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Despite the fact that the bulk of them are from ODL classes, as shown in

the graph, very few students pass the summative exams in physical science.

If I follow the ideal transmutation that our school does, only 10% of the

entire class will pass. Despite the fact that they were given all the

materials. For them to understand the lecture, Zoom Meetings, recorded

lectures, modules, and links to learning materials have been provided.

However, I would draw the conclusion that the student's interest in learning

was greatly lost, and as a result, the knowledge and skills for subject

mastery were significantly impacted.

They have every opportunity to access the materials while taking the tests

because they have been enrolled for two academic years in new normal

education, and I am allowing it because it cannot be avoided. In other

words, open notes are permitted because we are unable to supervise the

learning environment because everyone is taking the exam at home and

because public schools are unable to purchase a system that would allow

students to be watched while taking the test, exactly like private schools. I

created the exam so that students would have to investigate the setting or

scenario in order to determine the best possible answer, but as the results

suggested, the method caught them off guard, and the majority of them
The same outcomes are apparent in other subjects as well,
rendering all subject teachers incomprehensible. However, after
further investigation and discussion, we have come to the same
conclusion: very few students take our subjects seriously because
they are free to disregard the assignments given to them. To make
matters worse, there is a subliminal directive that says we cannot
fail students without trying everything up to and including the
impossibly difficult.


As I visited the errant students' homes to

see them, educational discrepancies became

more obvious.
The gap between wealthy pupils and poor students has
widened as the pandemic has made the poor poorer. Due to
their inability to pay the loads required to have a data
connection and access the assignments and learning materials
provided by their teachers, the majority of errant students are
inactive. Tablets are offered, but without a connection, they
are useless.

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