash and

recycling bins around the city to avoid this. It

really put into perspective how dirty the city is

once I slowed down and looked around.

The event was a huge success in my

opinion. I was so impressed by how organized

it was considering how many people were there

to participate. Seeing everyone come together as a community and clean up our neighborhoods

was truly humbling.

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